165 research outputs found

    Universal Surface Engineering of Transition Metals for Superior Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Neutral Water

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    The development of low-cost hybrid water splitting-biosynthetic systems that mimic natural photosynthesis to achieve solar-to-chemical conversion is of great promise for future energy demands, but often limited by the kinetically sluggish hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on the surface of nonprecious transition metal catalysts in neutral media. It is thus highly desirable to rationally tailor the reaction interface to boost the neutral HER catalytic kinetics. Herein, we report a general surface nitrogen modification of diverse transition metals (e.g. iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and nickel-cobalt alloy), accomplished by a facile low-temperature ammonium carbonate treatment, for significantly improved hydrogen generation from neutral water. Various physicochemical characterization techniques including synchroton X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and theory modeling demonstrate that the surface nitrogen modification does not change the chemical composition of the underlying transition metals. Notably, the resulting nitrogen-modified nickel framework (N-Ni) exhibits an extremely low overpotential of 64 mV at 10 mA cm-2, which is, to our knowledge, the best among those nonprecious electrocatalysts reported for hydrogen evolution at pH 7. Out combined experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the surface electron-rich nitrogen simultaneously facilitates the initial adsorption of water via the electron-deficient H atom and the subsequent dissociation of the electron-rich HO-H bond via H transfer to N on the nickel surface, beneficial to the overall hydrogen evolution process

    Intravenous bone marrow mononuclear cells transplantation in aged mice increases transcription of glucose transporter 1 and Na+/K+-ATPase at hippocampus followed by restored neurological functions

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    We recently reported that intravenous bone marrow mononuclear cell (BM-MNC) transplantation in stroke improves neurological function through improvement of cerebral metabolism. Cerebral metabolism is known to diminish with aging, and the reduction of metabolism is one of the presumed causes of neurological decline in the elderly. We report herein that transcription of glucose transporters, monocarboxylate transporters, and Na+/K+-ATPase is downregulated in the hippocampus of aged mice with impaired neurological functions. Intravenous BM-MNC transplantation in aged mice stimulated the transcription of glucose transporter 1 and Na+/K+-ATPase α1 followed by restoration of neurological function. As glucose transporters and Na+/K+-ATPases are closely related to cerebral metabolism and neurological function, our data indicate that BM-MNC transplantation in aged mice has the potential to restore neurological function by activating transcription of glucose transporter and Na+/K+-ATPase. Furthermore, our data indicate that changes in transcription of glucose transporter and Na+/K+-ATPase could be surrogate biomarkers for age-related neurological impairment as well as quantifying the efficacy of therapies

    Dual LSD1 and HDAC6 Inhibition Induces Doxorubicin Sensitivity in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Defects in epigenetic pathways are key drivers of oncogenic cell proliferation. We developed a LSD1/HDAC6 multitargeting inhibitor (iDual), a hydroxamic acid analogue of the clinical candidate LSD1 inhibitor GSK2879552. iDual inhibits both targets with IC50 values of 540, 110, and 290 nM, respectively, against LSD1, HDAC6, and HDAC8. We compared its activity to structurally similar control probes that act by HDAC or LSD1 inhibition alone, as well as an inactive null compound. iDual inhibited the growth of leukemia cell lines at a higher level than GSK2879552 with micromolar IC50 values. Dual engagement with LSD1 and HDAC6 was supported by dose dependent increases in substrate levels, biomarkers, and cellular thermal shift assay. Both histone methylation and acetylation of tubulin were increased, while acetylated histone levels were only mildly affected, indicating selectivity for HDAC6. Downstream gene expression (CD11b, CD86, p21) was also elevated in response to iDual treatment. Remarkably, iDual synergized with doxorubicin, triggering significant levels of apoptosis with a sublethal concentration of the drug. While mechanistic studies did not reveal changes in DNA repair or drug efflux pathways, the expression of AGPAT9, ALOX5, BTG1, HIPK2, IFI44L, and LRP1, previously implicated in doxorubicin sensitivity, was significantly elevated

    Activation of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is a novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease

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    Highlights: Targeting single mechanisms of physiological (aging) and pathological (neurodegeneration) loss of function in the brain may not be sufficient. Cell–cell interactions between transplanted adult stem cells and resident cells via gap junctions have the potential to support the aging or diseased brain. These cell–cell interactions can also increase hippocampal neurogenesis. This may be a novel therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases that could be applied alongside any established treatments

    Multitargeting epi-epi drugs for multidrug reistance

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    Epigenetic therapy is now a clinical reality with eight approved drugs that target DNA methyltransferases, histone deacetylases (HDACs) and lysine methyltransferases. A further recent development is the concept of epigenetic multitargeting through the rational design of novel agents that combine the inhibition of an epigenetic pathway with a second non-epigenetic target and five such compounds have advanced to clinical development. We are investigating the even newer concept of „epi-epi‟ drugs that inhibit two separate epigenetic pathways. Such dual targeting agents have the potential to achieve higher efficacy against proliferating cancer cells while reducing tunor resistance. In this presentation, we report a selective dual histone deacetylase and demethylase inhibitor with an IC50 LSD1 respectively. The compound was biologically profiled together with control compounds that were either single inhibitors or inactive against either enzyme. The dua inhibitor was active against a panel of leukemia cell lines at a micromolar level and induced apoptosis. Target engagement asays such as CETSA were employed to confirm the inhibition of HDAC6 and LSD1 in cells. Further experiments were carried out to identify synergistic effects with clinically approved agents and promising results were observed with doxorubicin

    Постоји ли граница између цитотоксичног и антиметастатског ефекта селективних инхибитора хистон деацетилазе 6 код солидних тумора?

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    Academia and industry make an extensive effort to discover selective histone deacetylase 6 inhibitors (HDAC6i) which could be delivered to the patients. These attempts are partially obscured by inconsistency in preclinical data regarding the cellular and biochemical changes upon treatment of solid tumours with HDAC6i. In this study, we present computational design, synthesis of three novel HDAC6 inhibitors along with their in vitro pharmacological profile against zinc-dependent HDACs. The in vitro anticancer effects of the synthesized compounds were examined on four types of cancer cell lines, human breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) as well as human melanoma cells (A-375 and 518A2). It was found that the synthesized compounds induce apoptosis in high concentrations (IC50 >30 μM) nonetheless, the observed morphological changes of studied cell lines during cell viability assay prompted us to examine their antimetastatic properties. Novel compound MBDR-4 significantly reduces migration and invasiveness of the MDA-MB-231 and A375 cancer cell lines at subapoptotic concentration (5 μM), which open new avenues for redirecting drug development of selective HDAC6 inhibitors as adjuvant chemotherapeutics, with antimetastatic effects.Истраживачи тренутно улажу велике напоре у испитивање селективних инхибитора хистон деацетилазе 6 (HDAC6i) 1,2 који би могли да нађу клиничку примену 3 . Ова истраживања су делимично отежана услед неконзистентних преклиничких резултата о ћелијским и биохемијским променама након третмана солидних тумора HDAC6i(4,5). Наша студија обухвата компјутерски дизајн и синтезу три нова HDAC6 инхибитора, заједно са in vitro ензимским испитивањем активности на сродним изоформама HDAC ензимима. Антинеопластичан ефекат синте- тисаних једињења је испитан in vitro на четири типа ћелија карцинома, хуманим ћелијама карцинома дојке (MDA-MB-231 и MCF-7) и хуманим ће- лијама меланома (A-375 и 518A2). Утврђено је да синтетисана једињења индукују апоптозу при високим концентрацијама (IC 50 >30 μM). Истовреме- но је уочено да ова једињења доводе и до морфолошких промена на тре- тираним ћелијама током извођења теста виабилности што нас је усмери- ло ка испитивању њихових антиметастатских особина. Једињење MBDR-4 снажно инхибира миграцију и инвазивност MDA-MB-231 и A375 ћелија кан- цера на субапоптотској концентрацији (5 μM), што отвара нове могућности за истраживање селективних HDAC6 инхибитора као адјувантних хемоте- рапеутика са антиметастатским ефектом.Канцеролошка секција Српског лекарског друштва Serbian Medical Society Oncology Section Београд, новембар 2019 / Belgrade, November 2019 АНАЛИ КАНЦЕРОЛОШКЕ СЕКЦИЈЕ СЛД ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY SECTION Зборник апстраката / Abstract Boo

    Discovery of 1-Benzhydryl-Piperazine-Based HDAC Inhibitors with Anti-Breast Cancer Activity: Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Evaluation

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    Abstract Isoform-selective histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition is promoted as a rational strategy to develop safer anti-cancer drugs compared to non-selective HDAC inhibitors. Despite this presumed benefit, considerably more non-selective HDAC inhibitors have undergone clinical trials. In this report, we detail the design and discovery of potent HDAC inhibitors, with 1-benzhydryl piperazine as a surface recognition group, that differ in hydrocarbon linker. In vitro HDAC screening identified two selective HDAC6 inhibitors with nanomolar IC50 values, as well as two non-selective nanomolar HDAC inhibitors. Structure-based molecular modeling was employed to study the influence of linker chemistry of synthesized inhibitors on HDAC6 potency. The breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) were used to evaluate compound-mediated in vitro anti-cancer, anti-migratory, and anti-invasive activities. Experiments on the zebrafish MDA-MB-231 xenograft model revealed that a novel non-selective HDAC inhibitor with a seven-carbon-atom linker exhibits potent anti-tumor, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic effects when tested at low micromolar concentrations