196 research outputs found

    The Effects of Light and Nitrate Levels on the Relationship Between Nitrate Reductase Activity and (NO3-)-N-15 Uptake: Field Observations in the East China Sea

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    Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and 15NO3- uptake (NU) were determined in the East China Sea and the adjoining Kuroshio in May 1996, at six stations covering a range of hydrographic conditions: the nutrient-rich and fresher plume of Changjiang Diluted Water along the Chinese coast, the nutrient-rich upwelling Kuroshio Subsurface Water at the shelf edge northeast of Taiwan, the oligotrophic Kuroshio Surface Water and the mixing zones among these water masses on the shelf. The values of NRA in the surface mixed layer ranged between 16 and 0.1 nM-N h-1, whereas those of NU ranged between 37 and 1 nM-N h-1. Higher NRA and NU were found in the frontal zone between the coastal and shelf waters and in the upwelling zone, whereas the lowest values were found in the surface Kuroshio. The NRA/Chl a ratio increased linearly with increasing NU/primary production ratio in the sequence: Kuroshio \u3c coastal plume \u3c upwelling zone and mixing zones in the shelf. This is probably a reflection of the varying nutrient condition and the relative importance of NU in sustaining the biomass in these regions. In nitrate- and light-replete waters, the average NU/NRA was 1.0 +/- 0.3. NRA was linearly related to NU so that NU = 1.08 (+/- 0.07)NRA (r(2) = 0.79). Thus, NRA may be used for estimating NU in these waters. In nitrate deficient and light-replete waters, the average NU/NRA was 4 +/- 4. These high and variable values of NU/NRA might have been caused by an over-estimation of NU as a result of the stimulatory effect of the added 15NO3-N on phytoplankton growth. Thus, NRA may be a more reliable indicator of the rate of NO3- uptake in oligotrophic waters. In nitrate-replete and light-deficient waters, NU did not correlate well with NRA. The average NU/NRA was 0.7 +/- 0.7. These low and variable values of NU/NRA suggest a possible decoupling between NRA and NU. By using the relationship between NU and NRA in nitrate- and light-replete waters and the depth-integrated inventory of NRA in the photic zone at each station, NU in oligotrophic waters, the coastal plume, upwelling waters and shelf waters can be estimated to be 0.45, 1.55, 3.12, and 3.59 mg-N m-2 h-1 respectively. These values fall well within the range of previously reported values in similar types of water

    Nitrate Anomaly in the Upper Nutricline in the Northern South China Sea - Evidence for Nitrogen Fixation

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    [1] Up to 2 μM of nitrate anomaly, N*, were found in the upper nutricline at the South East Asia Time-series Study (SEATS) site in the northern South China Sea (SCS). These concentrations were among the higher values reported in the Pacific and indicate the significant contribution of the remineralization of nitrogen-rich organic matter formed by nitrogen fixation to the nutrient dynamics of the area. The concentrations were systematically higher, by up to 2.5 μM, in the Fall through the early Spring, during the northeast monsoon, than in the Summer, suggesting that the impact of nitrogen fixation was higher during the former time period. This pattern is in phase with that of the atmospheric deposition of Asian dust to the northern SCS. The coherence is consistent with a coupling between nitrogen fixation and the availability of atmospherically derived iron

    Community production modulates coral reef pH and the sensitivity of ecosystem calcification to ocean acidification

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 745–761, doi:10.1002/2016JC012326.Coral reefs are built of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) produced biogenically by a diversity of calcifying plants, animals, and microbes. As the ocean warms and acidifies, there is mounting concern that declining calcification rates could shift coral reef CaCO3 budgets from net accretion to net dissolution. We quantified net ecosystem calcification (NEC) and production (NEP) on Dongsha Atoll, northern South China Sea, over a 2 week period that included a transient bleaching event. Peak daytime pH on the wide, shallow reef flat during the nonbleaching period was ∼8.5, significantly elevated above that of the surrounding open ocean (∼8.0–8.1) as a consequence of daytime NEP (up to 112 mmol C m−2 h−1). Diurnal-averaged NEC was 390 ± 90 mmol CaCO3 m−2 d−1, higher than any other coral reef studied to date despite comparable calcifier cover (25%) and relatively high fleshy algal cover (19%). Coral bleaching linked to elevated temperatures significantly reduced daytime NEP by 29 mmol C m−2 h−1. pH on the reef flat declined by 0.2 units, causing a 40% reduction in NEC in the absence of pH changes in the surrounding open ocean. Our findings highlight the interactive relationship between carbonate chemistry of coral reef ecosystems and ecosystem production and calcification rates, which are in turn impacted by ocean warming. As open-ocean waters bathing coral reefs warm and acidify over the 21st century, the health and composition of reef benthic communities will play a major role in determining on-reef conditions that will in turn dictate the ecosystem response to climate change.NSF Grant Number: 12205292017-07-3

    Dynamic responses of DOC and DIC transport to different flow regimes in a subtropical small mountainous river

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    Transport of riverine dissolved carbon (including DOC and DIC) is a crucial process linking terrestrial and aquatic C reservoirs, but has rarely been examined in subtropical small mountainous rivers (SMRs). This study monitored DOC and DIC concentrations on a biweekly basis during non-event flow periods and at 3&thinsp;h intervals during two typhoon events in three SMRs in southwestern Taiwan between January 2014 and August 2016. Two models, HBV (the Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning model) and a three-endmember mixing model, were applied to determine the quantities of DOC and DIC transport from different flow paths. The results show that the annual DOC and DIC fluxes were 2.7–4.8 and 48.4–54.3&thinsp;t&thinsp;C&thinsp;km−2&thinsp;yr−1, respectively, which were approx. 2 and 20 times higher than the global mean of 1.4 and 2.6&thinsp;t&thinsp;C&thinsp;km−2&thinsp;yr−1, respectively. The DIC&thinsp;∕&thinsp;DOC ratio was 14.08, which is much higher than the mean of large rivers worldwide (1.86), and indicates the high rates of chemical weathering in this region. The two typhoons contributed 12&thinsp;%–14&thinsp;% of the annual streamflow in only 3 days (about 1.0&thinsp;% of the annual time), whereas 15.0&thinsp;%–23.5&thinsp;% and 9.2&thinsp;%–12.6&thinsp;% of the annual DOC and DIC flux, respectively, suggested that typhoons play a more important role in DOC transport than DIC transport. The endmember mixing model suggested that DOC and DIC export was mainly from surface runoff and deep groundwater, respectively. The unique patterns seen in Taiwan SMRs characterized by high dissolved carbon flux, high DIC&thinsp;∕&thinsp;DOC ratio, and large transport by intense storms should be taken into consideration when estimating global carbon budgets.</p

    Self-Assembled Polymeric Micellar Nanoparticles as Nanocarriers for Poorly Soluble Anticancer Drug Ethaselen

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    A series of monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(lactide) (mPEG-PLA) diblock copolymers were synthesized, and mPEG-PLA micelle was fabricated and used as a nanocarrier for solubilization and delivery of a promising anticancer drug ethaselen. Ethaselen was efficiently encapsulated into the micelles by the dialysis method, and the solubility of ethaselen in water was remarkably increased up to 82 μg/mL before freeze-drying. The mean diameter of ethaselen-loaded micelles ranged from 51 to 98 nm with a narrow size distribution and depended on the length of PLA block. In vitro hemolysis study indicated that mPEG-PLA copolymers and ethaselen-loaded polymeric micelles had no hemolytic effect on the erythrocyte. The enhanced antitumor efficacy and reduced toxic effect of ethaselen-loaded polymeric micelle when compared with ethaselen-HP-β-CD inclusion were observed at the same dose in H22human liver cancer cell bearing mouse models. These suggested that mPEG-PLA polymeric micelle nanoparticles had great potential as nanocarriers for effective solubilization of poorly soluble ethaselen and further reducing side effects and toxicities of the drug

    Two first-in-human studies of xentuzumab, a humanised insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-neutralising antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Xentuzumab, an insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1/IGF-2-neutralising antibody, binds IGF-1 and IGF-2, inhibiting their growth-promoting signalling. Two first-in-human trials assessed the maximum-tolerated/relevant biological dose (MTD/RBD), safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and activity of xentuzumab in advanced/metastatic solid cancers. METHODS: These phase 1, open-label trials comprised dose-finding (part I; 3 + 3 design) and expansion cohorts (part II; selected tumours; RBD [weekly dosing]). Primary endpoints were MTD/RBD. RESULTS: Study 1280.1 involved 61 patients (part I: xentuzumab 10–1800 mg weekly, n = 48; part II: 1000 mg weekly, n = 13); study 1280.2, 64 patients (part I: 10–3600 mg three-weekly, n = 33; part II: 1000 mg weekly, n = 31). One dose-limiting toxicity occurred; the MTD was not reached for either schedule. Adverse events were generally grade 1/2, mostly gastrointestinal. Xentuzumab showed dose-proportional pharmacokinetics. Total plasma IGF-1 increased dose dependently, plateauing at ~1000 mg/week; at ≥450 mg/week, IGF bioactivity was almost undetectable. Two partial responses occurred (poorly differentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour). Integration of biomarker and response data by Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling (BLRM) confirmed the RBD. CONCLUSIONS: Xentuzumab was well tolerated; MTD was not reached. RBD was 1000 mg weekly, confirmed by BLRM. Xentuzumab showed preliminary anti-tumour activity

    Two first-in-human studies of xentuzumab, a humanised insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-neutralising antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumours

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    Background Xentuzumab, an insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1/IGF-2-neutralising antibody, binds IGF-1 and IGF-2, inhibiting their growth-promoting signalling. Two first-in-human trials assessed the maximum-tolerated/relevant biological dose (MTD/RBD), safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and activity of xentuzumab in advanced/metastatic solid cancers. Methods These phase 1, open-label trials comprised dose-finding (part I; 3 + 3 design) and expansion cohorts (part II; selected tumours; RBD [weekly dosing]). Primary endpoints were MTD/RBD. Results Study 1280.1 involved 61 patients (part I: xentuzumab 10–1800 mg weekly, n = 48; part II: 1000 mg weekly, n = 13); study 1280.2, 64 patients (part I: 10–3600 mg three-weekly, n = 33; part II: 1000 mg weekly, n = 31). One dose-limiting toxicity occurred; the MTD was not reached for either schedule. Adverse events were generally grade 1/2, mostly gastrointestinal. Xentuzumab showed dose-proportional pharmacokinetics. Total plasma IGF-1 increased dose dependently, plateauing at ~1000 mg/week; at ≥450 mg/week, IGF bioactivity was almost undetectable. Two partial responses occurred (poorly differentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour). Integration of biomarker and response data by Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling (BLRM) confirmed the RBD. Conclusions Xentuzumab was well tolerated; MTD was not reached. RBD was 1000 mg weekly, confirmed by BLRM. Xentuzumab showed preliminary anti-tumour activity. Clinical trial registration NCT01403974; NCT01317420