5 research outputs found

    Role of Lashuna Rasayana in Margavaranaja Pakshagahta - A Case Study

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    The health of an individual is accessed by the optimum structural and functional wellbeing. The functional ability of the body may be physiological or physical is attributed to Vata. In morbidity, the same Vatadosha will affect the functionality, in terms of motor or sensory functions. The wide spectrum of disorders due to morbid Vatadosha is put under the heading of Vatavyadhi. Depending upon the affected part of the body further it is categorized as, Ekangavata, Sarvangavata and Pakshaghata. In Pakshaghata Chestanivrutti of one half of the body either left or right may be observed.[1] Pakshghata is one among 80 Nanatmaja Vyadhi.[2] There are three distinct Nidana for Pakshaghata. Dhatukshayaja, Margavarana and Swakopa.[3] Margavarana refers to the obstruction of the Raktamarga. Prime causative factors for Margavarana is Santarpanajanya Nidana leads to Dhamani Pratichyaya ends up in Pakshaghata. In modern science it is better understood as stroke syndrome. Lashunsa Rasayana4 is considered to be best in case of Vata Vyadhi. It is even indicated in Pakshaghata. In the present study role of Lashunsa Rasayana is done on the patients suffering from Margavaranaja Pakshaghata

    Effect of Shuddha Guggulu on Metabolic Syndrome - A Case Report

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    Metabolic syndrome is conglomeration of symptoms composed of impaired fasting glucose, abdominal obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia. It is associated with cardio metabolic risk factors with increased risk of multiple chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease because of the increased amount of visceral fat together with a chronic inflammatory state. Metabolic Syndrome is resulted by the causative factors which are Santarpanakaraka in nature leading to Medodushti, which in turn leads to Medoroga. The Santarpana karaka Nidanas include the food articles that are rich in Snigdhamsha, Madhura rasa, Guru and Pichchila gunas. By consuming the food rich in such qualities produces the Rasa dhatu which is excessively composed of the qualities like Ati Snehamsha and Madhuratara Guna which produces excess Medo dhatu and causes Sthoulya. Ama present in the Medodhatu leads to further Medo dushti and manifests Metabolic Syndrome. Shuddha Guggulu is potent Ama pachaka dravya and does Pachana of the circulating Atisnigdha Ama in the form of lipoproteins. And also Guggulu having Lekhaneeya Guna reduces deposition of Medo dhatu and prevents inflammatory process by its anti- inflammatory potential. Aim: To assess the effect of Shuddha Guggulu in Metabolic Syndrome, dyslipidaemia. Methodology: Oral administration of the preparation in the patient. Result: There was marked improvement in signs, symptoms and biochemical parameters after intervention. Conclusion: Shuddha Guggulu is significantly effective in reducing lipid levels and CR

    Panchamrut: A way towards Healthier Life, An Ayurvedic Overview

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    Panchamrut is a holy and sacred traditional ayurvedic drink that is made up of five ingredients (milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar). It is used for the spiritual purpose like offering to God during poojas and for religious purpose like used in Hindu rituals for the Abhishekam of God sculptures by devotees. Not only spiritual and religious aspects, it also has healthier aspects. The Panchamrut word is a mixture of two Sanskrit words i.e. Panch and Amrut. Panch means five and Amruta means nectar of gods. As per Ayurveda, when these five ingredients are mixed together in equal proportions is called as Divya Panchamrut. Divya means divine and auspicious. All these five Dravyas have their medicinal importance and mentioned in almost every ayurvedic texts but very few authors talked about Panchamrut individually. Everyone has aware of its religious and spiritual benefits but it has numerous health benefits also like it improves immunity, acts as Rasayana, enhances brain function and memory. It has anti-ageing properties and many more. This article will help you to know about the healthier aspects of Panchamrut with immense benefits

    Critical Analysis on Unique Treatment of Vataja Unmada

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    Unmada is a plethora of psychological conditions described under one single heading. Cardinal features are explained based on Ashta vibhrama lakshanas or due to eight different distraction components, such as Mana, Buddhi, Sanjnajnana, Smriti, Bhakti, Sheela, Cheshta and Aachara. Presentation of signs and symptoms are categorised under two classifications such as Nija and Agantuja. Vataja Unmada is one among the types of Nija Unmada classified based on predominance of Doshas. Unmada is a Shareerika Manasika vyadhi as there is an involvement of both Shareerika dosha as well as Manasika dosha having a fundamental role in the manifestation of the disease. Scrutinizing the literature, in Vataja Unmada two pathologies are accounted. In general, the main causative factors which act in the manifestation of Vataja vyadhi are Kevala vata and Margavarana. Adopting the same notion in Vataja Unmada, Kevala Vataja and Margavarana are acting as causative factors. Ayurveda mainly emphasizes on preventive aspect rather than curative aspect. Treatment perception towards the Vataja Unmada is based on pathogenesis behind it. In Vataja Unmada pathogenesis involved are Nidanarthakara vyadhi, Swatantra- Paratantra vyadhi and Ekarthakari- Ubhayarthakari vyadhi based on the concept of Margavarana. Here Margavarana is Poorva rupa and Vataja Unmada is Upadrava. So, for Kevala Vataja and Margavaranajanya Unmada, two different treatments are contemplated. This can be explained under different concepts. So, for one single disease multiple treatment modalities are illustrated in this study which includes Shodhana, Shamana, Rasayana and other specific treatment modalities which can be applied on based on the pathogenesis of the disease Vataja Unmada

    Ayurvedic management of Hypothyroidism - A Case Study

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    Background: Hypothyroidism can be difficult to diagnose, as its signs and symptoms are non-specific, and no global consensus exists on screening. It can be difficult to determine when to test for hypothyroidism, as patients may present with symptoms that are subtle or that overlap with other common conditions, and guidelines can be vague regarding who and when to test. However, identification of hypothyroidism is important in clinical practice. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include tiredness, weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, mood disturbances, indigestion, dry rough skin. Case report: In this present study a female patient aged 38 years known case of hypothyroidism since 10 years was treated with Rasayana, Shamanoushadhi and specific Pathya followed as per Sthoulya Chikitsa. Results: After 2 months of treatment there was a significant reduction in the signs and symptoms of the disease with a 60% improvement in the condition.&nbsp