13 research outputs found

    The Constitutional Convention and Court Merger in New York State

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    In November 2017, voters in New York, for the first time in twenty years, will be asked to decide whether there “[s]hall be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?” If it is decided by the electorate to call a convention, “delegates will be elected in November 2018, and the convention will convene in April 2019.” One of the significant goals of a convention would be the achievement of court merger in the Empire State. The purpose of this perspective is to discuss the pros and cons of a constitutional convention with an emphasis on court merger

    Deep-Sea Exploration of the US Gulf of Mexico with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer

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    Oceanography articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format as long as users cite the materials appropriately (e.g., authors, Oceanography, volume number, issue number, page number[s], figure number[s], and DOI for the article), provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate the changes that were made to the original content

    Preservation of iron(II) by carbon-rich matrices in a hydrothermal plume

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    Hydrothermal venting associated with mid-ocean ridge volcanism is globally widespread. This venting is responsible for a dissolved iron flux to the ocean that is approximately equal to that associated with continental riverine runoff. For hydrothermal fluxes, it has long been assumed that most of the iron entering the oceans is precipitated in inorganic forms. However, the possibility of globally significant fluxes of iron escaping these mass precipitation events and entering open-ocean cycles is now being debated, and two recent studies suggest that dissolved organic ligands might influence the fate of hydrothermally vented metals. Here we present spectromicroscopic measurements of iron and carbon in hydrothermal plume particles at the East Pacific Rise mid-ocean ridge. We show that organic carbon-rich matrices, containing evenly dispersed iron(II)-rich materials, are pervasive in hydrothermal plume particles. The absence of discrete iron(II) particles suggests that the carbon and iron associate through sorption or complexation. We suggest that these carbon matrices stabilize iron(II) released from hydrothermal vents in the region, preventing its oxidation and/or precipitation as insoluble minerals. Our findings have implications for deep-sea biogeochemical cycling of iron, a widely recognized limiting nutrient in the oceans

    [Photograph 2012.201.B1396.0187]

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    Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Tom Warren Baseball Tulsa Oilers

    Prevalence and diversity of \u3ci\u3eBabesia, Hepatozoon, Ehrlichia\u3c/i\u3e, and \u3ci\u3eBartonella\u3c/i\u3e in wild and domestic carnivores from Zambia, Africa

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    A molecular survey was conducted for several hemoparasites of domestic dogs and three species of wild carnivores from two sites in Zambia. Three Babesia spp. were detected including Babesia felis and Babesia leo in lions (Panthera leo) and a Babesia sp. (similar to Babesia lengau) in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) and a single lion. All wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) and domestic dogs were negative for Babesia. High prevalences for Hepatozoon were noted in all three wild carnivores (38–61 %) and in domestic dogs (13 %). Significantly higher prevalences were noted in hyenas and wild dogs compared with domestic dogs and lions. All carnivores were PCR negative for Ehrlichia canis , Ehrlichia ewingii, and Bartonella spp. Overall, high prevalences and diversity of Babesia and Hepatozoon were noted in wild carnivores from Zambia. This study is the first molecular characterization of Babesia from any hyena species and is the first report of a Babesia sp. closely related to B. lengau, a parasite previously only reported from cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), in lions and hyenas. Although usually benign in wild carnivores, these hemoparasites can be pathogenic under certain circumstances. Importantly, data on vectors for these parasites are lacking, so studies are needed to identify vectors as well as determine transmission routes, infection dynamics, and host specificity of these hemoparasites in wildlife in Africa and also the risk of transmission between domestic animals and wildlife

    Structure of an allosteric inhibitor of LFA-1 bound to the I-domain studied by crystallography, NMR, and calorimetry.

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    LFA-1 (lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1) plays a role in intercellular adhesion and lymphocyte trafficking and activation and is an attractive anti-inflammatory drug target. The alpha-subunit of LFA-1, in common with several other integrins, has an N-terminally inserted domain (I-domain) of approximately 200 amino acids that plays a central role in regulating ligand binding to LFA-1. An additional region, termed the I-domain allosteric site (IDAS), has been identified exclusively within the LFA-1 I-domain and shown to regulate the function of this protein. The IDAS is occupied by small molecule LFA-1 inhibitors when cocrystallized or analyzed by (15)N-(1)H HSQC (heteronuclear single-quantum coherence) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) titration experiments. We report here a novel arylthio inhibitor that binds the I-domain with a K(d) of 18.3 nM as determined by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This value is in close agreement with the IC(50) (10.9 nM) derived from a biochemical competition assay (DELFIA) that measures the level of inhibition of binding of whole LFA-1 to its ligand, ICAM-1. Having established the strong affinity of the arylthio inhibitor for the isolated I-domain, we have used a range of techniques to further characterize the binding, including ITC, NMR, and X-ray crystallography. We have first developed an effective ITC binding assay for use with low-solubility inhibitors that avoids the need for ELISA-based assays. In addition, we utilized a fast NMR-based assay for the generation of I-domain-inhibitor models. This is based around the collection of HCCH-TOCSY spectra of LFA-1 in the bound form and the identification of a subset of side chain methyl groups that give chemical shift changes upon binding of LFA-1 inhibitors. This subset was used in two-dimensional (13)C-(15)N and (15)N-filtered and -edited two-dimensional NMR experiments to identify a minimal set of intraligand and ligand-protein NOEs, respectively (nuclear Overhauser enhancements). Models from the NMR data were assessed by comparison to an X-ray crystallographic structure of the complex, confirming that the method correctly predicted the essential features of the bound ligand