31 research outputs found

    SiPM-on-Tile Modules for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter

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    For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter end-cap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) with increased transverse and longitudinal granularity to cope with the expected pileup and radiation. In regions where radiation levels allow, the hadronic calorimeter will use scintillator tiles coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPM-on-tiles) as active materials. The HGCAL Tilemodule is the basic detector module of this region and can hold up to 144 SiPM-on-tile channels and two readout electronic chips (HGCROCs). Performances of various SiPM-on-tiles, including different SiPM sizes, tile sizes, scintillator materials, production technologies and irradiated SiPMs, were quantified at beam tests using \SI{3}{GeV} electron beams at DESY-II. Further tests were conducted in temperature-controlled chambers to quantify the relationship between noise and leakage current passing through irradiated SiPMs on Tilemodules. The results from these tests were used in a model to obtain estimates of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the detector's end-of-life. Based on the estimates, changes to the final scintillator layout are proposed to obtain SNR>3 throughout the detector, including using smaller scintillator tiles in the frontmost layers and increasing the use of SiPMs with 3 \times \SI{3}{mm²} active area in the detector

    Plan de intervención para disminuir los niveles de estrés laboral en colaboradores que realizan trabajo remoto en una consultora del distrito de Breña

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    El objetivo general del presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional es evidenciar que se han logrado las competencias profesionales del psicólogo organizacional. Para tales fines se presentó un diagnóstico situacional sobre el estrés laboral en colaboradores que realizan trabajo remoto de una consultora, se diseñó un plan de intervención orientado a disminuir los niveles de estrés laboral encontrados y se elaboraron los correspondientes indicadores de evaluación. Se trabajó con un grupo de 10 personas entre hombres y mujeres mayores de 18 años y menores de 35 años, pertenecientes al área de Reclutamiento y Selección. Los resultados del diagnóstico mostraron que a nivel general el 40% de los colaboradores presentaba nivel intermedio de estrés laboral, el otro 20% reportó estrés moderado y un 40% presentó nivel bajo de estrés laboral; por lo que el plan de intervención tuvo como objetivo disminuir los niveles de estrés laboral, éste se elaboró con base al modelo Integrador de Ivancevich y Matteson, el cual busca mejorar la estructura organizacional y relaciones interpersonales entre pares, jefes y subordinados para que colaborador encuentre equilibrio y bienestar mientras realiza sus quehaceres diarios. Se espera tener como resultado la disminución de niveles de estrés laboral en las dimensiones con mayor porcentaje de niveles de estrés, los mismos que se evaluarán a través del instrumento Escala de estrés laboral de la OIT – OMS.The general objective of this professional sufficiency work was to evidence that the organizational psychologist professional competences have been achieved. For said purposes, a situational diagnostic about remote work stress in employees of a retail company has been presented. An intervention plan to reduce the levels of work stress was designed, and the correspondent evaluation indicators were made. I worked with 10 people, including men and women between the ages of 18 and 35, who belong to the recruitment and selection area. The outcome from the diagnosis says that, in general, 40% of employees showed an intermediate level of work stress, 20% reported moderate stress, and 40% presented low work stress; for this reason, the intervention plan objective was to reduce the levels of work stress. Said plan was elaborated based on Ivancevich and Mattenson’s integrating model whose principal characteristic is to link the environment that surrounds them (i.e., stressors) with the characteristics of the person, which are not alligned to the job demands. The decrease in work stress levels in the dimensions with the highest percentage of stress levels is expected as a result. The ones that will be evaluated through the ILO-WHO work stress scale instrument

    Comparison of phase structures and surface free energy values for the coatings synthesised from linear polyurethanes and from waterborne polyurethane cationomers

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    WAXS, DSC and AFM methods were employed to compare phase structures of the coatings obtained from waterborne polyurethane cationomers which had been synthesised in the reaction of some diisocyanates (MDI, IPDI, TDI and HDI) with polyoxyethylene glycols (M = 600 and 2,000) and butane1,4-diol or N-methyl- or N-butyldiethanolamine and 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-butanediol. The structures were also analysed of the coatings derived from linear polyurethanes which had been synthesised on the basis of similar raw materials. Better rigidity was found for generally amorphous cationomer coats. Changes were discussed in the surface free energy (SFE) values and in their components, as calculated independently with the use of the van Oss–Good and Owens–Wendt methods. Polyurethane coats turned out more hydrophobic as compared to cationomer ones. In both coat types, fluorine incorporated into cationomers contributed to lower SFE values: from 50 down to about 30 mJ/m2

    Reseña del artículo “Estilos de aprendizaje de las Ciencias Básicas en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad Central del Ecuador”

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    Los estilos de aprendizajes según la forma de captar la información da como resultado tres tipos de estudiantes: visual, auditivo y cinestésico. Cada uno tiene sus fortaleza y limitaciones por lo cual el desarrollo integran de los tres estilos de aprendizaje influye en el éxito del estudiante

    Identity construction of a Character

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    Characters have long been studied as narratological element and how they function in relation to their plots. Characters are also studied on basis of their actions, trans-medial aspects, archetypes, knowledge, their interrelation to each other and they are also studied how the readers relate to them. In my essay, I will explore how the character’s distinctive quality from other characters creates polarity between the characters and also, their relations to each other helps to define identity construction of a character. To demonstrate my argument, I will study the characters in two mediums that are the graphic novel American Born Chinese and the film Ghost World. The essay will first describe the assigned traits to each character, how they differ from each other and how their interrelation within characters helps to construct character’s identity in the narrative. Both the film and the graphic novel have in common their coming-of-age narrative which is be used to study different characters and their contribution in development of protagonist’s identity. In addition to that, the essay will further explore the visual narrative of both medium to see how panels aid the identity construction of the characters

    Latest Tests of the CMS HGCAL Tileboard Prototypes

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    For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter endcap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), a sampling calorimeter that will use silicon sensors as well as scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as active material (SiPM-on-tile). The complete HGCAL will be operated at −30∘C. The SiPMs will be used in areas where the expected radiation dose during the lifetime of the detector is up to 5×1013 neq/cm2. The basic detector unit in the SiPM-on-tile part is the tile module, consisting of a PCB with one or two HGCROC ASICs, reading out up to 96 tiles with SiPMs. The design of the SiPM-on-tile part is inspired by the CALICE AHCAL.In the calorimeter, the response of each SiPM-on-tile on the energy scale will be calibrated using the MIP signal. This is compromised by radiation damage decreasing the scintillator light output and increasing the SiPM dark current-induced noise. SiPM irradiation tests provide data on the current increase as a function of accumulated neutron fluence. From this increase in current, the increase in noise for a fixed SiPM bias voltage can be predicted. Tests were conducted on SiPMs irradiated to 2×1012 neq/cm2 mounted on a tileboard, at temperatures ranging between −30∘C and +30∘C using a climate chamber. Results from these tests will be reported

    Beam Tests of the First CMS HGCAL Tileboard Prototypes

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    For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter endcap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), a sampling calorimeter which will use silicon sensors as well as scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as active material (SiPM-on-tile). The complete HGCAL will be operated at -30 degC. The SiPMs will be used in areas where the expected radiation dose during the lifetime of the detector is up to 5*10^13 neq/cm^2. The design of the SiPM-on-tile part is inspired by the CALICE AHCAL.The basic detector unit in the SiPM-on-tile part is the tilemodule, consisting of a PCB with one or two HGCROC ASICs, reading out up to 96 tiles with SiPMs. The first functional tilemodule prototypes have been constructed with HGCROC2 ASICs and SiPMs which are candidates for the HGCAL production. They have undergone beam tests at DESY and Fermilab, investigating the interplay of the components and evaluating the performance with several scintillator tile types. First test were also performed with irradiated SiPMs. We will report on these tests, which were all performed in 2020, and the work still to come using beams

    Evaluation of the Performance ofSiPM-on-Tiles at the End of Lifeof the CMS HGCAL Upgrade

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    For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter endcap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), a sampling calorimeter that will use silicon sensors as well as scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as active material (SiPM-on-tile). The design of the SiPM-on-tile section was inspired by the CALICE AHCAL. The complete HGCAL will be operated at −30∘C.The basic detector unit in the SiPM-on-tile section is the tile module, consisting of a PCB with one or two HGCROC ASICs, reading out up to 96 SiPM-on-tiles. Signals from MIPs passing through the SiPM-on-tiles are used to quantify the performance of SiPM-on-tiles. With irradiation, their performance degrades while increasing the noise. The ratio between the MIP signal and noise is known as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In order to maintain an SNR>3 at end of the detector lifetime, SiPMs will be used in areas where the expected radiation dose during the lifetime of the detector is less than 5× 1013 neq/cm2.A series of tests were conducted to quantify the performance of SiPM-on-tiles mounted on tile modules including beam tests and cold tests at −30∘C. These tests were also repeated using irradiated SiPMs mounted on the tile modules. These tests were then used to extrapolate the performance expectations at the detector’s end of life

    Perceptions of Motivation Among School Counselors and Teachers

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    Scintillator Section of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade (HGCAL)

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    For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter endcap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), a sampling calorimeter that will use silicon sensors as well as scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as active material (SiPM-on-tile). The design of the SiPM-on-tile section was inspired by the CALICE AHCAL. The complete HGCAL will be operated at -30°C.The basic detector unit in the SiPM-on-tile section is the tile module, consisting of a PCB with one or two HGCROC ASICs, reading out up to 96 SiPM-on-tiles. For geometric reasons, the tile modules and the tiles on the tile modules will increase in size with increasing radial distance from the beam pipe. Eight variations of tile modules have been designed to cover the full area of 340 m². This includes the use of two different SiPM sizes and 21 different tile sizes manufactured using two different materials.Tests on tile modules have been conducted at beam tests at DESY-II and CERN SPS and in lab experiments including using climate chambers operating at -30°C. Production of tile modules for the upgrade is foreseen to start next year. An overview of the current status and production plans of the SiPM-on-tile section will be presented in this poster