25 research outputs found

    An experimental study to evaluate the antidotal activity of Neeli Moola (Indigofera tinctoria) Kalka w.s.r to haematological parameters in Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox ) induced toxicity

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    Background: Vatsanabha is a potent cardiac poison comes under the category of Mahavisha with its main active principles aconitine, picraconine and pseudaconine. In the literatures there are descriptions about toxicants and in some traditional Malayalam textbooks antidotes has been explained under the concept “Prathyoushadha”. Neeli Moola has been mentioned as a Prathyoushadha for Vatsanabha poisoning in a renowned textbook ‘Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika’. Hence to evaluate the antidotal activity in Vatsanabha poisoning, Neeli Moola Kalka has been used and the haematological parameters were analyzed to screen the results. Methods: Wistar strain albino rats were used in this study which were divided into 3 groups, normal control, toxic control and the test drug group. The duration of the study was 28 days .The data generated was mentioned as Mean±SEM. Difference among the groups was assessed by employing one way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s multiple ‘t’ test. Results: Reversible action has been observed after the administration of Neeli Moola Kalka in the hematological parameters which has shown toxicity changes due to administration of Vatsanabha. Conclusion: Neeli Moola Kalka is having mild to moderate antidote effect in Vatsanbha induced toxicity

    Influence of head models on neuromagnetic fields and inverse source localizations

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    BACKGROUND: The magnetoencephalograms (MEGs) are mainly due to the source currents. However, there is a significant contribution to MEGs from the volume currents. The structure of the anatomical surfaces, e.g., gray and white matter, could severely influence the flow of volume currents in a head model. This, in turn, will also influence the MEGs and the inverse source localizations. This was examined in detail with three different human head models. METHODS: Three finite element head models constructed from segmented MR images of an adult male subject were used for this study. These models were: (1) Model 1: full model with eleven tissues that included detailed structure of the scalp, hard and soft skull bone, CSF, gray and white matter and other prominent tissues, (2) the Model 2 was derived from the Model 1 in which the conductivity of gray matter was set equal to the white matter, i.e., a ten tissuetype model, (3) the Model 3 consisted of scalp, hard skull bone, CSF, gray and white matter, i.e., a five tissue-type model. The lead fields and MEGs due to dipolar sources in the motor cortex were computed for all three models. The dipolar sources were oriented normal to the cortical surface and had a dipole moment of 100 ÎŒA meter. The inverse source localizations were performed with an exhaustive search pattern in the motor cortex area. A set of 100 trial inverse runs was made covering the 3 cm cube motor cortex area in a random fashion. The Model 1 was used as a reference model. RESULTS: The reference model (Model 1), as expected, performed best in localizing the sources in the motor cortex area. The Model 3 performed the worst. The mean source localization errors (MLEs) of the Model 3 were larger than the Model 1 or 2. The contour plots of the magnetic fields on top of the head were also different for all three models. The magnetic fields due to source currents were larger in magnitude as compared to the magnetic fields of volume currents. DISCUSSION: These results indicate that the complexity of head models strongly influences the MEGs and the inverse source localizations. A more complex head model performs better in inverse source localizations as compared to a model with lesser tissue surfaces

    Chronic toxicity studies of Tuttha bhasma (CuSO4.5H2O) in Wistar Albino Rats

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    Abstract Tuttha Bhasma (TB) is an important metal based drug used in Ayurveda. It has widespread therapeutic uses in the treatment of metabolic disorders. Despite of its therapeutic utility there is a lack of data related to its safety. Hence the present study was undertaken to evaluate chronic toxicity of TB in Wistar albino rats. Chronic toxicity study was conducted as per AYUSH guidelines 170 and the parameters such as ponderal changes; biochemical, hematological and histopathological examinations were recorded. Based on the overall toxicity profile significant changes in the serum SGPT was noted in therapeutic and higher dose levels. We could see the serum cholesterol, SGOT, SGPT and albumin levels were significantly elevated at lower dose compared to the control group.  Histopathology of kidney showed cell infiltration and sections from liver showed mild to moderate fatty changes at higher dose levels. Histopathology of jejunum revealed there was mild to moderate epithelial erosion and shortening of epithelial layer. However overall toxicity study parameters showed the test drug TB is well tolerated and no dose dependent toxicity symptoms were observed. Based on the findings we could conclude that Tuttha bhasma is much safer to use at therapeutic dose level. However, at higher dose levels there are chances of organ toxicity

    Probable Mode of Action of Mukhadooshikahara Lepa in the Management of Mukhadooshika

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    In Ayurveda classics Mukhadooshika is explained under the context of Kshudra Rogas featuring the formation of Shalamalikantakavat Pidaka. An analogous disorder to Mukhadooshika is Acne Vulgaris, which is a disease of pilosebaceous unit that causes inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions and varies degree of scarring. Topical applications have been given significance in Ayurveda therapeutics and its emphasis is seen in classical texts. Many Lepa are mentioned in Ayurveda pharmaceutics for the treatment of Mukhadhooshika. One among them is Mukhadooshikahara Lepa mentioned in Sushrutha Samhita Kshudrarogachikitsa Adhyaya. Here an attempt is made to compile the information about this combination

    Kottam Ramachadi Agada in Lootha Visha Chikitsa - A Review

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    Folklore Visha Vaidhyas have explained numerous Agada Yogas which can be given in Visha conditions. Kottam Ramachadi Agada being one among the Yogas, it has been explained in the context of Lootha Visha Chikitsa. This formulation is mentioned in Prayoga Samuchayam by Kochunni Thamburan in the context of Lootha Visha Chikitsa. It has four ingredients and is administered as Pana (internal administration) with milk as Anupana and as Lepa (external application). Lepana (external application) is widely practiced among folklore Visha Vaidhyas even in this present era. This paper is an attempt to make a review on the formulation Kottam Ramachadi Agada.     &nbsp

    Probable Mode of Action of Panktiprasoonadi Ghritham in Vishaja Vrana Based on Analysis of Rasa Panchaka of Ingredients

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    Traditional management of Visha Chikitsa involves many practices that are yet to be explored. Keraleeya Visha Chikitsa Granthas possess abundant knowledge of practically used formulations in treatment of Visha as well as its complications. Vishaja Vrana can  be considered as Aganthuja Vrana which has to be managed at time to prevent its complications. Vrana hara Yogas with specific indication will be working more effectively in this condition. Visha Jyotsnika, a book written in Malayalam which explains about the treatment practices followed by Visha Vaidyas from time to time in a practicable approach. Mandali Visha Chikitsa is explained in sixth chapter in detail along with various Vranahara yogas. This article highlights about the probable mode of action of Panktiprasoonadi ghritham in Vishaja Vrana. Dasa Pushpa, the divya aushadhi for Visha being the main ingredient in this formulation along with the combination of other Vrana Ropana drugs like Kupilu, Haridra, Yastimadhu, Sariva etc as a Ghrita preparation will be an excellent option for managing Vishaja Vrana from its initial condition

    Preparation and Physico Chemical Analysis of Arka Lavan

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    Lavana kalpanas are prepared by using predominantly Lavanas and herbs with Putagni samskara. Arka lavana is a herbo mineral preparation mentioned in Rasa Tarangini, Bhaishajya Ratnavali etc. It is indicated for Yakrit Pleeha Rogas along with water or butter milk as Anupana. The ingredients of this preparation are Arka patra (leaves of Calotropis procera) and Saindhava lavana (rock salt) in equal parts. Standardization is an essential part for proving therapeutic efficacy of a preparation. In this study Arka lavana has prepared according to the traditional method mentioned in textual reference from Rasa Tarangini ie; by Puta Paka method. The analytical study of this preparation was carried out including organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. The pharmaceutical procedure as well as Analytical results can be considered as a reference for further studies

    OpenSim: Simulating musculoskeletal dynamics and neuromuscular control to study human and animal movement.

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    Movement is fundamental to human and animal life, emerging through interaction of complex neural, muscular, and skeletal systems. Study of movement draws from and contributes to diverse fields, including biology, neuroscience, mechanics, and robotics. OpenSim unites methods from these fields to create fast and accurate simulations of movement, enabling two fundamental tasks. First, the software can calculate variables that are difficult to measure experimentally, such as the forces generated by muscles and the stretch and recoil of tendons during movement. Second, OpenSim can predict novel movements from models of motor control, such as kinematic adaptations of human gait during loaded or inclined walking. Changes in musculoskeletal dynamics following surgery or due to human-device interaction can also be simulated; these simulations have played a vital role in several applications, including the design of implantable mechanical devices to improve human grasping in individuals with paralysis. OpenSim is an extensible and user-friendly software package built on decades of knowledge about computational modeling and simulation of biomechanical systems. OpenSim's design enables computational scientists to create new state-of-the-art software tools and empowers others to use these tools in research and clinical applications. OpenSim supports a large and growing community of biomechanics and rehabilitation researchers, facilitating exchange of models and simulations for reproducing and extending discoveries. Examples, tutorials, documentation, and an active user forum support this community. The OpenSim software is covered by the Apache License 2.0, which permits its use for any purpose including both nonprofit and commercial applications. The source code is freely and anonymously accessible on GitHub, where the community is welcomed to make contributions. Platform-specific installers of OpenSim include a GUI and are available on simtk.org