44 research outputs found

    Molecular Characterization of Mycobacterium ulcerans DNA Gyrase and Identification of Mutations Reducing Susceptibility to Quinolones In Vitro

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    Buruli ulcer disease is a neglected necrotizing and disabling cutaneous tropical illness caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. Fluoroquinolone (FQ), used in the treatment of this disease, has been known to act by inhibiting the enzymatic activities of DNA gyrase. However, the detailed molecular basis of these characteristics and the FQ resistance mechanisms in M. ulcerans remains unknown. This study investigated the detailed molecular mechanism of M. ulcerans DNA gyrase and the contribution of FQ resistance in vitro using recombinant proteins from the M. ulcerans subsp. shinshuense and Agy99 strains with reduced sensitivity to FQs. The IC50 of FQs against Ala91Val and Asp95Gly mutants of M. ulcerans shinshuense and Agy99 GyrA subunits were 3.7- to 42.0-fold higher than those against wild-type (WT) enzyme. Similarly, the quinolone concentrations required to induce 25% of the maximum DNA cleavage (CC25) was 10- to 210-fold higher than those for the WT enzyme. Furthermore, the interaction between the amino acid residues of the WT/mutant M. ulcerans DNA gyrase and FQ side chains were assessed by molecular docking studies. This was the first elaborative study demonstrating the contribution of mutations in M. ulcerans DNA GyrA subunit to FQ resistance in vitro

    Biochemical characterization of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and inhibition of its activity by pyrazinamide.

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    Quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QAPRTase, EC is a key enzyme in the de novo pathway of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthesis and a target for the development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs. QAPRTase catalyzes the synthesis of nicotinic acid mononucleotide from quinolinic acid (QA) and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) through a phosphoribosyl transfer reaction followed by decarboxylation. The crystal structure of QAPRTase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (MtQAPRTase) has been determined; however, a detailed functional analysis of MtQAPRTase has not been published. Here, we analyzed the enzymatic activities of MtQAPRTase and determined the effect on catalysis of the anti-tuberculosis drug pyrazinamide (PZA). The optimum temperature and pH for MtQAPRTase activity were 60°C and pH 9.2. MtQAPRTase required bivalent metal ions and its activity was highest in the presence of Mg2+. Kinetic analyses revealed that the Km values for QA and PRPP were 0.08 and 0.39 mM, respectively, and the kcat values for QA and PRPP were 0.12 and 0.14 [s-1], respectively. When the amino acid residues of MtQAPRTase, which may interact with QA, were substituted with alanine residues, catalytic activity was undetectable. Further, PZA, which is an anti-tuberculosis drug and a structural analog of QA, markedly inhibited the catalytic activity of MtQAPRTase. The structure of PZA may provide the basis for the design of new inhibitors of MtQAPRTase. These findings provide new insights into the catalytic properties of MtQAPRTase

    The other helicobacters

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    In the past year, a substantial number of (putative) novel Helicobacter species have been described, including Helicobacter himalayensis colonizing the Himalayan marmot and Helicobacter apodemus, colonizing the Korean striped field mouse. In addition, a putative novel gastric Helicobacter species was identified in wild gorillas and chimpanzees, for which the name "Candidatus H. homininae" was proposed. A high incidence of gastric non-H. pylori Helicobacter infection was described in China and multiple case reports have described the involvement of enterohepatic Helicobacter species, especially Helicobacter cinaedi, in a wide range of diseases. Several studies in rodent models further elucidated the mechanisms underlying the development of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma during infection with gastric non-H. pylori Helicobacters. The effects of infection with gastric Helicobacters on the development of neuroinflammation were investigated and several enterohepatic Helicobacter species were shown to affect the composition of the gut microbiota, to influence vaccine efficiency as well as the progression of cancer in distant sites of the body

    WQ-3810 inhibits DNA gyrase activity in ofloxacin-resistant Mycobacterium leprae

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    Background: Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy and ofloxacin is used to control this bacterium. However, specific amino acid substitutions in DNA gyrases of M. leprae interferes with the effect of ofloxacin. Methodology/principal findings: Here we tested the inhibitory effect of WQ-3810 on DNA gyrases in M. leprae, using recombinant gyrases. We theorized that WQ-3810 and DNA gyrases interacted, which was tested in silico. Compared with control drugs like ofloxacin, WQ-3810 showed a better inhibitory effect on ofloxacin-resistant DNA gyrases. The in-silico study showed that, unlike control drugs, a specific linkage between a R1 group in WQ-3810 and aspartic acid at position 464 in the subunit B of DNA gyrases existed, which would enhance the inhibitory effect of WQ-3810. This linkage was confirmed in a further experiment, using recombinant DNA gyrases with amino acid substitutions in subunits B instead. Conclusions/significance: The inhibitory effect of WQ-3810 was likely enhanced by the specific linkage between a R1 group residue in its structure and DNA gyrases. Using interactions like the one found in the present work may help design new fluoroquinolones that contribute to halt the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. (c) 2019 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Selected contact between MtQAPRTase and PZA.

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    <p>Selected contact between MtQAPRTase and PZA.</p

    Inhibitory effect of PZA or POA on MtQAPRTase activity and the calculated IC<sub>50</sub> values.

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    <p>(A) Chemical structures of QA, PZA, and POA are shown. Either 1 mM of PZA or POA was incubated with MtQAPRTase at pH 7.2 (B, left) and pH 6.2 (B, right) at 37°C for 30 min. After incubation, reactions were stopped and the products analyzed using HPLC. The IC<sub>50</sub> values are indicated in (C). N.D. mean not detected. Data from three separate experiments are represented as mean ± standard error.</p

    Kinetic studies of MtQAPRTase.

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    <p>The Michaelis–Menten plots for enzyme activity were generated in the presence of different concentrations of PRPP (A) and QA (B) as shown in the figure. Reaction mixtures (50 mM KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> [pH 7.2], 6 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, various concentrations of QA or PRPP, and 1.62 µM of MtQAPRTase) were incubated at 37°C over 20 min. Kinetic studies were performed using reaction mixtures that contained various concentrations of PRPP and a fixed concentration of QA (0.3 mM) as the substrate; conversely, kinetic studies were also performed using reaction mixtures that contained various concentrations of QA and a fixed concentration of the PRPP (1.0 mM) as the substrate. Standard error for three independent experiments is indicated by the bars.</p

    PCR primers.

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    <p>Mutated codons are shown in bold type.</p><p>Restriction endonuclease cleavage sites and 6xHis are written in italics and underlined, respectively.</p