127 research outputs found

    Biosorpsi Cu(II) oleh Pseudomonas putida

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    The one negative impact of industrial activities is the environmental pollution especially if contain heavy metals where the concentrations is exceed the Threshold Value (TLV). In this study, the biosorption of Cu (II) by Pseudomonas putida for reduce heavy metal in waste water. The biosorption with Pseudomonas putida was carried out in some initial variations of Cu (II), time adsorption, and pH. The concentration of Cu(II) after bisorption was measured using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. Based on the results of the study it was found that the greater initial concentration of Cu (II) from 8.000 ppm to 12.000 ppm the percentage decrease Cu (II) concentration is getting smaller. Whereas at the same initial concentration of Cu(II) 8.000 ppm the largest percentage reduction in Cu (II) concentration occurred at pH = 6 compared to pH = 4 and 5. This matter because metallothionein in the cell wall of Pseudomonas putida will be lysed under relatively acidic conditions at pH = 4 and pH = 5, if methallotionein lysis then the absorbed Cu (II) is smaller. In determining the biosorption kinetics constanta (k), the data is getting lower along with the increase in the initial concentration of Cu (II). This is because Cu(II) ion in solution are reactive to bacterial cells, which can cause cell damage result death bacteria. Based on the results measurements of Pseudomonas putida after the biosorption using FTIR it can be seen that the presence of Cu (II) is bound to the bacterial cell wall. This can be seen from the shift of absorption peak at wave number 420.45 cm-1 which indicates the presence of Cu-O groups

    Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordica Charantia) Sebagai Antibakteri dan Antifungi

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    Green-antibacterial is another alternatif as an antibiotic. One of the natural ingredients which has green-antibacterial properties is bitter melon (Momordica charantia). Bitter melon has compounds that function as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti carcinogenic. This is due to bitter melon fruit has active compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. In this research, bitter melon is maserated by aquadest in a various ratio weight per volume (w/v) 1:40, 1:20, 1:13,3 and 1:10 for 24 hours. Filtrate is filtered then dried for 10 hours to get the crude extract of biter melon. phytochemical test, measurement of total phenolic content (TPC), antibacterial and antifungal test. According to the result, bitter melon extract contain alkaloids, saponins and tanins with the highest value of total phenolic content measurement is the rasio of 1:10 scilicet 0,3390 g GAE/g sample. The strongest inhibition is found in ratio 1:10 with an average diameter is 14,5 ± 2,12 mm. Whilst, for the antifungal test, the inhibition zone is only found in the 1:13,3 and 1:10 ratios with an average diameters are 7±0,42 mm dan 8,65±0,071 mm

    Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordica Charantia) Sebagai Antibakteri dan Antifungi

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    Green-antibacterial is another alternatif as an antibiotic. One of the natural ingredients which has green-antibacterial properties is bitter melon (Momordica charantia). Bitter melon has compounds that function as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti carcinogenic. This is due to bitter melon fruit has active compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. In this research, bitter melon is maserated by aquadest in a various ratio weight per volume (w/v) 1:40, 1:20, 1:13,3 and 1:10 for 24 hours. Filtrate is filtered then dried for 10 hours to get the crude extract of biter melon. phytochemical test, measurement of total phenolic content (TPC), antibacterial and antifungal test. According to the result, bitter melon extract contain alkaloids, saponins and tanins with the highest value of total phenolic content measurement is the rasio of 1:10 scilicet 0,3390 g GAE/g sample. The strongest inhibition is found in ratio 1:10 with an average diameter is 14,5 ± 2,12 mm. Whilst, for the antifungal test, the inhibition zone is only found in the 1:13,3 and 1:10 ratios with an average diameters are 7±0,42 mm dan 8,65±0,071 mm

    Imobilisasi Crude Enzyme Dari Limbah Buah dan Sayur Menggunakan Material Berbasis Cangkang Telur

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    Berlimpahnya sisa hasil pertanian seperti kulit buah, sisa sayur dan cangkang telur berpeluang untuk diolah menjadi produk yang berharga seperti enzim maupun biomaterial. Beralihnya proses industri ke arah yang lebih ramah lingkungan berangsur-angsur memunculkan kebutuhan enzim sebagai biokatalis reaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari potensi limbah cangkang telur sebagai material support untuk mengimobilisasi crude enzyme yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi kulit buah naga, kulit jeruk, kulit alpukat dan sisa sayur yaitu sisa batang bawah kangkung. Penelitian dilakukan dalam lingkup skala laboratorium. Metode percobaan terbagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yaitu: sintesa crude enzyme dari limbah buah dan sayur, purifikasi enzim dengan pemekatan, sintesa material berbahan dasar cangkang telur, dan tahap terakhir adalah imobilisasi crude enzyme ke dalam material. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa membran cangkang telur (MCT) dan olahan cangkang telur menjadi material hydroxyapatite (HA) berpotensi menjadi material untuk mengimobilisasi crude enzyme berturut-turut: 33,05 ± 3,62 U.mL-1 dan 46,73 ± 0,27 U.mL-1 untuk MCT dan HA. Dari hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa material HA lebih berpotensi daripada MCT untuk digunakan sebagai imobilisasi enzim. Material HA dari cangkang telur yang mampu mengimobilisasi crude enzyme ini memberikan gambaran akan manfaat limbah menjadi produk yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan proses di industri yang konsen terhadap lingkungan

    Green reduction of graphene oxide using kaffir lime peel extract (Citrus hystrix) and its application as adsorbent for methylene blue

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    Green reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by phytochemicals was explored using the aqueous extract of kaffir lime peels. The research methods included preparation of extracts, preparation of GO, preparation and characterization of reduced-GO (RGO) using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-Vis spectroscopy, as well as methylene blue (MB) adsorption test using RGO. The RGO characterization showed that GO was successfully reduced by a C=C group restoration. The MB adsorption kinetics profile in RGO is more suitable for the pseudo-second-order model, whereas for the adsorption isotherm it is more suitable for the Langmuir model with a maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) of 276.06 mg/g at room temperature. The best ratio of GO: kaffir lime peel extract used to prepare RGO was at a ratio of 1: 2. Based on the ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS values, the adsorption of RGO-MB was defined as spontaneous and endothermic process. The results promise the potential application of RGO derived via green route to remove cationic dye in wastewate

    Pemanfaatan kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku pembuatan natrium karbosimetil selulosa

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    Kulit singkong merupakan sumber selulosa yang berlimpah dan ekonomis, dengan kadar selulosa 80-85% dari berat kulit singkong. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan selulosa dalam kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sodium karboksimetil selulosa (Na-CMC), mempelajari pengaruh sodium hidroksida, sodium kloroasetat serta suhu terhadap karakteristik Na-CMC seperti perolehan, kemurnian, dan derajat substitusi, serta menentukan kondisi operasi optimum untuk pembuatan Na-CMC berdasarkan kemurnian Na-CMC terbesar. Gugus fungsional Na-CMC ditentukan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra. Mula-mula, kulit singkong dikeringkan dan dihancurkan sehingga berukuran 50 mesh. Kulit singkong diekstrak dengan NaOH 10% pada suhu 35 °C selama 5 jam, untuk melarutkan lignin. Kulit singkong bebas lignin diekstrak dengan asam asetat 10% dan sodium klorida dengan pemanasan 750 °C selama 1 jam untuk melarutkan hemiselulosa sehingga didapatkan selulosa . Alkalisasi dilakukan dengan mereaksikan selulosa dengan NaOH 10-40% dengan pelarut isopropil alkohol pada suhu 30 °C selama 90 menit, dilanjutkan eterifikasi dengan sodium kloroasetat 1-5 g pada suhu 50-80 °C selama 6 jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, karakteristik Na-CMC terbaik didapatkan dari alkalisasi selulosa menggunakan NaOH 20% serta eterifikasi menggunakan 3 g sodium kloroasetat pada suhu 70 °C. Perolehan Na-CMC yang didapat adalah sebesar 21,94%, kemurnian 96,20%, serta derajat substitusi sebesar 0,705


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    A natural phenolic compound namely pyrocatechuic acid or 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid has been known for its biological activity as antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. This compound shows a potential chelating ability to bind metal ions through its three oxygen donor atoms. This ability seems to be promising for metal intoxication by chelation. In this study, the chelating ability of PA towards metal ion was expressed as “equilibrium constant” which shown the stability of the chelate complex formed. The investigated metal ions are Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+. Potentiometric method was used for the determination of the equilibrium constant. The potentiometric method was carried out in aqueous solution which mimic human body fluid, with ionic strength of 0.15 mol•dm-3 NaCl at temperature 37°C. The formation of chelate complex was confirmed by spectrophotometric measurements. The result showed that the two oxygen donor atoms from hydroxyl group of PA were found to bind the metal ion. The stability of the metal complexes were increased as the ionic radius of the metal ion is decreased, where the complex that has highest stability is Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+. Additionally, the species distribution of the metal complexes in function of pH was presented graphically by using HySS2009

    Green Reduction of Graphene Oxide using Kaffir Lime Peel Extract (Citrus hystrix) and Its Application as Adsorbent for Methylene Blue

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    Green reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by phytochemicals was explored using the aqueous extract of kaffir lime peels. The research methods included preparation of extracts, preparation of GO, preparation and characterization of reduced-GO (RGO) using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-Vis spectroscopy, as well as methylene blue (MB) adsorption test using RGO. The RGO characterization showed that GO was successfully reduced by a C=C group restoration. The MB adsorption kinetics profile in RGO is more suitable for the pseudo-second-order model, whereas for the adsorption isotherm it is more suitable for the Langmuir model with a maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) of 276.06 mg/g at room temperature. The best ratio of GO: kaffir lime peel extract used to prepare RGO was at a ratio of 1: 2. Based on the ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS values, the adsorption of RGO-MB was defined as spontaneous and endothermic process. The results promise the potential application of RGO derived via green route to remove cationic dye in wastewater

    Aplikasi metal organic framework MIL-53 Al untuk adsorpsi multi-ion pada air laut

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    Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) digunakan sebagai adsorben dalam proses desalinasi. Dalam penelitian ini, MIL-53 Al digunakan untuk menghilangkan ion dari air laut. MIL-53 dibuat menggunakan prekursor Al(NO3)3.9H2O, yang dilarutkan dengan etanol-air, kemudian ditambahkan ligan dengan perbandingan logam dan ligan 1:1,5. Kristalografi MIL-53(Al) diselidiki menggunakan analisis difraksi sinar-X untuk mendapatkan struktur kristal yang jelas sebelum dan sesudah aktivasi. Kemampuan adsorpsi MIL-53(Al)(ht) diuji untuk adsorpsi ion dari air laut pada 303 K. Efisiensi penyisihan MIL-53(Al)(ht) terhadap multi-ion adalah 20,5% dengan kapasitas adsorpsi 147,7 mg ion/g MIL-53. Penyisihan adsorpsi ion pada MIL-53(Al)(ht) mengikuti urutan Cl- > Na+ > SO42- > Mg2+ > K+ > Ca2+. Penggunaan kembali MIL-53(Al)(ht) juga diselidiki, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas adsorpsinya menurun secara signifikan setelah siklus pertama adsorpsi/desorpsi
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