5 research outputs found

    A study on the parasites (protozoan and metazoan) of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) in the Aras reservoir

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    Aras reservoir freshwater crayfish is an important economic fisheries resource of West Azarbaijan, Iran. This study was concluded to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infestation of Crayfish in this area during different seasons of 2012. Among 390 different sizes of Astacus leptodactylus which were examined, arrange of ectocommensals or ectosymbionts from a number of different phyla including 9 phylum and 11 class infested the different anatomic units of the surface and appendages such as gills, head , thorax, abdomen, walking legs, uropod, telson, antennae and antennulae of freshwater crayfish. Common groups such as peritrich ciliates, suctorian ciliates, free living nematodes, branchiobdellids, and Algae, copepods, rotifers and oligochaetes have also been observed in association with freshwater crayfish

    A study on the bacterial infections of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) in the Aras reservoir

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    Astacus leptodactylus is an important economical fisheries resource of Aras dam reservoir, in Iran. The infection of freshwater crayfish by gram negative and gram positive bacteria is often observed in natural and cultural environments which are considered as secondary disease agents or opportunities. This study was conducted to investigate infection conditions on 70 crayfish from the Aras reservoir regarding the bacterial agents by culturing from hemolymph in aseptic condition on Blood Agar, Trypton Soya Agar (TSA) and Cytophaga Agar The study was performed by biochemical tests. In this study Aeromonas hydrophila, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus and Flavobacterium johnsonaewere isolated and determined. According to the results of this study which was performed for first time on Aras reservoir freshwater crayfish, the percentage of crayfish which carried bacteria in hemolymph were variable ( 20-58.5%). Also, the gram negative bacteria particularly Aeromonas hydrophyla were dominant among the bacteria isolated from studied crayfishes

    Hygienic monitoring of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) on Aras Lake reservoir

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    Aras dam reservoir situated in the northwest of Iran, west Azarbaijan province, is the only water resource of Astacus leptodactylus harvest in the country that more than 250tons of this species were exported to different countries all over the world, annually. On the other hand, one of the polices of Iranian Science Fisheries Institute is the release of this species into other water resources in the country and for this purpose, the study of risky diseases such as Crayfish pest (Aphanomysis astasi) and other zoonotic diseases are considered as the research priorities of aquaculture development of the country. This study was carried out to health screening of Astacus leptodactylus at Aras dam reservoir from winter 2013 to fall 2014. In this regard, A total of 394 harvested livefreshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (255males, 139females) weretested. 9 epibionts and parasites peritrich protozoans were identified. From Metazoan parasites group, Branchiobdella kozarovi with incidence rate of (100%) in obtained samples was the only isolated organism from this group that identified up to species level. There was a heavy damage in gills of samples with Aeolosoma hemprichi (Annelid) in winter with90% prevalence. Furthermore, Other Epibiont fouling organisms such as Rotatoria; free living nematods and suctoria were observed in this survey. The fungi study of the lesions and melanized spots of mentioned samples revealed their infection to Penicillium expansum; Aspergillus flavus; Alternaria sp. ; Fusarium sp. and Saprolegnia sp. The results of bacterial study confirmed the presence of pathogen bacteria in Astacus leptodactylus. The most frequency percentage (15.16%) in hepatopancrease were related to Aeromonas hydrophila and the least one (1.37%) were due to Yersinia bacteria. Also, only Aeromonas hydrophila and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated and identified from heamolymph, respectively. The results revealed that the combination of Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. has caused the most infection rate while. Yersinia ruckeri and Salmonella typhi has caused the least infections in Astacus leptodactylus. According to the isolation of 6 bacteria species from hepatopancreas and 2 species from heamplymph , it can be concluded that hepatopancreas enjoyed the higher infection rate compared to haemolymph in the obtained samples

    Stock assessment of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) in Aras reservoir

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    360 funnel traps were prepared as 30 in one row. They were bitted and located in different depths in sampling sites. Two rows each composed of 30 traps were located by stone, linking rope and boat with 50 m distance in sampling stations. The results showed that the average of total length of caught crayfish was 106.26±12.89 mm and their mean weight was 38.79 ± 15.54 gr. The largest crayfish had 171 mm length and 216 g weight. Also mean of total CPUE was 9.72±4.49 individuals in the study period. The evaluation by Schnabel approach indicated that fluctuation range of freshwater crayfish biomass with more than 120mm length was 131-313 with an average of 212.59 ±30.23 kilograms per ha. In this study freshwater crayfish biomass with more than 120mm length was 247 × 10^3 kilograms. The Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) was estimated 83 × 10^3 kilograms. In this study ّFecundity and biometry of crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) was investigated during 2012-2013. The results showed that the average of total length of caught crayfish was 106.26±12.89 mm and their mean weight was 38.79 ± 15.54 gr. The largest crayfish had 171 mm length and 216 g weight. Mean number of ovarian and pleopodal eggs were estimated at 286 ± 82 and 246.31 ± 80.41 eggs (with 95% confidence limits), respectively. In this research, male to female ratio was obtained 1.21:1. The time of male moulting at 16°C was started from April and was ended in the late May, when the water temperature reached to 18° C. The second moulting of males and the first moulting of females was performed simultaneously in 18°C water temperature at September. Reproduction of freshwater crayfish was started from November and continued to May of the next year. Harvesting period was from May to late November

    Determination of permitable distance between coldwater culture farms with common water supply in pirdanan river of West Azarbaijan

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    Regarding the increase in world population and decrease in fish stock, there is an urgent need to aquaculture practices. Coldwater fish culture is aiming at production and providing a part of protein needs of the country and a way reaching to self- sufficiency and preserve the water resources. Recently, multi- purpose use of water resources potential and especially the rivers of west Azarbaijan, for example, construction of fish farms at upstream of permanent rivers in order to make optimum use of the resources and the increase in employment has been considered . The waste water of these pools is usually discharged into the rivers. Regarding to increased production per unit area due to water resources and cold water fish culture restrictions to use regional facilities and fish farm construction, it is nessacery to determine limits between 2 farms. In this study with the goal of evaluation of the impacts of trout farm effluents on water quality parameters of Pirdanan River, the factors of water current, temperature, pH, EC, TDS, TSS, DO, BOD_5, NH_3, N-NO_2, N-NO_3, TP P-PO_4 according to standard methods were determined montly during 2014-2015 . Sampling sites were entrance, exit of Maroofi trout farm and the distances of 700, 1400, 2100 and 2800 m after the farm exit. Seasonal sampling of macro invertebrates from mentioned sites was conducted using stone leaching. The family and genus of macro invertebrates were identified using identification keys and abundance of macro invertebrate phylums for each site was determined. The results revealed that the values for water current, EC, TDS, TSS, N-NO_3 were significant. the values of water temperature, BOD5, TDS, TSS, N-NO^3- , N-NO^2-, NH_3, P-PO^4- , NH4+, N-NH3 were increased in site 2 compare to site 1 in all months and gradually in the river and its self- purification were decreased. In this study, 4 phylums, 4 classes, 7orders and 14 families of macroinvertbrates were identified from Pirdanan River. Ephemeroptera had the highest abundance in site 4; while Diptera had the highest abundance in site 2 (exit). Regarding that most of Diptera macro invertebrates were from Chironomidae, so it can be concluded that site 2 was the most pollutant site and sites 5 and 6 were more suitable condition. Therefore, considering the physic- chemical factors and macro inverteberates indices, 2100 m from entrance, (site 5) is recommended compliance with veterinary organization rules and other conditions of aquatic engineering, environmental and water operation standards