46 research outputs found

    Živa u tlu i zraku kao element-indikator za boksitna ležišta u Istri - eksperimentalni istraživački model

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    ID order to find out a secondary dispersion halo of mercury and some other trace elements around the bauxite ore bodies, the authors sampled terra rossa along traverses over them. At the same time, mercury in air is measured and expressed by relative values (mA) using Zeeman mercury vapor analyser. Mercury in soil was determined by flameless atomic absorption method and Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co and Mn by standard AA techniques. The results are equivocal since the natural vertical soil profiles are severely disturbed on traverses due to different land use, what should be taken into consideration during continuation of the survey.U radu je obrađeno istraživanje sekundarne disperzije žive i nekih drugih elemenata oko boksitnih rudnih tijela u Istri. U tu svrhu izvršeno je uzorkovanje terra rosse uzduž traversi položenih preko boksitnih rudnih tijela. Istovremeno s uzorkovanjem tla vršena su mjerenja pomoću Zeemanovog analizatora živinih para u zraku, a vrijednosti su izražavane u relativnim vrijednostima (mA). Živa u tlu je određivana pomoću metode besplamene atomske apsorpcije, a Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co i Mn standardnom atomskom apsorpcijom. Rezultati ne pokazuju jednoznačnost na terenima s različitim stupnjem poremećenja prirodnog, vertikalnog profila tla (oranica, livada i Suma), što se mora uzeti u obzir prilikom nastavka istraživanja


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    In recent years Zagreb city encounters severe pollution problems in aquatic, terrrestrial and atmospheric environment. A random or permanent monitoring of some inorganic gaseous pollutants in atmosphere has already been organized and published alsewhere. By means of a sophisticated mercury vapor analyser with a Zeeman effect background corrector, however, continuous registration along two traverses (monitoring routes) over rural, urban and industrial parts of Zagreb has been elaborated for the first lime. Data show strong anthropogenic influence in the Žitnjak industrial area. The anomaly high 105 ngm Hg, on the 22 October moved slightly to downtown by change of wind direction on the 31 October. Intensity raised as much as 155 ngm Hg, 13 times augmented in comparison to a background value on the Medvednica mountain. Explanation should be sought in denser public traffic, change of wind direction and lowering of atmospheric pressure.Posljednjih godina grad Zagreb se susreće sa značajnim ekološkim problemima zagađenja svih medija; vode, zraka i tla. Povremena i stalna praćenja koncentracije određenih anorganskih zagađivača u atmosferi izvode se već duže vrijeme, a rezultati su publicirani u znanstvenim časopisima. Međutim, prvi put u našem gradu je korišten model suvremenog živinog analizatora s korektorom analitičkih šumova, baziranom na Zeemanovon efektu, koji omogućava kontinuirano registriranje vrijednosti koncentracija žive u zraku. Mjerenja su izvedena uzduž dviju trasa koje prolaze kroz ruralne, urbane i industrijske predjele grada Zagreba, Rezultati mjerenja su omogućili izradu grube geokemij-ske karte distribucije žive i lokaciju anomalnih koncentracija u najugroženijim područjima. Anomalija od 105 ngm Hg, registrirana 21. listopada (subota), vidljivo se pomakla u smjeru prema centru grada 31. listopada (utorak). Njezin intenzitet je porastao na 155 ngm Hg, 15 puta više od prosječnih vrijednosti na Medvednici, a položaj ukazuje na značajan antropogeni utjecaj u području industrijske zone Žitnjaka. Objašnjenje ove pojave treba tražiti u pojačanom utjecaju gradskog prometa, promjeni smjera vjetra i sniženju atmosferskog pritiska kao predznaka pogoršanja vremenskih uvjeta


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    ID order to find out a secondary dispersion halo of mercury and some other trace elements around the bauxite ore bodies, the authors sampled terra rossa along traverses over them. At the same time, mercury in air is measured and expressed by relative values (mA) using Zeeman mercury vapor analyser. Mercury in soil was determined by flameless atomic absorption method and Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co and Mn by standard AA techniques. The results are equivocal since the natural vertical soil profiles are severely disturbed on traverses due to different land use, what should be taken into consideration during continuation of the survey


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    In recent years Zagreb city encounters severe pollution problems in aquatic, terrrestrial and atmospheric environment. A random or permanent monitoring of some inorganic gaseous pollutants in atmosphere has already been organized and published alsewhere. By means of a sophisticated mercury vapor analyser with a Zeeman effect background corrector, however, continuous registration along two traverses (monitoring routes) over rural, urban and industrial parts of Zagreb has been elaborated for the first lime. Data show strong anthropogenic influence in the Žitnjak industrial area. The anomaly high 105 ngm Hg, on the 22 October moved slightly to downtown by change of wind direction on the 31 October. Intensity raised as much as 155 ngm Hg, 13 times augmented in comparison to a background value on the Medvednica mountain. Explanation should be sought in denser public traffic, change of wind direction and lowering of atmospheric pressure