115 research outputs found

    A visual semantic service browser supporting user-centric service composition

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    Follow the promising Web 2.0 paradigm, the telecommunications world also wants to implement the Telco 2.0 vision by inviting its users to actively participate in the creating and sharing of services accessible using handheld devices. The EU-IST research project OPUCE (Open Platform for User-Centric Service Creation and Execution) aims at providing end users with an innovative platform which allows an easy creation and delivery of personalized communication and information services. This paper introduces a novel visual semantic service browser built on top of the OPUCE service repository which enables intuitive visualized service exploring and discovery while requires no technical semantic Web knowledge from the user

    Recommendations on the Internet of Things: Requirements, Challenges, and Directions

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    © 1997-2012 IEEE. The Internet of Things (IoT) is accelerating the growth of data available on the Internet, which makes the traditional search paradigms incapable of digging the information that people need from massive and deep resources. Furthermore, given the dynamic nature of organizations, social structures, and devices involved in IoT environments, intelligent and automated approaches become critical to support decision makers with the knowledge derived from the vast amount of information available through IoT networks. Indeed, IoT is more desirable of an effective and efficient paradigm of proactive discovering rather than postactive searching. This paper discusses some of the important requirements and key challenges to enable effective and efficient thing-of-interest recommendation and provides an array of new perspectives on IoT recommendation

    Sequential recommender systems: Challenges, progress and prospects

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    © 2019 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. The emerging topic of sequential recommender systems (SRSs) has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Different from the conventional recommender systems (RSs) including collaborative filtering and content-based filtering, SRSs try to understand and model the sequential user behaviors, the interactions between users and items, and the evolution of users' preferences and item popularity over time. SRSs involve the above aspects for more precise characterization of user contexts, intent and goals, and item consumption trend, leading to more accurate, customized and dynamic recommendations. In this paper, we provide a systematic review on SRSs. We first present the characteristics of SRSs, and then summarize and categorize the key challenges in this research area, followed by the corresponding research progress consisting of the most recent and representative developments on this topic. Finally, we discuss the important research directions in this vibrant area

    Diagnosis Code Assignment Using Sparsity-Based Disease Correlation Embedding

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    © 1989-2012 IEEE. With the latest developments in database technologies, it becomes easier to store the medical records of hospital patients from their first day of admission than was previously possible. In Intensive Care Units (ICU), modern medical information systems can record patient events in relational databases every second. Knowledge mining from these huge volumes of medical data is beneficial to both caregivers and patients. Given a set of electronic patient records, a system that effectively assigns the disease labels can facilitate medical database management and also benefit other researchers, e.g., pathologists. In this paper, we have proposed a framework to achieve that goal. Medical chart and note data of a patient are used to extract distinctive features. To encode patient features, we apply a Bag-of-Words encoding method for both chart and note data. We also propose a model that takes into account both global information and local correlations between diseases. Correlated diseases are characterized by a graph structure that is embedded in our sparsity-based framework. Our algorithm captures the disease relevance when labeling disease codes rather than making individual decision with respect to a specific disease. At the same time, the global optimal values are guaranteed by our proposed convex objective function. Extensive experiments have been conducted on a real-world large-scale ICU database. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method improves multi-label classification results by successfully incorporating disease correlations

    Novel Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms for QoS-Aware Service Selection

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    © 2008-2012 IEEE. Service selection is crucial to service composition in determining the composite Quality of Service (QoS). The proliferation of composable services on the Internet and the practical need for timely delivering optimized composite solutions motivate the adoption of population-based algorithms for QoS-aware service selection. However, existing population-based algorithms are generally complicated to use, and often used as a general approach to solving different optimization problems. We propose to develop specialized algorithms for QoS-aware service selection, based on the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC). ABC is a new and simpler implementation of swarm intelligence, which has proven to be successful in solving many real-world problems, especially the numerical optimization problems. We develop an approximate approach for the neighborhood search of ABC, which enables effective local search in the discrete space of service selection in a way that is analogical to the search in a continuous space. We present three algorithms based on the approach. All the three algorithms are designed to improve the performance and meanwhile preserve the simplicity of ABC. Each algorithm applies a different technique to leverage the unique characteristics of the service selection problem. Experimental results show higher accuracy and convergence speed of the proposed algorithms over the state of the art algorithms

    From Appearance to Essence

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    Truth discovery has been widely studied in recent years as a fundamental means for resolving the conflicts in multi-source data. Although many truth discovery methods have been proposed based on different considerations and intuitions, investigations show that no single method consistently outperforms the others. To select the right truth discovery method for a specific application scenario, it becomes essential to evaluate and compare the performance of different methods. A drawback of current research efforts is that they commonly assume the availability of certain ground truth for the evaluation of methods. However, the ground truth may be very limited or even impossible to obtain, rendering the evaluation biased. In this article, we present CompTruthHyp, a generic approach for comparing the performance of truth discovery methods without using ground truth. In particular, our approach calculates the probability of observations in a dataset based on the output of different methods. The probability is then ranked to reflect the performance of these methods. We review and compare 12 representative truth discovery methods and consider both single-valued and multi-valued objects. The empirical studies on both real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for comparing truth discovery methods.Xiu Susie Fang, Quan Z. Sheng, Xianzhi Wang, Wei Emma Zhang, Anne H. H. Ngu, Jian Yan

    Modeling multi-purpose sessions for next-item recommendations via mixture-channel purpose routing networks

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    © 2019 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. A session-based recommender system (SBRS) suggests the next item by modeling the dependencies between items in a session. Most of existing SBRSs assume the items inside a session are associated with one (implicit) purpose. However, this may not always be true in reality, and a session may often consist of multiple subsets of items for different purposes (e.g., breakfast and decoration). Specifically, items (e.g., bread and milk) in a subset have strong purpose-specific dependencies whereas items (e.g., bread and vase) from different subsets have much weaker or even no dependencies due to the difference of purposes. Therefore, we propose a mixture-channel model to accommodate the multi-purpose item subsets for more precisely representing a session. To address the shortcomings in existing SBRSs, this model recommends more diverse items to satisfy different purposes. Accordingly, we design effective mixture-channel purpose routing networks (MCPRNs) with a purpose routing network to detect the purposes of each item and assign them into the corresponding channels. Moreover, a purpose-specific recurrent network is devised to model the dependencies between items within each channel for a specific purpose. The experimental results show the superiority of MCPRN over the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both recommendation accuracy and diversity

    Intention Nets: Psychology-Inspired User Choice Behavior Modeling for Next-Basket Prediction

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    Human behaviors are complex, which are often observed as a sequence of heterogeneous actions. In this paper, we take user choices for shopping baskets as a typical case to study the complexity of user behaviors. Most of existing approaches often model user behaviors in a mechanical way, namely treating a user action sequence as homogeneous sequential data, such as hourly temperatures, which fails to consider the complexity in user behaviors. In fact, users' choices are driven by certain underlying intentions (e.g., feeding the baby or relieving pain) according to Psychological theories. Moreover, the durations of intentions to drive user actions are quite different; some of them may be persistent while others may be transient. According to Psychological theories, we develop a hierarchical framework to describe the goal, intentions and action sequences, based on which, we design Intention Nets (IntNet). In IntNet, multiple Action Chain Nets are constructed to model the user actions driven by different intentions, and a specially designed Persistent-Transient Intention Unit models the different intention durations. We apply the IntNet to next-basket prediction, a recent challenging task in recommender systems. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show the superiority of our Psychology-inspired model IntNet over the state-of-the-art approaches.</jats:p

    Intention2Basket: A neural intention-driven approach for dynamic next-basket planning

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    User purchase behaviours are complex and dynamic, which are usually observed as multiple choice actions across a sequence of shopping baskets. Most of the existing next-basket prediction approaches model user actions as homogeneous sequence data without considering complex and heterogeneous user intentions, impeding deep understanding of user behaviours from the perspective of human inside drivers and thus reducing the prediction performance. Psychological theories have indicated that user actions are essentially driven by certain underlying intentions (e.g., diet and entertainment). Moreover, different intentions may influence each other while different choices usually have different utilities to accomplish an intention. Inspired by such psychological insights, we formalize the next-basket prediction as an Intention Recognition, Modelling and Accomplishing problem and further design the Intention2Basket (Int2Ba in short) model. In Int2Ba, an Intention Recognizer, a Coupled Intention Chain Net, and a Dynamic Basket Planner are specifically designed to respectively recognize, model and accomplish the heterogeneous intentions behind a sequence of baskets to better plan the next-basket. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show the superiority of Int2Ba over the state-of-the-art approaches

    Graph Learning based Recommender Systems: A Review

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    Recent years have witnessed the fast development of the emerging topic of Graph Learning based Recommender Systems (GLRS). GLRS employ advanced graph learning approaches to model users' preferences and intentions as well as items' characteristics for recommendations. Differently from other RS approaches, including content-based filtering and collaborative filtering, GLRS are built on graphs where the important objects, e.g., users, items, and attributes, are either explicitly or implicitly connected. With the rapid development of graph learning techniques, exploring and exploiting homogeneous or heterogeneous relations in graphs are a promising direction for building more effective RS. In this paper, we provide a systematic review of GLRS, by discussing how they extract important knowledge from graph-based representations to improve the accuracy, reliability and explainability of the recommendations. First, we characterize and formalize GLRS, and then summarize and categorize the key challenges and main progress in this novel research area