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    Interventionseffekte in Fragen

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    This dissertation is concerned with the phenomenon of intervention effects, observed in three different domains: wh-questions, alternative questions (AltQ) and Negative Polarity Item (NPI) licensing. I propose that these three domains share some common properties, namely, they all involve focus-sensitive licensing, and are thus sensitive to an intervening focus phrase. The overview of the dissertation is as follows. In chapter 2, I discuss the phenomenon of intervention effects in wh-questions, brought to light in the discussion of German in Beck (1996), and Korean in Beck and Kim (1997). The basic idea of their analysis is that quantifiers block LF wh-movement. I show that intervention effects are observed in many other languages, too, suggesting that the intervention effect has a universal character. I then point out some problems with the analysis proposed by Beck (1996) and Beck and Kim (1997). In chapter 3, I propose a new generalization of the wh-intervention effects, namely that the core set of interveners, which is crosslinguistically stable, consists of focus phrases (and not quantifiers in general). Furthermore, I argue that the wh-intervention effect is actually an instance of the more general intervention effect, the "Focus Intervention Effect", which says that in a focus-sensitive licensing construction, no independent focus phrase may intervene between the licensor Op and the licensee XP. The underlying idea is that the Q operator is a focus-sensitive operator and that wh-phrases in-situ are dependent (i.e., semantically deficient) focus elements, which must be associated with the Q operator in order to be interpreted. An intervening independent focus operator precisely blocks that association. I further propose that the domain of focus-sensitive licensing includes not only wh-licensing, but also AltQ-licensing and NPI-licensing. In chapter 4, I show that alternative questions are also subject to the focus intervention effect, just like wh-questions. I provide evidence that the intervention effect in wh-questions and in alternative questions should receive a parallel analysis, in terms of focus-sensitivity. In chapter 5, I discuss a third construction which is sensitive to the focus intervention effect: the licensing of Negative Polarity Items (NPIs). I show that focus consistently blocks NPI licensing, with data from German and Korean. I propose that NPIs are also semantically deficient focus elements, which need to be associated with a NEG operator. Finally, chapter 6 summarizes the intervention effects and suggests some topics for future research into the precise nature of the intervention effect.Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist das Phänomen der Interventionseffekte, die in drei verschiedenen Bereichen zu beobachten sind: W-Fragen, Alternativfragen und Lizenzierung negativer Polaritätselemente. Mein Vorschlag ist, dass diese drei Bereiche gewisse gemeinsame Eigenschaften teilen, nämlich, dass es bei allen um eine Lizenzierung geht, die fokussensitiv ist, und eine intervenierende Fokusphrase diese Lizenzierung blockiert. Die Dissertation ist folgendermaßen gegliedert: In Kapitel 2 diskutiere ich das Phänomen der Interventionseffekte in W-Fragen, die in Arbeiten von Beck (1996) über deutsche Daten und von Beck & Kim (1997) über koreanische Daten dargestellt wurden. Ihre Grundidee ist, dass Quantoren LF-W-Bewegung blockieren. In dieser Dissertation zeige ich, dass auch in vielen anderen Sprachen Interventionseffekte zu beobachten sind, was auf einen universalen Charakter des Interventionseffekts hinweist. Des Weiteren stelle ich noch einige Probleme der Analyse von Beck (1996) und Beck & Kim (1997) dar. In Kapitel 3 schlage ich eine neue Generalisierung der W-Interventionseffekte vor, nämlich, dass die Gruppe der Intervenierer, die crosslinguistisch stabil ist, aus Fokusphrasen besteht (nicht aus Quantoren im Allgemeinen). Darüber hinaus argumentiere ich, dass der W-Interventionseffekt eigentlich eine Instanz von einem allgemeineren Intereventionseffekt ist. Diesen allgemeineren Interventionseffekt nenne ich "Fokusinterventionseffekt", was bedeutet, dass in einer fokussensitiven Lizenzierungskonstruktion keine unabhängige Fokusphrase zwischen dem lizenzierenden Operator und der zu lizenzierenden XP intervenieren darf. Ich behaupte, dass der Q-Operator ein fokussensitiver Operator ist und W-Phrasen in-situ semantisch abhängige Fokuselemente sind, die mit diesem Q-Operator assoziiert werden müssen, um interpretiert werden zu können. Diese Assoziation wird von einem intervenierenden Fokusoperator blockiert. Ferner zeige ich, dass die Domäne der fokussensitiven Lizenzierung nicht nur W-Lizenzierung, sondern auch die Lizenzierung der Alternativfragen und die Lizenzierung negativer Polaritätselemente erfasst. In Kapitel 4 wird gezeigt, dass Alternativfragen auch dem Fokusinterventionseffekt unterliegen, genauso wie W-Fragen. Ich argumentiere, dass Interventionseffekte in W-Fragen und Alternativfragen in Bezug auf Fokussensitivität parallel analysiert werden sollen. In Kapitel 5 wird eine dritte Konstruktion diskutiert, bei der man Fokusinterventionseffekte beobachten kann. Dabei handelt es sich um die Lizenzierung negativer Polaritätselemente. Anhand deutscher und koreanischer Daten zeige ich, dass Fokusausdrücke auch die NPI-Lizenzierung blockieren. Ich schlage vor, dass negative Polaritätselemente ebenfalls semantisch abhängige Fokuselemente sind, die mit einem NEG-Operator assoziiert werden müssen. In Kapitel 6 fasse ich abschließend die Interventionseffekte zusammen und gebe einen Ausblick auf weitere Aspekte, die bezüglich des Interventionseffekts noch untersucht werden müssen

    New Record of a Sea Urchin Echinometra mathaei (Echinoidea: Camarodonta: Echinometridae) from Jeju Island, Korea and Its Molecular Analysis

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    Echinoids were collected at depths of 5-10 m in Munseom, Jeju Island by SCUBA diving on November 23, 2008 and September 15, 2009. Two specimens were identified as Echinometra mathaei (Blainville, 1825) based on morphological characteristics and molecular analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I partial sequences. Echinometra mathaei collected from Korea was redescribed with photographs and was compared with other species from GenBank based on molecular data. Phylogenetic analyses showed that no significant differences were between base sequences of E. mathaei from Korea and that from GenBank. To date, 13 echinoids including this species have been reported from Jeju Island, and 32 echinoids have been recorded in Korea

    Chulmun Neolithic Intensification, Complexity, and Emerging Agriculture in Korea

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    Emergence of complex society in prehistoric Korea has long been understood as a socioeconomic corollary of its Bronze Age agriculture (1300–300 b.c. ). Archaeological data accumulated in recent years, however, point to the contrary. By around 3500 b.c. Korea’s Neolithic society had gone beyond foraging and collecting and become a society of the middle ground. It became increasingly sedentary and began food production, initially at a low level, as it sought to secure critical resources through logistic strategies. It also increasingly utilized storage as a mechanism of risk and wealth management. Gradually intensifying subsistence strategies that combined hunting, fishing, gathering, mobile horticulture, and storage mechanism, enabled Korea’s Chulmun Neolithic society to maintain its sociopolitical and economic stability over a period of several millennia. The intensification increased during the Late Neolithic with emerging mixed crop farming and mass-capture of marine resources. Post-Neolithic florescence of rice-based agriculture and the revolutionary societal elaboration during and beyond the Bronze Age were direct outcomes of socioeconomic foundations laid by the indigenous Korean hunter-fisher-gatherer-cultivators during the Chulmun Neolithic

    Final version; appears in Language Research 42

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    Abstract In this paper we argue that Korean negative polarity items (NPIs) are interpreted above the scope of negation, in contrast to NPIs in English which are interpreted within the scope of negation. On the syntactic side, we argue that the grammar of Korean requires a syntactic licensing mechanism, to constrain the distribution of NPIs to only negative clauses. On the semantic side, we show that the semantic relation between an NPI and negation is itself constrained by a generalized version of the Immediate Scope Constraint (proposed by Linebarger (1987)), which requires that no other scopal element intervenes between an NPI and negation, regardless of their relative scopes

    Development of implementation methods of water quality trading policy : using the Hydrological simulation program-Fortran (HSPF)

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    The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on August 17, 2010).Thesis advisor: Dr. Kathleen M. Trauth.Vita.Ph. D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2010.The recently promulgated water quality trading (WQT) policy is an innovative approach for achieving water quality standards with flexibility and economic efficiency. The policy allows for the trading of point and nonpoint source pollutant discharges between different locations within a watershed, as long as water quality standards are not violated along the stream. Many pilot programs and projects have generated useful information on how to implement water quality trading, but the number of actual trades is relatively small. The difficulty in determining the equality of trading locations and the uncertainty of nonpoint source pollutant concentrations in streams hinder the implementation of the trading program. The hydrological simulation program-fortran (HSPF) was used to estimate the hydrology and sediment loading throughout the Brush Creek, MO watershed for future land use development scenarios between upstream and downstream locations. Brush Creek does not have a proper monitoring station for calibration and validation of the watershed model. Thus, the Meramec River watershed which drains to the Meramec River near Eureka, MO station (07019000) was selected for input parameter calibration because the watershed contains the Brush Creek watershed as a subbasin. The development scenarios considered include upstream and downstream development from agricultural, forest, and range land to urbanized development with 25, 50, and 75 percent impervious surface through manually modified land use maps. Restoration scenarios would return agricultural areas to range land in both the upstream and downstream locations. Their hydrologic and sediment impacts to the outlet of the watershed were simulated in order to provide an estimate of how this particular land use change might be incorporated into a water quality trade. After sediment calculations for 20 different scenarios were performed in HSPF, equivalent acreages for sediment generation between upstream and downstream locations were developed as potential water quality trading units. Recommended equivalent acreages for the nonimparied and impaired stream cases were provided as references for a trading program manager in order to implement the water quality trading policy.Includes bibliographical reference

    The influence of eHealth literacy, reproductive health knowledge, and self-esteem on health-promoting behaviors in early adult women: a cross-sectional survey

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of eHealth literacy, reproductive health knowledge, and self-esteem on early adult women’s health-promoting behaviors (HPB). This study was based on Pender’s health promotion model as a theoretical underpinning. Methods Early adult women aged 18 to 35 years (n=165) were recruited by posting advertisements on social network sites for a student club and a faith-based community in Ansan, Korea. Willing individuals were invited to participate in the online survey from June 1 to June 30, 2022. Standardized instruments were used to measure HPB, eHealth literacy, reproductive health knowledge, and self-esteem. General characteristics included income level, perceived subjective health, and internet usage time. The collected data were analyzed using the independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression. Results The mean age of the respondents was 21.97±3.87 years. The total HPB score was 120.69, corresponding to a moderate level; and the total scores for eHealth literacy (30.24), knowledge of reproductive health (23.04), and self-esteem (35.62) were higher than the midpoint. The model explained 53.3% of variance in HPB, and self-esteem (β=.48, p<.001) was the most influential factor. Other influential factors were, in descending order, higher economic level, higher subjective health status, greater eHealth literacy, and less internet use time (<2 hours/day). Conclusion In order to promote the health of early adult women, counseling or programs that positively improve self-esteem appear promising, and eHealth literacy should be considered as a way to promote HPB using information technology

    Meteorin regulates mesendoderm development by enhancing nodal expression

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    During gastrulation, distinct lineage specification into three germ layers, the mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, occurs through an elaborate harmony between signaling molecules along the embryonic proximo-distal and anterior-posterior axes, and Nodal signaling plays a key role in the early embryonic development governing embryonic axis formation, mesoderm and endoderm specification, and left-right asymmetry determination. However, the mechanism by which Nodal expression is regulated is largely unknown. Here, we show that Meteorin regulates Nodal expression and is required for mesendoderm development. It is highly expressed in the inner cell mass of blastocysts and further in the epiblast and extra-embryonic ectoderm during gastrulation. Genetic ablation of the Meteorin gene resulted in early embryonic lethality, presumably due to impaired lineage allocation and subsequent cell accumulation. Embryoid body culture using Meteorin-null embryonic stem (ES) cells showed reduced Nodal expression and concomitant impairment of mesendoderm specification. Meteorin-null embryos displayed reduced levels of Nodal transcripts before the gastrulation stage, and impaired expression of Goosecoid, a definitive endoderm marker, during gastrulation, while the proximo-distal and anterior-posterior axes and primitive streak formation were preserved. Our results show that Meteorin is a novel regulator of Nodal transcription and is required to maintain sufficient Nodal levels for endoderm formation, thereby providing new insights in the regulation of mesendoderm allocation.open1113sciescopu

    Mitochondrial ion channels/transporters as sensors and regulators of cellular redox signaling.

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Mitochondrial ion channels/transporters and the electron transport chain (ETC) serve as key sensors and regulators for cellular redox signaling, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) in mitochondria, and balancing cell survival and death. Although the functional and pharmacological characteristics of mitochondrial ion transport mechanisms have been extensively studied for several decades, the majority of the molecular identities that are responsible for these channels/transporters have remained a mystery until very recently. RECENT ADVANCES: Recent breakthrough studies uncovered the molecular identities of the diverse array of major mitochondrial ion channels/transporters, including the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter pore, mitochondrial permeability transition pore, and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel. This new information enables us to form detailed molecular and functional characterizations of mitochondrial ion channels/transporters and their roles in mitochondrial redox signaling. CRITICAL ISSUES: Redox-mediated post-translational modifications of mitochondrial ion channels/transporters and ETC serve as key mechanisms for the spatiotemporal control of mitochondrial ROS/RNS generation. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: Identification of detailed molecular mechanisms for redox-mediated regulation of mitochondrial ion channels will enable us to find novel therapeutic targets for many diseases that are associated with cellular redox signaling and mitochondrial ion channels/transporters

    Betacellulin-Induced Beta Cell Proliferation and Regeneration Is Mediated by Activation of ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 Receptors

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    BACKGROUND: Betacellulin (BTC), a member of the epidermal growth factor family, is known to play an important role in regulating growth and differentiation of pancreatic beta cells. Growth-promoting actions of BTC are mediated by epidermal growth factor receptors (ErbBs), namely ErbB-1, ErbB-2, ErbB-3 and ErbB-4; however, the exact mechanism for beta cell proliferation has not been elucidated. Therefore, we investigated which ErbBs are involved and some molecular mechanisms by which BTC regulates beta cell proliferation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The expression of ErbB-1, ErbB-2, ErbB-3, and ErbB-4 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in both a beta cell line (MIN-6 cells) and C57BL/6 mouse islets. Immunoprecipitation and western blotting analysis showed that BTC treatment of MIN-6 cells induced phosphorylation of only ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 among the four EGF receptors. BTC treatment resulted in DNA synthetic activity, cell cycle progression, and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive staining. The proliferative effect was blocked by treatment with AG1478 or AG825, specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors of ErbB-1 and ErbB-2, respectively. BTC treatment increased mRNA and protein levels of insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2), and this was blocked by the ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 inhibitors. Inhibition of IRS-2 by siRNA blocked cell cycle progression induced by BTC treatment. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice injected with a recombinant adenovirus expressing BTC and treated with AG1478 or AG825 showed reduced islet size, reduced numbers of BrdU-positive cells in the islets, and did not attain BTC-mediated remission of diabetes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that BTC exerts proliferative activity on beta cells through the activation of ErbB-1 and ErbB-2 receptors, which may increase IRS-2 expression, contributing to the regeneration of beta cells