606 research outputs found

    Theory of size-dependent resonance Raman intensities in InP nanocrystals

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    The resonance Raman spectrum of InP nanocrystals is characterized by features ascribable to both longitudinal (LO) and transverse (TO) optical modes. The intensity ratio of these modes exhibits a strong size dependence. To calculate the size dependence of the LO and TO Raman cross sections, we combine existing models of Raman scattering, the size dependence of electronic and vibrational structure, and electron vibration coupling in solids. For nanocrystals with a radius >10 Å, both the LO and TO coupling strengths increase with increasing radius. This, together with an experimentally observed increase in the electronic dephasing rate with decreasing size, allows us to account for the observed ratio of LO/TO Raman intensities

    Germanium quantum dots: Optical properties and synthesis

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    Three different size distributions of Ge quantum dots (>~200, 110, and 60 Å) have been synthesized via the ultrasonic mediated reduction of mixtures of chlorogermanes and organochlorogermanes (or organochlorosilanes) by a colloidal sodium/potassium alloy in heptane, followed by annealing in a sealed pressure vessel at 270 °C. The quantum dots are characterized by transmission electron microscopy, x-ray powder diffraction, x-ray photoemission, infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Colloidal suspensions of these quantum dots were prepared and their extinction spectra are measured with ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) and near infrared (IR) spectroscopy, in the regime from 0.6 to 5 eV. The optical spectra are correlated with a Mie theory extinction calculation utilizing bulk optical constants. This leads to an assignment of three optical features to the E(1), E(0'), and E(2) direct band gap transitions. The E(0') transitions exhibit a strong size dependence. The near IR spectra of the largest dots is dominated by E(0) direct gap absorptions. For the smallest dots the near IR spectrum is dominated by the Gamma25-->L indirect transitions


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    Whole body vibration (WBV) is a new technique which may improve leg muscle strength. Many researchers have studied the effect of whole body vibration recently. But study of effects of vibration stimulus to different activity type athletes, such as Tai Chi (N=12) and Weight-lifting (N=15) athletes is lacking. In this study we examine that question. The subjects were asked to stand in a half-squat posture without additional load on a vibration platform with 7 vibration frequencies (5, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30 Hz) at 4 mm amplitude and maintained for 30 seconds. The effect of WBV would be different on different sport subjects’ perceived exertion. We discovered that the subject’s perception may be related with the acceleration of the subject’s head. Using whole body vibration training to improve muscle power and strength depends on the particular sport’s training emphasis to setup the appropriate training protocol such as amplitude and frequency

    Quantum Error Correcting Codes Using Qudit Graph States

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    Graph states are generalized from qubits to collections of nn qudits of arbitrary dimension DD, and simple graphical methods are used to construct both additive and nonadditive quantum error correcting codes. Codes of distance 2 saturating the quantum Singleton bound for arbitrarily large nn and DD are constructed using simple graphs, except when nn is odd and DD is even. Computer searches have produced a number of codes with distances 3 and 4, some previously known and some new. The concept of a stabilizer is extended to general DD, and shown to provide a dual representation of an additive graph code.Comment: Version 4 is almost exactly the same as the published version in Phys. Rev.

    Bayesian Estimation Via Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling-Constrained Dynamic Systems

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    Nonlinear and non-Gaussian processes with constraints are commonly encountered in dynamic estimation problems. Methods for solving such problems either ignore the constraints or rely on crude approximations of the model or probability distributions. Such approximations may reduce the accuracy of the estimates since they often fail to capture the variety of probability distributions encountered in constrained linear and nonlinear dynamic systems. This article describes a practical approach that overcomes these shortcomings via a novel extension of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) sampling or particle filtering. Inequality constraints are imposed by accept/reject steps in the algorithm. The proposed approach provides samples representing the posterior distribution at each time point, and is shown to satisfy the same theoretical properties as unconstrained SMC. Illustrative examples show that results of the proposed approach are at least as accurate as moving horizon estimation, but computationally more efficient and in addition, the approach indicates the uncertainty associated with these estimates

    Preparing athletes and teams for the Olympic Games: experiences and lessons learned from the world's best sport psychologists

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    As part of an increased effort to understand the most effective ways to psychologically prepare athletes and teams for Olympic competition, a number of sport psychology consultants have offered best-practice insights into working in this context. These individual reports have typically comprised anecdotal reflections of working with particular sports or countries; therefore, a more holistic approach is needed so that developing practitioners can have access to - and utilise - a comprehensive evidence-base. The purpose of this paper is to provide a panel-type article, which offers lessons and advice for the next generation of aspiring practitioners on preparing athletes and teams for the Olympic Games from some of the world’s most recognised and experienced sport psychologists. The sample comprised 15 sport psychology practitioners who, collectively, have accumulated over 200 years of first-hand experience preparing athletes and/or teams from a range of nations for six summer and five winter Olympic Games. Interviews with the participants revealed 28 main themes and 5 categories: Olympic stressors, success and failure lessons, top tips for neophyte practitioners, differences within one’s own consulting work, and multidisciplinary consulting. It is hoped that the findings of this study can help the next generation of sport psychologists better face the realities of Olympic consultancy and plan their own professional development so that, ultimately, their aspirations to be the world’s best can become a reality

    Tuning the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to zero temperature in Anisotropic Boson Systems

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    We study the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with anisotropic hopping. Focusing on the effects of anisotropy on the superfluid properties such like the helicity modulus and the normal-to-superfluid (Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless, BKT) transition temperature, two different approaches are compared: Large-scale Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the self-consistent harmonic approximation (SCHA). For the latter, two different formulations are considered, one applying near the isotropic limit and the other applying in the extremely anisotropic limit. Thus we find that the SCHA provides a reasonable description of superfluid properties of this system provided the appropriate type of formulation is employed. The accuracy of the SCHA in the extremely anisotropic limit, where the BKT transition temperature is tuned to zero (i.e. into a Quantum critical point) and therefore quantum fluctuations play a dominant role, is particularly striking.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Induced Parity-Breaking Term at Finite Chemical Potential and Temparature

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    We exactly calculated the parity-odd term of the effective action induced by the fermions in 2+1 dimensions at finite chemical potential and finite temperature. It shows that gauge invariance is still respected. A more gerneral class of background configurations is considered. The knowledge of the reduced 1+1 determinant is required in order to draw exact conclusions about the gauge invariance of the parity-odd term in this latter case.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Superalgebra and Conservative Quantities in N=1 Self-dual Supergravity

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    The N=1 self-dual supergravity has SL(2,C) and the left-handed and right -handed local supersymmetries. These symmetries result in SU(2) charges as the angular-momentum and the supercharges. The model possesses also the invariance under the general translation transforms and this invariance leads to the energy-momentum. All the definitions are generally covariant . As the SU(2) charges and the energy-momentum we obtained previously constituting the 3-Poincare algebra in the Ashtekar's complex gravity, the SU(2) charges, the supercharges and the energy-momentum here also restore the super-Poincare algebra, and this serves to support the reasonableness of their interpretations.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, no figure