60 research outputs found


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    大学等の化学実験におけるリスク低減は長年の課題である。その中でも、多人数が同時に実験を行う学生実験室において揮発性の高い化学物質を使用する場合、実験を行う学生数に対して十分な数の囲い式フード型の局所排気装置を設置できていない状況がある。さらに、囲い式フード型の局所排気装置については、予算とスペースの問題から必要数を導入できない場合も多い。そこで、我々は低費用でリスクの低減化を図るために、通常の化学実験室に備えられている既設の設備を活用して外付け式フード型の局所排気装置を導入した。本報告では、その費用対効果と実際に使用した学生の意見を示し、化学実験における安全性の向上および教育効果を紹介する。Risk-reducing in chemical experiments in universities is an urgent task. Although environmental arrangement of chemical laboratory for undergraduate students at the moment does not look enough, it is difficult to obtain a sufficient cost to improve in many of recent universities.Therefore, we tried to set up local exhaust ventilation at low cost by using already existing facilities to improve environments of chemical laboratory. In the present report, we introduce cost-effectiveness for setting up local exhaust ventilation and educational effects for undergraduate students who used the local exhaust ventilation

    Heme Orientation of Cavity Mutant Hemoglobins (His F8 → Gly) in Either α or β Subunits: Circular Dichroism, 1H NMR, and Resonance Raman Studies

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    Native human adult hemoglobin (Hb A) has mostly normal orientation of heme, whereas recombinant Hb A (rHb A) expressed in E. coli contains both normal and reversed orientations of heme. Hb A with the normal heme exhibits positive circular dichroism (CD) bands at both the Soret and 260-nm regions, while rHb A with the reversed heme shows a negative Soret and decreased 260-nm CD bands. In order to examine involvement of the proximal histidine (His F8) of either α or β subunits in determining the heme orientation, we prepared two cavity mutant Hbs, rHb(αH87G) and rHb(βH92G), with substitution of glycine for His F8 in the presence of imidazole. CD spectra of both cavity mutant Hbs did not show a negative Soret band, but instead exhibited positive bands with strong intensity at the both Soret and 260-nm regions, suggesting that the reversed heme scarcely exists in the cavity mutant Hbs. We confirmed by 1H NMR and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies that the cavity mutant Hbs have mainly the normal heme orientation in both the mutated and native subunits. These results indicate that the heme Fe-His F8 linkage in both α and β subunits influences the heme orientation, and that the heme orientation of one type of subunit is related to the heme orientation of the complementary subunits to be the same. The present study showed that CD and RR spectroscopies also provided powerful tools for the examination of the heme rotational disorder of Hb A, in addition to the usual 1H NMR technique. Chirality 28:585–592, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Embargo Period 24 month

    Resonance Raman Study on a Mechanism of Quanternary Structual Change of Human Hemoglobin A

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    The quaternary structural change of human hemoglobin A (Hb A) was studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The quaternary structural change of Hb A occurs upon ligand (oxygen, Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO)) binding to hemes and has a close correlatuon with oxygen affinity and cooperativity. It is known that no ligand-bound form of Hb A (deoxyHb A) adopts T (tense) structure with the low affinity extreme and that fully ligand-bound form of Hb A (COHb A) adopts R (relaxed) structure with the high affinity extreme. The most important problem to be answered for the quaternary structural change of Hb is when and how it occurs. However, generally it is difficult to detect a partially ligand-bound form of Hb A in a solution condition, because most of Hb A molecules are present in either no ligand-bound form or fully ligand-bound form. Therefore, in this study were selected the following Hbs in which a partially ligand-bound form can be stabilized in solution conditions: NOHb, Ni-Fe hybrid Hb, and Hb M Boston. In Part I the results from ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) studies on NOHb (αNOβdeoxy),Ni-Fe hybrid Hb (αNiβandαCOβNi),and Hb M Boston (αMmetβCO) will be discussed. NOHb has the property that NO binds heme more strongly than CO. As the dissociation rate of NO is quite different between the α-heme and β-heme, it is possible to prepare a stable intermediate in which NO is bound only to α-heme. In this case a condition of the Fe-His bond can be controlled by pH or addition of IHP: the heme can be made five- or six-coordinate state. Therefore the author can investigate the effect of the Fe-His bond of α-heme on the quaternary structural change of tetramer. Ni-Fe hybrid Hb has the property that CO does not bind to the Ni-heme. In this case, the author can investigate the quaternary structure of a half ligand-bound form. Hb M Boston has the property that CO does not bind to ferric α-abnormal chain. Hb M Boston is not exactly the same as Hb A owing to the difference in a distal residue of α-chain. Recently it is reported that Hb M Boston has cooperatively at high pH (pH = 9). This suggests that Hb M Boston may induce a quaternary structural change. The quaternary structure of Hb M Boston in a partially ligand-bound form can be studied. The largest structural differences between the T and R structures revealed by X-ray crystallographic analysis, are located in the α1-β2 subunit interface. In this study an amount of the T and R structures in the intermediate states of quaternary structural change was estimated from UVRR spectral changes of the bands of tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (TIP) residues. The quaternary structural change from T structure (deoxyHb A) to R structure (COHb A) results in the lower frequency shifts of Y8a and Y9a bands of tyrosine and intensity reduction of W3, W16, W18 bands of tryptophan. The results from the measurements of the three Hbs are as follows. The quaternary structures of partially ligand-bound forms in NOHb (αNOβdeoxy), Ni-Fe hybrid Hb (αNiβCO) and (αCOβNi), and Hb M Boston (αMmetβCO) depend on pH and the absence or presence of IHP(inositol-hexakis-phosphate), and cannot be described by superimposition of only T and R structures which are limiting structures. Generally the ligand (CO not NO) binding to α-heme causes both lower frequency shifts of the special bands of tyrosine and intensity reduction of the special bands of tryptophan, but the ligand binding to β heme causes only the intensity reduction of the special bands of tryptophan, although the ligand binding to either α□, or β□ heme at lower pH (pH 6.3~6.7) in the presence of IHP apparently causes no spectral change. This suggests that the roles of α-heme and β-heme (their Fe-His bonds) in the quaternary structural change are different. Bindung of NO and CO to α-heme yields clear difference between the two ligands. Althounh the special bands of both tyrosine and tryptophan changed in the case of CO, the special bands of neither tyrosine nor tryptophan changed by NO even at pH 8.8 in the absence of IHP. This suggests that the difference in coordination ability between CO and NO influences the proximal His-Fe bond in α-heme, which reflects the large difference in the quaternary structural change. On the other hand, the ligand binding to β-heme can be discussed from another views when αNIβCO and Hb M Boston (αMmetβCO) are compared with αNOβNO, because αNOβdeoxy showed T structure at even higher pH (pH = 8.8) in the absence of IHP. But αNOβNO showed the R characteristics including both the lower frequency shifts of special bands of tyrosine and intensity reduction of special bands of tryptophan. It is different from the case of αNiβCO (or αMmetβCO) that the NO (or CO) binding to β-heme in αNOβdeoxy causes the lower frequency shifts of the special bands of tyrosine at lower pH and in the presence of IHP. The most important difference between αNiβCO (or αMmetβCO) and αNOβNO is whether the sixth coordination site of α-heme is occupied by a ligand (NO) or not. This suggests that the quaternary structural change caused by the CO (NO) binding to β-heme depends on the coordination state in α-heme. The network involving the distal histidine such as Fe-NO---His in α-heme may also have a close connection with the change of tyrosune. In conclusion of Part I, the change of tryptophan and tyrosine upon the quaternary structural change due to ligand (CO) binding to α-heme or β-heme can be summarized in the following way. CO binding to α-heme causes changes of both tryptophan and tyrosine and the changes do not depend on the state of β-heme. On the other hand, CO binding to β-heme causes a change of tryptophan only, but the change of tyrosine strongly depends on the state of a-heme. Thus CO binding to a-heme seems to induce the quaternary structural change more strongly than that to β-heme. In Part II the relation between the function and structure of Hb which has very low affinity and apparently no cooperativity is treated. This type of Hb can be prepared under low pH in the presence of strong allosteric effector such as bezafibrate (BZF). Generally it has been considered that binding of ligands to Hb causes a quaternary structural change. However it is reported that ligand binding of Hb occurs with no cooperativity but that judging from the 1H NMR signal, the quaternary structural change takes place. To investigate the relation between quaternary structure and cooperativity, this type of Hb is examined with resonance Raman spectroscopy. The quaternary structural change upon ligand (CO) binding was also observed by resonace Raman spectroscopy for Hb which has very low affinity and apparently no cooperativity due to the strong allosteric effector. The R structure in the presence of the strong allosteric effector was not spectrally different from the R structure of normal HbA. The effects of strong allosteric effector appeared in a rate of structural relaxation after CO photodissociation, which is usually of microsecond order. In the presence of allosteric effector, the structural change from R-structure to T-structure becomes faster. The Fe-His stretching frequency at 13 μs after CO photodissociation at pH 6.4 in the presence of IHP and BZF was lower by 5 cm-1 than that observed in the absence of the effectors, for which the number of CO molecules remaining on hemes was estimated to be 2.8. When the number of CO molecules bound to hemes was changed, the degree of the quaternary structural change from R-structure to T-structure was also changed. At pH 6.4 in the presence of IHP and BZF the quaternary structural change from R-structure to T-structure has finished at 4 μs after CO photodissociation, even if the number of CO molecules remaining on hemes is 3.5. However, at pH 8.8 in the absence of the effectors the quaternary structural change from R-structure to T-structure has not been completed at 13 μs, even if the number of CO molecules bound to hemes is 2.8. This suggests that the quaternary structural change from R-structure to T-structure occurs between R4 and T3 at pH 6.4 in the presence of IHP and BZF, and that at pH 8.8 in the absence of the effectors quaternary structural change from R-structure to T-structure has not been completed yet in 13 μs after CO photodissociation or that T structure cannot be maintained when the number of CO molecules bound to hemes is 2.8. This indicates that mixed allosteric effector, IHP and BZF, shifts the transition point of the quaternary structure from T2 → R3 to T3 → R4

    All-around Ultra-small Craniotomy for Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery

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    Mini-ALIF for Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis

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