44 research outputs found

    11C-Choline Pet/Ct in the Detection of Prostate Cancer Relapse in Patients After Radical Treatment With Psa Level < 10 Ng/Ml

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    Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of 11C-Choline PET/CT in the detection of recurrent prostate cancer (PCa) in patients with biochemical relapse after radical treatment. Materials and methods: This retrospective study included 217 PCa patients who underwent 11C-Choline PET/CT in the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Bakoulev Scientific Centre. All patients had biochemical relapse 3±2 years after radical treatment for locally advanced PCa (T1–3 N0–1 M0): radical prostatectomy (n = 159) and radiation therapy (n = 58). The mean PSA value in the group was 2.1±2.5 (0.2–9.7) ng/ml, median – 1.9 ng/ml. Imaging was performed on PET/CT scanner (Biograph-64, Siemens) 10 min after injection of 11C-Choline (400–550 Mbq). Results: Overall, according to 11C-Choline PET/CT results PCa relapse was detected in 56% (121/217) of cases: in 50% (80/159) after radical prostatectomy and in 71% (41/58) after radiation therapy. The mean PSA value in PET-positive cases was 3.1±2.2 (0.2–9.7) ng/ml, while in PETnegative cases – 1.8±1.7 (0.2–4.6) ng/ml. The majority – 68% (65/96) patients with PET-negative scan had low PSA levels (&lt; 2 ng/ml). PET/CT results were positive in 43% (50/115) patients with PSA of &lt; 2 ng/ml, in 63% (45/72) with PSA of 2 to 5 ng/ml, and in 87% (26/30) with PSA of &gt; 5 ng/ml. Local relapse was detected in 51% (62/121) patients, distant metastases – in 28% (34/121) of cases, both local and distant metastases – in 21% (25/121) of cases. Lymph node metastases were detected in 38% (86/217) of all patients included in the analysis, of which 28% (24/86) had lesions in lymph node of normal size (median 7 mm). Of all PET-positive patients bone metastases were detected in 33% (40/121), of which 60% (24/40) had isolated skeletal involvement. Importantly, that 27% (11/40) of PETpositive patients with bone metastases had no structural abnormalities on CT images (CT-negative cases), corresponding to isolated involvement of bone marrow. And half of these CT-negative patients (5/11) had single lesions. The mean PSA value in patients with bone metastases was 5.0±3.7 (0.4–9.1) ng/ml, median – 3.8 ng/ml. According to 11C-Choline PET/CT results oligometastatic PCa recurrence was revealed in 38% (82/217) of all patients, of which 62% (51/82) had local relapse only. Distant oligometastatic lesions were detected in 38% (31/82), of which 13% (4/31) were presented by normal-size lymph nodes and 19% (6/31) – by early bone marrow metastases. 48% (58/121) of PET-positive results were confirmed by data of repeated PET/CT examinations. Conclusion: 11C-Choline PET/CT has been shown to be a single noninvasive accurate technique for detection of recurrent PCa in patients with rising PSA after radical treatment, which allows to differentiate patients with local and distant metastases in one study, as well as identify oligometastatic process, and therefore was useful in determining the further personalized therapeutic approach. Keywords: prostate cancer, PET/CT, 11C-Choline, biochemical recurrence, PSA


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    In 2003 malignant neoplasms (MN) of the urinary system and male genital organs affected more than 43,000 people in Russia, amounting to 9.4% in the structure of total cancer morbidity. In 2012, the incidence of urologic cancers at only three sites (prostate, kidney, and bladder) was 12.1%. In the same year, Moscow showed the proportion of patients with new-onset urologic cancer, which accounted for one sixth (16.5%) of the total MN morbidity and almost one fifth (18.5%) of the total number of registered cancer patients.В 2003 г. в России злокачественными новообразованиями (ЗНО) мочевых и мужских половых органов заболело более 43 тыс. человек, что составило 9,4 % в структуре общей онкологической заболеваемости. Показатель заболеваемости только трех основных онкоурологических локализаций (рак предстательной железы, рак почки и рак мочевого пузыря) в 2012 г. составил 12,1 %. В Москве доля пациентов с впервые выявленными онкоурологическими заболеваниями в 2012 г. составила 1/6 часть (16,5 %) всей общей заболеваемости ЗНО и почти 1/5 часть (18,5 %) от общего числа состоящих на учете онкологических больных

    Госпитальная инфекция в онкоурологии

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    Hospital-acquired (nosocomial, intrahospital) infections are a principal cause of severe complications and death in cancer diseases in the postoperative period. A current infection-controlling system that notifies all cases of nosocomial infections in the patients of the hospital, including those with urinary tract cancer, has been in existence in Moscow City Cancer Hospital Sixty-Two since 2001. The paper presents the data of the authors' own follow-ups (in 2005—2006), which reflect the incidence of postoperative nosocomial urinary tract infections (PNUTI) in urological cancer patients depending on the site of a tumor, the scope of surgical intervention, the etiological agents of PNUTI, and their susceptibility to antibiotics. By using the results of the study, the authors have developed and proposed algorithms of efficient antibiotic therapy for PNUTI in patients with cancer of the kidney, urinary bladder, and prostate.

    Комбинированное лечение метастазов почечно-клеточного рака в позвоночник

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    This study is a retrospective analysis of the combined treatment of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma who had undergone spinal surgery. Objective: to evaluate the effect of the type of surgery on the spine, as well as targeted therapy on outcomes, quality of life and long-term outcomes of patients with mRCC in the spine. According to our data the survival of patients treated with targeted therapy was significantly higher than in patients without it. The use of targeted therapy in conjunction with surgery and sometimes teletherapy (DLT), increases survival and improves quality of life of patients with mRCC in the spine. Данная работа представляет собой ретроспективный анализ результатов комбинированного лечения пациентов с метастазами почечно-клеточного рака, перенесших операции на позвоночнике. Цель исследования – оценка влияния вида оперативного вмешательства на позвоночнике, а также таргетной терапии на исходы, качество жизни и отдаленные результаты лечения пациентов с метастазами почечно-клеточного рака в позвоночник. По нашим данным, выживаемость больных, получавших таргетную терапию, достоверно выше, чем у пациентов без нее. Применение таргетной терапии совместно с хирургическим лечением, а иногда и дистанционной лучевой терапией увеличивает выживаемость, улучшает качество жизни пациентов с метастазами рака почки в позвоночник


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    The data of 67 kidney cancer (KC) patients with bone metastases, who had been treated at Moscow City Cancer Hospital Sixty-Two in 2002 to 2009 and had undergone skeletal bone surgery, were retrospectively analyzed. The role of surgical treatment for bone metastases from KC was assessed and the factors influencing the patients survival were determined. Surgical treatment for bone metastases from KC was ascertained to yield satisfactory results in improving the quality of life and increasing survival rates in the patients.Проведен ретроспективный анализ данных 67 больных раком почки (РП) с метастатическим поражением костей, получавших лечение в МГОБ №62 в период с 2002 по 2009 г. и перенесших операции на костях скелета. Выполнена оценка роли хирургического метода в лечении костных метастазов РП и определены факторы, оказывающие влияние на выживаемость пациентов. Установлено, что применение хирургического метода лечения костных метастазов РП позволяет добиться удовлетворительных результатов по улучшению качества жизни и увеличению выживаемости больных


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    Objective. The developing and introduction the quality of life (QL) automatized assessment in oncourological patients in clinical practice.Subjects and methods. General questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 and modules (QLQ-PR25 and QLQ-BLM30) were selected for QL assessment. The software tools of hospital information system were used for development. There were surveyed 236 oncourological patients.Results. Forms of unitary and dynamic researches were developed for result visualization, interactive modules were developed for data complex analysis. The first results of QL assessment were received. The highest values were in role and social functions (medians were equal 100 points). Fatigue, pain and sleeplessness were disturbed patients most of all (medians — 33,3, 16,7 and 33,3 points respectively). The median of Global health status was not high, only 50 points. There were analyzed three nosological groups of patients: urinary bladder cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer. And the lowest values of functioning scales were in patients with urinary bladder cancer; also these patients complained of dyspnea reliably more often.Conclusions. The developed technology of quality of life study can be used as a good methodological base for assessment of cure efficiency not only in early postoperational period, but during treatment, and in late time after termination of course of treatment.Цели исследования — разработка и внедрение автоматизированной оценки качества жизни (КЖ) больных онкоурологического профиля в клиническую практику.Материалы и методы. Для оценки КЖ был выбран общий опросник EORTC QLQ-C30 и дополнительные модули (QLQ-PR25 и QLQBLM30). Разработка проводилась с помощью программных средств госпитальной информационной системы. Было обследовано 236 пациентов онкоурологического профиля.Результаты. Для визуализации результатов были созданы бланки однократного и динамического исследований, а для комплексного анализа данных — интерактивные модули. Получены первые данные по оценке КЖ. Наиболее высокие значения отмечались по шкалам ролевой и социальной функций (медианы по 100 баллов). Больше всего пациентов беспокоили усталость, боль и бессонница (медианы — 33,3; 16,7 и 33,3 балла соответственно). Медиана шкалы общего статуса здоровья невысока — 50 баллов. При сравнении 3 нозологических групп пациентов (рак мочевого пузыря — РМП, рак почки и рак предстательной железы) выявлено, что самые низкие показатели по функциональным шкалам были у больных РМП, и достоверно чаще эти пациенты жаловались на диспноэ.Выводы. Разработанная технология исcледования КЖ может стать хорошей методологической основой для оценки эффективности лечения не только в раннем послеоперационном периоде, но и в ходе лечения, а также в поздние сроки после окончания лечения


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    The data of 35 kidney cancer patients with metastases in long bones, who had been operated, were retrospectively analyzed. The role of surgery in patients with long bones metastases of kidney cancer was assessed and application of surgical treatment was ascertained to yield satisfactory results in improving the quality of life and duration of life in patients with solitary bone metastases.Проведен ретроспективный анализ данных 35 больных раком почки с метастатическим поражением длинных трубчатых костей, перенесших оперативное лечение. Выполнена оценка роли оперативного лечения у больных с костными метастазами рака почки в длинные трубчатые кости и установлено, что применение данного метода лечения позволяет добиться удовлетворительных результатов в улучшении качества жизни больных, а также увеличения показателей выживаемости у пациентов с солитарными метастазами