87 research outputs found

    Simulation of Tasks Distribution in Horizontally Scalable Management System

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    This paper presents an imitational model of the task distribution system for the components of territorially-distributed automated management system with a dynamically changing topology. Each resource of the distributed automated management system is represented with an agent, which allows to set behavior of every resource in the best possible way and ensure their interaction. The agent work load imitation was done via service query imitation formed in a system dynamics style using a stream diagram. The query generation took place in the abstract-represented center - afterwards, they were sent to the drive to be distributed to management system resources according to a ranking table

    Study of the small-scale turbulence structure of the atmospheric surface layer

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    This paper presents the results of mathematical and software development for experimental study of turbulence structure of atmosphere surface layer. The data was obtained via ultrasonic thermo anemometer. The data processing and atmosphere turbulence parameter calculations were executed by using discretization and scaling schemes for studied meteorological parameters. The calculated parameters are sufficient to estimate the dynamic turbulence in surface layer of the atmosphere, including determining the stability class of atmospheric stratification

    Influence of Evaluation System on Effectiveness of Foreign Students' Mathematical Education

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    This paper studies the problems of improving the quality of mathematics education of foreign students in Tomsk Polytechnic University. We found out that changes in the evaluation system had provided students progress in studying math. The effectiveness of point rating system introduction is proved according to statistics over the last 5 years. The research involved the application of mathematical statistics, correlation analysis and variance analysis methods. Influence of different evaluation systems on the final grade is shown. We worked out that the studying time started to be used more rationally and the students’ activity increased during the term. Observational results showed a higher level of motivation, orderliness and responsibility. Assessment of the permanent knowledge confirmed the expected results

    Specific nature of formation of the strategic management mechanism of sustainable development in modern economic conditions

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    The relevance of the researched problem is based on the need for working out an effective strategic management mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises, caused by current state of the global economy, which is characterized by high degree of instability. The aim of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological ideas of formation of the effective strategic management mechanism of sustainable development of enterprise. The leading approach of the research is the expert analysis, which allows to estimate the existing contradictions, to correlate the processes happening in the economy, and to reveal the tendencies promoting creation of conditions for sustainable development of enterprises. The results of the research: the features of strategic management of sustainable development of enterprises are revealed, setting of specific strategic aims and objectives are considered, identification of functional authority of realizers, methodological tools of implementation of this process, and also indication of specific subjects, realizing strategic managerial functions, and objects, on which managerial influence is reffered to. The practical relevance consists in improvement of the strategic management mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises, which is based on specification and expansion of definitions of strategic management of sustainable development, formation of the structure and ways of strategic managerial influence, increase in efficiency of procedures of the analysis of processes of sustainable development of enterprises. Β© 2016 Sherstneva, Vishnyakova and Chuchkalova

    Designing of routing algorithms in autonomous distributed data transmission system for mobile computing devices with 'WiFi-Direct' technology

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    The results of the research of existent routing protocols in wireless networks and their main features are discussed in the paper. Basing on the protocol data, the routing protocols in wireless networks, including search routing algorithms and phone directory exchange algorithms, are designed with the 'WiFi-Direct' technology. Algorithms without IP-protocol were designed, and that enabled one to increase the efficiency of the algorithms while working only with the MAC-addresses of the devices. The developed algorithms are expected to be used in the mobile software engineering with the Android platform taken as base. Easier algorithms and formats of the well-known route protocols, rejection of the IP-protocols enables to use the developed protocols on more primitive mobile devices. Implementation of the protocols to the engineering industry enables to create data transmission networks among working places and mobile robots without any access points

    Scheduling based on a dynamic resource connection

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    The practical using of distributed computing systems associated with many problems, including troubles with the organization of an effective interaction between the agents located at the nodes of the system, with the specific configuration of each node of the system to perform a certain task, with the effective distribution of the available information and computational resources of the system, with the control of multithreading which implements the logic of solving research problems and so on. The article describes the method of computing load balancing in distributed automatic systems, focused on the multi-agency and multi-threaded data processing. The scheme of the control of processing requests from the terminal devices, providing the effective dynamic scaling of computing power under peak load is offered. The results of the model experiments research of the developed load scheduling algorithm are set out. These results show the effectiveness of the algorithm even with a significant expansion in the number of connected nodes and zoom in the architecture distributed computing system

    Research of GIS-services applicability for solution of spatial analysis tasks

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    Experiments for working out the areas of applying various gis-services in the tasks of spatial analysis are discussed in this paper. Google Maps, Yandex Maps, Microsoft SQL Server are used as services of spatial analysis. All services have shown a comparable speed of analyzing the spatial data when carrying out elemental spatial requests (building up the buffer zone of a point object) as well as the preferences of Microsoft SQL Server in operating with more complicated spatial requests. When building up elemental spatial requests, internet-services show higher efficiency due to cliental data handling with JavaScript-subprograms. A weak point of public internet-services is an impossibility to handle data on a server side and a barren variety of spatial analysis functions. Microsoft SQL Server offers a large variety of functions needed for spatial analysis on the server side. The authors conclude that when solving practical problems, the capabilities of internet-services used in building up routes and completing other functions with spatial analysis with Microsoft SQL Server should be involved

    Description and development of the means of a model experiment for load balancing in distributed computing systems

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    The results of the statistical model experiments research of various load balancing algorithms in distributed computing systems are presented. Software tools were developed. These tools, which allow to create a virtual infrastructure of distributed computing system in accordance with the intended objective of the research focused on multi-agent and multithreaded data processing were developed. A diagram of the control processing of requests from the terminal devices, providing an effective dynamic horizontal scaling of computing power at peak loads, is proposed

    On the use of citizen science in the agricultural sector

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    You The development and active introduction of computerized technology and information and communication technologies into the agrarian sphere contribute to the emergence of new forms of active e-participation and rural citizens in the socio-political processes of their regions. The article examines the concept of citizen science and theoretical approaches to assessing the effectiveness of e-participation projects. In the stack of smart agriculture tools and technologies, citizen science is an approach that has great potential as a tool that can provide timely and relevant data to improve the well-being of the agricultural sector, by keeping the entire population engaged and informed. The study will be of interest to government and business representatives involved in the development, implementation and improvement of existing information and communication technologies for socio-political participation of citizens

    The economic efficiency of european football clubs - Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach

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    The relevance of this paper lies in the fact that football business has grown significantly in the past 20 years and football clubs have become large companies, which in an effort to be profitable and successful on the field need to improve the efficiency of their business. The aim of this article is to measure economic efficiency of 48 big European football clubs and assess the relationship between efficiency and different financial and sportive indicators (variables). To measure efficiency, we used both widely used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and its extensions: DEA Super-efficiency and DEA Cross-efficiency models. The results showed that these methods can successively be applied to football clubs’ efficiency measurement and the analysis of the them can help to explain why some clubs are efficient or inefficient and which factors affects the efficiency. This paper will be interesting football clubs’ managers, football analytics, economists and other people interested in football business because we combine in it the most interesting ideas and methods about football clubs’ efficiency measurement. Β© 2016 Pyatunin et al
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