787 research outputs found

    Successive transition from superconducting to antiferromagnetic phase in (Ca_6(Al, Ti)_4O_y)Fe_2As_2 studied via ^{75}As and ^{27}Al NMR

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    An unusual successive phase transition from superconducting (SC) to antiferromagnetic (AF) phases was discovered via ^{75}As and ^{27}Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in (Fe_2As_2)(Ca_6(Al, Ti)_4O_y) with four (Al, Ti)O layers intercalated between FeAs planes. Although the spatially-uniform AF ordering is clearly visible from ^{27}Al spectra, the ordered moments are very small and the low-frequency fluctuation is much suppressed, contrary to existing pnictides with localized magnetic elements. Furthermore, the temperature (T) dependence of the fluctuation at both nuclei is very similar throughout the entire temperature range. These facts suggest that some hybridization between Ti and Fe orbitals induces a uniform electronic state within FeAs and (Al, Ti)O layers accompanied by the SC and AF transitions. The iron-based pnictide with Ti-doped blocking layers is the first high-T_c compound having metallic blocking layers

    Structural Features of Layered Iron Pnictide Oxides (Fe2As2)(Sr4M2O6)

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    Structural features of newly found perovskite-based iron pnictide oxide system have been systematically studied. Compared to REFePnO system, perovskite-based system tend to have lower Pn-Fe-Pn angle and higher pnictogen height owing to low electronegativity of alkaline earth metal and small repulsive force between pnictogen and oxygen atoms. As-Fe-As angles of (Fe2As2)(Sr4Cr2O6), (Fe2As2)(Sr4V2O6) and (Fe2Pn2)(Sr4MgTiO6) are close to ideal tetrahedron and those pnictogen heights of about 1.40 A are close to NdFeAsO with optimized carrier concentration. These structural features of this system may leads to realization of high Tc superconductivity.Comment: 3pages, 2figures, 1table, proceedings of M2S 200

    Lyapunov exponent and natural invariant density determination of chaotic maps: An iterative maximum entropy ansatz

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    We apply the maximum entropy principle to construct the natural invariant density and Lyapunov exponent of one-dimensional chaotic maps. Using a novel function reconstruction technique that is based on the solution of Hausdorff moment problem via maximizing Shannon entropy, we estimate the invariant density and the Lyapunov exponent of nonlinear maps in one-dimension from a knowledge of finite number of moments. The accuracy and the stability of the algorithm are illustrated by comparing our results to a number of nonlinear maps for which the exact analytical results are available. Furthermore, we also consider a very complex example for which no exact analytical result for invariant density is available. A comparison of our results to those available in the literature is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages including 6 figure

    Self-organization in systems of self-propelled particles

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    We investigate a discrete model consisting of self-propelled particles that obey simple interaction rules. We show that this model can self-organize and exhibit coherent localized solutions in one- and in two-dimensions.In one-dimension, the self-organized solution is a localized flock of finite extent in which the density abruptly drops to zero at the edges.In two-dimensions, we focus on the vortex solution in which the particles rotate around a common center and show that this solution can be obtained from random initial conditions, even in the absence of a confining boundary. Furthermore, we develop a continuum version of our discrete model and demonstrate that the agreement between the discrete and the continuum model is excellent.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Role of magnetic dopants in the phase diagram of Sm1111 pnictides: The Mn case

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    The deliberate insertion of magnetic Mn dopants in the Fe sites of the optimally-doped SmFeAsO0.88-F0.12 iron-based superconductor can modify in a controlled way its electronic properties. The resulting phase diagram was investigated across a wide range of manganese contents (x) by means of muon-spin spectroscopy (muSR), both in zero- and in transverse fields, respectively, to probe the magnetic and the superconducting order. The pure superconducting phase (at x < 0.03) is replaced by a crossover region at intermediate Mn values (0.03 =< x < 0.08), where superconductivity coexists with static magnetic order. After completely suppressing superconductivity for x = 0.08, a further increase in Mn content reinforces the natural tendency towards antiferromagnetic correlations among the magnetic Mn ions. The sharp drop of Tc and the induced magnetic order in the presence of magnetic disorder/dopants, such as Mn, are both consistent with a recent theoretical model of unconventional superconductors [M. Gastiasoro et al., ArXiv 1606.09495], which includes correlation-enhanced RKKY-couplings between the impurity moments.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Accepted on Physical Review

    Abrupt Change of Josephson Plasma Frequency at the Phase Boundary of the Bragg Glass in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}

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    We report the first detailed and quantitative study of the Josephson coupling energy in the vortex liquid, Bragg glass and vortex glass phases of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} by the Josephson plasma resonance. The measurements revealed distinct features in the T- and H-dependencies of the plasma frequency ωpl\omega_{pl} for each of these three vortex phases. When going across either the Bragg-to-vortex glass or the Bragg-to-liquid transition line, ωpl\omega_{pl} shows a dramatic change. We provide a quantitative discussion on the properties of these phase transitions, including the first order nature of the Bragg-to-vortex glass transition.Comment: 5pages, 4figure

    The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership: An Example of Science Applied to Societal Needs

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    Northern Eurasia, the largest landmass in the northern extratropics, accounts for ~20% of the global land area. However, little is known about how the biogeochemical cycles, energy and water cycles, and human activities specific to this carbon-rich, cold region interact with global climate. A major concern is that changes in the distribution of land-based life, as well as its interactions with the environment, may lead to a self-reinforcing cycle of accelerated regional and global warming. With this as its motivation, the Northern Eurasian Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) was formed in 2004 to better understand and quantify feedbacks between northern Eurasian and global climates. The first group of NEESPI projects has mostly focused on assembling regional databases, organizing improved environmental monitoring of the region, and studying individual environmental processes. That was a starting point to addressing emerging challenges in the region related to rapidly and simultaneously changing climate, environmental, and societal systems. More recently, the NEESPI research focus has been moving toward integrative studies, including the development of modeling capabilities to project the future state of climate, environment, and societies in the NEESPI domain. This effort will require a high level of integration of observation programs, process studies, and modeling across disciplines