139 research outputs found

    No evidence for substrate accumulation in Parkinson brains with GBA mutations

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    To establish whether Parkinson's disease (PD) brains previously described to have decreased glucocerebrosidase activity exhibit accumulation of the lysosomal enzyme's substrate, glucosylceramide, or other changes in lipid composition

    Longitudinal Assessment of Gray and White Matter in Chronic Schizophrenia: A Combined Diffusion-Tensor and Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

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    Previous studies have reported continued focal gray matter loss after the clinical onset of schizophrenia. Longitudinal assessments in chronic illness, of white matter in particular, have been less conclusive

    Diffusion tensor imaging of frontal lobe white matter tracts in schizophrenia

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    We acquired diffusion tensor and structural MRI images on 103 patients with schizophrenia and 41 age-matched normal controls. The vector data was used to trace tracts from a region of interest in the anterior limb of the internal capsule to the prefrontal cortex. Patients with schizophrenia had tract paths that were significantly shorter in length from the center of internal capsule to prefrontal white matter. These tracts, the anterior thalamic radiations, are important in frontal-striatal-thalamic pathways. These results are consistent with findings of smaller size of the anterior limb of the internal capsule in patients with schizophrenia, diffusion tensor anisotropy decreases in frontal white matter in schizophrenia and hypothesized disruption of the frontal-striatal-thalamic pathway system

    Clinical trials for stem cell therapies

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    In recent years, clinical trials with stem cells have taken the emerging field in many new directions. While numerous teams continue to refine and expand the role of bone marrow and cord blood stem cells for their vanguard uses in blood and immune disorders, many others are looking to expand the uses of the various types of stem cells found in bone marrow and cord blood, in particular mesenchymal stem cells, to uses beyond those that could be corrected by replacing cells in their own lineage. Early results from these trials have produced mixed results often showing minor or transitory improvements that may be attributed to extracellular factors. More research teams are accelerating the use of other types of adult stem cells, in particular neural stem cells for diseases where beneficial outcome could result from either in-lineage cell replacement or extracellular factors. At the same time, the first three trials using cells derived from pluripotent cells have begun

    PPARΞ³ agonists inhibit growth and expansion of CD133+ brain tumour stem cells

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    Brain tumour stem cells (BTSCs) are a small population of cells that has self-renewal, transplantation, multidrug resistance and recurrence properties, thus remain novel therapeutic target for brain tumour. Recent studies have shown that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARΞ³) agonists induce growth arrest and apoptosis in glioblastoma cells, but their effects on BTSCs are largely unknown. In this study, we generated gliospheres with more than 50% CD133+ BTSC by culturing U87MG and T98G human glioblastoma cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). In vitro treatment with PPARΞ³ agonist, 15-Deoxy-Ξ”12,14-Prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) or all-trans retinoic acid resulted in a reversible inhibition of gliosphere formation in culture. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists inhibited the proliferation and expansion of glioma and gliosphere cells in a dose-dependent manner. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists also induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in association with the inhibition of EGF/bFGF signalling through Tyk2-Stat3 pathway and expression of PPARΞ³ in gliosphere cells. These findings demonstrate that PPARΞ³ agonists regulate growth and expansion of BTSCs and extend their use to target BTSCs in the treatment of brain tumour

    PPARΞ³ agonists inhibit growth and expansion of CD133+ brain tumour stem cells

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    Brain tumour stem cells (BTSCs) are a small population of cells that has self-renewal, transplantation, multidrug resistance and recurrence properties, thus remain novel therapeutic target for brain tumour. Recent studies have shown that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARΞ³) agonists induce growth arrest and apoptosis in glioblastoma cells, but their effects on BTSCs are largely unknown. In this study, we generated gliospheres with more than 50% CD133+ BTSC by culturing U87MG and T98G human glioblastoma cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). In vitro treatment with PPARΞ³ agonist, 15-Deoxy-Ξ”12,14-Prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) or all-trans retinoic acid resulted in a reversible inhibition of gliosphere formation in culture. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists inhibited the proliferation and expansion of glioma and gliosphere cells in a dose-dependent manner. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists also induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in association with the inhibition of EGF/bFGF signalling through Tyk2-Stat3 pathway and expression of PPARΞ³ in gliosphere cells. These findings demonstrate that PPARΞ³ agonists regulate growth and expansion of BTSCs and extend their use to target BTSCs in the treatment of brain tumour

    Do hypoxia/normoxia culturing conditions change the neuroregulatory profile of Wharton Jelly mesenchymal stem cells secretome?

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    Introduction: The use of human umbilical cord Wharton Jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hWJ-MSCs) has been considered a new potential source for future safe applications in regenerative medicine. Indeed, the application of hWJ-MSCs into different animal models of disease, including those from the central nervous system, has shown remarkable therapeutic benefits mostly associated with their secretome. Conventionally, hWJ-MSCs are cultured and characterized under normoxic conditions (21 % oxygen tension), although the oxygen levels within tissues are typically much lower (hypoxic) than these standard culture conditions. Therefore, oxygen tension represents an important environmental factor that may affect the performance of mesenchymal stem cells in vivo. However, the impact of hypoxic conditions on distinct mesenchymal stem cell characteristics, such as the secretome, still remains unclear. Methods: In the present study, we have examined the effects of normoxic (21 % O2) and hypoxic (5 % O2) conditions on the hWJ-MSC secretome. Subsequently, we address the impact of the distinct secretome in the neuronal cell survival and differentiation of human neural progenitor cells. Results: The present data indicate that the hWJ-MSC secretome collected from normoxic and hypoxic conditions displayed similar effects in supporting neuronal differentiation of human neural progenitor cells in vitro. However, proteomic analysis revealed that the use of hypoxic preconditioning led to the upregulation of several proteins within the hWJ-MSC secretome. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the optimization of parameters such as hypoxia may lead to the development of strategies that enhance the therapeutic effects of the secretome for future regenerative medicine studies and applications. Β© 2015 Teixeira et al.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (CiΓͺncia 2007 program and IF Development Grant (AJS); and pre-doctoral fellowships to FGT (SFRH/69637/ 2010) and SIA (SFRH/BD/81495/2011); Canada Research Chairs (LAB) and a SSE Postdoctoral Fellowship (KMP); The National Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM) (REDE/1506/REM/2005); co-funded by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), ao abrigo do Quadro de ReferΓͺncia EstratΓ©gico Nacional (QREN), atravΓ©s do Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells from the Adult Human Spinal Cord Are Multipotent and Self-Renewing and Differentiate after Transplantation

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    Neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) transplantation is a promising therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI). However, little is known about NSPC from the adult human spinal cord as a donor source. We demonstrate for the first time that multipotent and self-renewing NSPC can be cultured, passaged and transplanted from the adult human spinal cord of organ transplant donors. Adult human spinal cord NSPC require an adherent substrate for selection and expansion in EGF (epidermal growth factor) and FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor) enriched medium. NSPC as an adherent monolayer can be passaged for at least 9 months and form neurospheres when plated in suspension culture. In EGF/FGF2 culture, NSPC proliferate and primarily express nestin and Sox2, and low levels of markers for differentiating cells. Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes NSPC proliferation and significantly enhances GFAP expression in hypoxia. In differentiating conditions in the presence of serum, these NSPC show multipotentiality, expressing markers of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) significantly enhances neuronal differentiation. We transplanted the multipotent NSPC into SCI rats and show that the xenografts survive, are post-mitotic, and retain the capacity to differentiate into neurons and glia

    Cell Lineage and Regional Identity of Cultured Spinal Cord Neural Stem Cells and Comparison to Brain-Derived Neural Stem Cells

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) can be isolated from different regions of the central nervous system. There has been controversy whether regional differences amongst stem and progenitor cells are cell intrinsic and whether these differences are maintained during expansion in culture. The identification of inherent regional differences has important implications for the use of these cells in neural repair. Here, we compared NSCs derived from the spinal cord and embryonic cortex. We found that while cultured cortical and spinal cord derived NSCs respond similarly to mitogens and are equally neuronogenic, they retain and maintain through multiple passages gene expression patterns indicative of the region from which they were isolated (e.g Emx2 and HoxD10). Further microarray analysis identified 229 genes that were differentially expressed between cortical and spinal cord derived neurospheres, including many Hox genes, Nuclear receptors, Irx3, Pace4, Lhx2, Emx2 and Ntrk2. NSCs in the cortex express LeX. However, in the embryonic spinal cord there are two lineally related populations of NSCs: one that expresses LeX and one that does not. The LeX negative population contains few markers of regional identity but is able to generate LeX expressing NSCs that express markers of regional identity. LeX positive cells do not give rise to LeX-negative NSCs. These results demonstrate that while both embryonic cortical and spinal cord NSCs have similar self-renewal properties and multipotency, they retain aspects of regional identity, even when passaged long-term in vitro. Furthermore, there is a population of a LeX negative NSC that is present in neurospheres derived from the embryonic spinal cord but not the cortex

    ERK5 MAP Kinase Regulates Neurogenin1 during Cortical Neurogenesis

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    The commitment of multi-potent cortical progenitors to a neuronal fate depends on the transient induction of the basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors including Neurogenin 1 (Neurog1). Previous studies have focused on mechanisms that control the expression of these proteins while little is known about whether their pro-neural activities can be regulated by kinase signaling pathways. Using primary cultures and ex vivo slice cultures, here we report that both the transcriptional and pro-neural activities of Neurog1 are regulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 5 signaling in cortical progenitors. Activation of ERK5 potentiated, while blocking ERK5 inhibited Neurog1-induced neurogenesis. Furthermore, endogenous ERK5 activity was required for Neurog1-initiated transcription. Interestingly, ERK5 activation was sufficient to induce Neurog1 phosphorylation and ERK5 directly phosphorylated Neurog1 in vitro. We identified S179/S208 as putative ERK5 phosphorylation sites in Neurog1. Mutations of S179/S208 to alanines inhibited the transcriptional and pro-neural activities of Neurog1. Our data identify ERK5 phosphorylation of Neurog1 as a novel mechanism regulating neuronal fate commitment of cortical progenitors
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