36 research outputs found

    Personality and Emotion for Virtual Characters in Strong-Story Narrative Planning

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    Interactive virtual worlds provide an immersive and effective environment for training, education, and entertainment purposes. Virtual characters are an essential part of every interactive narrative. The interaction of rich virtual characters can produce interesting narratives and enhance user experience in virtual environments. I propose models of personality and emotion that are highly domain independent and integrate those models into multi-agent strong-story narrative planning systems. I demonstrate the value of the strong-story properties of the model by generating story conflicts intelligently. My models of emotion and personality enable the narrative generation system to create more opportunities for players to resolve conflicts using certain behavior types. In doing so, the author can encourage the player to adopt and exhibit those behaviors. I conduct multiple human subject and case studies to evaluate these models and show that they enable generating a larger number of stories and character behavior that is preferred and more believable to a human audience

    Assessing the Accuracy of Approximate Confidence Intervals Proposed for the Mean of Poisson Distribution

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    The Poisson distribution is applied as an appropriate standard model to analyze count data. Because this distribution is known as a discrete distribution, representation of accurate confidence intervals for its distribution mean is extremely difficult. Approximate confidence intervals were presented for the Poisson distribution mean. The purpose of this study is to simultaneously compare several confidence intervals presented, according to the average coverage probability and accurate confidence coefficient and the average confidence interval length criteria

    Organizational Adequacy Promotion Model for Digital Maturity of Organizations in Iran

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to improve the organizational adequacy model for the digital maturity of Iranian offices with a data-based approach. Methodology: This research was conducted with a qualitative-inductive approach and the Strauss-Corbin contextual theory method. The research tool (data collection) was a semi-structured interview, which means that by analyzing qualitative data, it identifies the unknown aspects of the research variables. Using the grounded theory method, the data obtained from interviews with 10 elites and qualified specialists of the Telecommunication Organization were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. Results: 14 general categories were presented in the form of a paradigm model that these factors include causal conditions (law and regulations, organizational culture, organizational structure, need for organizational adequacy, customer relationship management) central phenomenon (promotion of organizational adequacy in the Iranian administrative system), underlying conditions (Organizational development method), intervening conditions (effectiveness of human resources, organizational principles, and criteria, organizational adequacy thinking) and strategies (growth and development of administrative culture, development of basic criteria of organizational adequacy, organizational excellence strategy) and consequences (achievement of organizational goals, achievement of master goals Reference). Conclusion: Human resources are most valuable factor of production and most important capital and main source of competitive advantage and the creation of basic capabilities and real estate wealth in the areas of talent recognition, monitoring of any organization is considered, so performance capital It is necessary to improve it. Telecommunication organization with knowledge developments can continuously improve organizational adequacy to achieve digital maturity

    Organizational ambidexterity model for digital innovation in the banking industry

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    This article examined the organizational ambidexterity model for digital innovation in the banking industry and explained the dimensions of the ambidexterity model in this organization. Regarding intense competition and rapid changes and variations in products, processes, and technologies in today's world, organizations and managers must be ambidextrous to remain successful over time; Ambidexterity means the ability to simultaneously succeed in two contradictory abilities, for example, ambidexterity such as taking advantage of present opportunities, and discovering and creating new opportunities for the future, adaptation, alignment, flexibility, and efficiency. But the key questions are “what are the dimensions and components of organizational ambiguity?”, and “What is the current and favorable situation of Saderat Bank of Iran in this regard? Orienting an organization as an integrated set in order to reach ambidexterity and sustain it requires a set of causal, contextual, interventional, and strategic factors which ultimately lead to the consequences of organizational ambiguity. This study identified the dimensions and components of organizational ambidexterity through reviewing the literature on organizational ambidexterity as well as interviewing an expert group and analyzing their viewpoints. Then, by distributing a researcher-made questionnaire and statistical analysis, it examined the research pattern in the current and desirable situation of the organization

    Examination of causes behind procrastination among Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences employees and proposing some strategies for their preventing: A study using the Van Wyk’s Model

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    Background: Competition among the organizations and enterprises plays a particularly important role in the gathering of the profits and acquisition of internal and external resources. Procrastination is one of the main barriers to efforts made towards increasing the productivity and efficiency in the organizations. Accordingly, the main goal of this research was to explore the reasons of procrastination among the employees based on Van Wyk’s model and present some strategies for preventing it. Methods: Descriptive-analytical in nature, this study was conducted on a sample of 200 employees selected from Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences using a self-designed checklist developed based on the informational components incorporated in the Van Wyk’s model. This model consists of 9 factors affecting the level of procrastination observed among the employees i.e. resistance, boredom, perfectionism, last-minute syndrome, lack of motivation for a task, fear of failure, skill deficit, rebelliousness and disorganization. The validity of the developed checklist was checked using its assessment by the expert professors and its reliability was measured with Cronbach's alpha. Both of them were confirmed (Cronbach's alpha of 90%). To analyze the data, T-test and variance analysis were used.Results: The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between employee’s resistance, boredom, perfectionism and lack of motivation for task and procrastination (p=0.001); however, the association between fear of failure, rebelliousness and disorganization and procrastination was not statistically significant (p=0.871).Conclusions: The availability of high quality organizational capital will enhance the chance of organization’s success, survival and advancement. As a result, identifying the attributes of human resources and the factors influencing their efficiency so as to exploit the human capital more optimally and remove the reasons of procrastination is of high significance.

    Determinando os efeitos combinados de três semanas de consumo de suplemento de HMB e uma sessão de exercício resistido excêntrico extremo sobre as taxas de expressão dos genes MyoG e CD56 em células satélites

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the combined effects of consumption of HMB-FA supplement and one session of extreme Eccentric resistance training on the rate of activation of the satellite cells of mature male rats. To this end, once the preliminary studies were done, eighty Sprague Dowley male rats (Control group: 18 rats; HMB group: 19 rats; Exercise group: 19 rats; Exercise + HMB group: 19 rats) aged eight weeks and weighting 200±20 grams were selected for the study. After the course of familiarization on ladders, the daily intake of supplement was started and sustained for three weeks. Once the rats were familiarized with the ladder and the supplement was taken in for three weeks, a session of Eccentric resistance training was administered. The protocol of the training included descending from a ladder with a slope of 80% while a 100-110% 1RM weight was attached to the rats' tails. Results of extraction of RNA and Immunohistochemistry showed that the entire three experimental interventions have resulted in an increase in the expression of the MyoG and CD56 genes in the triceps. The important point however, was that the most effective intervention was the exercise + HMB intervention. The amounts of CD56 and MyoG genes have been statistically significantly increased in the groups of HMB, Exercise and, Exercise + HMB (p= 0.001). According to the obtained results, consumption of HMB supplement in combination with effectuation of Eccentric exercises can play an effective role in the activation, propagation proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells. In fact, athletes and military men whom at some points get involved in heavy physical activities and use extreme Eccentric preparatory training in order to maximize their physical readiness can use HMB supplement simultaneously with their training and get even more efficient results.El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los efectos combinados del consumo de suplementos de HMB-FA y una sesión de entrenamiento de resistencia extrema en la tasa de activación de células satélite de ratas macho maduras. Para ello, una vez realizados los estudios preliminares, ochenta ratas macho Sprague Dowley (grupo control: 18 ratas; grupo HMB: 19 ratas; grupo ejercicio: 19 ratas; grupo ejercicio + HMB: 19 ratas) con ocho semanas y peso de Se seleccionaron 200 ± 20 gramos para el estudio. Después del curso de familiarización con las escaleras, se inició la ingesta diaria de suplementos y se mantuvo durante tres semanas. Una vez que las ratas se familiarizaron con la escalera y recibieron el suplemento durante tres semanas, se administró una sesión de entrenamiento de resistencia. El protocolo de entrenamiento incluía descender una escalera con una inclinación del 80 % mientras se sujetaba un peso de 1RM del 100-110 % a las colas de las ratas. Los resultados de la extracción de ARN y la inmunohistoquímica mostraron que las tres intervenciones experimentales dieron como resultado un aumento en la expresión de los genes MyoG y CD56 en el tríceps. El punto importante, sin embargo, fue que la intervención más efectiva fue la intervención de ejercicio + HMB. Las cantidades de genes CD56 y MyoG aumentaron de forma estadísticamente significativa en los grupos HMB, Ejercicio y Ejercicio + HMB (p = 0,001). Según los resultados obtenidos, el consumo de suplemento de HMB en combinación con la realización de ejercicios excéntricos puede desempeñar un papel eficaz en la activación, proliferación, propagación y diferenciación de las células satélite. De hecho, los atletas y el personal militar que en algunos momentos realizan una actividad física extenuante y usan un entrenamiento preparatorio extremo para maximizar su preparación física pueden usar el suplemento HMB simultáneamente con su entrenamiento y obtener resultados aún más eficientes.Lo scopo del presente studio era di determinare gli effetti combinati del consumo di integratori HMB-FA e di una sessione di allenamento di resistenza estrema sul tasso di attivazione delle cellule satellite di ratti maschi maturi. A tale scopo, una volta effettuati gli studi preliminari, ottanta ratti maschi Sprague Dowley (gruppo di controllo: 18 ratti; gruppo HMB: 19 ratti; gruppo esercizio: 19 ratti; gruppo esercizio + HMB: 19 ratti) con otto settimane e peso di Per lo studio sono stati selezionati 200 ± 20 grammi. Dopo il corso di familiarizzazione con le scale, è stata avviata e mantenuta l'assunzione giornaliera di integratori per tre settimane. Una volta che i ratti hanno familiarizzato con la scala e ricevuto il supplemento per tre settimane, è stata somministrata una sessione di allenamento di resistenza. Il protocollo di allenamento includeva la discesa di una scala con un'inclinazione dell'80% mentre un peso del 100-110% 1RM era attaccato alla coda dei topi. I risultati dell'estrazione dell'RNA e dell'immunoistochimica hanno mostrato che i tre interventi sperimentali hanno determinato un aumento dell'espressione dei geni MyoG e CD56 nel tricipite. Il punto importante, tuttavia, era che l'intervento più efficace era l'esercizio + intervento HMB. Le quantità di geni CD56 e MyoG erano statisticamente significativamente aumentate nei gruppi HMB, Esercizio ed Esercizio + HMB (p = 0,001). Secondo i risultati ottenuti, il consumo di integratore HMB in combinazione con l'esecuzione di esercizi eccentrici può svolgere un ruolo efficace nell'attivazione, proliferazione, propagazione e differenziazione delle cellule satelliti. Infatti, gli atleti e il personale militare che in alcuni momenti si dedicano a un'attività fisica faticosa e utilizzano un allenamento preparatorio estremo per massimizzare la propria prontezza fisica possono utilizzare l'integratore HMB contemporaneamente al proprio allenamento e ottenere risultati ancora più efficienti.O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os efeitos combinados do consumo de suplemento HMB-FA e uma sessão de treinamento de resistência extrema sobre a taxa de ativação das células satélites de ratos machos maduros. Para este fim, uma vez realizados os estudos preliminares, oitenta ratos machos Sprague Dowley (grupo controle: 18 ratos; grupo HMB: 19 ratos; grupo exercí­cio: 19 ratos; grupo exercí­cio + HMB: 19 ratos) com oito semanas e peso de 200 ± 20 gramas foram selecionados para o estudo. Após o curso de familiarização em escadas, a ingestão diária de suplemento foi iniciada e mantida por três semanas. Uma vez que os ratos foram familiarizados com a escada e o suplemento foi recebido por três semanas, uma sessão de treinamento de resistência foi administrado. O protocolo do treinamento incluiu descer de uma escada com uma inclinação de 80% enquanto um peso de 100-110% 1RM foi anexado às caudas dos ratos. Os resultados da extração de RNA e imuno-histoquí­mica mostraram que as três intervenções experimentais resultaram em um aumento na expressão dos genes MyoG e CD56 no trí­ceps. O ponto importante, no entanto, foi que a intervenção mais efetiva foi a intervenção exercí­cio + HMB. As quantidades de genes CD56 e MyoG foram estatisticamente significativamente aumentadas nos grupos de HMB, Exercí­cio e Exercí­cio + HMB (p = 0,001). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o consumo de suplemento de HMB em combinação com a efetivação de exercí­cios excêntricos pode desempenhar um papel efetivo na ativação, proliferação de propagação e diferenciação de células satélites. De fato, atletas e militares que em alguns pontos se envolvem em atividades fí­sicas pesadas e usam treinamento preparatório extremo para maximizar sua prontidão fí­sica podem usar suplemento HMB simultaneamente com seu treinamento e obter resultados ainda mais eficientes.O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os efeitos combinados do consumo de suplemento HMB-FA e uma sessão de treinamento de resistência extrema sobre a taxa de ativação das células satélites de ratos machos maduros. Para este fim, uma vez realizados os estudos preliminares, oitenta ratos machos Sprague Dowley (grupo controle: 18 ratos; grupo HMB: 19 ratos; grupo exercí­cio: 19 ratos; grupo exercí­cio + HMB: 19 ratos) com oito semanas e peso de 200 ± 20 gramas foram selecionados para o estudo. Após o curso de familiarização em escadas, a ingestão diária de suplemento foi iniciada e mantida por três semanas. Uma vez que os ratos foram familiarizados com a escada e o suplemento foi recebido por três semanas, uma sessão de treinamento de resistência foi administrado. O protocolo do treinamento incluiu descer de uma escada com uma inclinação de 80% enquanto um peso de 100-110% 1RM foi anexado às caudas dos ratos. Os resultados da extração de RNA e imuno-histoquí­mica mostraram que as três intervenções experimentais resultaram em um aumento na expressão dos genes MyoG e CD56 no trí­ceps. O ponto importante, no entanto, foi que a intervenção mais efetiva foi a intervenção exercí­cio + HMB. As quantidades de genes CD56 e MyoG foram estatisticamente significativamente aumentadas nos grupos de HMB, Exercí­cio e Exercí­cio + HMB (p = 0,001). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o consumo de suplemento de HMB em combinação com a efetivação de exercí­cios excêntricos pode desempenhar um papel efetivo na ativação, proliferação de propagação e diferenciação de células satélites. De fato, atletas e militares que em alguns pontos se envolvem em atividades fí­sicas pesadas e usam treinamento preparatório extremo para maximizar sua prontidão fí­sica podem usar suplemento HMB simultaneamente com seu treinamento e obter resultados ainda mais eficientes

    Integration of Data-Driven Process Re-Engineering and Process Interdependence for Manufacturing Optimization Supported by Smart Structured Data

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    Process re-engineering and optimization in manufacturing industries is a big challenge because of process interdependencies characterized by a high failure rate. Research has shown that over 70% of approaches fail because of complexity as a result of process interdependencies during the implementation phase. This paper investigates data from a manufacturing operation and designs a filtration algorithm to analyze process interdependencies as a new approach for process optimization. The algorithm examines the data from a manufacturing process to identify limitations through cause and effect relationships and implements changes to achieve an optimized result. The proposed cause and effect approach of re-engineering is termed the Khan-Hassan-Butt (KHB) methodology, and it can filter the process interdependencies and use those as key decision-making tools. It provides an improved process optimization framework that incorporates data analysis along with a cause and effect algorithm to filter out the process interdependencies as an approach to increase output and reduce failure factors simultaneously. It also provides a framework for filtering the manufacturing data into smart structured data. Based on the proposed KHB methodology, the study investigated a production line process using the WITNESS Horizon 22 simulation package and analyzed the efficiency of the proposed approach for production optimization. A case study is provided that integrated the KHB methodology with data-driven process re-engineering to analyze the process interdependencies to use them as decision-making tools for production optimization

    Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Consumption Reduces Oxidative Stress and Markers of Muscle Damage after Combat Readiness Tests in Soldiers

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    Military activities often involve high-intensity exercise that can disrupt antioxidant capacity. We investigated the effects of oregano supplementation on muscle damage, oxidative stress, and plasma antioxidant markers of soldiers performing the army combat readiness test (ACRT). Twenty-four healthy male soldiers (age: 24 ± 3 years, height: 167 ± 14 cm, mass: 66 ± 3 kg) were randomized into a placebo group (n = 12) or an oregano supplementation group (n = 12). The participants consumed a capsule containing 500 mg Origanum vulgare immediately after completing the ACRT. Blood sampling was taken before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 60 and 120 min after oregano consumption. Plasma levels of creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) were measured at the four time points. The time × group interactions were found for CK (p < 0.0001, d = 3.64), LDH (p < 0.0001, d = 1.64), MDA (p < 0.0001, d = 9.94), SOD (p < 0.0001, d = 1.88), TAC (p < 0.0001, d = 5.68) and GPX (p < 0.0001, d = 2.38). In all variables, the difference between placebo and oregano groups were significant at 60 (p < 0.0001) and 120 (p < 0.0001) minutes after ACRT test. The main effect of time was also significant for all the variables (p < 0.0001). Our results suggest that oregano supplementation has the potential to reduce muscle damage and increase oxidative capacity following ACRT. Supplementation with oregano may serve as a dietary strategy to increase preparedness and promote recovery in military recruits

    Towards More Believable Characters Using Personality and Emotion

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    Interactive virtual worlds provide an immersive and effective environment for training, education, and entertainment purposes. So far, there have been considerable advances in 3D and AI design to enhance virtual environments. Virtual characters are one of the crucial aspects of interactive narratives. The interaction of rich virtual characters can produce interesting narrative and as a result, enhance the experience of virtual environments. As one of those characters, the user would feel immersed and engaged when interacting with compelling characters. There are many characteristics that improve believable behavior generation, including beliefs, goals, desires, affect, and personality. My goal is to propose an affective model of personality for multi-agent narrative planning systems that is domain independent and thus minimizes authorial burden. I aim to combine existing models into a unified framework. Although the framework may oversimply those models, it would not overlook their key ingredients

    A Formalization of Emotional Planning for Strong-Story Systems

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    Characters that are capable of expressing emotions seem more lifelike to a human audience. Interacting with emotional characters may cause a human user to feel empathy and to care for their fate. In turn, the audience may feel more engaged in the story. We take a step to address the lack of computational models of emotions for strong-story systems and propose to extend strong-story state-space narrative planners, already equipped with intentionality and belief, to reason about character emotions. Our proposed system is multi-agent, highly domain-independent, and focused on reasoning and decision making. In this paper, we evaluate to what extent our system can accurately model a set of emotions and in doing so, improve the believability of story characters