31 research outputs found

    Automatic sleep stages classification using EEG entropy features and unsupervised pattern analysis techniques

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    Sleep is a growing area of research interest in medicine and neuroscience. Actually, one major concern is to find a correlation between several physiologic variables and sleep stages. There is a scientific agreement on the characteristics of the five stages of human sleep, based on EEG analysis. Nevertheless, manual stage classification is still the most widely used approach. This work proposes a new automatic sleep classification method based on unsupervised feature classification algorithms recently developed, and on EEG entropy measures. This scheme extracts entropy metrics from EEG records to obtain a feature vector. Then, these features are optimized in terms of relevance using the Q-α algorithm. Finally, the resulting set of features is entered into a clustering procedure to obtain a final segmentation of the sleep stages. The proposed method reached up to an average of 80% correctly classified stages for each patient separately while keeping the computational cost low.The authors would like to thank Universidad Autonoma de Manizales for financial support in the present work (Research project 328-038). This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, research project TEC2009-14222.Rodríguez-Sotelo, JL.; Osorio-Forero, A.; Jiménez-Rodríguez, A.; Cuesta Frau, D.; Cirugeda Roldán, EM.; Peluffo, D. (2014). Automatic sleep stages classification using EEG entropy features and unsupervised pattern analysis techniques. Entropy. 16(12):6573-6589. https://doi.org/10.3390/e16126573S657365891612Saper, C. B., Fuller, P. M., Pedersen, N. P., Lu, J., & Scammell, T. E. (2010). Sleep State Switching. Neuron, 68(6), 1023-1042. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.032RAUCHS, G., DESGRANGES, B., FORET, J., & EUSTACHE, F. (2005). The relationships between memory systems and sleep stages. 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    A Rapid Self-Alignment Strategy for a Launch Vehicle on an Offshore Launching Platform

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    To reduce the impact of offshore launching platform motion and swaying on the self-alignment accuracy of a launch vehicle, a rapid self-alignment strategy, which involves an optimal combination of anti-swaying coarse alignment (ASCA), backtracking navigation, and reverse Kalman filtering is proposed. During the entire alignment process, the data provided by the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) are stored and then applied to forward and backtrack self-alignment. This work elaborates the basic principles of coarse alignment and then analyzes the influence of ASCA time on alignment accuracy. An error model was built for the reverse fine alignment system. The coarse alignment was carried out based on the above work, then the state of the alignment system was retraced using the reverse inertial navigation solution and reverse Kalman filtering with the proposed strategy. A cycle-index control function was designed to approximate strict backtracking navigation. Finally, the attitude error was compensated for after the completion of the first and the last forward navigation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, numerical simulations were carried out in a scenario of launch vehicle motion and swaying. The proposed strategy can maximize the utilization of SINS data and hence improve the alignment accuracy and further reduce the alignment time. The results show that the fully autonomous alignment technology of the SINS can replace the complex optical aiming system and realize the determination of the initial attitude of a launch vehicle before launch

    Study on microcrystalline cellulose/chitosan blend foam gel material

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    In the present contribution, an environmental-friendly and cost-effective adsorbent was reported for soil treatment and desertification control. A novel foam gel material was synthesized here by the physical foaming in the absence of catalyst. By adopting modified microcrystalline cellulose and chitosan as raw materials and sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) as foaming agent, a microcrystalline cellulose/chitosan blend foam gel was synthesized. It is expected to replace polymers derived from petroleum for agricultural applications. In addition, a systematical study was conducted on the adsorbability, water holding capacity and re-expansion performance of foam gel in deionized water and brine under different SDS concentrations (2%–5%) as well as adsorption time. To be specific, the adsorption capacity of foam gel was up to 105g/g in distilled water and 54g/g in brine, indicating a high water absorption performance. As revealed from the results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, both the amino group of chitosan and the aldehyde group modified by cellulose were involved. According to the results of Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, the foam gel was found to exhibit an interconnected pore network with uniform pore space. As suggested by Bet analysis, the macroporous structure was formed in the sample, and the pore size ranged from 0 to 170nm. The mentioned findings demonstrated that the foam gel material of this study refers to a potential environmental absorbent to improve soil and desert environments. It can act as a powerful alternative to conventional petroleum derived polymers

    Controlling factors of matrix acidizing potential of low permeability clastic reservoir in faulted lacustrine basin

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    Based on constant rate mercury injection experiment, casting thin section identification, scanning electron microscope observation, clay mineral X-ray and rock specific surface area analysis, the controlling factors of matrix acidizing potential of low-permeability sandstone reservoir in fault depression lacustrine basin were determined from three aspects: pore filling, throat filling and pore-throat combination characteristics. It is concluded that provenance controls the plane partition of reservoir pore fillings. Burial depth controls the longitudinal zoning of key filling material in reservoir throat. The difference of rock structure in sedimentary facies - microfacies controlling zone leads to the change of pore-throat assemblage pattern. The matrix acidizing scheme of low permeability sandstone reservoir in fault depression basin can be formulated according to the law of “provenance zoning, buried depth zoning and being controlled by microfacies in zone”, and the implementation scheme of pre-acid, main acid and post-acid can be put forward respectively. This method can effectively promote the integration process of exploration and development of low permeability clastic reservoir in mature exploration area

    Chemical Composition and Isotopic Characteristics of the Carbonate Cements in Sandstone Reservoir Layer of Dongying Sinking

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    AbstractThe chemical composition of the carbonate cements in reservoir sandstones was determined by the EPMA. The generation sequence is: calcite, dolomite, ferrous calcite, ankerite, and the latest are coarse-grained and fine-grained calcites which are veined. In the MnO-FeO-MgO triangular diagram, the samples fall clearly on the four areas. The carbon and oxygen isotope data on the carbonate cements show that δ13C are from −6.44 to +4.79, δ18O are from −4.25 to −15.21, focused on three areas in the map. The paleosalinity Z from 107 to 133 calculated by the carbon and oxygen isotope value reflects the characteristics that salinity changes are caused by fresh water filling lake water. The average temperature of calcite precipitation calculated by the oxygen isotope value is 650°C, while dolomite precipitation is 70.6°C. The precipitation temperature changes greatly and shows negative correlation with temperature and salinity, which reflects the characteristics of lake sediments

    PROSPECT-PMP+: Simultaneous Retrievals of Chlorophyll a and b, Carotenoids and Anthocyanins in the Leaf Optical Properties Model

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    The PROSPECT leaf optical radiative transfer models, including PROSPECT-MP, have addressed the contributions of multiple photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids) to leaf optical properties, but photo-protective pigment (anthocyanins), another important indicator of vegetation physiological and ecological functions, has not been simultaneously combined within a leaf optical model. Here, we present a new calibration and validation of PROSPECT-MP+ that separates the contributions of multiple photosynthetic and photo-protective pigments to leaf spectrum in the 400–800 nm range using a new empirical dataset that contains multiple photosynthetic and photo-protective pigments (LOPEX_ZJU dataset). We first provide multiple distinct in vivo individual photosynthetic and photo-protective pigment absorption coefficients and leaf average refractive index of the leaf interior using the LOPEX_ZJU dataset. Then, we evaluate the capabilities of PROSPECT-MP+ for forward modelling of leaf directional hemispherical reflectance and transmittance spectra and for retrieval of pigment concentrations by model inversion. The main result of this study is that the absorption coefficients of chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, and anthocyanins display the physical principles of absorption spectra. Moreover, the validation result of this study demonstrates the potential of PROSPECT-MP+ for improving capabilities in remote sensing of leaf photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids) and photo-protective pigment (anthocyanins)