212 research outputs found

    Tax Smoothing with Stochastic Interest Rates: A Re-assessment of Clinton's Fiscal Legacy

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    The return to sound fiscal policy after the high budget deficits of the 1980s and early 1990s has been hailed by many as the Clinton administration's most important achievement. In this article, we evaluate post-war, US fiscal policy using an extension of Barro's (1979) tax-smoothing model, generalized to allow for stochastic variation in interest rates and growth rates. We show that the evolution of the US debt-GDP ratio has been remarkably consistent with the tax-smoothing paradigm, even during the 1980s. The only major departure occurred during the late 1990s, when the debt-GDP ratio fell more rapidly than predicted by optimal tax smoothing. Le retour vers une politique fiscale raisonnable après les déficits budgétaires élevés des années 1980 et du début des années 1990 a été acclamé par beaucoup comme la réalisation la plus importante de l'administration Clinton. Dans cet article, nous évaluons la politique fiscale des États-Unis d'après-guerre en utilisant une extension du modèle de lissage des impôts de Barro (1979), modèle généralisé pour permettre des variations stochastiques des taux d'intérêt et des taux de croissance. Nous montrons que l'évolution de ratio dette/PIB américain a été remarquablement conséquent avec le paradigme de lissage des impôts, même durant les années 1980. Le seul écart important a eu lieu durant la fin des années 1990, lorsque le ratio dette/PIB est tombé plus rapidement que ce qu'aurait prédit un lissage optimal des impôts.public debt, tax smoothing, stochastic discouting

    Mining Non-Lattice Subgraphs for Detecting Missing Hierarchical Relations and Concepts in SNOMED CT

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    Objective: Quality assurance of large ontological systems such as SNOMED CT is an indispensable part of the terminology management lifecycle. We introduce a hybrid structural-lexical method for scalable and systematic discovery of missing hierarchical relations and concepts in SNOMED CT. Material and Methods: All non-lattice subgraphs (the structural part) in SNOMED CT are exhaustively extracted using a scalable MapReduce algorithm. Four lexical patterns (the lexical part) are identified among the extracted non-lattice subgraphs. Non-lattice subgraphs exhibiting such lexical patterns are often indicative of missing hierarchical relations or concepts. Each lexical pattern is associated with a potential specific type of error. Results: Applying the structural-lexical method to SNOMED CT (September 2015 US edition), we found 6801 non-lattice subgraphs that matched these lexical patterns, of which 2046 were amenable to visual inspection. We evaluated a random sample of 100 small subgraphs, of which 59 were reviewed in detail by domain experts. All the subgraphs reviewed contained errors confirmed by the experts. The most frequent type of error was missing is-a relations due to incomplete or inconsistent modeling of the concepts. Conclusions: Our hybrid structural-lexical method is innovative and proved effective not only in detecting errors in SNOMED CT, but also in suggesting remediation for these errors


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    ABSTRACT The control objective of exoskeleton for human performance augmentation is to minimize the human machine interaction force while carrying external loads and following human motion. This paper addresses the dynamics and the interaction force control of a 1-DOF hydraulically actuated joint exoskeleton. A spring with unknown stiffness is used to model the humanmachine interface. A cascade force control method is adopted with high-level controller generating the reference position command while low level controller doing motion tracking. Adaptive robust control(ARC) algorithm is developed for both two controllers to deal with the effect of parametric uncertainties and uncertain nonlinearities of the system. The proposed adaptive robust cascade force controller can achieve small human-machine interaction force and good robust performance to model uncer-

    User interest and social influence based emotion prediction for individuals

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    Emotions are playing significant roles in daily life, making emotion prediction important. To date, most of state-of-the-art methods make emotion prediction for the masses which are invalid for individuals. In this paper, we propose a nov-el emotion prediction method for individuals based on user interest and social influence. To balance user interest and social influence, we further propose a simple yet efficient weight learning method in which the weights are obtained from users ’ behaviors. We perform experiments in real social media network, with 4,257 users and 2,152,037 microblogs. The experimental results demonstrate that our method out-performs traditional methods with significant performance gains

    Signature of coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in two-dimensional NbSe\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e triggered by surface molecular adsorption

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    Ferromagnetism is usually deemed incompatible with superconductivity. Consequently, the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism is usually observed only in elegantly designed multi-ingredient structures in which the two competing electronic states originate from separate structural components. Here we report the use of surface molecular adsorption to induce ferromagnetism in two-dimensional superconducting NbSe2, representing the freestanding case of the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in one two-dimensional nanomaterial. Surface-structural modulation of the ultrathin superconducting NbSe2 by polar reductive hydrazine molecules triggers a slight elongation of the covalent Nb–Se bond, which weakens the covalent interaction and enhances the ionicity of the tetravalent Nb with unpaired electrons, yielding ferromagnetic ordering. The induced ferromagnetic momentum couples with conduction electrons generating unique correlated effects of intrinsic negative magnetoresistance and the Kondo effect. We anticipate that the surface molecular adsorption will be a powerful tool to regulate spin ordering in the two-dimensional paradigm

    Mining Diversity on Networks

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    Symmetry-protected higher-order exceptional points in staggered flatband rhombic lattices

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    Higher-order exceptional points (EPs), which appear as multifold degeneracies in the spectra of non-Hermitian systems, are garnering extensive attention in various multidisciplinary fields. However, constructing higher-order EPs still remains as a challenge due to the strict requirement of the system symmetries. Here we demonstrate that higher-order EPs can be judiciously fabricated in PT -symmetric staggered rhombic lattices by introducing not only on-site gain/loss but also nonHermitian couplings. Zero-energy flatbands persist and symmetry-protected third-order EPs (EP3) arise in these systems owing to the non-Hermitian chiral/sublattice symmetry, but distinct phase transitions and propagation dynamics occur. Specifically, the EP3 arises at the Brillouin zone (BZ) boundary in the presence of on-site gain/loss. The single-site excitations display an exponential power increase in the PT -broken phase. Meanwhile, a nearly flatband sustains when a small lattice perturbation is applied. For the lattices with non-Hermitian couplings, however, the EP3 appears at the BZ center. Quite remarkably, our analysis unveils a dynamical delocalization-localization transition for the excitation of the dispersive bands and a quartic power increase beyond the EP3. Our scheme provides a new platform towards the investigation of the higher-order EPs, and can be further extended to the study of topological phase transitions or nonlinear processes associated with higher-order EPs.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Mining Diversity on Social Media Networks

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    The fast development of multimedia technology and increasing availability of network bandwidth has given rise to an abundance of network data as a result of all the ever-booming social media and social websites in recent years, e.g., Flickr, Youtube, MySpace, Facebook, etc. Social network analysis has therefore become a critical problem attracting enthusiasm from both academia and industry. However, an important measure that captures a participant’s diversity in the network has been largely neglected in previous studies. Namely, diversity characterizes how diverse a given node connects with its peers. In this paper, we give a comprehensive study of this concept. We first lay out two criteria that capture the semantic meaning of diversity, and then propose a compliant definition which is simple enough to embed the idea. Based on the approach, we can measure not only a user’s sociality and interest diversity but also a social media’s user diversity. An efficient top-k diversity ranking algorithm is developed for computation on dynamic networks. Experiments on both synthetic and real social media datasets give interesting results, where individual nodes identified with high diversities are intuitive
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