77,294 research outputs found

    Change-point model on nonhomogeneous Poisson processes with application in copy number profiling by next-generation DNA sequencing

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    We propose a flexible change-point model for inhomogeneous Poisson Processes, which arise naturally from next-generation DNA sequencing, and derive score and generalized likelihood statistics for shifts in intensity functions. We construct a modified Bayesian information criterion (mBIC) to guide model selection, and point-wise approximate Bayesian confidence intervals for assessing the confidence in the segmentation. The model is applied to DNA Copy Number profiling with sequencing data and evaluated on simulated spike-in and real data sets.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS517 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Spin current swapping and Hanle spin Hall effect in the two dimensional electron gas

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    We analyze the effect known as "spin current swapping" (SCS) due to electron-impurity scattering in a uniform spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas. In this effect a primary spin current JiaJ_i^a (lower index for spatial direction, upper index for spin direction) generates a secondary spin current JaiJ_a^i if iai \neq a, or JjjJ_j^j, with jij\ne i, if i=ai= a. Contrary to naive expectation, the homogeneous spin current associated with the uniform drift of the spin polarization in the electron gas does not generate a swapped spin current by the SCS mechanism. Nevertheless, a swapped spin current will be generated, if a magnetic field is present, by a completely different mechanism, namely, the precession of the spin Hall spin current in the magnetic field. We refer to this second mechanism as Hanle spin Hall effect, and we notice that it can be observed in an experiment in which a homogeneous drift current is passed through a uniformly magnetized electron gas. In contrast to this, we show that an unambiguous observation of SCS requires inhomogeneous spin currents, such as those that are associated with spin diffusion in a metal, and no magnetic field. An experimental setup for the observation of the SCS is therefore proposed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A new view of nonlinear water waves: the Hilbert spectrum

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    We survey the newly developed Hilbert spectral analysis method and its applications to Stokes waves, nonlinear wave evolution processes, the spectral form of the random wave field, and turbulence. Our emphasis is on the inadequacy of presently available methods in nonlinear and nonstationary data analysis. Hilbert spectral analysis is here proposed as an alternative. This new method provides not only a more precise definition of particular events in time-frequency space than wavelet analysis, but also more physically meaningful interpretations of the underlying dynamic processes

    A method for monitoring the variability in nuclear absorption characteristics of aviation fuels

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    A technique for monitoring variability in the nuclear absorption characteristics of aviation fuels has been developed. It is based on a highly collimated low energy gamma radiation source and a sodium iodide counter. The source and the counter assembly are separated by a geometrically well-defined test fuel cell. A computer program for determining the mass attenuation coefficient of the test fuel sample, based on the data acquired for a preset counting period, has been developed and tested on several types of aviation fuel

    On the average Gamma-Ray Burst X-ray flaring activity

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    Gamma-ray burst X-ray flares are believed to mark the late time activity of the central engine. We compute the temporal evolution of the average flare luminosity in the common rest frame energy band of 44 GRBs taken from the large \emph{Swift} 5-years data base. Our work highlights the importance of a proper consideration of the threshold of detection of flares against the contemporaneous continuous X-ray emission. In the time interval 30st2.7±0.130 \rm{s}\propto t^{-2.7\pm 0.1}; this implies that the flare isotropic energy scaling is Eiso,flaret1.7E_{\rm{iso,flare}}\propto t^{-1.7}. The decay of the continuum underlying the flare emission closely tracks the average flare luminosity evolution, with a typical flare to steep-decay luminosity ratio which is Lflare/Lsteep=4.7L_{\rm{flare}}/L_{\rm{steep}}=4.7: this suggests that flares and continuum emission are deeply related to one another. We infer on the progenitor properties considering different models. According to the hyper-accreting black hole scenario, the average flare luminosity scaling can be obtained in the case of rapid accretion (tacctt_{\rm{acc}}\ll t) or when the last \sim 0.5 M_{\sun} of the original 14 M_{\sun} progenitor star are accreted. Alternatively, the steep t2.7\propto t^{-2.7} behaviour could be triggered by a rapid outward expansion of an accretion shock in the material feeding a convective disk. If instead we assume the engine to be a rapidly spinning magnetar, then its rotational energy can be extracted to power a jet whose luminosity is likely to be between the monopole (Le2tL\propto e^{-2t}) and dipole (Lt2L\propto t^{-2}) cases. In both scenarios we suggest the variability, which is the main signature of the flaring activity, to be established as a consequence of different kinds of instabilities.Comment: MNRAS accepte