23 research outputs found

    Environmental baseline characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA06r, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA06r at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Environmental baseline characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA06r at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across a coarse sand and gravel in the superficial deposits. The borehole has proved to be low yielding on initial hydrogeological testing and has a hydrogeological data logger installed

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA04, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA04 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA04 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Upper coal and overlying sandstone roof. The borehole was drilled within an area of stoop (pillar) and room mine workings and is interpreted to have hit a coal pillar or partially collapsed pillar and a possibly fractured sandstone roof. It can be used for characterising and monitoring a fractured rock mass within a mine working area. Initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping indicate that borehole GGA04 is high yielding. Borehole GGA04 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the rock wall and has a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA05, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Main mine working void and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is a water-filled void and initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping are of a very high yielding borehole. Borehole GGA05 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the rock wall and has a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA08, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA08 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow. They also describe initial hydrogeological testing completed after borehole construction and provide an initial geological interpretation. Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA08 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Main mine working and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is interpreted as a roadway with a void, mine waste and wood encountered. Initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping suggest borehole GGA08 is very high yielding. Borehole GGA08 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the surrounding rock, and a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA01, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow.

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA01 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA01 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Upper mine working and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is interpreted to be filled with a loosely packed mine waste. Hydrogeological evidence from test pumping indicates that the borehole is very high yielding. Borehole GGA01 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the rock wall and has a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole

    Borehole GGA02, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA02 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA02 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow encountered the Glasgow Upper and Glasgow Ell mine workings and was screened across an interval interpreted as a completely collapsed Glasgow Main mine working and overlying sandstone roof. Unfortunately, grout entered the inside of the casing in the final stages of borehole construction, cementing up the screened section and resulting in GGA02 being repurposed as a cased, sensor testing borehole. New sensors can be tested inside the uPVC casing to 67.2 m drilled depth. Hydrogeological testing of GGA02 was not possible. Borehole GGA02 has a number of types of sensor cabling installed. Fibre-optic DTS cable is installed between the bedrock uPVC borehole casing and the rock wall with capability to work in passive (monitoring) mode to 72.65 m drilled depth. Fibre-optic cabling is also installed on the outside of the steel superficial deposits casing with the ability for use in active or passive mode. Electrical resistivity tomography cable with the deepest sensor placed at 85.58 m drilled depth is available for cross-borehole monitoring and imaging with the adjacent borehole GGA01

    Environmental baseline characterisation and monitoring borehole GGB04, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGB04 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Environmental baseline characterisation and monitoring borehole GGB04 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across a sand and gravel unit in the upper part of the superficial deposits. Hydrogeological evidence from test pumping indicates that the borehole is very low yielding. There is a hydrogeological data logger installed in the borehole

    Environmental baseline characterisation and monitoring borehole GGB05, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGB05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Environmental characterisation and monitoring baseline borehole GGB05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across a sandstone beneath rockhead, and thought to be around 5 m above recorded stoop and room mine workings in the Glasgow Upper coal. Initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping suggest that borehole GGB05 is moderately yielding. There is a hydrogeological data logger installed in the borehole

    UK Geoenergy Observatories, Glasgow environmental baseline soil chemistry dataset

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    This report describes the environmental baseline topsoil chemistry dataset collected in February-March 2018 (03-18) as part of the United Kingdom Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) project. Ninety, samples were collected from the shallow coal-mine Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site (GGERFS). The report accompanies the GGERFS Soil Chemistry03-18 dataset. It provides valuable information on soil chemistry prior to installation of the GGERFS-facility boreholes, against which any future change during the development/ running of the facility can be assessed. This information is necessary to help understand and de-risk similar shallow geothermal schemes in the future, provide public reassurance, and inform sustainable energy policy

    Data release and initial interpretation of test pumping of boreholes at the Glasgow UK Geoenergy Observatory

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    This report describes a programme of test pumping carried out on ten boreholes at the UK Geoenergy Observatory (Glasgow Observatory), Cuningar Loop in Rutherglen, Greater Glasgow in January and February 2020. It details the types of test undertaken, the datasets generated and how these datasets can best be used dependent on the data analysis being undertaken. Drawdown data for pumping boreholes and observation boreholes is presented in graphical form, together with an initial interpretation of test pumping results. The main objectives of the pumping tests were to obtain data regarding: the physical aquifer properties, in particular transmissivity, of the different hydrogeological zones at the Observatory; to investigate borehole efficiency; and to gather data on the connectivity between different hydrogeological zones. Successful step tests and five hour constant rate tests were carried out in all boreholes except GGB04 in the superficial deposits where a slug test was carried out instead due to the low yield. Time series data of water levels, temperature and conductivity were collected in the pumping and observation boreholes. The constant rate tests were analysed using Jacob’s approximation and Theis recovery methods to give a preliminary interpretation of the transmissivity. The drawdown curves were visually inspected to help identify borehole inefficiency and significant responses from observation boreholes to pumping. Transmissivity values for the superficial deposits are highly variable (0.04 and 225 m2/day), the two bedrock test pumping responses also gave very different results (2.6 and 580 m2/d), three boreholes in the Glasgow Upper mine workings give a consistent transmissivity estimate (950 – 1020 m2/d) and the two boreholes intersecting the Glasgow Main mine workings give transmissivity estimates of 2000 – 2100 m2/d. There is clear connectivity between the bedrock boreholes and the Glasgow Upper mine workings during pumping, with strong responses between boreholes from most pumping tests. There is also clear connectivity within the individual mine workings. There is also evidence of some connectivity between the Glasgow Main mine workings and the Glasgow Upper mine workings. There is an upward vertical hydraulic gradient at the Observatory, with rest water levels approximately 10 – 11 m relative to Ordnance Datum (OD) in the Glasgow Main mine workings; 9 – 10 m OD in the Glasgow Upper mine workings and bedrock boreholes, and 3 – 4.5 m OD in the superficial deposits. Temperature measurements from observation boreholes monitored throughout the testing period show that the groundwater in the deeper Glasgow Main mine workings is warmer than the shallower workings, bedrock or superficial deposits with a value generally 12.4 – 12.8 ºC. Temperatures in the Glasgow Upper mine workings and the overlying bedrock are broadly similar, 11.5 – 12 ºC, apart from GGA04. Specific electrical conductivity measurements from the mine workings and bedrock boreholes lie in the range 1350 - 1600 µScm-1 @25 ºC and are typical of measurements from water boreholes within mined Carboniferous rocks (MacDonald et al. 2017). The conductivity of the superficial deposits is high and variable at 1000 – 1400 µScm-1 @25 ºC, although within the range of those found in Glasgow (Ó Dochartaigh et al. 2018)