583 research outputs found


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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Immunohistochemical distribution of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) subunits in human lung cancer cells were studied using fluorescent antibody technique. Both in cytological and histological specimen, specific fluorescence of LDH-H and LDH-M were seen in the cytoplasm of cancer cells, and in most cases no remarkable difference could be demonstrated between the distribution of H and M subunit. But in some cases specific fluorescence of M-subunit was stronger than that of H-subunit. The fluorescence of M-subunit was demonstrated as fine granules diffusely in the cytoplasm. On the other hand the fluorescence of H-subunit was rather localized and demonstrated as rather coarse granules. And this observation was discussed

    Catalyst deactivation of a silica-supported bismuth-molybdenum complex oxide and the related complex oxides for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1,3-butadiene

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    This study was an examination of the catalyst deactivation of a silica-supported bismuth-molybdenum complex oxide, and that of catalysts used in the absence of bismuth, for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene. Due to the detection of deactivation, the molar ratio of 1-butene against oxygen in the reactant gas was adjusted to a ratio similar to that used in industrial processes where reaction temperatures average 100 K higher. Regardless of the presence or absence of bismuth in the catalysts, the conversion of 1-butene was decreased by 6 h on-stream. Both the progress of the coking from the inlet to the outlet of the catalyst and the reduction of molybdenum in the catalysts directly contributed to the deactivation. X-ray photoelectron spectrometry revealed that a greater reduction of molybdenum in the near-surface region and a smaller partial pressure of oxygen (P(O2)) in the reactant gas, although the molybdenum on the surface was not reduced at all. This indicated that the lattice oxygen was pumped from the near-surface region to the surface during the reaction and the oxygen-poor conditions of the near-surface region both in the gas and catalyst phases were formed at a smaller P(O2), which resulted in the enhancements of both the reduction of molybdenum and that of coking. Based on the thermogravimetric analysis, the silica-supported bismuth-molybdenum complex oxide used at P(O2) = 4.1 kPa (color of the catalyst = black) was increased in weight while that used at P(O2) = 16.4 kPa (color of the catalyst = gray) showed a weight decrease, which indicated that the weight decrease caused by the reduction in molybdenum in the near-surface region used at 4.1 kPa was greater than the weight increase from the coking. It was concluded that the reduction in molybdenum followed by the coking on the catalyst surface were the main factors in the catalyst deactivation

    Effect of Clomipramine on Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis with Resistance to Psychotherapy

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    The authors describe a 26-year-old male who suffered from obsessive compulsive neurosis with resistance to psychotherapy. Clomipramine led to a reduction of this resistance. His personality is the cases with ambivalent personality many points of like similarity to the case with active dependent personality, such cases have responded successfully to clomipramine. Therefore, we believe this is way clomipramine was effective in this case

    Effects of acidic-basic properties on catalytic activity for the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane on calcium phosphates, doped and undoped with chromium

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    Catalytic activities of calcium hydroxyapatite (HAp) and β-type tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) were examined for use in the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of isobutane. β-TCP was catalytically inactive for the ODH of isobutane, but stoichiometric HAp afforded a high isobutene yield (5.6%). The isobutane conversion and isobutene selectivity of HAp depended on the atomic ratio of Ca/P. HAp with Ca/P = 1.67 showed the highest isobutene selectivity and isobutene yield among the HAp catalysts with different Ca/P ratios. The characterization of the acidic-basic properties showed that these properties affect the catalytic performance of HAp, and that its basicity is necessary for high catalytic activity. To improve the catalytic activities of calcium phosphates, they were impregnated with Cr. Despite a much lower surface area for β-TCP, Cr-impregnated β-TCP showed a higher isobutene yield (up to 8.4%) than that of Cr-impregnated HAp. The results of the XPS measurement showed that the Cr3+ species on calcium phosphates, owing to basicity, worked as active sites in the ODH of isobutane

    Supranormal orientation selectivity of visual neurons in orientation-restricted animals

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    Altered sensory experience in early life often leads to remarkable adaptations so that humans and animals can make the best use of the available information in a particular environment. By restricting visual input to a limited range of orientations in young animals, this investigation shows that stimulus selectivity, e.g., the sharpness of tuning of single neurons in the primary visual cortex, is modified to match a particular environment. Specifically, neurons tuned to an experienced orientation in orientation-restricted animals show sharper orientation tuning than neurons in normal animals, whereas the opposite was true for neurons tuned to non-experienced orientations. This sharpened tuning appears to be due to elongated receptive fields. Our results demonstrate that restricted sensory experiences can sculpt the supranormal functions of single neurons tailored for a particular environment. The above findings, in addition to the minimal population response to orientations close to the experienced one, agree with the predictions of a sparse coding hypothesis in which information is represented efficiently by a small number of activated neurons. This suggests that early brain areas adopt an efficient strategy for coding information even when animals are raised in a severely limited visual environment where sensory inputs have an unnatural statistical structure

    Relationship of flow-volume curve pattern on pulmonary function test with clinical and radiological features in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

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    Background:The flow-volume (FV) curve pattern in the pulmonary function test (PFT) for obstructive lung diseases is widely recognized. However, there are few reports on FV curve pattern in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In this study, we investigated the relationship between FV curve pattern and clinical or radiological features in IPF.Methods:The FV curves on PFTs and chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images of 130 patients with IPF were retrospectively evaluated. The FV curves were divided into four groups based on the presence or absence of the convex and concave patterns: convex/concave, non-convex/concave, convex/non-concave, and non-convex/non-concave. Using a computer-aided system, CT honeycombing area (%HA) and subtracted low attenuation area (%sLAA) were quantitatively measured. To assess the distribution of CT findings, the lung area was divided into upper, lower, central, and peripheral areas. The relationships of FV curve patterns with patient characteristics, spirometry results, and quantitative CT findings were evaluated.Results:The patients with convex pattern was identified in 93 (71.5%) and concave pattern in 72 (55.4%). Among the four groups, patients with the convex/non-concave pattern had significantly lower forced vital capacity (FVC) and higher %HA of the upper/peripheral lung area (p = 0.018, and p = 0.005, respectively). The convex/non-concave pattern was a significant predictor of mortality for IPF (hazard ratio, 2.19; p = 0.032).Conclusions:Patients with convex/non-concave pattern in FV curve have lower FVC and poorer prognosis with distinct distribution of fibrosis. Hence, FV curve pattern might be a useful predictor of mortality in IPF

    Field experiments in labor economics

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    In this thesis I show with three studies how field experiments can enhance our understanding of labor markets. Economists traditionally assume that individuals exclusively respond to monetary incentives. As a consequence, if workers have no prospect of future employment at the firm and pay is not contingent on their performance, a wage change should not affect effort. Some economists, however, have recognized that this narrow view of human motivation may severely limit our progress in understanding incentives. In Chapters 2 and 3, I investigate the role of psychological motives like the desire to reciprocate in the context of a real‐life work environment. The first experiment explores the impact of a wage increase on work performance when there is no economic reason for workers to change their effort. I find that workers reciprocate a generous wage with higher performance, particularly those workers who care about fairness and felt underpaid prior to the wage increase. The second experiment investigates the effects of a wage cut on performance when either all workers in a team or only some of them suffer the cut. I show that a general pay cut reduces performance, while a wage cut for only some of the workers reduces their performance more than twice as much. This finding demonstrates the powerful force of social comparison and the need to build the social nature of humans into economic theory. In Chapter 4, I examine the joint effects of monetary incentives and social interaction on work performance. Many jobs offer wage schemes that create positive or negative externalities on coworkers. Whether or not workers have the possibility to interact socially at work may distort the intended incentives of these schemes. I find that under relative incentives, when own effort imposes a negative externality on the coworker’s income, social interaction works against monetary incentives and leads to low performance due to collusion. However, the more workers differ in skills the less able they are to sustain collusive agreements. In der vorliegenden Dissertation zeige ich anhand von drei Studien wie Feldexperimente unser Verständnis von Arbeitsmärkten verbessern können. Ökonomen gehen traditionell davon aus, dass Individuen ausschliesslich auf materielle Anreize reagieren. Wenn also Arbeitskräfte keine Aussicht auf eine langfristige Anstellung haben und deren Lohn nicht von der Leistung abhängt, dann sollte eine Lohnveränderung keinen Einfluss auf die Arbeitsleistung haben. Manche Ökonomen haben jedoch erkannt, dass diese Sichtweise des menschlichen Verhaltens beschränkt ist und unseren Fortschritt im Verständnis von Anreizen bremsen kann. In den Kapiteln 2 und 3 untersuche ich die Bedeutung von psychologischen Motiven wie Fairness oder Reziprozität in echten Arbeitsumgebungen. Das erste Experiment untersucht den Einfluss einer Lohnerhöhung auf die Arbeitsleistung, wenn Arbeitskräfte keinen ökonomischen Grund haben, ihren Arbeitseinsatz zu ändern. Diese Studie zeigt, dass Arbeitskräfte einen grosszügigen Lohn mit höherer Arbeitsleistung erwidern. Dies gilt besonders für diejenigen, die Fairness als wichtig empfinden und sich vor der Lohnerhöhung unterbezahlt fühlten. Das zweite Experiment untersucht die Wirkung einer Lohnkürzung auf die Arbeitsleistung, wenn entweder das ganze Team oder nur einen Teil davon betroffen ist. Diese Studie zeigt auf, dass eine generelle Lohnkürzung die Arbeitsleistung senkt, wohingegen eine Lohnkürzung nur für einzelne Arbeitskräfte deren Leistung um mehr als das Doppelte reduziert. Diese Erkenntnis unterstreicht die Bedeutung von sozialen Motiven und die Notwendigkeit einer Veränderung des Menschenbilds in der Ökonomie. In Kapitel 4 erforsche ich den gemeinsamen Einfluss von materiellen Anreizen und sozialer Interaktion auf die Arbeitsleistung. Viele Firmen bieten Lohnsysteme an, bei welchen die eigene Leistung vor‐ oder nachteilhafte Nebeneffekte auf das Einkommen der Arbeitskollegen hat. Soziale Interaktion am Arbeitsplatz kann dabei die Anreize dieser Lohnsysteme verzerren. Diese Studie findet heraus, dass bei Entlohnung der Arbeitskräfte durch Turnieranreize, d.h. wenn die eigene Leistung sich nachteilhaft auf das Einkommen der Arbeitskollegen auswirkt, soziale Interaktion die Anreize ausser Kraft setzt und zu geheimen Absprachen führt. Wenn hingegen Arbeitskräfte sehr unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten besitzen, dann sind geheime Absprachen schwieriger aufrecht zu halten