13 research outputs found


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     Objective: The main aim of the present study is concerned with the evaluation of anti-atherosclerotic potential of quercetin in alloxan-induced diabetic rats fed with high-fat diet (HFD).Methods: Atherosclerosis (AS) is the major cause for many of the cardiovascular disease, and it is accelerated in the presence of diabetes mellitus and causes profound alterations in the lipid profile. The method used for the induction of AS was using HFD for 60 days. In this study, rats were divided into four groups (n=6). Group I served as normal control, Group II alloxan (120 mg/kg b.w i.p)-treated diabetic rats, Group III received quercetin (50 mg/ kg b.w p.o), and Group IV received atorvastatin (10 mg/kg b.w p.o) along with alloxan (120 mg/kg b.w i.p) on the 1st day of the days of the study period. AS was induced in Group II, Group III, and Group IV rats by feeding them with HFD from the 1st day to 60th day. The body weight, feed intake was measured daily. The blood was withdrawn from retro-orbital plexus, and the serum was used for the estimation of lipid profile (total cholesterol [TC], triglycerides [TGs], low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C], very LDL-C [VLDL-C], and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C]). After scarification under overdose of ketamine, the histopathological study of aorta was carried out.Results: The results showed that the quercetin-treated rats showed a decrease in body weight gain, decreased levels of TC, TGs, LDL-C, and VLDL-C, and increased levels of HDL-C were observed in Group III rats when compared to alloxan-induced diabetic rats fed with HFD (Group III). The histopathological study of aorta showed no development of plaques and of foam cells.Conclusion: From this study, it can be calculated that quercetin has anti-atherosclerotic activity as it significantly altered overall lipid profile in diabetic rats fed with HFD. This activity may be attributed to its antioxidant, inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase activity of quercetin


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The growth promoting effects of AYU-707 was investigated in 1 and 2 months immature rats.Methods: The AYU-707 was administered orally at a dose of 5 (1-month-old rats) and 6.5 g/kg body weight (BW) (2-month-old rats) for 45 days.During and end of the study, BW, tail length, body circumference, and feed efficiency were determined. After 24 hrs of the last treatment, the bloodwas withdrawn by retro-orbital puncture and blood, hemoglobin, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, serumglutamic-pyruvic transaminase, calcium, total protein, and amylase were estimated. Then, the rats were sacrificed by overdose ketamine and thefemur weight, tibial density, bone hydroxyproline content, and epiphyseal plate width were determined. Then, the spleen, lung, liver, kidney, heart,and uterus weights were determined.Results: The preliminary phytochemical investigation confirms the presence of carbohydrate, amino acid, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins in AYU707powder.The ratstreatedwith AYU-707haveshownsignificantdifferencesin most of the growthenhancementparameterswhencomparedtothenormal rats.Conclusion: From the results of the present study, it is concluded that AYU-707 formulated by M/s Ayurwin Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, possessessuperior anabolic and growth promotion properties that may serve to promote the growth in children associated with growth-related disorders.Keywords: Body circumference, Tibial density, Flavonoids, Hydroxyproline, Epiphyseal plate

    A Scale to Measure Performance of Village Resource Centres on Farming Activities in Karnataka

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    ABSTRACT Carrying information on the latest agriculture, health and concerning issues to rural people is an important task in the process of development. Indian Space Research Organisation has taken the initiative of establishing village Th eg r e a t e s tc h a l l e n g ef a c e db yt h eI n d i a n p l a n n e r s i s , h o wt o r e a c ht h e r u r a l p e o p l e e f f e c t i v e l y t o ma k et h e mt a k ea d v a n t a g eo f t h eb e n e f i t so f p l a n n e d d e v e l o p me n tp r o g r a mme s .We a k e n i n go fp u b l i c e x t e n s i o n s y s t e m, p a r t i c u l a r l y a t t h e g r a s s r o o t l e v e l a n d u n wi l l i n g n e s s o f ma n yp e r s o n n e l t owo r ki nt h er u r a l a r e a s i s a l s oa ni s s u eo f c o n c e r ni nt h e r e c e n t y e a r s . I f I n d i a n v i l l a g e r s h a v e s u f f e r e d o v e r t h e y e a r s , i t i s p a r t l y d u et ol a c ko f t i me l yi n f o r ma t i o ns u p p o r t s y s t e m. T h e r u r a l p e o p l e o f I n d i a n e e d t o b e p r o v i d e d wi t h t h e l a t e s t f a r m t e c h n o l o g ya t as h o r t e s t s p a no ft i met ob ei n p r o f i t a b l e f a r mb u s i n e s s . I n d i a nS p a c eR e s e a r c hOr g a n i s a t i o n( I S R O) h a s s u c c e s s f u l l ye s t a b l i s h e dVi l l a g eR e s o u r c eC e n t r e s ( VRC s )a c r o s st h ec o u n t r yi nc o l l a b o r a t i o nwi t h i d e n t i f i e d h o s t o r g a n i z a t i o n s / i n s t i t u t i o n s t o t a k e f i r s t h a n d i n f o r ma t i o nt ot h e g r a s s r o o t l e v e l p e o p l e . T h e VR Ci s at o t a l l yi n t e r a c t i v eVS AT( Ve r yS ma l lAp e r t u r e T e r mi n a l ) b a s e d n e t w o r k , w h e r e t e a c h i n g , l e a r n i n g a n d i n t e r a c t i o ni sd o n et h r o u g hp e r s o n a lc o mp u t e r s n e t wo r k i n g . T h e s e n o d e s c a n b e f u r t h e r e x t e n d e d u s i n g o t h e r t e c h n o l o g i e s l i k e Wi -F i , Wi r e l e s s a n d O p t i c a l F i b r e . T h e s ee x t e n s i o n sma ys e r v ea sl o c a l c l u s t e r sa r o u n d t h ea r e a s wh e r et h eVR Ci s l o c a t e d . Ar o u n d4 6 6VR C sa r es e t u pi nt h ec o u n t r yi n a s s o c i a t i o nwi t hUn i v e r s i t i e s , NGOs , T r u s t s , S t a t e a n d C e n t r a l a g e n c i e s . I nKa r n a t a k aa l o n et h e r ea r e5 8 VR C s i n c l u d i n g s e v e n E x p e r t C e n t r e s a n da n o t h e r 1 3 6 VR C sa r ei np i p el i n ewh i c hi sb e i n gp l a n n e dt ob e e s t a b l i s h e da t R a i t h aS a mp a r k aKe n d r a sa n dKr i s h i Vi g y a nKe n d r a s . T h e v i s i o no f Go v e r n me n t o f I n d i a a n dI S R Oi s t o e s t a b l i s ho n eVR Cf o r e a c hp a n c h a y a t i nt h ec o u n t r y b yt h ee n do f t h ee l e v e n t hp l a np e r i o da n dc r o r e so f mo n e y i s b e i n ge a r ma r k e df o r t h e p u r p o s e . On e o f t h e ma j o r p o r t f o l i o s o f VR C s i s t op r o v i d ei n f o r ma t i o nt o t h ef a r me r s wh oa r et h ep i l l a r s o f o u r n a t i o n , t h r o u g h t e l ea g r i c u l t u r e , t e l eh e a l t h , t e l eme d i c i n ea n ds oo n . PDF Creator -PDF4Free v3.

    Studies on effective atomic numbers and electron densities in amino acids and sugars in the energy range 30–1333keV

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    The effective atomic numbers and electron densities of the amino acids glycine, alanine, serine, valine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, aspartic acid, lysine, glutamic acid, histidine, phenylalanine, arginine, tyrosine, tryptophane and the sugars arabinose, ribose, glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, rhamnose, maltose, melibiose, melezitose and raffinose at the energies 30.8, 35.0, 81.0, 145, 276.4, 302.9, 356, 383.9, 661.6, 1173 and 1332.5keV were calculated by using the measured total attenuation cross-sections. The interpolations of total attenuation cross-sections for photons of energy E in elements of atomic number Z was performed using the logarithmic regression analysis of the XCOM data in the photon energy region 30–1500keV. The best-fit coefficients obtained by a piece wise interpolation method were used to find the effective atomic number and electron density of the compounds. These values are found to be in good agreement with the theoretical values calculated based on XCOM data

    Incoherent scattering of 137Cs gamma rays in the rare earth elements Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er and Yb

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    The differential incoherent scattering cross sections for 661.6keV photons have been measured with an HPGe detector in the momentum range 4⩽x⩽46Å-1 for the rare earth elements Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er and Yb. The incoherent scattering functions were evaluated from the measured cross sections and compared with the NRHF values of Hubbel et al. 1975, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 4, 471, the recent DHFR values of Kahane 1998, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 68, 323 and other measured values. The present experimental values are systematically lower than the theoretical predictions, but show a good agreement within the experimental errors except for the momentum transfers of 30.59, 34.29 and 37.72Å−1 for Nd, 43.69Å−1 for Gd and 22.54 and 26.66Å−1 for Dy, which show deviations at the two sigma level

    X-ray fluorescence in some rare earth and high Z elements excited by 661.6 keV γ-rays

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    The K-shell X-ray fluorescence cross sections are determined experimentally for 10 elements such as Pb, Hg, Ir, W, Lu, Tm, Dy, Tb, Gd and Nd at excitation energy of 661.6 keV associated with γ-rays of 137Cs radioisotope. The technique employed involves the measurement of total intensity of fluorescent K X-rays that follow the photoeffect absorption of a known flux of γ-rays using a well type Nal(Tl) detector. The obtained results are compared with the available theoretical values and other measured values


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     Objective: This study was aimed to investigate the protective effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Ipomoea batatas (EEIB) on doxorubicin (DOX)induced cardiotoxicity using Albino Wistar rats by monitoring the enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidant levels, serum enzyme levels, microscopicalexaminations and the study in electrocardiography (ECG) alterations.Methods: The rats were treated with EEIB (300, 600, 900 mg/kg body weight, n=6) and vitamin C (50 mg/kg) orally for 10 days and the rats werealso treated with DOX 15 mg/kg on 7th day. On the 11th day, the rats were treated with anaesthetized with anesthetic ether, ECG and the levels ofbiochemical and histological observations of the heart tissues were performed.Results: The levels of cardiac markers like creatinine kinase (CK-MB), CK, lactate dehydrogenase and lipid peroxides were significantly decreasedin the extract (600, 900 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid pretreated rats when compared to DOX with significance p<0.001. In heart superoxide dismutase,catalase, tissue protein and glutathione levels were significantly increased in the extract (600, 900 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid pretreated rats whencompared to DOX with significance of p<0.001. The heart weight and electrographic alterations were gradually recovered by the extract in a dosedependentmanner. There was no significant recovery of the above-mentioned parameters with an extract dose of 300 mg/kg.Conclusion: The study revealed that the extract and vitamin C have a dose-dependent potential to prevent oxidative damage/free radical damageinduced by DOX in heart.Keywords: Doxorubicin, Vitamin C, Ipomoea batatas, Serum enzymes, Antioxidant enzymes.Â

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    Not AvailableInteractive video conferencing through satellite is an effective means of transferring the latest technologies to farmers. A study on the effectiveness of interactive video conferencing with farmers through VRCs for agriculture information dissemination is very much important to decide a massive replication of this model of communication. The study was conducted at Karnataka state of India. Twenty farmers who frequently visited the VRCs were selected randomly from each VRC, thus constituting a sample size of 200. Personal Interview and case study method was used for data collection. From the personal variables, it is evident that VRC programmes attracted more of young (33.3%) and middle age groups (38%). Among the participants 63% were male. Irrespective of the educational qualification, all of them had participated in VRC programmes. It was observed that social participation was low for more than half of the respondents (54%) and 40 per cent of them had low cosmopoliteness. The case studies had revealed that farmers felt greater satisfaction as they could interact with the experts directly and could solve their problems, could save money and time, could find new enterprises that are profitable to them. Among the constraints the highly scored one was regarding the timing and duration of the programmes (69.5%). The prominent suggestions included regarding inculcation of experiences of progressive farmers and more success stories (89%). The study was ended with the conclusion that the technology transfer to farmers through this modern method of communication can empower the rural farmers in developing countries, enhance ecological and livelihood security and accelerate human development and quality of life.ISS