30 research outputs found

    Chronic Subdural Hematoma Associated with External Decompression for Acute Traumatic Intracranial Hematoma: report of two cases

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    A report is presented on two cases of chronic subdural hematoma which occurred after craniotomy, removal of the hematoma and external decompression for traumatic intracranial hematoma. As for the pathogenesis of chronic subdural hematoma of these two cases, these chronic subdural hematomas were considered to have originated from the subdural collection of mixed fluid of cerebrospinal fluid and blood caused by tearing of the arachnoid on head injury or craniotomy in the space between the brain and dural plasty. Opening and irrigating the hematoma cavity proved adequate as treatment at cranioplasty

    動物の地震予知能力に関する研究 : イヌによる地震予知の可能性

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    1995年1月17日に阪神・淡路大震災が発生した。神戸市など震源地周辺で飼育されていたイヌのうち約20%が地震発生前に異常行動を示したことが地震発生後の調査によって報告された。本研究では,イヌの示した異常行動の原因は地震前に発生する電磁波を感知したためではないかとの仮説のもと,人工的に発生させた電磁波をイヌに照射し,照射後の行動および神経内分泌学的な変化を観察した。There were lots of reports concerning the unusual behavior of animals before the Great Hanshin Earthquake on January 17, 1995, although those cases were reported after the earthquake. About 20 % of dogs which were kept at Kobe and its neighboring areas showed unusual behavior: dogs that seldom barked howled; dogs that were always gentle bit their owners suddenly; dogs showed no appetite; dogs were severely frightened; dogs were eager to go out their homes, etc. We hypothesize that those dogs sensed extraordinary changes in their unusual environment, for example, an abnormal production of electromagnetic wave (EMW). In this study we exposed the unusual EMW, which was observed before the earthquake, to dogs, and examined the changes in their behavior and neuroendocrine parameters. Finally we have found dogs having the ability to sense the EMW observed before and at the Great Hanshin Earthquake

    A Rare Case of Idiopathic Temporal Muscle Abscess in a Nine-month-old Infant

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    Temporal muscle abscess in children usually occurs from acute otitis media, and rapid progression and concomitant infectious disease often make it easy to diagnose. We report a rare case of a nine-month-old infant who showed right temporal mass with no evidence of infection. Computed tomography showed an osteolytic round mass, and magnetic resonance imaging revealed heterogenous enhancement with a high apparent diffusion coefficient. Malignant tumor was first suspected, but an open biopsy revealed the swelling to be temporal muscle abscess. It should be noted that temporal abscess may mimic the features of a malignant tumor, and multiple examinations should be performed for an accurate diagnosis


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    1. Introduction / 2. Experimental Results / 3. Computation and Discussion / 4. SummaryTo explain interference fringes due to diffraction effect at grown-in twin boundary in ADP phase difference a=2g・R+θ is computed, and discussion is made on visibility of fringes to reveal a twin configuration. Computation is performed in all combinations of 30 diffraction planes used to take topographs and 33 possible twin lattices allowing lattice displacement A/B[U, V, W] at twin boundary, where B is changed from 2 to 24, A from 1 to (B-1) and U, V and W from -5 to 5, respectively. The most probable twin configuration is found taking crystal growth mechanism and lattice symmetry into consideration. It is made:by the stacking of new (01^^-1) planes of lattice made by mirror reflection about (011) plane of mother lattice, jointed onto (01^^-1) plane of mother lattice, and for lattice relaxation twin lattice is slightly displaced in [01^^-1] direction


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    A section topography using synchrotron radiation is proposed and incidental problems are discussed with the aid of a computer simulation. The effect of higher order diffractions is examined for (111) and (110) systematic reflections, and it is shown that only a single reflection contributes to a topograph if we use an adapted wave length. The effect of a broad spectrum of the incident beam is also examined. Contribution to the images due to wave length extended up to ±5x10^-4 nm from a given wave length of 0.1nm is inquired, and no trouble some effect is found.1. Introduction / 2. Section topography using synchrotron radiation / 3. Computer simulation / 4. Examinations with simulated topographs / 5. Conclusio

    魚食性動物の人工餌料の開発とその経済的効果 : 海洋深層水を用いた新たな保存法について

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    動物介在療法(アニマルセラピー)のなかで,イルカセラピーはとりわけ関心が高い。現在,イルカは水族館を始め多数の施設で飼育されているが,日本の施設で15歳を超えて生存しているイルカは極めて稀であり,野生下での寿命が40年以上と言われる現実から考えると極めて短命である。このことは,わが国の動物園,水族館のほとんどが赤字経営を余儀なくされ,設備経費の中で大きな割合を占めている餌料のコスト,および入荷の不安定性から一括購入された単一試料を与える傾向が強く,栄養的に十分な対応がなされていないことと関連している。どの動物も最大限の配慮をもって飼育管理されるべきであり,餌料の重要性は言をまたない。本研究は,安価にして,輸送および保存が容易な栄養学的にもバランスの良い『人工飼料』の開発を目的としている。本年(平成14年)度の研究では,安全性,保存性,衛生的取り扱いに関し,防腐剤を用いずに少なくとも2週間(5℃環境下)保存できる方法を検討した。その結果,海洋深層水の殺菌作用・菌発育抑制効果について,1)水素イオン濃度の違いによる効果の差が顕著にみられ,最も酸度の高いpH2.05では作用後10分で菌は死滅し,0まで滅少した。2)pH4.72の海洋深層水を用いた場合,作用後24時間以内に菌は死滅し,0まで滅少した。3)pH5.38及びpH10.57の海洋深層水では効果の即効性はなかったものの,徐々に菌数が滅少していくことが確認され,24時間後には約50個程度まで滅少した。これらのことにより,水素イオン濃度を調節した海洋深層水は明らかな殺菌作用および菌発育抑制効果を待つことが示唆され,人工飼料の保存に有効な手段になることがわかった。Most of the dolphins at the aquariums in Japan have been suffering from their health problem because of the deficit in the nutrients. They eat everyday nothing else the same food like mackerels and sardines that are not suitable for the foodstuff of people. Those foods have often been very old and less- watered. Consequently, the lifetime of dolphins in Japan is less than 15 years old, although that of a dolphin in the ocean is more than 40 years old. One of the backgrounds of the situation is that almost all the aquariums and the facilities keeping dolphins and marine mammals are in financial difficulties. The major purpose in this study is to develop the well-combined and inexpensive foods for marine mammals kept in the artificial environments. In the first year, 2001, we have developed the new method to make an artificial food, with Nippi Inc. (Fujinomiya, Shizuoka), using the materials such as tunas and bony parts: the minced materials are filled up into a casing which is made from collagen (the collagen casing). Then, in 2002, we have discovered an original method to preserve raw foods with the deep seawater. The deep seawater has properties such as cleanness and eutrophy. In recent years, its utilization in the field of fishery, the energy, the environment and the industry creation, has been studied. In some of these fields, it is put to practical use. Considering whole concept of port and costal zone in the future, the deep seawater seems to be very important as a precious resource in Japan. Therefore it is necessary to conduct multidisciplinary and technological studies of utilization of the deep seawater. In this study, we have demonstrated the possibility of the water quality to be used as the proservation of a raw food