14 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of hexa-Ī¼-chlorido-Ī¼4-oxido-tetrakis{[1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2- methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-ĪŗN3]copper(II)} containing short NO2Ā· Ā· Ā·NO2 contacts

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    The title tetranuclear copper complex, [Cu4Cl6O(C6H9N3O3)4] or [Cu4Cl6O- (MET)4][MET is 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitro-1Ī—-imidazole or metronidazole], contains a tetrahedral arrangement of copper(II) ions. Each copper atom is also linked to the other three copper atoms in the tetrahedron via bridging chloride ions. A fifth coordination position on each metal atom is occupied by a nitrogen atom of the monodentate MET ligand. The result is a distorted CuCl3NO trigonalā€“bipyramidal coordination polyhedron with the axial positions occupied by oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The extended structure displays Oāˆ’ H ā‹… ā‹… ā‹…O hydrogen bonding, as well as unusual short Oā‹… ā‹… ā‹… N interactions [2.775 (4) A Ėš ] between the nitro groups of adjacent clusters that are oriented perpendicular to each other. The scattering contribution of disordered water and methanol solvent molecules was removed using the SQUEEZE procedure [Spek (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 9ā€“16] in PLATON [Spek (2009). Acta Cryst. D65, 148ā€“155]

    Fold Mechanics of Natural and Synthetic Origami Papers

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    To realize engineered materials and structures via origami methods and other folding construction techniques, fundamental understanding of paper folding mechanics and their dependency on paper micro/nanostructure is needed. Using selected papers commonly used in origami designs, we establish the relationship between the mechanical properties of fibrous paper and their corresponding ability to form and retain simple creases and mountain/valley folds. Using natural fiber paper (abaca), synthetic fiber paper (Tyvek), and a metalfiber laminate paper, we studied how the fold radius depends on the load applied using a controlled rolling apparatus. After folding, we examined the resultant micro- and nanoscale deformation using electron microscopy. In general we found that the fold radius follows a power law, decreasing with the applied rolling force. At a critical strain, each paper exhibits a transition between elastic and plastic behavior, after which the trend asymptotically approaches the minimum fold radius with increased applied force. Finally, we present examples of centimeter-scale two-dimensionally "mountain fold" patterns and relate the folding characteristics observed in these designs to the mechanical properties of the papers in folding. Keywords: Deformation; Fibers; Synthetic fibers; Laminates; Electron microscopy; Metal fibers; Construction; Stress; Mechanical properties; Nanoscale phenomenaNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant EFRI-1240264

    Origami Solar-Tracking Concentrator Array for Planar Photovoltaics

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    Solar-tracking concentrators can potentially lead to low-cost photovoltaic modules that minimize the use of costly semiconductor materials by improving optical collection and coupling. However, solar concentrators and accompanying trackers have proven to be expensive, bulky, and heavy, thereby resulting in increased balance-of-system costs. Here we demonstrate a lightweight and low-profile, and potentially low-cost planar solar-tracking concentrator based on the ancient Japanese art of origami. The tightly packed hexagonal concentrator and tracker arrays are fabricated by cutting and folding thin reflecting sheets that capture and direct concentrated light onto a small, high-efficiency GaAs solar cell. The tracker enables single-axis solar tracking via a simple one-dimensional translational motion of an actuator with minimal energy expense (āˆ¼2.9 J/m<sup>2</sup>/day). Further, we demonstrate stable operation over 10ā€Æ000 cycles. The solar concentrated cell achieves a 450% increase in diurnal energy output compared with an equivalent, unconcentrated cell. The potentially low cost and low profile of the origami concentrators may lead to their wide deployment on rooftops and other building-integrated applications