7 research outputs found

    Short Communication - Methyl jasmonate induced overproduction of eleutherosides in somatic embryos of Eleutherococcus senticosus cultured in bioreactors

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    This study was concentrated on the production of eleutherosides and chlorogenic acid in embryogenic suspension cultures of Eleutherococcus senticosus by exposing them to different concentrations (50-400 \u3bcM) of methyl jasmonate (MJ) during the culture period. In the bioreactor cultures, eleutheroside content increased significantly by elicitation of MJ, however, the fresh weight, dry weight and growth ratio of embryos was strongly inhibited by increasing MJ concentrations. The highest total eleutheroside (7.3 fold increment) and chlorogenic acid (3.9 fold increment) yield was obtained with 200 \u3bcM MJ treatment. There was 1.4, 3.4 and 14.9 fold increase in the eleutheroside B, E, and E1 production respectively with such elicitation treatment. These results suggest that MJ elicitation is beneficial for eleutheroside accumulation in the embryogenic cell suspension cultures

    In vitro analysis of phytoconstituents and bioactivities of Senna alata L. leaf extracts

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    Senna alata L. is a widely distributed medicinal plant mainly used to treat fungal infections. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the phytochemical constituents, antioxidants, thrombolytic, anticoagulant and anthelmintic potentials of the aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts of Senna alata leaves. The major phytochemical classes were checked through qualitative screening. Quantitative assays were employed to determine the total phenolic, flavonoid, flavonol, tannin, and protein contents. Antioxidant potential was revealed through the DPPH scavenging assay. The extracts were applied to dissolve blood clots to evaluate the thrombolytic potential. Prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) tests indicated the potential anticoagulant activity. The anthelmintic potential was evaluated by using aquarium worms (Tubifex tubifex). The presence of 9 different classes of phytochemicals indicated the chemical diversity of the extract. In the quantitative determination, EE was found to contain higher quantities of phytochemicals than AE. The highest DPPH scavenging activity (89.44%) was displayed by the EE at its 800 µg/mL concentration. The IC50 values of EE and AE were 61.02 µg/mL and 142.42 µg/mL, respectively. During the thrombolytic potential evaluation of EE and AE, 37% and 27% clot lysis abilities were observed respectively. EE paralyzed the aquarium worms at 4 min and killed them at 6 min. The leaves of Senna alata have the potentials for being utilized for medicinal purposes other than their traditional use as an antifungal agent. These findings can pave the way for the exploration of herbal remedies with better efficacy

    Electronic Journal of Biotechnology

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    Methyl jasmonate induced overproduction of eleutherosides in somatic embryos of Eleutherococcus senticosus cultured in bioreactor

    Effect of salinity on the morphological, physiological and biochemical properties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Bangladesh

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    This study aimed to explore the changes in morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in response to salt stress when grown using hydroponic techniques. The seedlings were subjected to five different concentrations (0 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM, and 200 mM) of NaCl for three weeks. During the salt stress, morphological properties (shoot length, root length, total plant weight, leaf number) were measured in every week. After 21 days of salt stress, physiological properties (water content and relative water content) and biochemical properties (proline, protein, phenol, reducing and non-reducing sugar content) were measured. Morphological and physiological properties were found decreased gradually with increasing salt concentrations. Biochemical properties such as proline and protein content increased remarkably, and total phenol content decreased gradually with increasing salt concentrations. Reducing sugar accumulation was higher in all treatments except 50 mM in comparison to control. Non-reducing sugar accumulation was decreased in 100 mM and 200 mM treatment, similar in 150 mM treatment, and increased in 50 mM treatment when compared to control. These findings render lettuce a salt-sensitive plant at higher salt concentration. However, changes in characteristics were realistic up to 50 mM salt concentration

    Structure to function analysis with antigenic characterization of a hypothetical protein, HPAG1_0576 from Helicobacter pylori HPAG1

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    Helicobacter pylori, a unique gastric pathogen causing chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa with a possibility to develop gastric cancer has one-third of its proteins still uncharacterized. In this study, a hypothetical protein (HP) namely HPAG1_0576 from H. pylori HPAG1 was chosen for detailed computational analysis of its structural, functional and epitopic properties. The primary, secondary and 3D structure/model of the selected HP was constructed. Then refinement and structure validation were done, which indicated a good quality of the newly constructed model. ProFunc and STRING suggested that HPAG1_0576 shares 98% identity with a carcinogenic factor, TNF-α inducing protein (Tip-α) of H. pylori. IEDB immunoinformatics tool predicted VLMLQACTCPNTSQRNS from position 19-35 as most potential B-cell linear epitope and SFLKSKQL from position 5-12 as most potent conformational epitope. Alternatively, FALVRARGF and FLCGLGVLM were predicted as most immunogenic CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell epitopes respectively. At the same time findings of IFN epitope tool suggests that, HPAG1_0576 had a great potential to evoke interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) mediated immune response. However, this experiment is a primary approach for in silico vaccine designing from a HP, findings of this study will provide significant insights in further investigations and will assist in identifying new drug targets/vaccine candidates

    Structure to function analysis with antigenic characterization of a hypothetical protein, HPAG1_0576 from Helicobacter pylori HPAG1

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    Helicobacter pylori, a unique gastric pathogen causing chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa with a possibility to develop gastric cancer has one-third of its proteins still uncharacterized. In this study, a hypothetical protein (HP) namely HPAG1_0576 from H. pylori HPAG1 was chosen for detailed computational analysis of its structural, functional and epitopic properties. The primary, secondary and 3D structure/model of the selected HP was constructed. Then refinement and structure validation were done, which indicated a good quality of the newly constructed model. ProFunc and STRING suggested that HPAG1_0576 shares 98% identity with a carcinogenic factor, TNF-α inducing protein (Tip-α) of H. pylori. IEDB immunoinformatics tool predicted VLMLQACTCPNTSQRNS from position 19-35 as most potential B-cell linear epitope and SFLKSKQL from position 5-12 as most potent conformational epitope. Alternatively, FALVRARGF and FLCGLGVLM were predicted as most immunogenic CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell epitopes respectively. At the same time findings of IFN epitope tool suggests that, HPAG1_0576 had a great potential to evoke interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) mediated immune response. However, this experiment is a primary approach for in silico vaccine designing from a HP, findings of this study will provide significant insights in further investigations and will assist in identifying new drug targets/vaccine candidates

    An immunoinformatics and extended molecular dynamics approach for designing a polyvalent vaccine against multiple strains of Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV).

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    Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), a group of retroviruses belonging to the oncovirus family, has long been associated with various inflammatory and immunosuppressive disorders. At present, there is no approved vaccine capable of effectively combating all the highly pathogenic strains of HTLV that makes this group of viruses a potential threat to human health. To combat the devastating impact of any potential future outbreak caused by this virus group, our study employed a reverse vaccinology approach to design a novel polyvalent vaccine targeting the highly virulent subtypes of HTLV. Moreover, we comprehensively analyzed the molecular interactions between the designed vaccine and corresponding Toll-like receptors (TLRs), providing valuable insights for future research on preventing and managing HTLV-related diseases and any possible outbreaks. The vaccine was designed by focusing on the envelope glycoprotein gp62, a crucial protein involved in the infectious process and immune mechanisms of HTLV inside the human body. Epitope mapping identified T cell and B cell epitopes with low binding energies, ensuring their immunogenicity and safety. Linkers and adjuvants were incorporated to enhance the vaccine's stability, antigenicity, and immunogenicity. Initially, two vaccine constructs were formulated, and among them, vaccine construct-2 exhibited superior solubility and structural stability. Molecular docking analyses also revealed strong binding affinity between the vaccine construct-2 and both targeted TLR2 and TLR4. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated enhanced stability, compactness, and consistent hydrogen bonding within TLR-vaccine complexes, suggesting a strong binding affinity. The stability of the complexes was further corroborated by contact, free energy, structure, and MM-PBSA analyses. Consequently, our research proposes a vaccine targeting multiple HTLV subtypes, offering valuable insights into the molecular interactions between the vaccine and TLRs. These findings should contribute to developing effective preventive and treatment approaches against HTLV-related diseases and preventing possible outbreaks. However, future research should focus on in-depth validation through experimental studies to confirm the interactions identified in silico and to evaluate the vaccine's efficacy in relevant animal models and, eventually, in clinical trials