120 research outputs found

    Suprasellar Epidermoid Cyst Originating from the Infundibulum: Case Report and Literature Review.

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    Epidermoid cysts account for a small fraction of intracranial brain tumors, most commonly found in the cerebellopontine angle and parasellar cisterns. Here we present a rare case of an epidermoid cyst located in the suprasellar region, specifically originating from the infundibulum. Only one additional case with an epidermoid cyst originating within the pituitary stalk has been previously reported in the literature. The patient in this case presented with headaches, diplopia and blurred vision without any endocrinopathy. The patient\u27s pre-operative evaluation was significant for pseudotumor cerebri, hyponatremia, obesity, and a history of smoking; post-operative course was significant for neurogenic diabetes insipidus

    Machine learning-assisted design of material properties

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    Designing functional materials requires a deep search through multidimensional spaces for system parameters that yield desirable material properties. For cases where conventional parameter sweeps or trial-and-error sampling are impractical, inverse methods that frame design as a constrained optimization problem present an attractive alternative. However, even efficient algorithms require time- and resource-intensive characterization of material properties many times during optimization, imposing a design bottleneck. Approaches that incorporate machine learning can help address this limitation and accelerate the discovery of materials with targeted properties. In this article, we review how to leverage machine learning to reduce dimensionality in order to effectively explore design space, accelerate property evaluation, and generate unconventional material structures with optimal properties. We also discuss promising future directions, including integration of machine learning into multiple stages of a design algorithm and interpretation of machine learning models to understand how design parameters relate to material properties.This work was primarily supported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF MRSEC under Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1720595. The authors acknowledge an Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship (ZMS) and the Welch Foundation (Grant Nos. F-1599 and F-1696) for support.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material

    Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory with double- bond association and its application to colloid–linker mixtures

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    We extend Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory to derive the association free energy of a multicomponent mixture for which double bonds can form between any two pairs of the molecules’ arbitrary number of bonding sites. This generalization reduces in limiting cases to prior theories that restrict double bonding to at most one pair of sites per molecule. We apply the new theory to an associating mixture of colloidal particles (“colloids”) and flexible chain molecules (“linkers”). The linkers have two functional end groups, each of which may bond to one of several sites on the colloids. Due to their flexibility, a significant fraction of linkers can “loop” with both ends bonding to sites on the same colloid instead of bridging sites on different colloids. We use the theory to show that the fraction of linkers in loops depends sensitively on the linker end-to-end distance relative to the colloid bonding-site distance, which suggests strategies for mitigating the loop formation that may otherwise hinder linker-mediated colloidal assembly.This research was primarily supported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF MRSEC under Cooperative Agree- ment No. DMR-1720595, with additional support from an Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship (Z.M.S.) and the Welch Foun- dation (Grant Nos. F-1696 and F-1848).Center for Dynamics and Control of Material

    Effects of linker flexibility on phase behavior and structure of linked colloidal gels

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    Colloidal nanocrystal gels can be assembled using a difunctional "linker" molecule to mediate bonding between nanocrystals. The conditions for gelation and the structure of the gel are controlled macroscopically by the linker concentration and microscopically by the linker's molecular characteristics. Here, we demonstrate using a toy model for a colloid-linker mixture that linker flexibility plays a key role in determining both phase behavior and structure of the mixture. We fix the linker length and systematically vary its bending stiffness to span the flexible, semiflexible, and rigid regimes. At fixed linker concentration, flexible-linker and rigid-linker mixtures phase separate at low colloid volume fractions in agreement with predictions of first-order thermodynamic perturbation theory, but the semiflexible-linker mixtures do not. We correlate and attribute this qualitatively different behavior to undesirable "loop" linking motifs that are predicted to be more prevalent for linkers with end-to-end distances commensurate with the locations of chemical bonding sites on the colloids. Linker flexibility also influences the spacing between linked colloids, suggesting strategies to design gels with desired phase behavior, structure, and by extension, structure-dependent properties.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, supplementary materia

    Universal Gelation of Metal Oxide Nanocrystals via Depletion Attractions

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    Nanocrystal gelation provides a powerful framework to translate nanoscale properties into bulk materials and to engineer emergent properties through the assembled microstructure. However, many established gelation strategies rely on chemical reactions and specific interactions, e.g., stabilizing ligands or ions on the surface of the nanocrystals, and are therefore not easily transferrable. Here, we report a general gelation strategy via non-specific and purely entropic depletion attractions applied to three types of metal oxide nanocrystals. The gelation thresholds of two compositionally distinct spherical nanocrystals agree quantitatively, demonstrating the adaptability of the approach for different chemistries. Consistent with theoretical phase behavior predictions, nanocrystal cubes form gels at a lower polymer concentration than nanocrystal spheres, allowing shape to serve as a handle to control gelation. These results suggest that the fundamental underpinnings of depletion-driven assembly, traditionally associated with larger colloidal particles, are also applicable at the nanoscale

    Colorimetric quantification of linking in thermoreversible nanocrystal gel assemblies

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    Nanocrystal gels can be responsive, tunable materials, but designing their structure and properties is challenging. By using reversibly bonded molecular linkers, gelation can be realized under conditions predicted by thermody- namics. However, simulations have offered the only microscopic insights, with no experimental means to monitor linking leading to gelation. We introduce a metal coordination linkage with a distinct optical signature allowing us to quantify linking in situ and establish structural and thermodynamic bases for assembly. Because of coupling between linked indium tin oxide nanocrystals, their infrared absorption shifts abruptly at a chemically tunable gelation temperature. We quantify bonding spectroscopically and use molecular simulation to understand temperature-dependent bonding motifs, revealing that gel formation is governed by reaching a critical number of effective links that extend the nanocrystal network. Microscopic insights from our colorimetric linking chemistry enable switchable gels based on thermodynamic principles, opening the door to rational design of programmable nanocrystal networks.We would like to thank the University of Texas at Austin Mass Spectrometry and NMR Facility for the use of the Bruker AVANCE III 500: NIH grant number 1 S10 OD021508-01 and the Texas Materials Institute for the use of the SAXSLAB Ganesha, acquired using an NSF MRI grant CBET-1624659. We thank the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas at Austin for HPC resources. Funding: This research was primarily supported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NSF MRSEC) under Cooperative Agreement DMR-1720595. E.V.A. acknowledges support from the Welch Regents Chair (F-0046). D.J.M. and T.M.T. also acknowledge support by the Welch Foundation (F-1696 and F-1848). This work was also supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowships (DGE-1610403) to S.A.V. and Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship to Z.M.S.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material
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