61 research outputs found

    Tropical cyclone rainbands can trigger meteotsunamis

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Shi, L., Olabarrieta, M., Nolan, D. S., & Warner, J. C. Tropical cyclone rainbands can trigger meteotsunamis. Nature Communications, 11(1), (2020): 678, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14423-9.Tropical cyclones are one of the most destructive natural hazards and much of the damage and casualties they cause are flood-related. Accurate characterization and prediction of total water levels during extreme storms is necessary to minimize coastal impacts. While meteotsunamis are known to influence water levels and to produce severe consequences, their impacts during tropical cyclones are underappreciated. This study demonstrates that meteotsunami waves commonly occur during tropical cyclones, and that they can contribute significantly to total water levels. We use an idealized coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave numerical model to analyze tropical cyclone-induced meteotsunami generation and propagation mechanisms. We show that the most extreme meteotsunami events are triggered by inherent features of the structure of tropical cyclones: inner and outer spiral rainbands. While outer distant spiral rainbands produce single-peak meteotsunami waves, inner spiral rainbands trigger longer lasting wave trains on the front side of the tropical cyclones.We thank all the developers of COAWST, ROMS, WRF, and SWAN models. D.N. was supported by NSF grant AGS-1654831. We would like to thank Dr. K. Bagamian for her editorial and writing suggestions. We would like to thank Dr. A. Aretxabaleta for the internal US Geological Survey internal revision and suggestions

    SDSS J163459.82+204936.0: A Ringed Infrared-Luminous Quasar with Outflows in both Absorption and Emission Lines

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    SDSS J1634+2049 is a local (z = 0.1293) infrared-luminous quasar with LIR= 10^11.91 Lsun. We present a detailed multiwavelength study of both the host galaxy and the nucleus. The host galaxy demonstrates violent, obscured star formation activities with SFR ~ 140 Msun yr^-1, estimated from either the PAH emission or IR luminosity. The optical to NIR spectra exhibit a blueshifted narrow cuspy component in Hb, HeI5876,10830 and other emission lines consistently with an offset velocity of ~900 km/s, as well as additional blueshifting phenomena in high-ionization lines , while there exist blueshifted broad absorption lines (BALs) in NaID and HeI*3889,10830, indicative of the AGN outflows producing BALs and emission lines. Constrained mutually by the several BALs with CLOUDY, the physical properties of the absorption-line outflow are derived as follows: 10^4 < n_H <= 10^5 cm^-3, 10^-1.3 <= U <= 10^-0.7 and 10^22.5<= N_H <= 10^22.9 cm^-2 , similar to those derived for the emission-line outflows. The similarity suggests a common origin. Taking advantages of both the absorption lines and outflowing emission lines, we find that the outflow gas is located at a distance of 48 - 65 pc from the nucleus, and that the kinetic luminosity of the outflow is 10^44-10^46 erg s^-1. J1634+2049 has a off-centered galactic ring on the scale of ~ 30 kpc that is proved to be formed by a recent head-on collision by a nearby galaxy. Thus this quasar is a valuable object in the transitional phase emerging out of dust enshrouding as depicted by the co-evolution scenario.Comment: 13 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap


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    Three minor planets were measured photometrically between 2012 September 4 and 21 using the SARA (Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy) South telescope, located in Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The following synodic periods were found: 3024 Hainan, P = 11.785 ± 0.005 h; 3920 Aubignan, P = 4.4762 ± 0.0005 h; and 5951 Alicemonet, P = 3.8871 ± 0.0005 h


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    Five solar system minor planets were measured photometrically between 2012 October and December using the SARA (Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy) telescopes located in Kitt Peak National Observatory in USA and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The following synodic periods were found: 782 Montefiore P = 4.0728 ± 0.0006 h; 3842 Harlansmith, P = 2.7938 ± 0.0005 h; 5542 Moffatt P = 5.187 ± 0.001 h; 6720 Gifu, P = 4.231 ± 0.001 h; and (19979) 1989 VJ, P = 7.568 ± 0.005 h

    Validation of "Care of the Dying Evaluation" in Emergency Medicine (CODE-EM): pilot phase of end-of-life management protocol offered within emergency room (EMPOWER) study.

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    BackgroundAn increasing number of patients who present to emergency departments are at their end-of-life phase and have significant palliative care needs such as in symptom control for pain and dyspnoea. Evaluating quality of care provided is imperative, yet there is no suitable tool validated in the emergency and Asian settings. We aim to examine the face and construct validity, and reliability of a newly developed questionnaire, Care of the Dying Evaluation - Emergency Medicine, for measuring the quality of end-of-life care in an Asian emergency context.MethodsA mixed methods pilot study was conducted. Participants composed of the next-of-kin to thirty dying patients who presented to the emergency departments of three public hospitals in Singapore. Qualitative evaluation, using cognitive "think-aloud" interviews, and quantitative analysis were employed. Percentage agreement and κ statistic were measured to evaluate temporal stability of the questionnaire. Cronbach's α and item-total correlations were used to assess internal consistency within the constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed for construct validity.ResultsAll participants reported clear understanding of the questionnaire with no ambiguity; a minority felt the questions caused emotional distress (7/30, 23.3%). The questions showed moderate to good test-retest reliability. Internal consistencies within the constructs were good for "ENVIRONMENT" and "CARE", and moderate for "COMMUNICATION". Factor loadings range from 0.40 to 0.99.ConclusionsThe Care of the Dying Evaluation - Emergency Medicine questionnaire may be valid and reliable for use in an Asian emergency setting. Our prospective multicentre study using this evaluation tool may provide more insight on the quality of care rendered to dying patients and identify areas for improvement.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03906747)


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    AIDA directly connects sympathetic innervation to adaptive thermogenesis by UCP1

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    AIDA最早是由林圣彩教授团队首先鉴定和命名的。2007年林圣彩教授团队与孟安明院士团队合作发现AIDA在斑马鱼体轴发育中的功能(Rui, 2007)。2018年,林圣彩教授团队首次发现了AIDA在哺乳动物中的功能,即AIDA介导的内质网降解途径通过降解脂肪合成途径中的关键酶,而限制膳食脂肪在肠道的吸收这一内在抵御肥胖(Luo, 2018)。而本次成果揭示了AIDA在棕色脂肪组织中特定的功能。这些工作将AIDA引入了脂质应激代谢的重要环节,包括脂质吸收和依赖于脂质的产热过程。该论文的共同第一作者为生命科学学院博士生史猛和硕士生黄晓羽,林圣彩教授和林舒勇教授则为共同通讯作者。【Abstract】The sympathetic nervous system–catecholamine–uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) axis plays an essential role in non-shivering adaptive thermogenesis. However, whether there exists a direct effector that physically connects catecholamine signalling to UCP1 in response to acute cold is unknown. Here we report that outer mitochondrial membrane-located AIDA is phosphorylated at S161 by the catecholamine-activated protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylated AIDA translocates to the intermembrane space, where it binds to and activates the uncoupling activity of UCP1 by promoting cysteine oxidation of UCP1.Adipocyte-specific depletion of AIDA abrogates UCP1-dependent thermogenesis, resulting in hypothermia during acute cold exposure. Re-expression of S161A-AIDA, unlike wild-type AIDA, fails to restore the acute cold response in Aida-knockout mice.The PKA–AIDA–UCP1 axis is highly conserved in mammals, including hibernators. Denervation of the sympathetic postganglionic fibres abolishes cold-induced AIDA-dependent thermogenesis. These findings uncover a direct mechanistic link between sympathetic input and UCP1-mediated adaptive thermogenesis.We thank Y. Li, E. Gnaiger, T. Kuwaki, J. R. B. Lighton, E. T. Chouchani and D. Jiang for technical instruction; X. Li and X.-D. Jiang (Core Facility of Biomedical, Xiamen University) for raising the p-S161-AIDA antibody; the Xiamen University Laboratory Animal Center for the mouse in vitro fertilization service and all the other members of S.C.L. laboratory for their technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Project of China (grant no. 2016YFA0502001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos 31822027, 31871168, 31690101, 91854208 and 82088102), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grant nos 20720190084 and 20720200069), Project ‘111’ sponsored by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and Ministry of Education of China (grant no. BP2018017), the Youth Innovation Fund of Xiamen (grant no. 3502Z20206028), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (grant no. 2017J01364) and XMU Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (grant no. 2019×0666). 该工作得到了厦门大学实验动物中心和生物医学学部仪器平台的重要协助和国家重点研究和发展项目,国家自然科学基金,厦门大学校长基金等的支持