25 research outputs found

    Pericardial Mesothelioma in a Dog: The Feasibility of Ultrasonography in Monitoring Tumor Progression

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    A 6-year-old neutered male Yorkshire Terrier presented with recurrent pericardial effusion. Although clinical examinations including computed tomography were inconclusive, an exploratory thoracotomy revealed multiple small nodules and plaques on the inner surface of the pericardial sac (Day 1). A subtotal pericardiectomy was performed to prevent cardiac tamponade due to the increasing pericardial effusion, and the resected section of the pericardium was histopathologically diagnosed with mesothelioma. After surgery, chemotherapy with intrathoracic carboplatin was commenced. During the course of the treatment, a detailed follow-up ultrasonographic scan was performed to detect early lesions disseminated on the pleura, originating from the primary pericardial mesothelioma. On Day 101, the minute pleural nodules, which were disseminated lesions as predicted, were successfully imaged by ultrasonography. As the clinical stage advanced, the nodules were observed to gradually increase in size and number, implying tumor progression. These observations highlight the feasibility of ultrasonography in detecting minute disseminated lesions at an early stage, monitoring tumor progression, and thereby, predicting the prognosis of canine pericardial mesothelioma

    AsiaPEX:Challenges and Prospects in Asian Precipitation Research

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    The Asian Precipitation Experiment (AsiaPEX) was initiated in 2019 to understand terrestrial precipitation over diverse hydroclimatological conditions for improved predictions, disaster reduction, and sustainable development across Asia under the framework of the Global Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP)/Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX). AsiaPEX is the successor to GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME; 1995-2005) and Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (MAHASRI; 2006-16). While retaining the key objectives of the aforementioned projects, the scientific targets of AsiaPEX focus on land-atmosphere coupling and improvements to the predictability of the Asian hydroclimatological system. AsiaPEX was designed for both fine-scale hydroclimatological processes occurring at the land surface and the integrated Asian hydroclimatological system characterized by multiscale interactions. We adopt six approaches including observation, process studies, scale interactions, high-resolution hydrological modeling, field campaigns, and climate projection, which bridge gaps in research activities conducted in different regions. Collaboration with mesoscale and global modeling researchers is one of the core methods in AsiaPEX. We review these strategies based on the literature and our initial outcomes. These include the estimation and validation of highresolution satellite precipitation, investigations of extreme rainfall mechanisms, field campaigns over the Maritime Continent and Tibetan Plateau, areas of significant impact on the entire AsiaPEX region, process studies on diurnal- to interdecadal-scale interactions, and evaluation of the predictabilities of climate models for long-term variabilities. We will conduct integrated observational and modeling initiative, the Asian Monsoon Year (AMY)-II around 2025-28, whose strategies are the subregional observation platforms and integrated global analysis.</p

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    The purpose of this study was to show the effectiveness of psychiatric liaison consultation team for the people with chronic illness in the general hospital. Psychiatric liaison consultation team was constructed by certified nurse specialist (CNS), psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, nurse and social worker. Case manager was CNS and team intervened to the patients according to the standard of intervention by team. Intervention had been implemented by CNS mainly. Thirty one patients who consented to this study were intervened by CNS and team between July of 2007 and Feb.2008. They had chronic illness which was SLE, cancer and other physical illness without mental illness. BPRS, GAF, and LSP were written by CNS at the time of baseline before intervention and at the end time of intervention. Furthermore patients wrote CES-D and SF-36 by themselves at the baseline and the end point of intervention. Those questionnaires were returned by mail. CSQ was written by patients at the end of intervention. Thirty one patients had high depression score at the baseline and after intervention depressive state was improved. And they had lower SF-36 compared with that of the people who had chronic illness in another study. Furthermore they needed to be supported psychosocially by CNS to prevent worse their symptom. And they had psychosocial needs and those needs should be intervened by interdisciplinary team. In conclusion, the role of CNS and interdisciplinary team were discussed in order to meet the patients\u27 needs and to prevent worse their symptom in the general hospitals

    In vitro and in vivo performance of epinastine hydrochloride-releasing contact lenses.

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    A number of drug-releasing contact lenses are currently being studied to address issues inherent in eye drops as a drug delivery method. In this study, we developed epinastine hydrochloride-releasing daily soft contact lenses for treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and examined their in vitro and in vivo performance. Preformed soft contact lenses with/without ionic functional groups were soaked in a solution of epinastine hydrochloride in phosphate-buffered saline to prepare epinastine hydrochloride-releasing soft contact lenses. Among these contact lenses with different ionicities, anionic lenses demonstrated the maximum, relatively linear epinastine hydrochloride release, in vitro. The amount of epinastine hydrochloride release was directly proportional to the concentration of the epinastine hydrochloride solution used to prepare the contact lens. The epinastine hydrochloride-releasing anionic soft contact lens also demonstrated prolonged drug release and significantly greater efficacy compared with epinastine hydrochloride eye drops 12 h after treatment, in vivo. Further studies are required to determine the appropriate amount of epinastine hydrochloride to be contained in the anionic soft contact lenses

    Analysis of the Anticipatory Behavior Formation Mechanism Induced by Methamphetamine Using a Single Hair

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    While the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) coordinates many daily rhythms, some circadian patterns of expression are controlled by SCN-independent systems. These include responses to daily methamphetamine (MAP) injections. Scheduled daily injections of MAP resulted in anticipatory activity, with an increase in locomotor activity immediately prior to the time of injection. The MAP-induced anticipatory behavior is associated with the induction and a phase advance in the expression rhythm of the clock gene Period1 (Per1). However, this unique formation mechanism of MAP-induced anticipatory behavior is not well understood. We recently developed a micro-photomultiplier tube (micro-PMT) system to detect a small amount of Per1 expression. In the present study, we used this system to measure the formation kinetics of MAP-induced anticipatory activity in a single whisker hair to reveal the underlying mechanism. Our results suggest that whisker hairs respond to daily MAP administration, and that Per1 expression is affected. We also found that elevated Per1 expression in a single whisker hair is associated with the occurrence of anticipatory behavior rhythm. The present results suggest that elevated Per1 expression in hairs might be a marker of anticipatory behavior formation