292 research outputs found

    Responsible artificial intelligence is good business

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    There is increasing evidence of the business benefits of responsible AI (RAI), when companies mitigate risks through training and testing data, measuring model bias and accuracy, and model documentation. Companies that adopt responsible AI experience higher returns on their AI investment. Raj Shekhar writes that business leaders globally must coalesce around the imperative to develop rigorous, consistent standards for responsible AI adoption

    An Assessment of Mechanical Behavior on High Temperature and Different Volume Fraction of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

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    Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are the primary choice in various structural and high performance application facilitating the need from the last four decades. High specific strength, high specific modulus, high stiffness to weight ratio, and design flexibility enables FRP composite materials to be used in a large number of critical structural components in aircrafts, satellite structures, various automobile components, wind turbine blades, sport goods etc. The mechanical properties of glass fiber/epoxy composite is significantly altered by high temperature and volume fraction which exhibits the various types of the failure modes (e.g. delamination sites, debonding, fiber pullout regions, crack propagation front, striations and bubble bursting in the matrix). The glass/epoxy composites were prepared for two different volume fraction of 50/50 and 60/40 and SBS samples were thermally conditioned at 500c at ambient and for different time duration period of 1hr, 5hr and 7hr. Interlaminar shear behaviour may be used to characterize FRP composite material.DSC analysis shows Tg value increases with increase in thermal conditioning time w.r.t ambient Tg value for glass/epoxy composites. From the FTIR analysis we observe the band at 550-650 cm-1 is the spectra range of 50/50 volume fraction of the glass/epoxy system with the shifting of bandwidth with decrease in thermal conditioning time

    2D Unsteady Routing and Flood Inundation Mapping for Lower Region of Brazos River Watershed

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    Present study uses two dimensional flow routing capabilities of hydrologic engineering center\u27s river analysis system (HEC-RAS) for flood inundation mapping in lower region of Brazo River watershed subjected to frequent flooding. For analysis, river reach length of 20 km located at Richmond, Texas, was considered. Detailed underlying terrain information available from digital elevation model of 1/9-arc second resolution was used to generate the two-dimensional (2D) flow area and flow geometrics. Streamflow data available from gauging station USGS08114000 was used for the full unsteady flow hydraulic modeling along the reach. Developed hydraulic model was then calibrated based on the manning\u27s roughness coefficient for the river reach by comparison with the downstream rating curve. Corresponding water surface elevation and velocity distribution obtained after 2D hydraulic simulation were used to determine the extent of flooding. For this, RAS mapper\u27s capabilities of inundation mapping in HEC-RAS itself were used. Mapping of the flooded areas based on inflow hydrograph on each time step were done in RAS mapper, which provided the spatial distribution of flow. The results from this study can be used for flood management as well as for making land use and infrastructure development decisions

    Bilateral chylothorax: A late complication of Kawashima procedure despite normal pulmonary pressures

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    Introduction: Chylothorax, a relatively rare congenital heart disease early postoperative complication, is occurring more frequently due to complexity of cardiac surgeries. Presentation of case: We present a 9-month-old boy who had hypoplastic left heart (HLH) syndrome with interrupted inferior vena cava (IVC) and bilateral superior vena cava (SVC) palliated with left sided modified Blalock-Taussig (MBT) shunt during neonatal period and second stage palliation with left sided bidirectional glen (BDG) procedure and right sided Kawashima procedure develop bilateral chylothorax two weeks after discharge. Discussion: This is the first reported case in the literature of a patient who developed chylothorax with relatively low Fontan systemic venous pressures after a Kawashima procedure. Clinically important chylothorax may be a marker of poor long-term outcomes, demonstrating an inability to handle overwhelming lymphatic congestion. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of chylothorax in complex cardiac surgeries may permit successful conservative management

    Factors associated with survival during high frequency oscillatory ventilation in children

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    Our aim is to determine indicators of survival in children with severe hypoxic respiratory failure (HRF) after transition to high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). Single-center retrospective examination of children with HRF transitioned to HFOV. Blood gases and ventilator settings 24 hours prior to and 48 hours after HFOV in survivors and nonsurvivors were evaluated. Sixty-two children with mean age of 7 years and mean weight of 26 kg were included with an observed mortality of 29%. Mean airway pressures (Paw), oxygenation index (OI), arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2)/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (P/F) ratio, pH, bicarbonate, and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure were similar prior to HFOV in survivors and nonsurvivors. During HFOV, mean OI and P/F ratio improved in both groups with an average Paw increase of ∼10 cm H2O. Survivors had lower OI than nonsurvivors (21 ± 0.9 vs. 26.5 ± 2.2; p 200. Survivors had higher pH than nonsurvivors at 36 hours (7.40 ± 0.01 vs. 7.32 ± 0.02; p < 0.05), higher bicarbonate levels (27.1 ± 0.7 vs. 23.9 ± 1.3 mEq/L), and similar arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure with less oscillatory support (i.e., hertz and amplitude). Inhaled nitric oxide was used in 53% of patients with improvements in oxygenation but with no effect on mortality. HFOV improves oxygenation in children with severe HRF. Nonsurvivors can be distinguished from survivors at 24 to 36 hours during HFOV by higher OI, metabolic acidosis, and higher oscillatory support. These data may assist in prognostication or timing of initiating alternative therapies, such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    Concomitant bilateral medial malleolus stress fracture: a case report and review of literature of an extremely rare injury

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    Medial malleolus stress fractures are rare stress injuries and account for 4% of all the stress fractures. Bilateral medial malleolus stress fracture (MMSFs) is extremely rare with only five such cases reported in existing literature. We report an extremely rare injury pattern in the form of concomitant bilateral MMSF in a young military recruit who presented with severe pain in both his ankles for one month. A 20-year military recruit undergoing rigorous physical training presented to us with severe bilateral ankle pain of one month duration. Clinico-radiological examination revealed bilateral MMSFs. He was managed with open reduction and internal fixation using a one-third tubular plate in buttress mode. Patient was gradually rehabilitated and on one-year follow up, he is asymptomatic and performing all strenuous physical activities. Bilateral MMSFs are extremely rare injuries with only five such cases reported in existing medical literature and this is the fourth instance where bilateral MMSFs were diagnosed at the time of clinical presentation and managed simultaneously, in the same surgical setting.

    Role of closed subcutaneous drain in prevention of surgical site infection in perforation peritonitis

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    Background: Surgery for perforation peritonitis is associated with the highest rates of infective complications, especially surgical site infection. SSI occurs due to failure of obliteration of dead space during abdominal wound closure resulting in formation of hematoma and seroma collection in the surgical wound viz. abdominal wound in cases of perforation peritonitis. This acts as a good culture medium for bacterial organisms to grow and cause wound infection. The bacterial pathogens can be either from intra-abdominal sepsis or nosocomial in origin. Closed suction drains can be used effectively to eliminate dead space in the wound and evacuates the seroma or hematoma collection, thereby reducing chances of SSI and also helps in early detection of SSI by inspecting the nature of drain output. Aim was to evaluate the role of closed suction drains in prevention of SSI in cases of perforation peritonitis. Methods: Comparative study of 60 cases of perforation peritonitis divided into two equal groups (Group A patient with closed suction drain in subcutaneous space vs. Group B patient without closed suction drain). Outcomes of SSI were compared. Results: The incidence of SSI in Group A was 33% whereas in Group B was 70%. 40% cases in SSI in Group A whereas 76% cases of SSI in Group B developed wound dehiscence. Most cases of SSI was diagnosed on POD 2 for Group A and on POD 4 for Group B. Conclusions: The study supports use of closed suction drain in perforation peritonitis for prevention, early detection and appropriate management of SSI

    Iterative Graph Neural Network Enhancement via Frequent Subgraph Mining of Explanations

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    We formulate an XAI-based model improvement approach for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for node classification, called Explanation Enhanced Graph Learning (EEGL). The goal is to improve predictive performance of GNN using explanations. EEGL is an iterative self-improving algorithm, which starts with a learned "vanilla" GNN, and repeatedly uses frequent subgraph mining to find relevant patterns in explanation subgraphs. These patterns are then filtered further to obtain application-dependent features corresponding to the presence of certain subgraphs in the node neighborhoods. Giving an application-dependent algorithm for such a subgraph-based extension of the Weisfeiler-Leman (1-WL) algorithm has previously been posed as an open problem. We present experimental evidence, with synthetic and real-world data, which show that EEGL outperforms related approaches in predictive performance and that it has a node-distinguishing power beyond that of vanilla GNNs. We also analyze EEGL's training dynamics