99 research outputs found

    カン ノウホウセイ シュヨウノ 2セツジョレイ

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    We report two cases of cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma of the liver. Case 1 : A 38-yearold woman, complaining of discomfort of upper abdomen, was detected a cystic tumor in segment 5of the liver by abdominal CT scan. A part of the tumor had an enhanced lesion the angiographyshowed an enhanced peripheral staining of the cystic lesion. S 5-6 segmentectomy was performed.The resected material showed that the tumor was a multilocular and cystic lesion, histopathologicallywas diagnosed as hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Case 2 : A 72-year old man was incidentallypointed out a liver tumor in the left lobe at an examination of pneumonia. Abdominal CT scanshowed a papillary enhanced solid lesion in cystic tumor with invasion to the caudate lobe. ERCPshowed a filling defect in the common bile duct. Extended left hepatic lobectomy, caudate lobectomyand extrahepatic bile duct resection were performed. The final diagnosis was hepatobiliarycystadenocarcinoma.Cystadenoma is known to have a carcinogenic potential. In the case with suspition of neoplasticcyst, resection must be perfomed

    イ ゲンパツ ジュウモウガン ノ 1レイ

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    A 79-year-old man, complaining of right hypochondralgia, was admitted to our hospital. Gastrointestinalendoscopy revealed a elevated lesion on the anterior wall of the gastric antrum. Adistal gastrectomy was performed. Histological findings confirmed the diagnosis of gastric choriocarcinoma,and there was coexistence of adenocarcinoma. The patient left the hospital in uneventfulpostoperative course. He had recurrence on remnant stomach on the third postoperativemonth. Also chemotherapy with TS-1 and paclitaxel was performed, was no effective, resulting inpatient death on the fourth postoperative month. The patient died of recurrence complicatedpneumonia. We reported on this case with some bibliographical comments

    Effects of oral morphine for pain relief of peripheral arterial disease

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    Peripheral arterial disease often causes ischemic ulcers due to impaired blood flow and consequentially induces intractable pain. For these patients, we have recently begun to administer morphine orally. In this study, we retrospectively examined the effects of oral morphine for the relief of pain caused by peripheral arterial disease. Oral morphine was administered to 17 cases of peripheral arterial disease between January, 2004 and February, 2006. The initial dosage was 5 mg or 10 mg, started on an as-needed basis. After the daily dosage of morphine became constant, we divided the dosage into four or six times a day and administered it regularly. With the exception of one case, a small amount of oral morphine, from 20 mg to 70 mg a day, could alleviate patient's pain. Eight cases had side effects such as nausea, constipation or drowsiness. Oral morphine is effective for pain relief of peripheral arterial disease patients. However, now in Japan, oral morphine, which we can prescribe for those patients with insurance, has a shorter duration of action, so we need to administer slow-release morphine. Oral morphine must be administered carefully because many peripheral arterial disease patients have cardiac disease or renal dysfunction as complications

    Formation of an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite through Minimum Aqueous Alteration in a Small Porous Icy Body

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    A comprehensive study of the organic chemistry and mineralogy of an ultracarbonaceous micrometeorite (UCAMM D05IB80) collected from near the Dome Fuji Station, Antarctica, was carried out to understand the genetic relationship among organic materials, silicates, and water. The micrometeorite is composed of a dense aggregate of ∼5 µm-sized hollow ellipsoidal organic material containing submicrometer-sized phases such as glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS) and mineral grains. There is a wide area of organic material (∼15 × 15 μm) in its interior. Low-Ca pyroxene is much more abundant than olivine and shows various Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios ranging from ∼1.0 to 0.78, which is common to previous works on UCAMMs. By contrast, GEMS grains in this UCAMM have unusual chemical compositions. They are depleted in both Mg and S, which suggests that these elements were leached out from the GEMS grains during very weak aqueous alteration, without the formation of phyllosilicates. The organic materials have two textures—smooth and globular with an irregular outline—and these are composed of imine, nitrile and/or aromatic nitrogen heterocycles, and amide. The ratio of nitrogen to carbon (N/C) in the smooth region of the organics is ∼0.15, which is five times higher than that of insoluble organic macromolecules in types 1 and 2 carbonaceous chondritic meteorites. In addition, the UCAMM organic materials are soluble in epoxy and are thus hydrophilic; this polar nature indicates that they are very primitive. The surface of the material is coated with an inorganic layer, a few nanometers thick, that consists of C, O, Si, S, and Fe. Sulfur is also contained in the interior, implying the presence of organosulfur moieties. There are no isotopic anomalies of D, 13C, or 15N in the organic material. Interstellar photochemistry alone would not be sufficient to explain the N/C ratio of the UCAMM organics; therefore, we suggest that a very small amount of fluid on a comet must have been necessary for the formation of the UCAMM. The GEMS grains depleted in Mg and S in the UCAMM prove a very weak degree of aqueous alteration; weaker than that of carbonaceous chondrites. Short-duration weak alteration probably caused by planetesimal shock locally melted cometary ice grains and released water that dissolved the organics; the fluid would likely have not mobilized because of the very low thermal conductivity of the porous icy body. This event allowed the formation of the large organic puddle of the UCAMM, as well as organic matter sulfurization, formation of thin membrane-like layers of minerals, and deformation of organic nanoglobules.アクセプト後にタイトル・アブストラクト等変更あり、著者最終稿は変更前のタイトル"Formation of an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite through Minimum Aqueous Alteration in a Small Porous Icy Body"This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (No. 22224010, PI: H. Nagahara). The STXM facility at the beamline, ALS, is supported by the Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences Program

    IL-6 receptor antibody treatment improves muscle weakness in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis mouse model

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue. It is caused by pathological autoantibodies against components expressed at neuromuscular junctions, such as acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of MG, and IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) antibody treatment may provide a novel therapeutic option. In this study, we investigated the effects of IL-6R antibody treatment in an experimental autoimmune MG (EAMG) mouse model. We demonstrated that IL-6R antibody treatment improved muscle weakness, reduced IgG deposition at neuromuscular junctions, and the levels of AChR autoantibodies in serum. In addition, follicular helper T cells and Th17, plasma cells in lymph nodes were lower in IL-6R antibody treated mice. Our findings suggest that IL-6R blockade may be a novel and effective therapeutic strategy for the treatment of MG

    キョダイ チョクチョウ gastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST) ノ 1セツジョレイ

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    A 75-year old woman, complaining of prolapse of the uterus, was detected a giant tumor in therectum by abdominal CT scan. Enhanced CT revealed a heterogeneous mass in the pelvic cavitymeasuring 8 cm. MRI demonstrated a mass in the rectovaginal seputum, showing heterogeneoushigh intensity on T1 and T2 weighed image. Abdominoperineal excision of the rectum was performed.Macroscopically, the resected specimen showed a solid tumor with central hemorrhagicnecrosis, 10×5 cm in size. Histological examination showed fascicular proliferated spindle-shapedcells invaded to subserosa. Immunohistochemical studies showed a GIST of the rectum withpositive staining for c-kit and CD34, and negative staining for α-SMA, S-100 protein. No evidenceof recurrence has been found in the 2 years since. We report a case of giant GIST of the rectum.Because the risk of the recurrence depends on operation curability adequate resection margin isneeded for surgical approach for GIST

    A phase 2 basket trial of combination therapy with trastuzumab and pertuzumab in patients with solid cancers harboring human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 amplification (JUPITER trial)

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    Introduction: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene amplification and mutations have emerged as oncogenic drivers and therapeutic targets not limited to breast and gastric cancers, but also in a variety of cancers. However, even if an actionable gene alteration is found, the incidence of HER2 amplification in these cancers is less than 5%. It is too difficult to conduct a conventional randomized, controlled trial in a rare fraction. Therefore, we have designed a organ-agnostic basket study, which covers a variety of solid cancers harboring HER2 amplification, in 1 study protocol. Methods/Design: This trial is a multicenter, single-arm, basket phase 2 study in Japan. Patients with solid cancers harboring HER2 amplification that have progressed with standard treatment, or rare cancers for which there is no standard treatment, will be eligible. Target cancers include bile duct, urothelial, uterine, ovarian, and other solid cancers where HER2 amplification is detected by comprehensive genomic profiling using next-generation sequencing technology. A total of 38 patients will be treated with combination therapy with trastuzumab and pertuzumab every 3 weeks until disease progression, unmanageable toxicity, death, or patient refusal. The primary endpoint is the objective response rate, and secondary endpoints are progression-free survival, overall survival, and duration of response. Discussion: The aim of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combination therapy with trastuzumab and pertuzumab in patients with locally advanced or metastatic, solid cancers harboring HER2 amplification. Instead of focusing on 1 organ type, our trial design uses a basket study focusing on HER2 amplification, regardless of the site or origin of the cancer. The results of our study will advance clinical and scientific knowledge concerning the treatment of locally advanced, rare solid cancers harboring HER2 amplification, using the combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab. Trial registration: This trial was registered in Japan Registry of Clinical Trials (jCRT) on February 25, 2019, as jRCT2031180150

    チョウ カイテン イジョウショウ オ トモナッタ オウコウ ケッチョウガン ニ タイシテ フククウキョウ ホジョカ ケッチョウ セツジョジュツ オ シコウ シタ 1レイ

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    A 64-year-old woman with complaint of intermittent abdominal pain for one year was admitted to our hospital. She had been diagnosed as transverse colon cancer by barium enema and colonoscopy at the former hospital. Abdominal enhanced CT showed that the duodenal third portion was not detected at the back of superior mesenteric vessel. She underwent laparoscopic surgery based on a diagnosis of transverse colon cancer with intestinal malrotation. We could perform laparoscopic-assisted transverse colectomy using abdominal enhanced CT which was effective for not only preoprerative diagnosis of accompany of intestinal malrotation but also anatomical anomalies of vessels. The right sided colon which was not fixed to the retroperitoneum in cases with intestinal malrotation could be pulled out easily from the small incision wound. We also considered that colectomy and dissection of its lymph nodes to these cases could be safety performed using by laparoscopy and through small laparotomy

    Circadian regulation of intracellular G-protein signalling mediates intercellular synchrony and rhythmicity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus

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    Synchronous oscillations of thousands of cellular clocks in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the circadian centre, are coordinated by precisely timed cell–cell communication, the principle of which is largely unknown. Here we show that the amount of RGS16 (regulator of G protein signalling 16), a protein known to inactivate Gαi, increases at a selective circadian time to allow time-dependent activation of intracellular cyclic AMP signalling in the SCN. Gene ablation of Rgs16 leads to the loss of circadian production of cAMP and as a result lengthens circadian period of behavioural rhythm. The temporally precise regulation of the cAMP signal by clock-controlled RGS16 is needed for the dorsomedial SCN to maintain a normal phase-relationship to the ventrolateral SCN. Thus, RGS16-dependent temporal regulation of intracellular G protein signalling coordinates the intercellular synchrony of SCN pacemaker neurons and thereby defines the 24 h rhythm in behaviour