48 research outputs found

    The impact of Fintech on corporate carbon emissions: towards green and sustainable development

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    Fintech, as the fusion of finance and technology, has not only transformed the traditional financial industry and contributed to reshaping the real economy. But also, it holds the potential to offer a feasible solution for achieving green and sustainable development. This paper investigates the impact of Fintech on corporate carbon emissions (CCEs) by using data from the National Tax Survey Database (NTSD). The results suggest that Fintech development leads to a reduction in CCEs. Our findings remain robust even after using the instrumental variable approach to alleviate endogeneity problems. The mechanism analysis reveals that Fintech reduces CCEs via alleviating financing constraints, improving energy efficiency, and promoting green innovation. Heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that Fintech dramatically decreases CCEs from coal energy consumption, while increasing CCEs from consuming power and gas energy. Additionally, carbon emissions from state-owned and foreign companies experience a more pronounced reduction through Fintech compared to those from private firms. Furthermore, firms in eastern and middle regions are more vulnerable to Fintech development. Moreover, enterprises in non-high-tech industries and high-polluting industries exhibit noteworthy performance in reducing carbon emissions through Fintech adoption. This research offers policymakers a path to effectively govern CCEs and achieve their carbon reduction targets

    Fatigue resistant lead-free multilayer ceramic capacitors with ultrahigh energy density

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    The critical role of electrical homogeneity in optimising electric-field breakdown strength (BDS) and energy storage in high energy density (0.7 − x)BiFeO3–0.3BaTiO3–xBi(Li0.5Nb0.5)O3 (BF–BT–xBLN) lead-free capacitors is demonstrated. The high BDS for bulk ceramics and multilayers (dielectric layer thickness ∼ 8 μm) of ∼260 and ∼950 kV cm−1, respectively, gives rise to record-performance of recoverable energy density, Wrec = 13.8 J cm−3 and efficiency, η = 81%. Under an electric field of 400 kV cm−1, multilayers are temperature stable up to 100 °C, frequency independent in the range 10−2 to 102 Hz, have low strain (<0.03%) and are fatigue-resistant up to 104 cycles (Wrec variation < 10%). These properties show promise for practical use in pulsed power systems

    Multifunctional porous silicon nanopillar arrays: antireflection, superhydrophobicity, photoluminescence, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering Multifunctional porous silicon nanopillar arrays: antireflection, superhydrophobicity, photoluminescence, and s

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    Abstract We have fabricated porous silicon nanopillar arrays over large areas with a rapid, simple, and low-cost technique. The porous silicon nanopillars show unique longitudinal features along their entire length and have porosity with dimensions on the single-nanometer scale. Both Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence data were used to determine the nanocrystallite size to be &lt;3 nm. The porous silicon nanopillar arrays also maintained excellent ensemble properties, reducing reflection nearly fivefold from planar silicon in the visible range without any optimization, and approaching superhydrophobic behavior with increasing aspect ratio, demonstrating contact angles up to 138 • . Finally, the porous silicon nanopillar arrays were made into sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates by depositing metal onto the pillars. The SERS performance of the substrates was demonstrated using a chemical dye Rhodamine 6G. With their multitude of properties (i.e., antireflection, superhydrophobicity, photoluminescence, and sensitive SERS), the porous silicon nanopillar arrays described here can be valuable in applications such as solar harvesting, electrochemical cells, self-cleaning devices, and dynamic biological monitoring

    Surface Plasmon Resonance in Periodic Hexagonal Lattice Arrays of Silver Nanodisks

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    The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of periodic hexagonal lattice arrays of silver nano-disks positioned on glass slides is studied using finite-difference time domain (FDTD) simulations. We investigate numerically the influence of diameter of nano-disks and the gap between nano-disks on SPR transmission spectra and electric field enhancement. We find a strong dependence of resonance wavelength on diameter of the nanodisks. With increasing the gap, electric field enhancement factor could significantly increase and reach a maximum value, which indicates that a special long-range interaction plays an important role. This study is useful for optical modulation applied in near or far field optics, sensing and data storage, and solar cell

    Slippery Wenzel State

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    Enhancing the mobility of liquid droplets on rough surfaces is of great interest in industry, with applications ranging from condensation heat transfer to water harvesting to the prevention of icing and frosting. The mobility of a liquid droplet on a rough solid surface has long been associated with its wetting state. When liquid drops are sitting on the top of the solid textures and air is trapped underneath, they are in the Cassie state. When the drops impregnate the solid textures, they are in the Wenzel state. While the Cassie state has long been associated with high droplet mobility and the Wenzel state with droplet pinning, our work challenges this existing convention by showing that <i>both</i> Cassie <i>and</i> Wenzel state droplets can be highly mobile on nanotexture-enabled slippery rough surfaces. Our surfaces were developed by engineering hierachical nano- and microscale textures and infusing liquid lubricant into the nanotextures alone to create a highly slippery rough surface. We have shown that droplet mobility can be maintained even after the Cassie-to-Wenzel transition. Moreover, the discovery of the slippery Wenzel state allows us to assess the fundamental limits of the classical and recent Wenzel models at the highest experimental precision to date, which could not be achieved by any other conventional rough surface. Our results show that the classical Wenzel eq (1936) cannot predict the wetting behaviors of highly wetting liquids in the Wenzel state