94 research outputs found

    Reduction in Post-Botulinum Toxin Flu-like Symptoms After Injection with Incobotulinum Toxin

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine if patients reporting flu-like symptoms (FLS) after botulinum toxin (BoNT) injections are less susceptible to this reaction after incobotulinum toxin. BACKGROUND: Approximately 10% of patients injected with BoNT in our clinic complain of FLS, primarily malaise, myalgias and rhinorrhea, beginning a few days to one week after injection and lasting one week or less. A review by Baizabal-Carvallo et al. (Toxicon, 2011, 58:1-7) found rates of FLS between 1.7 and 20% in patients after various preparations of botulinum toxin A, and a subsequent study showed increased cytokines in patients with FLS (Neurotoxicity Research, 2013, 24:298-306). Besides the neurotoxin itself, most BoNT preparations contain associated complexing proteins (NAPs), most of which are hemagglutinins. It is thought that NAPs induce the release of inflammatory cytokines, which may cause the FLS. Incobotulinum toxin is a botulinum toxin A preparation where the active peptide is separated from the NAPs (hemagglutinins and non-hemagglutinins) through a series of steps yielding the active neurotoxin with molecular weight of 150 kDa, without accessory proteins. DESIGN/METHODS: Consecutive patients who reported FLS consistently occurring after previous BoNT injections (\u3e two prior treatment sessions, average 21 sessions, patients reporting FLS after “most sessions”) were offered further injections with incobotulinum toxin at similar doses. RESULTS: Six patients were identified as having had FLS and given injections with incobotulinum toxin. Three were cervical dystonia patients, and one each with blepharospasm, hemi-facial spasm and tics secondary to Tourette’s. All reported a satisfactory clinical response similar to their previous injections. One patient had only rhinorrhea, the others had malaise and myalgias. None of the patients experienced flu- like symptoms after incobotulinum toxin injections (16 treatment sessions). CONCLUSIONS: Initial results from this open-label, unblinded series suggests patients who have consistently experienced FLS after BoNT injections are much less likely to do so after injection with incobotulinum toxin

    Analytical representation of elastic scattering cross sections of low energy electrons by atmospheric gases

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    Analytical representations of the elastic scattering cross sections of electrons with energies of 0.01-1 keV in atmospheric gases of N2, O2, O are given. These representations are suitable for the Monte Carlo method

    Implementación de software minero CONTROL SENSE en sistema de carguío y acarreo para mejorar el control operacional en Mina Constancia

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    La utilización de tecnologías modernas como el uso de Software en las operaciones mineras debe adecuarse a necesidades inmediatas para efectos de análisis y evaluación de los resultados en tiempo real, en pos de tomar decisiones oportunas en cuanto haya desviaciones o incumplimiento de metas establecidas por la dirección de la empresa. La globalización de mercados trajo alta competitividad en la industria minera, el nuevo ambiente de los negocios está imponiendo fuerte presión y nuevas demandas y desafíos para las empresas y sus administraciones, lo que obliga a reexaminar y reinventar con nuevas formas de trabajo, es cierto que el concepto de éxito que se tiene hoy es diferente de aquella que existía en el pasado. Por tal razón el uso de herramientas modernas como la utilización softwares en el proceso de diseñar un modelo de un sistema de control real y eficaz, poseen propiedades útiles que permiten diseños experimentales con la manipulación de la información representada en gráficos estadísticos que nos ayudan generar nuevas ideas, nuevos procedimientos y nuevas políticas en las operaciones. Por otro lado, el aprovechamiento máximo del uso de equipos palas y camiones gigantes junto con el uso de la tecnología del software CONTROL SENSE es actualmente complementos indispensables para la Mina Constancia, ya que permiten la asignación de maquinarias, vehículos, secuencia de producción. El software CONTROL SENSE proporciona las técnicas para controlar los procesos unitarios de carguío y transporte en base al planeamiento de las operaciones, productividad y producción, realizando estudios de control y planificación

    Effect of Lifshitz Quantum Phase Transitions on the Normal and Superconducting States in Cuprates

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    We study the doping evolution of the electronic structure in the normal phase of high-Tc cuprates. The electronic structure and the Fermi surface of cuprates with a single CuO2 layer in the unit cell like La2-xSrxCuO4 have been calculated by the LDA+GTB method in the regime of strong electron correlations (SEC) and compared to ARPES and quantum oscillations data. We have found two critical concentrations, xc1 and xc2, where the Fermi surface topology changes. Following I.M. Lifshitz’s ideas of the quantum phase transitions (QPT) of the 2:5-order, we discuss the concentration dependence of the low-temperature thermodynamics. The behavior of the electronic specific heat δ(C/T ) ~ (x - xc)^½ is similar to the Loram and Cooper experimental data in the vicinity of xc1 ≈ 0.15. In the superconducting state of cuprates, we consider both magnetic and phonon contributions to the d-wave pairing and found that there is no dominant mechanism of superconductivity. Magnetic and phonon contributions to the critical temperature are of the same order.У цiй работi обговорено змiни електронної структури в нормальнiй фазi високотемпературних надпровiдникiв – шаруватих купратiв. Результати розрахункiв електронної структури та поверхнi Фермi одношарових купратiв методом LDA+GTB iз врахуванням сильних кореляцiй порiвнюються з даними ARPES та квантових осциляцiй. Виявлено двi критичнi точки xc1 та xc2, в яких вiдбувається перебудова поверхнi Фермi. В околi критичних точок у межах iдеологiї I.М. Лiфшица про квантовi фазовi переходи 2,5 роду знайдено змiни термодинамiчних властивостей за низьких температур. Особливiсть електронної теплоємностi δ(C/T ) ~ (x - xc)^½ достатньо добре узгоджується з вiдомими експериментальними даними в околi xc1 ≈ 0.15. Якiсно обговорюються змiни знака константи Холла з допуванням. Також розглянуто надпровiдний стан з урахуванням магнiтного i фононного механiзмiв спарювання