322 research outputs found

    Traffic Shaping Menggunakan Metode HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) pada Jaringan Nirkabel

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    Perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat menuntut adanya layanan informasi yang lebih cepat, tepat, dan akurat menjadikan jaringan komputer sebagai kebutuhan utama. Traffic Shaping dengan Quality of Service (QoS) dapat digunakan dalam mengoptimalkan bandwidth suatu jaringan untuk menentukan jenis-jenis lalu lintas jaringan. Metode Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) dapat mengimplementasi pembagian trafik yang lebih akurat, dengan bandwidth yang tidak digunakan dapat dioptimalkan oleh pengguna lain. Hasil traffic shaping menggunakan metode HTB menghasilkan rata-rata indeks QoS yaitu 3,75 dan dapat dikategorikan Baik, dibandingkan sebelum menerapkan traffic shaping yaitu rata-rata 2,25 yang dikategorikan Kurang Baik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja jaringan hotspot dengan Traffic Shaping dan Quality of Service (QoS)  dapat meningkatkan kualitas jaringan daripada sebelumnya.The development of an increasingly rapid era requires the existence of information services that are faster, more precise, and accurate, making computer networks a primary need. Traffic Shaping with Quality of Service (QoS) can be used in optimizing the bandwidth of a network to determine the types of network traffic. The Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) method can implement more accurate traffic sharing, with unused bandwidth being optimized by other users. The results of traffic shaping using the HTB method produces an average QoS index of 3.75 and can be categorized Good, compared to before applying traffic shaping which is an average of 2.25 which is categorized as Poor. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the performance of hotspot networks with Traffic Shaping and Quality of Service (QoS) can improve network quality than before

    Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy: Silent Tragedy

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is brain dysfunction caused by both acute and chronic liver diseases that produces a spectrum of neuropsychiatric symptoms in the absence of other known brain diseases. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is the mildest form of this spectrum. MHE is defined as HE without symptoms on clinical or neurological examination, but with deficits in the performance of psychometric tests, working memory, psychomotor speed, and visuospatial ability. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy is associated with impaired driving skills and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents and has been associated with increased hospitalizations and death. Despite its clinical importance, a large number of clinicians had never investigated whether their cirrhotic patients might have MHE. Although, there is no single gold standard test for diagnosis of MHE, a combination of two neuropsychological tests or psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score battery test and/or neurophysiological test is standard for diagnosis of MHE. It was found that, treatment for MHE improves neuropsychiatric performance and quality of life and decreases the risk of developing overt HE (OHE). The agents used to treat OHE have been tested in patients with MHE. In particular, lactulose, rifaximin, probiotics and l-ornithine and l-aspartate (LOLA) have all been shown to be beneficial, with documented improvement in psychometric performance after treatment

    Radiation exposure to surgeon during selected orthopaedic procedures under fluoroscopic guidance technique

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    The number of orthopaedic surgical procedures using image intensification fluoroscopic assistance had increased markedly over the past few years. There are growing concerns over possible associated radiation health hazards. In this study, scattered radiation to the eye, hand and neck of the primary surgeon were measured during interlocking nail of femur and dynamic hip screw fixation assisted by the fluoroscopic machine. Thennoluminescent dosimeter was used to quantify the radiation dose received by the surgeon. Mean radiation exposure time or duration that fluoroscopy was used during the procedure for interlocking nail of femur and dynamic hip screw fJXation were 3.89 minutes and 3.03 minutes respectively. Study showed that the primary surgeon received certain amount of scattered radiation dose during the procedures. The hand received the highest scattered dose followed by the eye and neck. The scattered dose was small. By extrapolating these results, it is unlikely for an individual surgeon to receive more than the recommended annual dose limit as set by the international organization

    On holomorphically projective mappings of parabolic Kahler manifolds

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    In this paper we study fundamental equations of holomorphically projective mappings of parabolic Kahler spaces (which are generalized classical, pseudo- and hyperbolic Kahler spaces) with respect to the smoothness class of metrics. We show that holomorphically projective mappings preserve the smoothness class of metrics.Palacky University Olomouc [IGA PrF 2014016

    Antibacterial responses of retinal Müller glia: production of antimicrobial peptides, oxidative burst and phagocytosis

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    BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that, in response to microbial infection, activated Müller glia secrete inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and exhibit antimicrobial properties. The aim of this study is to understand the mechanisms and the key components involved in this response. METHODS: Immortalized human retinal Müller glia (MIO-M1 cells) were challenged with Staphylococcus (S) aureus, the leading cause of severe intraocular infection followed by RT(2) profile PCR array analysis. The expression of human β-defensin 1 (HBD1), 2 (HBD2), 3 (HBD3), hepcidine and cathelicidin LL37 was checked by RT-PCR and quantified by Taqman® qPCR. The expression of AMPs was confirmed at protein level by dot-blot analysis. The production of ROS was measured by dicholoro-dihydro-fluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) staining by flow cytometry as well as fluorescence microscopy. The level of nitric oxide (NO) was measured by measuring a stable metabolite, nitrite using the Griess reagent. In vitro killing assay was performed by Live/Dead® BacLight™ staining as well as by dilution plating in suspension and adherent conditions following S. aureus infection. Phagocytosis was measured by CFU enumeration following infection. RESULTS: PCR array data showed that, in comparison to uninfected control cells, bacterial challenge significantly (> two-fold) induced the expression of 26 genes involved in cytokine/chemokine, antimicrobials, Toll-like receptor, apoptotic, and NF-κB signaling. RT-PCR analysis showed time-dependent increased expression of HBD1, HBD2, HBD3, LL-37, and hepcidin mRNA in bacteria-challenged Müller glia. The expression of these antimicrobial molecules was also increased at the protein level in the culture supernatant, as detected by dot-blot analysis. Additionally, the bacteria-stimulated Müller glia were found to produce reactive oxygen (ROS) and reactive nitrogen (RNS) species. In vitro, killing assays revealed that Müller glia exhibited bactericidal activity against S. aureus in both adherent and suspension cultures. Furthermore, our data demonstrated that Müller glia can phagocytize and kill the bacteria in a time-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that retinal Müller glia behave like classical innate immune cells by producing a variety of antimicrobial molecules in response to bacterial challenge, suggesting their pivotal role in retinal innate defense

    Current status and future directions in the management of chronic hepatitis C

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is endemic worldwide, and it causes cirrhosis and other complications that often lead to death; nevertheless, our knowledge of the disease and its mechanisms is limited. HCV is most common in underdeveloped nations, including many in Africa and Asia. The virus is usually transmitted by parenteral routes, but sexual, perinatal, and other types of transfer have been known to occur. Approximately 80% of individuals who contract hepatitis C develop a chronic infection, and very few are able to spontaneously clear the virus. Because hepatitis C is asymptomatic in the majority of patients, the presence of HCV RNA in the serum is the best diagnostic tool. Although serious complications from hepatitis C may not occur for 20 years, 1/5 of chronic patients eventually develop life - threatening cirrhosis. More research is needed on the different therapy options for the disease, and many factors, most importantly the genotype of the virus, must be taken into account before beginning any treatment. As there is no vaccine against HCV at present, the most effective and recommended therapy is pegylated-interferon-α-2a plus ribavirin. While interferon is marginally effective as a monotherapy, both adding the moiety and combining it with ribavirin have been shown to dramatically increase its potency. While there are numerous alternative and complementary medicines available for patients with hepatitis C, their efficacy is questionable. Currently, research is being done to investigate other possible treatments for hepatitis C, and progress is being made to develop a vaccine against HCV, despite the many challenges the virus presents. Until such a vaccination is available, prevention and control methods are important in containing and impeding the spread of the virus and mitigating its deleterious effects on the health of people and communities worldwide