290 research outputs found

    Gazetteer and site-based history of the ornithology of Sabah. Malaysian Borneo

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    The gazetteer lists sites in the state of Sabah, Malaysia, where birds have been collected, studied, or watched. Its purpose is to identify locations for research and birding in Sabah and to provide a brief scientific history of the more important sites. Each site description includes latitude, longitude, and general information on location. For many sites, elevation, habitat, scientific or birdwatching importance, historical notes, citations of key papers, specimen records, and records of certain species are also included

    The status of Abbott's Babbler in Borneo

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    We reviewed the occurrence of Abbott's Babbler Trichastoma abbotti on Borneo as a first step towards understanding why this species, which is common in most of its range, is so rare on the island. We were able to find only 21 documented Bornean records, most of which derived from areas of scrub habitat at low altitudes, especially near the coast

    A review of the status and distribution of the Bornean Bristlehead

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    We compiled all documented records of Bornean Bristlehead Pityriasis gymnocephata to determine what is known about the life-history and distribution of this enigmatic species. Pityriasis is a relict cracticid, related to the Australian magpies and butcherbirds. It is a highly social species and widespread throughout Borneo in forests below 1000m elevation, but rarely encountered

    Birds in peatswamp at Klias Forest Reserve and Environs, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

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    Periodically from 1998-2004, we surveyed birds in the Klias Forest Reserve, which is one of the last remaining pockets of peatswamp in western Sabah. We report here on those surveys. We also review prior work on birds in peatswamp and swamp forest in the Klias-Sipitang region of Sabah as it relates to the conservation of habitat and birds specialized on peatswamp. Peatswamp forest is in jeopardy from development and fires throughout Borneo, and particularly in the Malaysian State of Sabah, which had very little to start. Peatswamp in the Klias area is of particular importance for conservation and bird watching because Klias is close to the main tourist center of Borneo, Kota Kinabalu, and is the only easily accessible site for reliable sightings of Hook-billed Bulbul (Setornis criniger), Grey-breasted Babbler, (Malacopteron albogulare), and Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker (Prionochilus thoracicus) in Sabah

    Ornithological observations from Maratua and Bawean Islands, Indonesia

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    Indonesia’s many islands, large and small, make it an important center of avian diversity and endemism. Current biogeographic understanding, however, is limited by the lack of modern genetic samples for comparative analyses from most of these islands, and conservation efforts are hampered by the paucity of recent information from small islands peripheral to major, more commonly visited  islands. In November and December 2016, we visited Maratua, an oceanic coral atoll 50 km east of Borneo, and Bawean, a volcanic island on the Sunda continental shelf 150 km north of Java, to survey birds and collect specimens for morphological and genetic analysis. We detected many of the birds on Maratua’s historical lists and added several new resident and migratory species. Notably, we did not detect the Maratua White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus barbouri). On Bawean, we found the forests to be nearly silent and detected remarkably few resident land-bird species overall. The           severe population reduction of C. m. barbouri on Maratua and the drastic reduction of forest birds on Bawean probably result from overexploitation by the cage-bird trade in the first case and a combination of the cage-bird trade and pellet-gun hunting in the second

    A genome-wide assessment of stages of elevational parapatry in Bornean passerine birds reveals no introgression: implications for processes and patterns of speciation

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    Topographically complex regions often contain the close juxtaposition of closely related species along elevational gradients. The evolutionary causes of these elevational replacements, and thus the origin and maintenance of a large portion of species diversity along elevational gradients, are usually unclear because ecological differentiation along a gradient or secondary contact following allopatric diversification can produce the same pattern. We used reduced representation genomic sequencing to assess genetic relationships and gene flow between three parapatric pairs of closely related songbird taxa (Arachnothera spiderhunters, Chloropsis leafbirds, and Enicurus forktails) along an elevational gradient in Borneo. Each taxon pair presents a different elevational range distribution across the island, yet results were uniform: little or no gene flow was detected in any pairwise comparisons. These results are congruent with an allopatric “species-pump” model for generation of species diversity and elevational parapatry of congeners on Borneo, rather than in situ generation of species by “ecological speciation” along an elevational gradient

    Divergence history of the Rufous-tailed Tailorbird (Orthotomus sericeus) of Sundaland: Implications for the biogeography of Palawan and the taxonomy of island species in general

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    The Rufous-tailed Tailorbird (Orthotomus sericeus)—a Sunda endemic—is divided into 3 morphologically based subspecies: one in western Sundaland (Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and associated islands), one from the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea, and one on Borneo, Palawan, and smaller islands of the Sunda continental shelf east of Borneo. Previous study, however, suggested that these subspecies do not conform to molecular genetic subdivisions of the species. We reexamined the morphology and performed molecular phylogeographic and multi-locus coalescent analysis of two subspecies of Rufous-tailed Tailorbird comprising populations on the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and Palawan. We found (1) little morphological difference among the two subspecies, (2) no substantial genetic differences between the Borneo and western Sunda populations, but (3) marked genetic divergence between the Palawan and other populations. We conclude that the Bornean and western Sunda populations interbred extensively during Quaternary glacio-eustatic land connections, whereas the Bornean and Palawan populations did not. Unlike the other Greater Sunda Islands, Palawan has not been attached by a land bridge to the rest of Sundaland for at least one million years, and its relative isolation has prevented extensive intermixing between Palawan's and other Sunda populations. Thus, the Palawan population appears to be on its own evolutionary trajectory. The ability to demonstrate extensive interbreeding among some Sunda island populations, but not others, illustrates the practicality of testing Gill's (2014) “null hypothesis” that morphologically distinct populations on different islands are different species unless a compelling argument can be made to the contrary. In this case, Rufous-tailed Tailorbird morphology provided little or misleading evidence of the extent of interbreeding, whereas modern genetic analysis provided a clear view

    Opening the door to greater phylogeographic inference in Southeast Asia: Comparative genomic study of five codistributed rainforest bird species using target capture and historical DNA

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    Indochina and Sundaland are biologically diverse, interconnected regions of Southeast Asia with complex geographic histories. Few studies have examined phylogeography of bird species that span the two regions because of inadequate population sampling. To determine how geographic barriers/events and disparate dispersal potential have influenced the population structure, gene flow, and demographics of species that occupy the entire area, we studied five largely codistributed rainforest bird species: Arachnothera longirostra, Irena puella, Brachypodius atriceps, Niltava grandis, and Stachyris nigriceps. We accomplished relatively thorough sampling and data collection by sequencing ultraconserved elements (UCEs) using DNA extracted from modern and older (historical) specimens. We obtained a genome-wide set of 753–4,501 variable loci and 3,919–18,472 single nucleotide polymorphisms. The formation of major within-species lineages occurred within a similar span of time (0.5–1.5 mya). Major patterns in population genetic structure are largely consistent with the dispersal potential and habitat requirements of the study species. A population break across the Isthmus of Kra was shared only by the two hill/submontane insectivores (N. grandis and S. nigriceps). Across Sundaland, there is little structure in B. atriceps, which is a eurytopic and partially frugivorous species that often utilizes forest edges. Two other eurytopic species, A. longirostra and I. puella, possess highly divergent populations in peripheral Sunda Islands (Java and/or Palawan) and India. These species probably possess intermediate dispersal abilities that allowed them to colonize new areas, and then remained largely isolated subsequently. We also observed an east–west break in Indochina that was shared by B. atriceps and S. nigriceps, species with very different habitat requirements and dispersal potential. By analyzing high-throughput DNA data, our study provides an unprecedented comparative perspective on the process of avian population divergence across Southeast Asia, a process that is determined by geography, species characteristics, and the stochastic nature of dispersal and vicariance events

    Diversification of an Endemic Southeast Asian Genus: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Spiderhunters (Nectariniidae: Arachnothera)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available at http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1525/auk.2011.11019The phylogeny of spiderhunters (Nectariniidae: Arachnothera) was reconstructed by comparing mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences of all currently recognized species and with broad geographic sampling of two particularly variable species complexes, the Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra) and the streaky spiderhunters (A. modesta and A. affinis). It appears to be a relatively old group, whose diversification was not caused by recent sea-level changes. However, the modern, highly sympatric distribution of the large species in the Sunda lowlands was probably a result of dispersal via recent land bridges. Within the highly variable A. longirostra group, there are substantially diverged taxa in the Philippines that should be considered different species. Within the A. affinis—modesta complex, there are three distinct species and a closely related fourth, which describe a clear allopatric distribution: A. affinis in Java, A. modesta in the rest of the Sunda lowlands (except Sabah), A. magna in the Malayan highlands and mainland Southeast Asia, and A. everetti in the Bornean highlands and Sabah. Depending on whether mitochondrial or nuclear genes were compared, monophyly of the genus was disrupted by a single outgroup sunbird (Hypogramma hypogrammicum) or by all outgroup sunbirds included in the study. The discrepancy between nuclear and mitochondrial results is probably a case of deep coalescence and will require additional markers for resolution
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