632 research outputs found

    Argument filterings and usable rules in higher-order rewrite systems

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    The static dependency pair method is a method for proving the termination of higher-order rewrite systems a la Nipkow. It combines the dependency pair method introduced for first-order rewrite systems with the notion of strong computability introduced for typed lambda-calculi. Argument filterings and usable rules are two important methods of the dependency pair framework used by current state-of-the-art first-order automated termination provers. In this paper, we extend the class of higher-order systems on which the static dependency pair method can be applied. Then, we extend argument filterings and usable rules to higher-order rewriting, hence providing the basis for a powerful automated termination prover for higher-order rewrite systems

    FE2 evaluation of stress triaxiality / lode angle dependencies of void growing processes

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    This document provides information and instructions for preparing a Full Paper to be included in the Proceedings of COMPLAS 2019 Conference

    Character n-gram Embeddings to Improve RNN Language Models

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    This paper proposes a novel Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) language model that takes advantage of character information. We focus on character n-grams based on research in the field of word embedding construction (Wieting et al. 2016). Our proposed method constructs word embeddings from character n-gram embeddings and combines them with ordinary word embeddings. We demonstrate that the proposed method achieves the best perplexities on the language modeling datasets: Penn Treebank, WikiText-2, and WikiText-103. Moreover, we conduct experiments on application tasks: machine translation and headline generation. The experimental results indicate that our proposed method also positively affects these tasks.Comment: AAAI 2019 pape

    XAFS and IR Studies on Luminescent Silver Zeolites

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    In this chapter, studies of structures and optical properties of Ag-zeolite A by means of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and infrared (IR) spectra are presented. XAFS is a powerful tool to study the local structure of Ag nanoclusters in the zeolite cavity and IR spectra are quite sensitive to the change in zeolite lattice affected by the production of Ag clusters. First, we focus on the creation of Ag clusters in zeolite A by heat treatment under atmosphere and vacuum. Second, we discuss the mechanism of photoluminescence for Ag-zeolite composite. It is widely believed that the emitting point is Ag clusters in the Ag zeolite; on the other hand, our recent result is contradicted that Ag clusters are broken down in the strongly emitting species
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