33 research outputs found

    The Interrelationship Between Gender, Media, and Religion on Electoral Performance

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    This article delves into the gender gap in the United States and how it affects multi-facets of life, especially but not limited to partisanship and electoral performance in America. Different factors are analyzed that might also affect such factors as religion and media coverage. Women\u27s historical suppression has led to an increase of value in public welfare instead of the economy. We examine why women veer towards more liberal ideologies than men. One thing that might affect their gravitation towards liberal ideologies is religion. This paper further examines if religion affects women identifying as Democrats or Republicans. Gender roles have a significant impact on society which is present in job roles and the media. As women have reached higher levels of equality in the workplace, it is pertinent to observe the difference in media coverage and how it may influence a female candidate running for the senate

    The Charism of Healing in the Health Care Profession

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    Numerous scholars and press critics have asserted that American news coverage of the run-up to the Iraq war was less skeptical than British coverage. This thesis explores the validity of that claim in the television news coverage of one key event: Colin Powell's February 5, 2003 address to the United Nations in which he made the case for war. How effective was the Bush administration in using Powell's presentation to set the news agenda in America and Great Britain? Contrary to expectations, a qualitative content analysis found British network ITV framed the event in much the same way as did American networks ABC, CBS, and NBC

    Fault identification using multidisciplinary techniques at the Mars/Uranus Station antenna sites

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    A fault investigation was performed at the Mars and Uranus antenna sites at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in the Mojave desert. The Mars/Uranus Station consists of two large-diameter reflector antennas used for communication and control of deep-space probes and other missions. The investigation included interpretation of Landsat thematic mapper scenes, side-looking airborne radar transparencies, and both color-infrared and black-and-white aerial photography. Four photolineaments suggestive of previously undocumented faults were identified. Three generally discrete morphostratigraphic alluvial-fan deposits were also recognized and dated using geomorphic and soil stratigraphic techniques. Fourteen trenches were excavated across the four lineaments; the trenches show that three of the photolineaments coincide with faults. The last displacement of two of the faults occurred between about 12,000 and 35,000 years ago. The third fault was judged to be older than 12,000 years before present (ybp), although uncertainty remains. None of the surface traces of the three faults crosses under existing antennas or structures; however, their potential activity necessitates appropriate seismic retrofit designs and loss-prevention measures to mitigate potential earthquake damage to facilities and structures

    Notes on Native Vascular Plants from Mima Mound-Vernal Pool Terrain and the Importance of Preserving Coastal Terraces in Orange County, California

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    We report the following noteworthy collections of native vascular plants from mima mound ïŹelds in coastal Orange County, California: Deschampsia danthonioides, Lepidium strictum, and Sagina saginoides (new county records), Lepidium oblongum var. oblongum (previously excluded from the ïŹ‚ora), Deinandra paniculata, Holocarpha virgata subsp. elongata, and Navarretia prostrata (new localities in the county), and Hordeum brachyantherum subsp. californicum (uncommon species of local interest). A herbarium study, preparation of voucher specimens, and a generalized distribution, facultative wetland status, and taxonomic notes, where appropriate, are cited for each taxon. An overview of the mima mound micro-relief associated with coastal terraces in southern California is also provided

    The Parasitic Communities of the Rock Pigeon Columba livia from Iraq: Component and Importance

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The main objectives of the present study were to investigate the rock pigeon parasitic communities from Iraq as well as reporting on the prevalence and intensity of various infections from both sexes. Methods: An examination of 128 specimens of the live rock pigeon Columba livia from Iraq was undertaken. The samples were obtained from several localities of Iraq. Blood samples were examined for haemoprotozoa, carcasses were investigated for the ectoparasites throughout their body skins and feathers, and the alimentary canal was examined for protozoans and helminths. Results: Twenty-seven species of parasites were identified. They comprised 1 Fungi, Candida sp.; 4 Protozoa, Eimeria labbeana, Trichomonas gallinae, Haemoproteus columbae and Plasmodium sp.; 8 Cestoda, 4 of each of the genera Cotugnia and Raillietina; 4 Nematoda, Ascaridia columbae, A. galli, Capillaria obsignata and Synhimantus spiralis; and 10 Arthropoda, the commonest of which were the wing and tail feather louse Columbicola sp. and the pigeon louse fly Pseudolinchia canariensis. Infection indices are provided for each species and in respect to both sexes of the host. Conclusion: The issue of zoonosis is raised, so is the role of the rock pigeons in acting as a reservoir and spreading some of the disease agents associated with other avian populations including poultry. Seven of the species are newly introduced to the parasitological list of Iraq and for this country the rock pigeon is a new host record for another 9 of the endoparasites that were diagnosed. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 232-9 Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 232-9

    Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Ur tvÄ aktörers perspektiv

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    I Sverige har samtliga aktiebolag revisionsplikt, vilket innebĂ€r att en revisor granskar ett företags verksamhet. Redovisning och revision tillfredsstĂ€ller olika informationsbehov för företagens intressenter t.ex. bank och skattemyndighet. PĂ„ uppdrag av regeringen har en utredning utförts som föreslĂ„r avskaffande av revisionsplikten för smĂ„ aktiebolag. Motivet Ă€r att dessa företag skall undvika kostandena för revisionsarvode för att uppnĂ„ bĂ€ttre lönsamhet. Om förslaget tillĂ€mpas kommer 96 % av Sveriges aktiebolag att stĂ„ inför frivillig revision. Det rĂ„der oenighet kring frĂ„gan. En del ser det som en framgĂ„ng, medan andra ser en risk med förslaget. Författarna har valt att studera revisionspliktens avskaffande ur tvĂ„ aktörers/intressenters perspektiv, Swedbank och Skatteverket. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna Ă€r att beskriva Swedbanks kreditgivningsprocess och Skatteverkets kontrollprocess samt att förutse konsekvenserna som kan uppstĂ„ vid avskaffandet. Empirin bygger pĂ„ en kvalitativ ansats, dĂ€r lĂ€mpliga personer frĂ„n bĂ„de aktörerna intervjuats.  SekundĂ€r data har anvĂ€nts för att öka förstĂ„elsen och för att sĂ€tta det i förhĂ„llande till empirin. Banken krĂ€ver underlag vid kreditbedömning. Underlagen utgör en grund för analys och beslut. Reviderad Ă„rsredovisning och revisorns underteckning Ă€r viktiga faktorer som utgör en kvalitetsstĂ€mpel för banken. Skatteverket strĂ€var efter att företag lĂ€mnar in korrekta inkomstdeklarationer. Med hjĂ€lp av olika kontroller görs ett urval av deklarationer, vilket granskas ytterligare. Även hĂ€r uppfyller revisorn en funktion. Reviderade Ă„rsredovisningar Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att fĂ„ korrekta inkomstdeklarationer, vilket minskar tiden för kontrollprocessen. Efter avskaffandet tror Swedbank och Skatteverket att det skall uppstĂ„ förĂ€ndringar. BĂ„da har konstaterat att handlĂ€ggningen blir tids - och kostnadskrĂ€vande. Vidare har varje aktör resonerat kring förĂ€ndringar utifrĂ„n dennes perspektiv. Vad som författarna har framstĂ€llt bygger pĂ„ tolkningar och förstĂ„else dĂ„ förslaget inte har genomförts Ă€n

    Recent soil-geomorphic methods for delimiting archaeological sites

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    Traditionally archaeological sites have been recognized and delimited by reconnaissance of the surface distribution of artifacts. Often, however, this approach underestimates the true horizontal and vertical extent of a site. More complete data can be obtained by an on-going systematic sampling program combined with soil-geomorphic analyses. After discovery, a major prehistoric site near San Francisco, California was delimited both by traditional and by soil-geomorphic methods. The site generally conforms to a superimposed alluvial fan deposit (with mudflows and debris flows) internally separated by several buried soils (organic horizons). Detailed soil descriptions (pedogenic profiles) and laboratory analyses of P, Na, K, cation exchange, and organic matter content all reveal that the site is deeper and extends far beyond that originally delimited by traditional methods. Soil-geomorphic analyses are best employed prior to completion of a sampling design and excavation of a site.Selon la méthode traditionnelle, des sites archéologiques ont été découverts et délimités par reconnaissance des objets archéologiques trouvés à la surface du site. Cependant, fréquemment cette méthode a sous-estimé l'étendue horizontale et verticale du site. Il est possible d'obtenir des dates plus complÚtes au moyen d'un programme systématique de sondages, combiné avec des analyses pédologiques. AprÚs la découverte d'un des plus importants sites archéologiques dans les environs de San Francisco, en Californie, le site a été délimité au moyen de deux méthodes, par la méthode traditionnelle, aussi bien que par la méthode pédologique. En général, le site est couvert de couches alluviales de sable (avec des apports de boue et des débris), séparées entre elles par plusieurs sols d'occupation (avec horizons organiques). Les descriptions détaillées des sols (profils pédogéniques) , les analyses de laboratoire pour P, Na, K, le potentiel d'échange de cation et la teneur en matiÚre organique ont révélé que le site est bien plus profond et a une étendue considérablement plus grande qu'il n'avait été estimé, antérieurement par la méthode traditionnelle. Pour la meilleur utilisation des analyses pédologiques, il est souhaitable de les faire avant la fin des sondages et des fouilles d'un site.Gary-Stickel E., Shlemon R. J. Recent soil-geomorphic methods for delimiting archaeological sites. In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°5, 1981. pp. 29-39