257 research outputs found

    Seasonal temperature acclimatization in a semi-fossorial mammal and the role of burrows as thermal refuges.

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    Small mammals in habitats with strong seasonal variation in the thermal environment often exhibit physiological and behavioral adaptations for coping with thermal extremes and reducing thermoregulatory costs. Burrows are especially important for providing thermal refuge when above-ground temperatures require high regulatory costs (e.g., water or energy) or exceed the physiological tolerances of an organism. Our objective was to explore the role of burrows as thermal refuges for a small endotherm, the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis), during the summer and winter by quantifying energetic costs associated with resting above and below ground. We used indirect calorimetry to determine the relationship between energy expenditure and ambient temperature over a range of temperatures that pygmy rabbits experience in their natural habitat. We also measured the temperature of above- and below-ground rest sites used by pygmy rabbits in eastern Idaho, USA, during summer and winter and estimated the seasonal thermoregulatory costs of resting in the two microsites. Although pygmy rabbits demonstrated seasonal physiological acclimatization, the burrow was an important thermal refuge, especially in winter. Thermoregulatory costs were lower inside the burrow than in above-ground rest sites for more than 50% of the winter season. In contrast, thermal heterogeneity provided by above-ground rest sites during summer reduced the role of burrows as a thermal refuge during all but the hottest periods of the afternoon. Our findings contribute to an understanding of the ecology of small mammals in seasonal environments and demonstrate the importance of burrows as thermal refuge for pygmy rabbits

    Psychosocial characteristics as potential predictors of suicide in adults: an overview of the evidence with new results from prospective cohort studies.

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    In this narrative overview of the evidence linking psychosocial factors with future suicide risk, we collected results from published reports of prospective studies with verified suicide events (mortality or, less commonly, hospitalisation) alongside analyses of new data. There is abundant evidence indicating that low socioeconomic position, irrespective of the economic status of the country in question, is associated with an increased risk of suicide, including the suggestion that the recent global economic recession has been responsible for an increase in suicide deaths and, by proxy, attempts. Social isolation, low scores on tests of intelligence, serious mental illness (both particularly strongly), chronic psychological distress, and lower physical stature (a marker of childhood exposures) were also consistently related to elevated suicide rates. Although there is some circumstantial evidence for psychosocial stress, personality disposition, and early-life characteristics such as bullying being risk indices for suicide, the general paucity of studies means it is not currently possible to draw clear conclusions about their role. Most suicide intervention strategies have traditionally not explored the modification of psychosocial factors, partly because evidence linking psychosocial factors with suicide risk is, as shown herein, largely in its infancy, or, where is does exist, for instance for intelligence and personality disposition, the characteristics in question do not appear to be easily malleable

    Determination of beam quality correction factors for the Roos plane-parallel ionisation chamber exposed to very high energy electron (VHEE) beams using Geant4

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    Detailed characterisation of the Roos secondary standard plane-parallel ionisation chamber has been conducted in a novel 200 MeV Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) beam with reference to the standard 12 MeV electron calibration beam used in our experimental work. Stopping-power-ratios and perturbation factors have been determined for both beams and used to calculated the beam quality correction factor using the Geant4 general purpose MC code. These factors have been calculated for a variety of charged particle transport parameters available in Geant4 which were found to pass the Fano cavity test. Stopping-power-ratios for the 12 MeV electron calibration beam quality were found to agree within uncertainties to that quoted by current dosimetry protocols. Perturbation factors were found to vary by up-to 4% for the calibration beam depending on the parameter configuration, compared with only 0.8% for the VHEE beam. Beam quality correction factors were found to describe an approximately 10% lower dose than would be originally calculated if a beam quality correction were not accounted for. Moreover, results presented here largely resolve unphysical chamber measurements, such as collection efficiencies greater than 100%, and assist in the accurate determination of absorbed dose and ion recombination in secondary standard ionisation chambers

    Fish assemblages associated with artificial reefs assessed using multiple gear types in the northwest Gulf of Mexico

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    Quantitative surveys of fishes associated with artificial reefs in the northwest Gulf of Mexico were conducted over a 4-yr period (2014-2017). Artificial reefs surveyed were comprised of three types: concrete structures, rig jackets, and decommissioned ships. All reefs were surveyed using vertical long line ( VLL), fish traps, and Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar (ARIS 1800). Mean fish abundance did not significantly differ using VLL [1.7 ind set(-1) (SD 2.2)] among the three reef types. However, relative abundance among all fishes collected was significantly highest on rig reefs using traps [6.2 ind soak(-1) (SD 3.8)], while results from sonar surveys indicated that the mean relative fish density was highest on concrete reefs [15.3 fish frame(-1) (SD 26.8)]. Red snapper (n = 792), followed by gray triggerfish (n = 130), pigfish (n = 70), tomtate (n = 69), and hardhead catfish (n = 57) were the most numerically abundant species using VLL and traps; red snapper comprised 90.7% of total catch using VLL and 43.9% using traps. Mean Brillouin\u27s diversity (HB) was highest on ships using VLL [0.41 (SD 0.14)] and highest on rigs using traps [0.87 (SD 0.58)] compared to the lowest diversity found on concrete [VLL 0.07 (SD 0.11); traps 0.36 (SD 0.32)]. Findings from this study can be used to inform the planning of future artificial reefs and their effect on the assemblages of reef-associated fishes. Additionally, these results highlight the value of using multiple gear types to survey reef fish assemblages associated with artificial reefs

    Assessing rabies vaccine protection against a novel lyssavirus, kotalahti bat lyssavirus

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    Rabies is a fatal encephalitis caused by an important group of viruses within the Lyssavirus genus. The prototype virus, rabies virus, is still the most commonly reported lyssavirus and causes approximately 59,000 human fatalities annually. The human and animal burden of the other lyssavirus species is undefined. The original reports for the novel lyssavirus, Kotalahti bat lyssavirus (KBLV), were based on the detection of viral RNA alone. In this report we describe the successful generation of a live recombinant virus, cSN-KBLV; where the full-length genome clone of RABV vaccine strain, SAD-B19, was constructed with the glycoprotein of KBLV. Subsequent in vitro characterisation of cSN-KBLV is described here. In addition, the ability of a human rabies vaccine to confer protective immunity in vivo following challenge with this recombinant virus was assessed. Naïve or vaccinated mice were infected intracerebrally with a dose of 100 focus-forming units/30 µL of cSN-KBLV; all naïve mice and 8% (n = 1/12) of the vaccinated mice succumbed to the challenge, whilst 92% (n = 11/12) of the vaccinated mice survived to the end of the experiment. This report provides strong evidence for cross-neutralisation and cross-protection of cSN-KBLV using purified Vero cell rabies vaccine

    Full lifetime perspectives on the costs and benefits of lay date variation in tree swallows

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    Animals must balance various costs and benefits when deciding when to breed. The costs and benefits of breeding at different times have received much attention, but most studies have been limited to investigating short-term season-to-season fitness effects. However, breeding early, versus late, in a season may influence lifetime fitness over many years, trading off in complex ways across the breeder?s lifepan. In this study, we examined the complete life histories of 867 female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) breeding in Ithaca, New York, between 2002 and 2016. Earlier breeders outperformed later breeders in short-term measures of reproductive output and offspring quality. Though there were weak indications that females paid long-term future survival costs for breeding early, lifetime fledgling output was markedly higher overall in early-breeding birds. Importantly, older females breeding later in the season did not experience compensating life-history advantages that suggested an alternative equal-fitness breeding strategy. Rather, most or all of the swallows appear to be breeding as early as they can, and differences in lay dates appear to be determined primarily by differences in individual quality or condition. Lay date had a significant repeatability across breeding attempts by the same female, and the first lay date of females fledged in our population was strongly influenced by the first lay date of their mothers, indicating the potential for ongoing selection on lay date. By examining performance over the entire lifespan of a large number of individuals, we were able to clarify the relationship between timing of breeding and fitness and gain new insight into the sources of variability in this important life history trait.Fil: Winkler, David Ward. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Hallinger, Kelly K.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Pegan, Teresa M.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Taff, Conor C.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Verhoeven, Mo A.. University of Groningen; Países BajosFil: Van Oordt, David Chang. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Stager, Maria. University of Montana; Estados UnidosFil: Uehling, Jennifer J.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Vitousek, Maren N.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Andersen, Michael J.. University of New Mexico; Estados UnidosFil: Ardia, Daniel R.. Franklin & Marshall College; Estados UnidosFil: Belmaker, Amos. Tel Aviv University; IsraelFil: Ferretti, Valentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Forsman, Anna M.. University Of Central Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Gaul, Jennifer R.. International High School at La Guardia Community College; Estados UnidosFil: Llambias, Paulo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Orzechowski, Sophia C.. Harvard University; Estados UnidosFil: Shipley, Ryan. Max Planck Institute For Animal Behavior; AlemaniaFil: Wilson, Maya. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Department Of Geological Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Yoon, Hyun Seok. University of Tennessee; Estados Unido

    Distortions of Subjective Time Perception Within and Across Senses

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    Background: The ability to estimate the passage of time is of fundamental importance for perceptual and cognitive processes. One experience of time is the perception of duration, which is not isomorphic to physical duration and can be distorted by a number of factors. Yet, the critical features generating these perceptual shifts in subjective duration are not understood. Methodology/Findings: We used prospective duration judgments within and across sensory modalities to examine the effect of stimulus predictability and feature change on the perception of duration. First, we found robust distortions of perceived duration in auditory, visual and auditory-visual presentations despite the predictability of the feature changes in the stimuli. For example, a looming disc embedded in a series of steady discs led to time dilation, whereas a steady disc embedded in a series of looming discs led to time compression. Second, we addressed whether visual (auditory) inputs could alter the perception of duration of auditory (visual) inputs. When participants were presented with incongruent audio-visual stimuli, the perceived duration of auditory events could be shortened or lengthened by the presence of conflicting visual information; however, the perceived duration of visual events was seldom distorted by the presence of auditory information and was never perceived shorter than their actual durations. Conclusions/Significance: These results support the existence of multisensory interactions in the perception of duration and, importantly, suggest that vision can modify auditory temporal perception in a pure timing task. Insofar as distortions in subjective duration can neither be accounted for by the unpredictability of an auditory, visual or auditory-visual event, we propose that it is the intrinsic features of the stimulus that critically affect subjective time distortions