Suprasellar Epidermoid Cyst Originating from the Infundibulum: Case Report and Literature Review.


Epidermoid cysts account for a small fraction of intracranial brain tumors, most commonly found in the cerebellopontine angle and parasellar cisterns. Here we present a rare case of an epidermoid cyst located in the suprasellar region, specifically originating from the infundibulum. Only one additional case with an epidermoid cyst originating within the pituitary stalk has been previously reported in the literature. The patient in this case presented with headaches, diplopia and blurred vision without any endocrinopathy. The patient\u27s pre-operative evaluation was significant for pseudotumor cerebri, hyponatremia, obesity, and a history of smoking; post-operative course was significant for neurogenic diabetes insipidus

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