224 research outputs found

    High-Order Harmonic Generation and Molecular Orbital Tomography: Characteristics of Molecular Recollision Electronic Wave Packets

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    We investigate the orientation dependence of molecular high-order harmonic generation (HHG) both numerically and analytically. We show that the molecular recollision electronic wave packets (REWPs) in the HHG are closely related to the ionization potential as well as the particular orbital from which it ionized. As a result, the spectral amplitude of the molecular REWP can be significantly different from its reference atom (i.e., with the same ionization potential as the molecule under study) in some energy regions due to the interference between the atomic cores of the molecules. This finding is important for molecular orbital tomography using HHG[Nature \textbf{432}, 867(2004)].Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    G-CSF mobilized PBMCs contribute to the liver function of cirrhotic rats

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    On the basis of the recently recognized potential of bone marrow stem cells to give rise to hepatocytes, we here investigated the role of G-CSF priming PBMCs played in the liver of cirrhotic rats. The animal model of liver cirrhosis was induced by injecting CCl4 in SD rats, and G-CSF was administered in hematopoietic stem cell mobilization doses. After the liver cirrhosis model was established, the female cirrhotic rats were divided into two groups. Group I only received G-CSF mobilization, group II received G-CSF mobilized PBMCs transplanted from the male cirrhotic rats. PKH26 staining and sex-determining region for the Y-chromosome gene were used to trace the transplanted cells. Liver function related factors were assayed under the animal automatic biochemistry analyzer, and the liver pathological changes were evaluated by HE staining. The comparative liver functions of the two groups were investigated by analysis of two sample t-tests. A P value of <0.05 was considered as significant in all analyses. Our results showed that the transplanted PBMCs could locate in the livers of the female rats. In addition, compared with the group I, rats in group II displayed significant liver improvement in serum ALB, ALT, AST and TBIL (p<0.05). However, the semi-quantitative classification of the liver pathological changes in both groups did not indicate a significant difference (p>0.05). The results indicated that mobilized PBMC transplant could contribute to liver function in cirrhotic livers, which might be an alternative therapy for liver cirrhosis

    TND-NAS: Towards Non-differentiable Objectives in Progressive Differentiable NAS Framework

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    Differentiable architecture search has gradually become the mainstream research topic in the field of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for its capability to improve efficiency compared with the early NAS (EA-based, RL-based) methods. Recent differentiable NAS also aims at further improving search efficiency, reducing the GPU-memory consumption, and addressing the "depth gap" issue. However, these methods are no longer capable of tackling the non-differentiable objectives, let alone multi-objectives, e.g., performance, robustness, efficiency, and other metrics. We propose an end-to-end architecture search framework towards non-differentiable objectives, TND-NAS, with the merits of the high efficiency in differentiable NAS framework and the compatibility among non-differentiable metrics in Multi-objective NAS (MNAS). Under differentiable NAS framework, with the continuous relaxation of the search space, TND-NAS has the architecture parameters (α\alpha) been optimized in discrete space, while resorting to the search policy of progressively shrinking the supernetwork by α\alpha. Our representative experiment takes two objectives (Parameters, Accuracy) as an example, we achieve a series of high-performance compact architectures on CIFAR10 (1.09M/3.3%, 2.4M/2.95%, 9.57M/2.54%) and CIFAR100 (2.46M/18.3%, 5.46/16.73%, 12.88/15.20%) datasets. Favorably, under real-world scenarios (resource-constrained, platform-specialized), the Pareto-optimal solutions can be conveniently reached by TND-NAS

    Wnt regulation: Exploring Axin-Disheveled interactions and defining mechanisms by which the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase is recruited to the destruction complex

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    Wnt signaling plays key roles in embryonic development and adult stem cell homeostasis and is altered in human cancer. Signaling is turned on and off by regulating stability of the effector β-catenin (β-cat). The multiprotein destruction complex binds and phosphorylates β-cat and transfers it to the SCF-TrCP E3-ubiquitin ligase for ubiquitination and destruction. Wnt signals act though Dishevelled to turn down the destruction complex, stabilizing β-cat. Recent work clarified underlying mechanisms, but important questions remain. We explore β-cat transfer from the destruction complex to the E3 ligase, and test models suggesting Dishevelled and APC2 compete for association with Axin. We find that Slimb/TrCP is a dynamic component of the destruction complex biomolecular condensate, while other E3 proteins are not. Recruitment requires Axin and not APC, and Axin\u27s RGS domain plays an important role. We find that elevating Dishevelled levels i

    Influence of tree spacing on soil nitrogen mineralization and availability in hybrid poplar plantations

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    Nitrogen (N) availability and mineralization are key parameters and transformation processes that impact plant growth and forest productivity. We hypothesized that suitable plantation spacing can lead to enhanced soil N mineralization and nitrification, which in turn promote tree growth. Studies were conducted to evaluate seasonal patterns of soil inorganic N pools as well as rates of nitrification and N mineralization of three soil layers under four tree spacing treatments. Results showed tree spacing significantly affected annual net N mineralization, whereas inorganic N content in surface soils was significantly affected by tree spacing only during the growing season. The total annual cumulative net N mineralization ranged from 80.3–136.0 mg·kg−1 in the surface soils (0–20 cm), whereas the cumulative net N mineralization of 6 × 6 m and 4.5 × 8 m spacings was 65% and 24% higher than that of the 5 × 5 m, respectively. In general, tree spacing would affect N availability in soil by altering N mineralization rates, while high annual N mineralization was found in soils of low density plantations, with higher rates in square spacing than rectangular spacing. The obtained results suggest that suitable spacing could lead to enhanced N mineralization, but seasonal variation of soil N mineralization may not only be directly related to plantation productivity but also to understory vegetation productivity.Peer reviewedPlant and Soil Science

    Assessment of the Rural Area Aid in the Czech Republic at the Regional Level

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    Import 22/07/2015Volba tématu a zpracování diplomové práce vycházelo z požadavků Agentury pro regionální rozvoj, a.s., v Ostravě na její praktické využití. Cílem diplomové práce je komparace a zhodnocení finanční podpory rozvoje venkovského prostoru na úrovni krajů České republiky v období 2007-2014. Práce se zaměřuje na analýzu podpory rozvoje venkova plynoucí z národních a evropských dotačních zdrojů, a to především z Programu rozvoje venkova ČR 2007-2013. Součástí analýzy je také zhodnocení čerpání dotačních prostředků na podporu rozvoje venkovského prostoru v Moravskoslezském kraji. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že na rozvoj venkovského prostoru více finančních prostředků bylo vynaložených z evropských než z národních zdrojů. Nejvíce žádostí o největším finančním objemu bylo schválených z Programu rozvoje venkova České republiky 2007-2013. Z provedené analýzy komparace krajů vyplývá, že mezi nejlepší kraje v čerpání dotačních prostředků určené na venkovský prostor patřil kraj Středočeský, Vysočina a Jihočeský. Moravskoslezský kraj se umístil na 9. místě. Z hlediska dotace na počet obcí, patřil mezi nejlepší kraje Karlovarský, Moravskoslezský a Jihočeský kraj. Dle ukazatele dotace na počet obyvatel, kraj Vysočina, Jihočeský a Karlovarský kraj. Moravskoslezský kraj se umístil na 8. místě.The theme and the processing of the thesis were based on the requirements of the Regional Development Agency in Ostrava to its practical use. The goal of this diploma thesis is a comparison and an evaluation of the financial support for the development of the rural area in the Czech Republic at the regional level in 2007-2014. This thesis is focused on an analysis or a rural development aid resulting from national and European funding sources, particularly from the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic 2007-2013. The study also includes an assesment of the utilization of grant funds to support the development of rural areas in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The analysis indicates that more financial sources were expended on the development of rural areas from the European funds than from the national ones. Most applications for the largest financial volume were approved by the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic 2007-2013. Conducted analysis of the comparison of the regions indicates that the Central Bohemia Region, the Vysocina Region and the South Bohemia Region belong to the best regions in the grants drawing. Moravian-Silesian Region was ranked 9th. In terms of the number of grants to municipalities, the best regions were the Karlovy Vary Region, the Moravian-Silesian Region and the South Bohemia Region. According to the indicator of the subsidies to the population, the Vysocina Region, the South Bohemia Region and the Karlovy Vary Region were the best. Moravian-Silesian Region was ranked 8th.120 - Katedra evropské integracevýborn