245 research outputs found

    Calcareous Nannoplankton (marine algae) Analysis in Subsurface Sediments of Andaman Sea

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    Andaman Sea in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) is influenced by Indo-Australia monsoon winds. Marine sediment cores in this area, BS36 (06°55’50.8”N; 96°07’28.51”E; ; Water depth 1147.1 meters) were acquired by Geomarin III research vessel andanalysed its morphology for nannoplankton occurences. Results from qualitative identification on marine sediment core in Andaman Sea obtained 11 genus of nannoplankton marine algae in this area. Dominated genus discovered in this site is Gephyrocapsa, Emiliania, and Helicosphaera. Although this research is qualitative and preliminary study phase; however, this reference of modern nannoplankton taxonomy and features using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) would enhance marine algae biodiversity along Andaman Sea of Indonesian watersKeywords: Nannoplankton, morphology, sediment core, taxonomy, Andaman Sea Kawasan Laut Andaman terletak di wilayah kolam panas Indo-Pasifik sangat dipengaruhi oleh angin musim Indo-Australia. Conto inti sedimen laut di wilayah BS 36 (06°55’50.8” Utara; 96°7’28.51” Timur; kedalaman laut 1147,1 meter) diambil menggunakan wahana kapal riset Geomarin III dan dianalisis morfologi nanoplankton yang ditemukan di wilayah ini. Hasil dari pemerian kualitatif dari conto sedimen inti di Laut Andaman menghasilkan 11 genus nanoplankton sebagai alga laut yang dapat ditemukan pada lokasi ini. Genus yang sangat menonjol di satu lokasi titik pengambilan conto sedimen inti yaitu Gephyrocapsa, Emiliania, dan Helicosphaera. Meskipun kajian ini masih bersifat kualitatif dan tahap studi awal; namun acuan tentang taksonomi nanoplankton modern dan kenampakan dari Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) akan memperkaya biodivesitas alga laut di sepanjang Laut Andaman dari perairan Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Nanoplankton, morfologi, conto sedimen inti, taxonomi, Laut Andama

    Effects of Dietary Lysine Levels on the Plasma Concentrations of Growth‐Related Hormones in Late‐Stage Finishing Pigs

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    This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of dietary lysine on the plasma concentrations of three growth‐related hormones in pigs. Nine late‐stage finishing barrows were assigned to three dietary treatments according to a completely randomized experimental design (3 pigs/treatment). Three corn and soybean meal‐based diets were formulated to contain three levels of lysine, which were 0.43, 0.71, and 0.98% for Diets 1 (lysine deficient), 2 (lysine adequate), and 3 (lysine excess), respectively. The feeding trial lasted 4 weeks, during which the pigs were allowed ad libitum access to the diets and water. After the 4 weeks, blood was collected and plasma samples were obtained. Then, the plasma concentrations of insulin, growth hormone (GH), and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) were measured. No difference in the plasma concentration of insulin or GH among the three treatments was found (P > 0.10). However, the plasma IGF‐1 concentration was lower (P < 0.05) in the pigs fed Diet 1 or 3 than fed Diet 2, suggesting that either dietary lysine deficiency or excess can lead to a lower concentration of plasma IGF‐1. It was concluded that IGF‐1, instead of insulin or GH, in the blood may be a key controlling growth factor in response to dietary lysine supply for regulating muscle growth in late‐stage finishing pigs

    Calcareous Nannoplankton (Marine Algae) Analysis in Subsurface Sediments of Andaman Sea

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    Andaman Sea in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) is influenced by Indo-Australia monsoon winds. Marine sediment cores in this area, BS36 (06°55\u2750.8”N; 96°07\u2728.51”E; ; Water depth 1147.1 meters) were acquired by Geomarin III research vessel andanalysed its morphology for nannoplankton occurences. Results from qualitative identification on marine sediment core in Andaman Sea obtained 11 genus of nannoplankton marine algae in this area. Dominated genus discovered in this site is Gephyrocapsa, Emiliania, and Helicosphaera. Although this research is qualitative and preliminary study phase; however, this reference of modern nannoplankton taxonomy and features using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) would enhance marine algae biodiversity along Andaman Sea of Indonesian water

    A novel IgE epitope-specific antibodies-based sandwich ELISA for sensitive measurement of immunoreactivity changes of peanut allergen Ara h 2 in processed foods

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    BackgroundPeanut is an important source of dietary protein for human beings, but it is also recognized as one of the eight major food allergens. Binding of IgE antibodies to specific epitopes in peanut allergens plays important roles in initiating peanut-allergic reactions, and Ara h 2 is widely considered as the most potent peanut allergen and the best predictor of peanut allergy. Therefore, Ara h 2 IgE epitopes can serve as useful biomarkers for prediction of IgE-binding variations of Ara h 2 and peanut in foods. This study aimed to develop and validate an IgE epitope-specific antibodies (IgE-EsAbs)-based sandwich ELISA (sELISA) for detection of Ara h 2 and measurement of Ara h 2 IgE-immunoreactivity changes in foods.MethodsDEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow anion-exchange chromatography combining with SDS-PAGE gel extraction were applied to purify Ara h 2 from raw peanut. Hybridoma and epitope vaccine techniques were employed to generate a monoclonal antibody against a major IgE epitope of Ara h 2 and a polyclonal antibody against 12 IgE epitopes of Ara h 2, respectively. ELISA was carried out to evaluate the target binding and specificity of the generated IgE-EsAbs. Subsequently, IgE-EsAbs-based sELISA was developed to detect Ara h 2 and its allergenic residues in food samples. The IgE-binding capacity of Ara h 2 and peanut in foods was determined by competitive ELISA. The dose-effect relationship between the Ara h 2 IgE epitope content and Ara h 2 (or peanut) IgE-binding ability was further established to validate the reliability of the developed sELISA in measuring IgE-binding variations of Ara h 2 and peanut in foods.ResultsThe obtained Ara h 2 had a purity of 94.44%. Antibody characterization revealed that the IgE-EsAbs recognized the target IgE epitope(s) of Ara h 2 and exhibited high specificity. Accordingly, an IgE-EsAbs-based sELISA using these antibodies was able to detect Ara h 2 and its allergenic residues in food samples, with high sensitivity (a limit of detection of 0.98 ng/mL), accuracy (a mean bias of 0.88%), precision (relative standard deviation &lt; 16.50%), specificity, and recovery (an average recovery of 98.28%). Moreover, the developed sELISA could predict IgE-binding variations of Ara h 2 and peanut in foods, as verified by using sera IgE derived from peanut-allergic individuals.ConclusionThis novel immunoassay could be a user-friendly method to monitor low level of Ara h 2 and to preliminary predict in vitro potential allergenicity of Ara h 2 and peanut in processed foods

    Volumetric-modulated arc therapy as an alternative to intensity-modulated radiotherapy for primary tumors of advanced non–small-cell lung cancer: A multicenter retrospective analysis based on propensity score matching

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) versus intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for advanced non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Cases in which the primary tumors were treated with IMRT or VMAT as initial intervention in stages III and IV NSCLC patients from September 2008 to March 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was used to assess the efficacy and toxicity of the two radiotherapy techniques. Results: A total of 637 patients were included, out of which 483 cases were treated with IMRT, while 154 received VMAT. A total of 308 patients were selected after PSM. Patients who were having acute radiation esophagitis and pneumonia treated with VMAT had a lower percentage than those treated with IMRT (p &lt; 0.05) before PSM. However, there was no significant difference in grades 3 - 4 toxicity (χ2 = 2.77, p = 0.096). There were also no significant differences in the primary endpoints between the two groups after PSM (p &gt; 0.05), while for secondary endpoints, all lung V5, and V20, mean lung dose and heart V30, heart V40, mean heart dose in all patients and stage N2 patients in VMAT after PSM were significantly lower than those of IMRT (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Radiation therapy of A-NSCLC primary tumors using VMAT and IMRT seem to produce similar efficacy. The volume parameters of normal tissues and organs is significantly lower in VMAT, especially in patients with stage N2. Therefore, VMAT may be more beneficial for reducing radiation damage in normal tissues and organs

    Enhanced Fe-centered redox flexibility in Fe–Ti heterobimetallic complexes

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    Previously, we reported the synthesis of Ti[N(o-(NCH2P(iPr)2)C6H4)3] and the Fe–Ti complex, FeTi[N(o-(NCH2P(iPr)2)C6H4)3], abbreviated as TiL (1), and FeTiL (2), respectively. Herein, we describe the synthesis and characterization of the complete redox families of the monometallic Ti and Fe–Ti compounds. Cyclic voltammetry studies on FeTiL reveal both reduction and oxidation processes at −2.16 and −1.36 V (versus Fc/Fc+), respectively. Two isostructural redox members, [FeTiL]+ and [FeTiL]− (2ox and 2red, respectively) were synthesized and characterized, along with BrFeTiL (2-Br) and the monometallic [TiL]+ complex (1ox). The solid-state structures of the [FeTiL]+/0/– series feature short metal–metal bonds, ranging from 1.94–2.38 Å, which are all shorter than the sum of the Ti and Fe single-bond metallic radii (cf. 2.49 Å). To elucidate the bonding and electronic structures, the complexes were characterized with a host of spectroscopic methods, including NMR, EPR, and 57Fe Mössbauer, as well as Ti and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). These studies, along with hybrid density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations, suggest that the redox processes in the isostructural [FeTiL]+,0,– series are primarily Fe-based and that the polarized Fe–Ti π-bonds play a role in delocalizing some of the additional electron density from Fe to Ti (net 13%)

    Pemendapan sedimen dan proses 210Pb di Lembangan Melayu dan Selat Melaka

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    Sebanyak dua teras sedimen diperoleh dari Lembangan Melayu dan Selat Melaka bagi mengenal pasti pemendapan sedimen serta proses 210Pb di Lembangan Melayu dan Selat Melaka. Di kawasan kajian, purata aktiviti 210Pb adalah sebanyak 111.47 ± 15.01 Bq/kg dan 126.38 ± 16.8 Bq/kg di stesen M17 dan M43 dengan perbezaan antara stesen adalah sebanyak 10%. Kedua-dua stesen menerima input yang berlainan melalui saluran air ke arah kawasan persampelan, menyebabkan peningkatan kandungan 210Pb di dalam sedimen. Proses hidrologi yang dikawal melalui perbezaan temporal turut mempengaruhi proses fizikal dan secara tidak langsung, mempengaruhi proses sedimentasi. Proses hidrologi melalui perbezaan temporal yang mempengaruhi proses fizikal dan kemudiannya mempengaruhi kadar proses pemendapan. Memandangkan sistem monsun mempengaruhi daya kitaran hidrologi, mekanisme timbal-balik kesan saiz butiran terhadap 210Pb telah berubah berikutan pengaruh arus monsun bersama dengan lempung sebagai pembawa utama yang menonjol untuk teras sedimen, sekali gus mempunyai kesan serta-merta pada pemendapan sedimen. Di samping itu, inventori dan fluks Lembangan Melayu dan Selat Melaka menunjukkan kesan monsun juga menyumbang kepada perubahan inventori dan fluks 210Pb di Lembangan Melayu dan Selat Melaka apabila daya kitaran hidrologi mengubah keupayaan kesan penggarutan 210Pb di sekitar perantaraan sedimen dan air laut

    Effects of dietary lysine levels on plasma free amino acid profile in late-stage finishing pigs

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    Muscle growth requires a constant supply of amino acids (AAs) from the blood. Therefore, plasma AA profile is a critical factor for maximizing the growth performance of animals, including pigs. This research was conducted to study how dietary lysine intake affects plasma AA profile in pigs at the late production stage. Eighteen crossbred (Large White × Landrace) finishing pigs (nine barrows and nine gilts; initial BW 92.3 ± 6.9 kg) were individually penned in an environment controlled barn. Pigs were assigned randomly to one of the three dietary treatments according to a randomized complete block design with sex as block and pig as experiment unit (6 pigs/treatment). Three corn- and soybean meal-based diets contained 0.43 % (lysine-deficient, Diet I), 0.71 % (lysine-adequate, Diet II), and 0.98 % (lysine-excess, Diet III) l-lysine, respectively. After a 4-week period of feeding, jugular vein blood samples were collected from the pigs and plasma was obtained for AA analysis using established HPLC methods. The change of plasma lysine concentration followed the same pattern as that of dietary lysine supply. The plasma concentrations of threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, valine, arginine, and citrulline of pigs fed Diet II or III were lower (P < 0.05) than that of pigs fed Diet I. The plasma concentrations of alanine, glutamate, and glycine of pigs fed Diet II or III were higher (P < 0.05) than that of pigs fed Diet I. The change of plasma leucine and asparagine concentrations followed the patterns similar to that of plasma lysine. Among those affected AAs, arginine was decreased (P < 0.05) in the greatest proportion with the lysine-excess diet. We suggest that the skeletal muscle growth of finishing pigs may be further increased with a lysine-excess diet if the plasma concentration of arginine can be increased through dietary supplementation or other practical nutritional management strategies

    RNA sequencing analysis revealed differentially expressed genes and their functional annotation in porcine longissimus dorsi muscle affected by dietary lysine restriction

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary lysine restriction on the global gene expression profile of skeletal muscle in growing pigs. Twelve crossbred (Yorkshire × Landrace) barrows (initial BW 22.6 ± 2.04 kg) were randomly assigned to two dietary treatments (LDD: a lysine-deficient diet; LAD: a lysine-adequate diet) according to a completely randomized experiment design (n = 6). After feeding for 8 weeks, skeletal muscle was sampled from the longissimus dorsi of individual pigs. The muscle total RNA was isolated and cDNA libraries were prepared for RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis. The RNA-Seq data obtained was then analyzed using the CLC Genomics Workbench to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). A total of 80 genes (padj ≀ 0.05) were differentially expressed in the longissimus dorsi muscle of the pigs fed LDD vs. LAD, of which 46 genes were downregulated and 34 genes were upregulated. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of the DEGs (padj ≀ 0.05) for functional annotation identified those GO terms that are mostly associated with the molecular functions of structural molecules and metabolic enzymes (e.g., oxidoreductase and endopeptidase), biological process of acute-phase response, and amino acid metabolism including synthesis and degradation in the extracellular matrix region. Collectively, the results of this study have provided some novel insight regarding the molecular mechanisms of muscle growth that are associated with dietary lysine supply

    UTR introns, antisense RNA and differentially spliced transcripts between Plasmodium yoelii subspecies

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    Additional file 1. Evaluation of RNA quality from the two NSM parasite samples in agarose gel (a), and a flow chart of data processing and analysis (b)
