954 research outputs found

    Three-Component Fermionic Atoms with Repulsive Interaction in Optical Lattices

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    We investigate three-component (colors) repulsive fermionic atoms in optical lattices using the dynamical mean field theory. Depending on the anisotropy of the repulsive interactions, either a color density-wave state or a color selective staggered state appears at half filling. In the former state, pairs of atoms with two of the three colors and atoms with the third color occupy different sites alternately. In the latter state, atoms with two of the three colors occupy different sites alternately and atoms with the third color are itinerant throughout the system. When the interactions are isotropic, both states are degenerate. We discuss the results using an effective model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Mott Transitions of Three-Component Fermionic Atoms with Repulsive Interaction in Optical Lattices

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    We investigate the Mott transitions of three-component (colors) repulsive fermionic atoms in optical lattices using the dynamical mean field theory. We find that for SU(3) symmetry breaking interactions the Mott transition occurs at incommensurate half filling. As a result, a characteristic Mott insulating state appears, where paired atoms with two different colors and atoms with the third color are localized at different sites. We also find another Mott state where atoms with two different colors are localized at different sites and atoms with the third color remain itinerant. We demonstrate that these exotic Mott phases can be detected by experimental double occupancy observations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Fundamental Study of Cold Heat-Storage and Heat-Release Systems of Fine Capsulated Latent Heat-Storage Material-Water Mixture : 2nd Report, Flow and Cold Heat-Storage Characteristics of Fine Capsulated Latent Heat-Storage Material-Water Mixture in a Coiled Double-Tube Heat Exchanger

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    The physical properties of the test fine capsulated latent heat-storage material-water mixture were described in the first report. This paper deals with flow and cold heat-storage characteristics of the fine capsulated latent heat-storage material-water mixture as a latent heat-storage material having a low melting point of the core material (pentadecane, C_H_, freezing point 283.1 K). A coiled double-tube heat exchanger was used for the cold heat-storage experiment. The pressure drop, the heat-transfer coefficient and the finishing time of cold heat-storage in the coiled tube were measured as experimental parameters. It was clarified that the flow behavior of the fine capsulated latent heat-storage material-water mixture as a non-Newtonian fluid played an important role in cold heat-storage. The nondimensional correlation equations for the additional pressure loss coefficient, the heat-transfer coefficient and the finishing time of the cold heat-storage were derived in terms of Dean number and heat capacity ratio.微細な低温潜熱物質を水中に混合した材料を用いる蓄冷熱輸送システムは、熱交換器内で微細な潜熱物質の運動のもたらす熱伝達促進効果による熱交換効率の向上、および水の顕熱に潜熱を上乗せすることによる輸送熱量の増大により、管径寸法の縮小が期待できる。このような低温潜熱物質の混合水を用いた蓄熱システムは、従来の冷熱輸送媒体として用いられてきた水(顕熱)に代わる有効な潜熱蓄冷熱システムの一つと考えられる。低温潜熱エネルギの蓄冷熱および搬送システムに関する研究としては、潜熱材料としてクラスレート、氷および雪スラリーなどを用いたものがある。これらの潜熱材料を用いた場合、水との密度差により低流速域において均一混合流が得にくいことや、粒子同士の結合により粒子魂を形成するなどの問題を有する。水中に分散質としての潜熱蓄冷熱材料を微細化混合するOil/Water型エマルションは、搬送管内における粒子魂形成を防止し、管内においても安定した均質混合流が得られる。しかし、Oil/Water型エマルションは、潜熱体の微細化混合に界面活性剤が用いられるために、その粘性が大きく管内の圧力損失が大きくなる欠点を有する。潜熱蓄冷熱材料を微細なカプセル化して水と混合する方法は、粒子魂の形成を防止することが可能であり、連続相を水のみとすることにより、管内搬送圧力損失を比較的小さくすることが可能である。このため、本研究においては、管内において均質な混合と良好な流動状態が得られるような十分微細なカプセル化潜熱物質の混合水を用いた潜熱蓄冷熱実験を行った。この種の微細なカプセル化潜熱物質の混合水は、連続相としての水中に微細カプセルが分散している複雑な系を有し、さらに、非ニュートン挙動を示すなどの取り扱いの難しさ、そして安定性の問題などが原因となり、その蓄冷熱特性および流動特性に関する研究はほとんど行われていない現状にある。すでに、著者らは、第1報において低温潜熱冷物質(ペンタデカン、C15H32、融点Tf=293.1K、潜熱L=158kj/kg)を芯物質とした微細カプセル潜熱物質の混合水の熱物性評価、そして、輸送特性において重要となる粘性評価を行っており、この種の微細なカプセル潜熱物質の混合水に関する物性の特色を把握している。本研究は、微細カプセル潜熱物質の混合水に関する伝熱および流動特性を基礎的に検討する目的より、比較的構造の簡単な一種類のコイル状2重管式熱交換器を対象とし、微細なカプセル潜熱物質の混合水の初期温度、微細カプセルの質量割合、微細カプセル混合水の管内平均流速などを因子とした実験を行った。すなわち、微細カプセル混合水のコイル状管内の流動抵抗、熱伝達率、そして液相から固相への相変化時間に関する測定とこれらの無次元整理式の提案を行うものである

    An Institutionalist Approach to Liberaliam (1)

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    The aim of this paper is to present a new way of theorizing liberalist political / social doctrines. Formerly, most supporters of liberalism have constructed their political / social theories on the base of "methodological individualism". But here I try to found a discriptive / normative theory of liberal societies on the ground ofa sort of "wholism". A main idea of this paper is to conceptualize "personhood" as one type of institutions. I define "institution" as a expected pattern of actions, or a system of rules of conducts, and see "person" as the special type of institution, the institution enacted by one physical humane individual. And I make a thoretical modell of liberal society as a band of different types of institutions. In this modell, "person" is not a sort of "social atom", but have a very specific functioning

    Adam Smith and G. W. F. Hegel on Pauperism (III)

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    Adam Smith and G. W. F. HegeIon Pauperism (1)

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    Adam Smith and G. W. F. HegeIon Pauperism (1)

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    Aquaporin 1 expression in tissues of canines possessing inherited high K+ erythrocytes

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    We investigated the expression of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) in tissues from canines with an inherited anomaly that causes their erythrocytes to have high K+. Northern blot analysis revealed abundant AQP1 expression in lung and kidney, though little expression was found in spleen. Using anti-C-terminus for dog AQP1, abundant expression was shown in kidney, trachea, and eye, but little expression was shown in pancreas and cerebrum, indicating that AQP1 expression in canine tissues is similar to that noted in other mammals