9 research outputs found

    SMEs entry mode decision making process: Rational or cybernetic?

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    Entry mode choice is a critical decision when a firm expends its business to foreign markets. By applying rational and cybernetic strategies to international strategic decision-making process, this paper investigates how small and medium sized firms (SMEs) decision makers decide their entry mode choices. By focusing on the entry decision making process, this research distinguishes the prior entry mode studies that emphasize the relationship between influencing factors and their impacts on entry mode choices. The results of this study show that SME managers normally adapt a combination of rational and cybernetic strategies in their international entry decision making process. This highlights that SMEs’ international entry decision making process is dynamic and complex

    Short-chain fatty acid-induced changes in colonic gene expression depend on dietary fat content in mice

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    Background: Acetate, propionate, and butyrate are the main short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced in the colon as a result of microbial fermentation of dietary fibers. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that these SCFA have major health benefits. The composition of the microbiota is altered by dietary fat, and this is believed to impact SCFA production. Currently it is unknown whether host gene expression responses to SCFA are modulated by fat content of the diet. The aim of this study was to compare the changes in colonic gene expression profiles after acetate, propionate and butyrate infusions between a low fat and high fat diet. Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice were fed semi-synthetic low fat (10 energy%) or high fat (45 E%) diets starting 2 weeks before the SCFA treatment period. During treatment, mice received a rectal infusion of either an acetate, propionate, butyrate, or a saline (control) solution for 6 consecutive days, after which colon was subjected to gene expression profiling. Unsupervised visualization of the dataset was performed using Independent Principal Component Analysis. For each SCFA, similarities of its effects on a low fat and a high fat diet were assessed using Rank-Rank Hypergeometric Overlap. In addition, differentially expressed genes were identified, and gene set enrichment analysis was performed to determine functional implications of the regulated genes. Results: Taking into account the complete dataset, we observed that more variation in gene expression profiles was explained by fat content of the diet than by SCFA treatment. Gene expression responses to acetate and butyrate were similar on the low fat versus high fat diet, but were opposite for propionate. Functionally the expression changes reflected differential modulation of several metabolic processes; genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, lipid catabolism, lipoprotein metabolism and cholesterol transport were suppressed by acetate and butyrate treatment, whereas propionate treatment resulted in changes in fatty acid and sterol biosynthesis, and in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. Conclusions: We demonstrated that dietary fat content impacts the colonic gene expression response to propionate, and to a lesser extent to acetate and butyrate. The study demonstrates that knowledge on diet composition is essential when studying effects of SCFAs on metabolism

    Structural, functional and molecular analysis of the effects of aging in the small intestine and colon of C57BL/6J mice [Colon data]

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    By regulating digestion and absorption of nutrients and providing a barrier against the external environment the intestine provides a crucial contribution to the maintenance of health. To what extent aging-related changes in the intestinal system contribute to the impaired health of the aging body is still under debate. Young (4 months) and old (21 months) male C57BL/6J mice were fed a control low-fat (10E%) or a high-fat diet (45E%) for 2 weeks. During the intervention gross energy intake and energy excretion in the feces were measured. After sacrifice the small and large intestine were isolated whereby the small intestine was divided in three equal parts. Of each of the isolated segments Swiss rolls were prepared for histological analysis and the luminal content was isolated to examine alterations in the microflora with 16S rRNA Q-PCR. Furthermore, mucosal scrapings were isolated from each segment to determine differential gene expression by microarray analysis and global DNA methylation by pyrosequencing. Digestible energy intake was similar between the two age groups on both the control and the high-fat diet implying that macronutrient metabolism is not affected in 21-month-old mice. This observation was supported by the fact that the microarray analysis on RNA from intestinal scrapings showed no marked changes in expression of genes involved in metabolic processes. Decreased expression of Cubilin was observed in the intestine of 21-month-old mice, which might contribute to aging-induced vitamin B12 deficiency. Furthermore, microarray data analysis revealed enhanced expression of a high number of genes involved in immune response and inflammation in the colon, but not in the small intestine of the 21-month-old mice. Aging-induced global hypomethylation was observed in the colon and the distal part of the small intestine, but not in the first two sections of the small intestine. In 21-month old mice the most pronounced effects of aging was observed in the colon, limited changes were observed in the small intestine

    Structural, functional and molecular analysis of the effects of aging in the small intestine and colon of C57BL/6J mice [Small Intestine data]

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    By regulating digestion and absorption of nutrients and providing a barrier against the external environment the intestine provides a crucial contribution to the maintenance of health. To what extent aging-related changes in the intestinal system contribute to the impaired health of the aging body is still under debate. Young (4 months) and old (21 months) male C57BL/6J mice were fed a control low-fat (10E%) or a high-fat diet (45E%) for 2 weeks. During the intervention gross energy intake and energy excretion in the feces were measured. After sacrifice the small and large intestine were isolated whereby the small intestine was divided in three equal parts. Of each of the isolated segments Swiss rolls were prepared for histological analysis and the luminal content was isolated to examine alterations in the microflora with 16S rRNA Q-PCR. Furthermore, mucosal scrapings were isolated from each segment to determine differential gene expression by microarray analysis and global DNA methylation by pyrosequencing. Digestible energy intake was similar between the two age groups on both the control and the high-fat diet implying that macronutrient metabolism is not affected in 21-month-old mice. This observation was supported by the fact that the microarray analysis on RNA from intestinal scrapings showed no marked changes in expression of genes involved in metabolic processes. Decreased expression of Cubilin was observed in the intestine of 21-month-old mice, which might contribute to aging-induced vitamin B12 deficiency. Furthermore, microarray data analysis revealed enhanced expression of a high number of genes involved in immune response and inflammation in the colon, but not in the small intestine of the 21-month-old mice. Aging-induced global hypomethylation was observed in the colon and the distal part of the small intestine, but not in the first two sections of the small intestine. In 21-month old mice the most pronounced effects of aging was observed in the colon, limited changes were observed in the small intestine

    PPARγ activation promotes infiltration of alternatively activated macrophages into adipose tissue.

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    Background: Obesity is associated with infiltration of macrophages into adipose tissue. Adipose macrophages may contribute to an elevated inflammatory status by secreting a variety of pro-inflammatory mediators, including TNFalpha and IL-6. Recent data suggest that during diet-induced obesity the phenotype of adipose-resident macrophages changes from alternatively activated macrophages towards a more classical and pro-inflammatory phenotype. Here, we explore the effect of PPARγ-activation on obesity-induced inflammation in 129SV mice fed a high fat diet for 20 weeks. High fat feeding increased bodyweight gain, adipose tissue mass and liver triglycerides. Rosiglitazone treatment further increased adipose mass, reduced liver triglycerides and changed adipose tissue morphology towards smaller adipocytes. Surprisingly, rosiglitazone markedly increased the number of macrophages in adipose tissue, as shown by immunohistochemical analysis and quantification of macrophage marker genes CD68 and F4/80+. In adipose tissue, markers for classically activated macrophages including IL-18 were down regulated whereas markers characteristic for alternatively activated macrophages (Arginase 1, IL-10) were up regulated by rosiglitazone. Importantly, conditioned media from rosiglitazone-treated alternatively activated macrophages neutralized the inhibitory effect of macrophages on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation, suggesting that alternatively activated macrophages may be involved in mediating the effects of rosiglitazone on adipose tissue morphology and mass. Our results suggest that short term rosiglitazone treatment increases infiltration of alternatively activated macrophages in adipose tissue. The alternatively activated macrophages might play a role in PPARγ-dependent expansion and remodeling of adipose tissue

    Traiter ou ne pas traiter?

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    La décision de traiter ou non repose sur le risque fracturaired'un patient, son adhésion à la prise en charge, l'efficacité dutraitement et son profil d'effets indésirables, et sur le remboursementde ce dernier. Différents algorithmes, dont l'outil FRAX,permettent d'évaluer le risque fracturaire. Ce dernier outil aquelques limites: absence de quantification du type de fracturesantérieures, mauvaise appréciation du risque lié à une corticothérapiesystémique active, absence de validation prospective.Le seuil thérapeutique peut être fixe indépendant de l'âgeou varier avec l'âge. Les analyses coût-efficacité montrent quepour un même profil de risque, plus la personne est âgée, plusgrand est le bénéfice économique. Le jugement clinique peutnous guider dans certaines situations. La fracture non traumatique,l'âge avancé, la corticothérapie, un T-score abaissé sontles principaux facteurs de risque utilisés en pratique. Dans l'approchediagnostique, la recherche de la fracture vertébrale sousjacenteest impérative, idéalement par IVA. Les quelques exemplesci-dessous montrent les limites des algorithmes et dujugement clinique.Sans facteur de risque pour l'ostéoporose, mais avec un T-scoreà -3.2 DS, à quel âge va-t-on débuter un traitement chez cettefemme ? Avant ou après 60 ans ? Certaines situations cliniquessemblent claires et posent l'indication à traiter: la fracture de lahanche, la fracture vertébrale spontanée, la corticothérapie aulong cours. Mais si pour ces trois situations la densitométrieosseuse donne un T-score à -0.5 DS, ou si le patient a 35 ans,est-ce que chaque clinicien sera d'accord de traiter ? On saitpar exemple que le risque fracturaire sous corticothérapie aulong cours semble faible chez la femme préménopausée et chezl'homme avant 50 ans. Que faire après une fracture du poignetà 50 ans : ne pas traiter si le T-score est à -1.5 DS et traiter si leT-score est à -3 DS ? L'antécédent de fracture du poignet n'estpas un facteur de risque aussi fort de la fracture subséquenteque la hanche, la vertèbre ou l'humérus. Et chez cette femme de80 ans ayant eu une fracture de côte sur un effort de toux, avecun T-score à -2.5 DS ? Ou cette autre femme de 83 ans, sansfacteur de risque particulier pour l'ostéoporose mais avec unT-score à -3.1 DS ? Ces deux dernières femmes bénéficient d'untraitement en terme économique et le praticien respecte les indicationsau remboursement. Mais certains modèles préconisentde ne pas traiter les personnes très âgées si leur risque fracturairen'est pas très élevé.Dans toutes ces situations, le partage de la décision entre lepraticien et son patient prime sur les éventuelles propositionsissues d'algorithmes qui doivent encore être améliorés

    Fermentation Kinetics of Selected Dietary Fibers by Human Small Intestinal Microbiota Depend on the Type of Fiber and Subject

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    Scope: An underexplored topic is the investigation of health effects of dietary fibers via modulation of human small intestine (SI) microbiota. A few previous studies hint at fermentation of some dietary fibers in the distal SI of humans and pigs. Here the potential of human SI microbiota to degrade dietary fibers and produce metabolites in vitro is investigated. Methods and Results: Fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides, lemon pectins, and isomalto/malto-polysaccharides are subjected to in vitro batch fermentations inoculated with ileostomy effluent from five subjects. Fiber degradation products, formation of bacterial metabolites, and microbiota composition are determined over time. Galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides are rapidly utilized by the SI microbiota of all subjects. At 5h of fermentation, 31%–82% of galacto-oligosaccharides and 29%–89% fructo-oligosaccharides (degree of polymerization DP4-8) are utilized. Breakdown of fructo-oligosaccharides/inulin DP ≥ 10, lemon pectin, and iso-malto/maltopolysaccharides only started after 7h incubation. Degradation of different fibers result in production of mainly acetate, and changed microbiota composition over time. Conclusion: Human SI microbiota have hydrolytic potential for prebiotic galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides. In contrast, the higher molecular weight fibers inulin, lemon pectin, and iso-malto/maltopolysaccharides show slow fermentation rate. Fiber degradation kinetics and microbiota responses are subject dependent, therefore personalized nutritional fiber based strategies are required.</p

    Structural, functional and molecular analysis of the effects of aging in the small intestine and colon of C57BL/6J mice

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    Contains fulltext : 109613.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: By regulating digestion and absorption of nutrients and providing a barrier against the external environment the intestine provides a crucial contribution to the maintenance of health. To what extent aging-related changes in the intestinal system contribute to the functional decline associated with aging is still under debate. METHODS: Young (4 M) and old (21 M) male C57BL/6J mice were fed a control low-fat (10E%) or a high-fat diet (45E%) for 2 weeks. During the intervention gross energy intake and energy excretion in the feces were measured. After sacrifice the small and large intestine were isolated and the small intestine was divided in three equal parts. Swiss rolls were prepared of each of the isolated segments for histological analysis and the luminal content was isolated to examine alterations in the microflora with 16S rRNA Q-PCR. Furthermore, mucosal scrapings were isolated from each segment to determine differential gene expression by microarray analysis and global DNA methylation by pyrosequencing. RESULTS: Digestible energy intake was similar between the two age groups on both the control and the high-fat diet. Microarray analysis on RNA from intestinal scrapings showed no marked changes in expression of genes involved in metabolic processes. Decreased expression of Cubilin was observed in the intestine of 21-month-old mice, which might contribute to aging-induced vitamin B12 deficiency. Furthermore, microarray data analysis revealed enhanced expression of a large number of genes involved in immune response and inflammation in the colon, but not in the small intestine of the 21-month-old mice. Aging-induced global hypomethylation was observed in the colon and the distal part of the small intestine, but not in the first two sections of the small intestine. CONCLUSION: In 21-month old mice the most pronounced effects of aging were observed in the colon, whereas very few changes were observed in the small intestine