483 research outputs found

    Instrument for two-speed optokinetic stimulation

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    A device for providing optokinetic stimulation is described which has the advantages of being small, simple in design, and permits automatic operation in four directions at two drum speeds. The device has a screened chamber allowing polygraphic recording of optokinetic reactions by EEG


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    The article subject is cyberbullying and cybermobbing. The emphasis is placed on the legal practice of combating cyberbullying and cybermobbing issues in developing countries, since these phenomena are still insufficiently studied. The developing countries legislation is compared with doctrinal and practical developments in the fight against the studied problem in developed countries of the West and former USSR. Experiment was conducted to determine the methods effectiveness to combat cyberbullying using the social networks built-in extensions. 40 random accounts were taken in equal parts related to "male" and "female" representatives, from 18 to 30 years old. The article indicates cyber-mobbing and cyberbullying concepts and their varieties, existing in modern world. The study examines statistical data, programs and measures of different states in fight against cyberbullying and cyber-mobbing. Experiments results showed that Instagram users are aware of the built-in extensions availability of the social network to protect against cyberbullying and use them relatively frequently. With that, female segment of Instagram users is more concerned about comments content under their photos than the male one. Measures have been developed to prevent and counteract cyberbullying and cybermobbing, introduction of which into the states policies might help in the fight against these social phenomena.Tema članka je cyber maltretiranje i cyber mobing. Naglasak je stavljen na pravnu praksu borbe protiv cyber bullyinga i cyber mobinga u zemljama u razvoju, budući da su ti fenomeni još uvijek nedovoljno proučeni. Zakonodavstvo zemalja u razvoju uspoređuje se s doktrinarnim i praktičnim dostignućima u borbi protiv proučavanog problema u razvijenim zemljama Zapada i bivšeg SSSR-a. Eksperiment je proveden kako bi se utvrdila učinkovitost metoda za borbu protiv internetskog nasilja pomoću ugrađenih proširenja društvenih mreža. Uzeto je 40 slučajnih računa u jednakim dijelovima koji se odnose na "muške" i "ženske" predstavnike, stare od 18 do 30 godina. Članak ukazuje na koncepte cyber-mobinga i cyber bullyinga i njihove sorte koji postoje u modernom svijetu. Studija istražuje statističke podatke, programe i mjere različitih država u borbi protiv cyber bullyinga i cyber mobinga. Rezultati eksperimenata pokazali su da su korisnici Instagrama svjesni ugrađenih proširenja dostupnih na društvenoj mreži kako bi se zaštitili od internetskog zlostavljanja i koriste ih relativno često. Uz to, ženski segment korisnika Instagrama više brine sadržaj komentara ispod njihovih fotografija nego muški. Razvijene su mjere za sprečavanje i suzbijanje cyber maltretiranja i cyber mobinga, čije uvođenje u politike država može pomoći u borbi protiv ovih društvenih pojava

    O papel da notoriedade para as ONGDs

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    A preocupação com o bem-estar comum e a melhoria das condições de vida são destacados nos media. Entre as organizações que se preocupam e desenvolvem vários projetos e campanhas para tal, estão as ONGDs (Organizações Não-Governamentais de Desenvolvimento). Como muitas delas são dependentes de doações, têm de fazer uma comunicação adequada para captar contribuições; como tal não é uma tarefa fácil, têm de recorrer a ferramentas de marketing para esse fim. O presente trabalho de projeto pretende analisar a perceção da população relativamente às ONGDs e aferir a relevância da notoriedade e do marketing para o sucesso das ONGDs.The concern with the common welfare and improvement of living conditions are increasingly highlighted in all media. Organizations that care about and develop various projects and campaigns to do so are the NGDOs (non-governmental development organizations). As many of them are dependent on donations, they must make adequate communication to awaken the desire of the public to contribute; as this is not an easy task, they must resort to marketing to reach people. This project work aims to study the perception of the public towards the NGDOs and to find out whether marketing and notoriety are relevant to the success of the NGDOs

    Images: Cognitive Mechanism, Poetics, Semiosphere

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    The study is devoted to the phenomenon of the image as a concept of many humanities. The cognitive mechanism for creating a linguistic and textual image (apperception, application of frames with a matching slot, basic categorization of the world) is under consideration. A typology of linguistic images is given: an acoustic image as a second channel of meaning, along with a lexical-and-semantic one; the means of figurative derivation; a figurative internal form of a word of a secondary direct nomination ( осточертеть, накостылять ); lexical figurativeness and syntagmatics of direct and figurative meanings of a monocode (metaphors of one thematic zone) and polycode (metaphors of different thematic areas) kind. It is concluded that the semantic syntagmatics of figurative language means demonstrates the operation of the law of semantic agreement at the level of both explicit and implicit language means. The types of text figurativeness (figurative detail, image-character, correlation of the figurative structure of texts with the concepts of language and style) are considered. The cultural imagery of naming-characteristics of the cultural paradigms of Europe - Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Modern times; the evolution of civilizational meanings of previous epochs and their transformation into images of modern language ( египетский труд, высокие амфоры ног, площадная брань, макиавеллизм ) is under the studies. The conclusions are made about the function of an image as a systematizer, an ontology parameter. At the same time, metaphor is a magic crystal of focusing space, time and thought, a linguistic way of connecting simultaneity and continuity of the developmtnt of culture. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the mechanism of semantic syntagmatics of direct and figurative meanings of lexemes (iteration of denotative, connotative and potential semes; semantic consistency - compatibility of thematic zones “anthropomorphic metaphor - artifact metaphor, anthropomorphic metaphor - naturalmorphic metaphor, phytomorphic metaphor - zoomorphic metaphor”, etc.), as well as in establishing the semiotic evolution of the civilizational meanings of cultural paradigms - the historical transformation, due to the loss of denotations and referents, of the names of denotations into the characteristics of a wide range of objects: патрицианский профиль А.Ахматовой (M. Tsvetaeva) as ‘Roman’, ‘with a proud landing of the head’; марионетка ‘non-independent subject’, ‘state under external control’, барочный торт (L. Ulitskaya) ‘overly decorated’. The article proposes an algorithm for the analysis of a polymetaphorical poetic text

    International students recruitment: factors of influence

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    Rhenium recovery from highly concentrated sulfuric media using AMR anionite in column mode

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    The paper deals with the study of rhenium recovery by AMR anionite from model high-acidic sulfuric solution as well as its desorption by ammonia solution in column experiments. Total dynamic exchange capacity was calculated. Experimental data were processed using the Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Bed Depth Service Time models, basic parameters were calculated. It was found that total dynamic exchange capacity calculated by Thomas fit was the closest to the experimental value. Rhenium desorption was examined using ammonia solution. Rhenium recovery degree and concentration factor were calculated. The elution curve featured a clear peak that allows producing eluate with high rhenium concentration. The presented results may be used when designing technologies for rhenium sorption from different process solutions and during recycling rhenium-containing alloy wastes. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Doors of Of the St. Peter and St. Paul Church and the Holy Trinity Church in Ruźany

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    Секция II ИСТОРИЯ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ, ГРАДОСТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА И ИСКУССТВААртыкул прысвечаны апісанню і даследаванню дзвярэй двух храмаў у горадзе Ружаны Брэсцкай вобласці. Гэта драўляныя і металічныя вырабы другой паловы XVIII ст., а таксама ўнікальнае дзвярное запаўненне 1669 г. з аздобай у выглядзе выразаных на паверхні тэкста і сімвалаў рэлігійнага характару.=The article describes the results of research done, for the first time, on the doors of two churches in the town of Ruźany (Ruzhany) situated in the Brest region of Belarus. Those are wooden and metal artefacts manufactured during the second half of the 18th century, as well as a unique example of a door assemblies from 1669 the surface of which is decorated with a carved religious text and symbols

    The Doors of Of the St. Peter and St. Paul Church and the Holy Trinity Church in Ruźany

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    Секция II ИСТОРИЯ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ, ГРАДОСТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА И ИСКУССТВААртыкул прысвечаны апісанню і даследаванню дзвярэй двух храмаў у горадзе Ружаны Брэсцкай вобласці. Гэта драўляныя і металічныя вырабы другой паловы XVIII ст., а таксама ўнікальнае дзвярное запаўненне 1669 г. з аздобай у выглядзе выразаных на паверхні тэкста і сімвалаў рэлігійнага характару.=The article describes the results of research done, for the first time, on the doors of two churches in the town of Ruźany (Ruzhany) situated in the Brest region of Belarus. Those are wooden and metal artefacts manufactured during the second half of the 18th century, as well as a unique example of a door assemblies from 1669 the surface of which is decorated with a carved religious text and symbols

    About the Electron Charge Accelerated in the Small-size Betatron MIB-4

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    It is assumed that the electron charge accelerated in small-size betatons is of the same order as that in the classical betatron. However, the parameters of the interpolar space of small-size betatons significantly differ from the parameters of the classical betatron. We can expect that the value of the accelerated electron charge will be different. The paper presents the results of the measurements of the electron charge accelerated in a small-size betatron MIB-4. It is shown that the electron charge accelerated is this betatron is larger than that in the classical betatron

    Стимулирующее финансирование инновационной деятельности

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    Topic. The topic of this research is the stimulation of innovative activity of industrial enterprises as one of the basic conditions of industrial growth of the Russian economy. It is especially important in the conditions of sanction problems.Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal funding mechanism for innovative projects in industry, primarily aimed at stimulation of innovation activity against the systemic failure indicators of Russia in various international rankings.Methodology. The purpose of the study is achieved by the fullest understanding of key aspects of the innovation process: methodology of the research includes philosophical and political-economic methods. The essence of the philosophy of innovation is represented as a process (innovation) chain of turning ideas into socialized and competitive product on the market. Such chains provide the update of all spheres of life at every stage of development of society, lead to the accumulation of cultural heritage and the transition to a higher level of existence. In turn, the essence of the political economy of innovation is that the innovation chain is implemented in the society in which there are any questions as concerns the productive forces and production relations. Thus, ideological consolidation of society plays a major role. From proper state regulation of the conditions for innovation and its stimulation depends not only the success of enterprises, but also the socio-economic development of the country — welfare of citizens.Results. To improve the efficiency of financial-economic and social mechanisms of stimulation of innovative activity it is proposed implementation of project financing mechanism for innovation chain as a whole, considering it as a single project “financing in a shell nut.”Conclusions. Using the format of public-private partnerships and converged “triple helix” mechanism of project financing it is possible to stimulate innovative activity in industrial enterprises by kind of “coercion to innovations.”Предмет. Предметом исследования является стимулирование инновационной активности промышленных предприятий как одного из базовых условий промышленного роста российской экономики, что особенно актуально в условиях санкционных проблем.Цель. Целью исследования является определение оптимального механизма финансирования инновационных проектов в промышленности, прежде всего, направленного на стимуляцию инновационной активности на фоне системно провальных показателей России во всевозможных международных рейтингах.Методология. Цель исследования достигается за счет максимально полного понимания важнейших аспектов инновационного процесса: методология исследования включает философский и  политэкономический методы. Сущность философии инноваций представляется как процессная (инновационная) цепочка по превращению идеи в социализированный и конкурентоспособный на рынке продукт. Подобные цепочки обеспечивают обновление всех сфер жизнедеятельности на каждом этапе развития общества, ведут к накоплению культурного наследия и переходу на более высокий уровень бытия. В свою очередь, сущность политэкономии инноваций состоит в том, что инновационная цепочка реализуется в обществе, в  котором возникли вопросы к  производительным силам и  производственным отношениям. Большую роль при этом играет идеологическая консолидация общества. От правильного государственного регулирования условий для инновационной деятельности и ее стимулирования зависит не только успешность предприятий, но и социально-экономическое развитие страны — благосостояние граждан.Результаты. Для повышения эффективности финансово-экономических и социальных механизмов стимулирования инновационной активности предложено использовать механизм проектного финансирования инновационной цепочки в целом, считая ее единым проектом — «финансирование в коконе».Выводы. При использовании формата государственно-частного партнерства и конвергентной модели «Тройная спираль» механизм проектного финансирования сможет стимулировать инновационную активность на промышленных предприятиях путем своеобразного «принуждения к инновациям»