335 research outputs found

    Hypoglycaemia and improved testicular parameters in Sesamum radiatum treated normo-glycaemic adult male Sprague Dawley rats

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    The development of a new dietary adjunct with a novel natural antioxidant impact on diabetes mellitus with prevention of its long term deleterious effect on the male fertility in general has been increasinglyexpressed in recent time. Hence, we aim to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Sesame radiatum leaves on adult male Sprague Dawley rats’ testis using unbiased stereological, biochemical andhormonal studies. Thirty adult male rats were divided into three groups of 10 rats each. The treated groups; 1 and 2 received 28.0 and 14 mg/kg bwt of aqueous extract of sesame leaves via oral garvage,respectively, while the control group received equal volume of 0.9% (w/v) normal saline per day for 6 weeks. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone and blood glucose were assayed. Inaddition five microns of uniformly random transverse sections of processed testicular tissues were equally analyzed using an un-biased stereological study. The result showed that the mean percentagevolume fractions (Vf) of epithelial cells and lumen of the testis were 76% (

    Milk Yield (Offtake), Composition and Microbiological Quality in West African Dwarf Goats Fed Concentrate Diets with Varying Levels of Moringa oleifera Leafmeal and Seedmeal

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    The study was carried out to investigate the effect of feeding varying inclusion levels of Moringa oleifera leafmeal (MOL) and defatted Moringa oleifera seedmeal (DMOS), on milk yield (offtake), milk proximate composition and milk microbilolgical quality of sixteen lactating West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. The completely randomized design with four dietary treatments and three does per treatment was used. Average milk yield ranged from 116.00 g/day to 186.00 g/day (early lactation), 78.00 to 170 g/day (mid lactation) and 32.00 to 184.00 g/day (late lactation). Highest mean milk yield was 174.00 g/day for diet T3 (0.30% (MOL) and 0% (DMOS)). Ranges of the milk proximate composition were: 13.50 to 17.22% (total solids), 3.60 to 6.05% (fat), 3.17 to 5.45% (protein), 9.88 to 11.17% (solids-not-fat), 0.73 to 0.82% (ash) and 4.93 to 6.36% (lactose). There exist significant (P<0.01), but negative correlations between milk yield versus fat and protein (r = - 0.691, - 0.643 respectively). Total viable bacterial counts ranged from 1.9 x 106 to 8.6 x 108 cfu/ml. Total coliform counts ranged between 3.7 x 106 and 3.3 x 109 cfu/ml. Total fungal counts ranged from 3.1 x 103 to 3.4 x 105 cfu/ml. This experiment revealed that the inclusion of Moringa oleifera leafmeal and seedmeal in the concentrate diets of lactating WAD goats resulted in highest mean milk yield (offtake) at the 0.30% (MOL) and 0% (DMOS) dietary level. The raw milk was of poor microbiological quality (>5.0 x 106). Keywords: Milk yield (offtake), quality, goat

    Family Background and Entrepreneurial Intention of Fresh Graduates in Nigeria

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    This study seeks to assess, empirically, the impact of family background on the entrepreneurial intention among fresh graduates in Nigeria. The family as a social institution remains resilient in its psychological functions in Nigeria. It is a source of finance and human resources, social and cultural values, and role modeling.  While studies have shown that family background is one of the numerous determinants of entrepreneurial intention, we know little about the role which family background plays in the promotion of entrepreneurial intentions in Nigeria, especially among the fresh graduates.  This study, therefore, seeks to test the hypothesis that family background has significant influence on the entrepreneurial intention among fresh graduates in Nigeria. We draw a sample of 250 corps’ members, currently serving with the Nigerian Youth Service Corp (NYSC) in Bayelsa state, using a simple random sampling technique. With the aid of the primary data collected, our findings are quite revealing. Following the preliminary conclusions drawn from this study, we offer suggestions for further studies. Keywords; Entrepreneurial intention, perception of feasibility, perception of desirability, family background, and Problem-Based Learning


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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa as an opportunistic pathogen has been a subject of investigation due its intrinsic drug resistance.ª¤?ª¤? Its frequent presence in drinking, domestic and recreational water highlights its significance to public health.ª¤?ª¤? This study was aimed at risk surveillance of multidrug resistant environmental P. aeruginosa in water and their plasmid relatedness with clinical strains in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria.ª¤?ª¤? A total of forty-one (41) strains with prevalence: well water (29.3%); swimming pool (22.0%) hospital storage tank (19.5%); tap water (14.6%); sachet water (12.2%); and bottled water (2.4%) respectively were isolated from two hundred and eighty eight (288) water samples and were compared with 43 clinical strains from wound (37.3%), blood (11.6%), ear swab (20.9%)ª¤? and urine (20.9%)ª¤? and eye swab (9.3%).ª¤?ª¤?ª¤?ª¤? Both environmental and clinical strains were all multidrug resistant, though with different plasmid profile.ª¤? Plasmid with molecular weight size of 2010bp was detected in only 1 (2.5%) out of the 41 environmental strains as against 9 (20.93%) of the 43 clinical strains having between 22520-23130bp molecular weight.ª¤? All strains harboring plasmid were resistant to varied types of more than seven drugs out of the eleven tested (gentamycin 10ª¤?g, erythromycin 15ª¤?g, ampicillin 10ª¤?g, augmentin 10ª¤?g, cotrimoxazole 25ª¤?g, tetracycline 30ª¤?g, streptomycin 10ª¤?g, ciprofloxacin 5ª¤?g, cloxacillin 5ª¤?g, amoxicillin 25ª¤?g, and cefuroxime 30ª¤?g). ª¤?Strains without plasmid were also multidrug resistant.ª¤? This finding would be important in the control of multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in Nigeria


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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multidrug-resistant organism is responsible for most opportunistic infections. Genetic relatedness between clinical and environmental strains has always been limited to hospital settings.ª¤? This study utilized RAPD-PCR typing method to evaluate genetic relatedness between multidrug-resistantª¤? P. aeruginosa strains from diverse water samples (bottled water, tap water, sachet water, well water, hospital storage tank, and swimming pool water) and clinical strains (wound, blood, urine, eye and ear swab) collected from different locations in Abeokuta, Nigeria.ª¤?ª¤?ª¤? Polymorphic DNA bands with sizes ranging between 250 and 3000bp were generated from both clinical and environmental strains.ª¤? Within each population, both clinical and environmental strains were divided phylogenetically into two groups of Pc1 and Pc2 at 55% and Ps1 and Ps2 at 70% respectively.ª¤?ª¤?ª¤? Genetic similarities between clinical and environmental strains yielded a total of 7 unique fingerprints.ª¤?ª¤? Cluster 2 (51.2%) had the largest number of strains in which strains from wound, blood and ear, clustered with strains from hospital storage tank, tap water, swimming pool water, sachet water and well water.ª¤? ª¤?ª¤?These fingerprints proof genetic relatedness between clinical and environmental strains in Abeokuta, southwest Nigeria which is of public health significance, particularly, for immunocompromisedª¤?individuals.ª¤?ª¤


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    Pre-storage treatment to retard seed deterioration could either involve application of synthetic chemicals or plant/organic products. This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of some organic dry seed treatments and inorganic chemical treatments on the viability of stored seeds of four tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties. The study was a factorial experiment fixed in completely randomized design. It comprised of four tomato varieties (Roma, UC-82, 2-lobes and 3-lobes) and five dry seed treatment materials (neem leaves, scent leaves, red chili, bleaching and Apron plus powders) in three replicates. Seeds stored without any treatment were used as the control. The tomato seeds were stored for 240 days under ambient condition (average temperature 30ºC and 75% relative humidity). Half-life of the stored seeds ranged from 286 to 2105 days. Generally, organic treatment doubled the longevity when compared to the control treatment. Performance of seed treatments depended on tomato seed variety. Use of neem leaf and scent leaf powders had greater potentials to replace the commercial inorganic seed treatment materials for tomato seed preservation under the same environmental conditions.   &nbsp


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    This paper attempted to put into a clearer perspective the different programmes embarked upon by Ogun, Oyo and Lagos states government in the management of wetlands located within their domain. Zeroing on state ministries, agencies or parastatal involved in water management, the study investigated the various existing management plans embarked upon by the three State Governments. Results showed that solid waste management was in place in all the states. However, none of the States has clear legislation, enforcement and prosecution as regards the different use that are injurious to the Wetlands. Habitat creation/restoration, in situ and ex situ action, protected areas options are also not being employed in managing wetlands in southwest, Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that policies geared towards sustainable management of Wetlands should be put in place and actively pursued by the state Governments


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    In this study, the solution to Klein-Gordon equations with focus on analytical methods is discussed. The analytical methods used in this research are the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) developed by Ji-Huan He, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) by Adomian and New Iterative Method (NIM) developed by Daftardar Gejji and Jafari. The modified Adomian Decomposition method by Wazwaz was used to solve the linear inhomogeneous and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations to accelerate the convergence of the solution and minimizes the size of calculation while still maintaining high accuracy of the analytical solution. All the problems considered yield the exact solutions with few iterations. The solutions obtained were compared with the exact solution and the solutions obtained by other existing methods. The solutions obtained by the three methods yield the same results and all the problems considered show that the Variational Iteration Method, Adomian Decomposition Method and New Iterative Method are very powerful and potent in solving Klein-Gordon equations and can be used to obtain closed form solutions of linear and nonlinear differential equations (ordinary and partial)

    Determinants of Agricultural Labour Productivity in the West African Sub-Region, 1970-2004

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    This paper examined the patterns and determinants of agricultural labour productivity among countries in West African sub-region over the period 1970 – 2004. The study was based on panel data extracted from FAOSTAT, the online statistical database of the Food and Agriculture Organisation as well as the database of United Nations Statistics Division and the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia CD-ROM. The data were analyzed by a combination of descriptive and regression methods. The study revealed that eight (8) of the sixteen (16) West African countries (Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Niger, Senegal and Togo) had average labour productivities that were lower during the 2000-2004 period than the average they stated with during the 1970s. The West-African average labour productivity ranged between 484.72 and 536.52 from 1970 to 2004. Regression analyses revealed that agricultural labour productivity among countries in the sub-region would rise with increase in literacy rates, increase in capital formation (savings), increase in rates of fertilizer and tractor use as well as increase in proportion of agricultural land put under irrigation (p<0.01). However, periods of military rule and civilian dictatorship (one party state) were identified as being associated with significantly lower agricultural labour productivity in the sub-region. It is recommended that Governments in West Africa should intensify their efforts in providing basic education to their people as well as providing support for increased private sector participation in the procurement and distribution of critical inputs like fertilizer, tractors services, etc. &nbsp
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