8 research outputs found

    Bioactive Calcium Phosphate Coatings on Metallic Implants

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    Biocomposites based on bioinert metals or alloys and bioactive calcium phosphate coatings are a promising tendency of the new-generation implants development. In recent years, the approach of regenerative medicine based on the use of biodegradable biomaterials has been priority direction. Such materials are capable of initiating the bone tissue regeneration and replaced by the newly formed bone. The microarc oxidation (MAO) method allows obtaining the bioactive coatings with a porous structure, special functional properties, and modified by the essential elements. During the last decade, the investigations in the field of the nanostructured biocomposites based on bioinert Ti, Zr, Nb and their alloys with a calcium phosphate coatings deposited by the MAO method have been studied in the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, Tomsk. In this article the possibility to produce the bioactive coatings with high antibacterial and osseoconductive properties due to the introduction in the coatings of Zn, Cu, Ag, La, Si elements and wollastonite CaSiO[3] was shown. The high hydrophilic and bioresorbed coatings stimulate the processes of osseointegration of the implant into the bone tissue. A promising direction in the field of the medical material science is a development of the metallic implants with good biomechanical compatibility to the bone, such as Ti-Nb alloys with a low elastic modulus that can be classified as biomaterials of the second generation. Zr and its alloys are promising materials for the dentistry and orthopedic surgery due to their high strength and corrosion resistance. Biodegradable Mg alloys are biomaterials of third generation. Such materials can dissolve with a certain speed in human body and excreted from the body thereby excluding the need for reoperation. This article presents the analysis of the study results of bioactive MAO coatings on Ti, Ti-Nb, Zr-Nb and Mg alloys and their promising medical application

    Platelet ice under Arctic pack ice in winter

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    The formation of platelet ice is well known to occur under Antarctic sea ice, where subice platelet layers form from supercooled ice shelf water. In the Arctic, however, platelet ice formation has not been extensively observed, and its formation and morphology currently remain enigmatic. Here, we present the first comprehensive, long‐term in situ observations of a decimeter thick subice platelet layer under free‐drifting pack ice of the Central Arctic in winter. Observations carried out with a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) during the midwinter leg of the MOSAiC drift expedition provide clear evidence of the growth of platelet ice layers from supercooled water present in the ocean mixed layer. This platelet formation takes place under all ice types present during the surveys. Oceanographic data from autonomous observing platforms lead us to the conclusion that platelet ice formation is a widespread but yet overlooked feature of Arctic winter sea ice growth

    Drill-hole ridge ice and snow thickness and draft measurements of "Jaridge" during MOSAiC 2019/20

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    Snow and first-year sea ice ridge thickness, draft, and morphology were measured using a 2-inch ice drilling auger (Kovacs Enterprises) during walking surveys on the first-year ice ridge during the MOSAiC expedition. Drilling was performed during June and July 2020 across seven drilling transects. The total covered area was approximately 35 m by 25 m. The investigated “Jaridge” was formed on February 4–12, 2020 between first- and second-year ice and consisted mainly of 0.2–0.4 m thick ice blocks. The ridge was located on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean within the Central Observatory of MOSAiC. The table contains the event label (1), event ID (2), time (3), and global coordinates (4,5) of each drilling measurement. Each separate drilling hole has its number (6), and local coordinates X (7) and Y (8) in [m]. Global coordinates are given for the local coordinates of (0,0). For each drill hole, the depth relative to the waterline of the top (9) and bottom (10) interface of each separate layer is given together with its ice type (11). Ice types include snow, ice, and water. The drill hole with local coordinates of (0,0) coincides with the ice mass balance buoy 2020M26 installation described in doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.926580. The drill holes with local coordinates of (7.5,20) and (19,35) coincide with the isotope and salinity data from ice coring described in doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.943746 for events PS122/4_46-178 and PS122/4_47-199

    Physical properties of sea ice cores from site MCS_FYI measured on legs 1 to 3 of the MOSAiC expedition

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    We present sea ice temperature and salinity data from first-year ice (FYI) and second-year ice (SYI) relevant to the temporal development of sea ice permeability and brine drainage efficiency from the early growth phase in October 2019 to the onset of spring warming in May 2020. Our dataset was collected in the central Arctic Ocean during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition in 2019 to 2020. MOSAiC was an international transpolar drift expedition in which the German icebreaker RV Polarstern anchored into an ice floe to gain new insights into Arctic climate over a full annual cycle. In October 2019, RV Polarstern moored to an ice floe in the Siberian sector of the Arctic at 85 degrees north and 137 degrees east to begin the drift towards the North Pole and the Fram Strait via the Transpolar Drift Stream. The data presented here were collected during the first three legs of the expedition, so all the coring activities took place on the same floe. The end dates of legs 1, 2, and 3 were 13 December, 24 February, and 4 June, respectively. The dataset contributed to a baseline study entitled, Deciphering the properties of different Arctic ice types during the growth phase of the MOSAiC floes: Implications for future studies. The study highlights downward directed gas pathways in FYI and SYI by inferring sea ice permeability and potential brine release from several time series of temperature and salinity measurements. The physical properties presented in this paper lay the foundation for subsequent analyses on actual gas contents measured in the ice cores, as well as air-ice and ice-ocean gas fluxes. Sea ice cores were collected with a Kovacs Mark II 9 cm diameter corer. To measure ice temperatures, about 4.5 cm deep holes were drilled into the core (intervals varied by site and leg) . The temperatures were measured by a digital thermometer within minutes after the cores were retrieved. The ice cores were placed into pre-labelled plastic sleeves sealed at the bottom end. The ice cores were transported to RV Polarstern and stored in a -20 degrees Celsius freezer. Each of the cores was sub-sampled, melted at room temperature, and processed for salinity within one or two days. The practical salinity was estimated by measuring the electrical conductivity and temperature of the melted samples using a WTW Cond 3151 salinometer equipped with a Tetra-Con 325 four-electrode conductivity cell. The practical salinity represents the the salinity estimated from the electrical conductivity of the solution. The dataset also contains derived variables, including sea ice density, brine volume fraction, and the Rayleigh number

    Physical properties of sea ice cores for biogeochemistry studies measured on legs 1 to 3 of the MOSAiC expedition

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    We present sea ice temperature and salinity data from first-year ice (FYI) and second-year ice (SYI) relevant to the temporal development of sea ice permeability and brine drainage efficiency from the early growth phase in October 2019 to the onset of spring warming in May 2020. Our dataset was collected in the central Arctic Ocean during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition in 2019 to 2020. MOSAiC was an international transpolar drift expedition in which the German icebreaker RV Polarstern anchored into an ice floe to gain new insights into Arctic climate over a full annual cycle. In October 2019, RV Polarstern moored to an ice floe in the Siberian sector of the Arctic at 85 degrees north and 137 degrees east to begin the drift towards the North Pole and the Fram Strait via the Transpolar Drift Stream. The data presented here were collected during the first three legs of the expedition, so all the coring activities took place on the same floe. The end dates of legs 1, 2, and 3 were 13 December, 24 February, and 4 June, respectively. The dataset contributed to a baseline study entitled, Deciphering the properties of different Arctic ice types during the growth phase of the MOSAiC floes: Implications for future studies. The study highlights downward directed gas pathways in FYI and SYI by inferring sea ice permeability and potential brine release from several time series of temperature and salinity measurements. The physical properties presented in this paper lay the foundation for subsequent analyses on actual gas contents measured in the ice cores, as well as air-ice and ice-ocean gas fluxes. Sea ice cores were collected with a Kovacs Mark II 9 cm diameter corer. To measure ice temperatures, about 4.5 cm deep holes were drilled into the core (intervals varied by site and leg) . The temperatures were measured by a digital thermometer within minutes after the cores were retrieved. The ice cores were placed into pre-labelled plastic sleeves sealed at the bottom end. The ice cores were transported to RV Polarstern and stored in a -20 degrees Celsius freezer. Each of the cores was sub-sampled, melted at room temperature, and processed for salinity within one or two days. The practical salinity was estimated by measuring the electrical conductivity and temperature of the melted samples using a WTW Cond 3151 salinometer equipped with a Tetra-Con 325 four-electrode conductivity cell. The practical salinity represents the the salinity estimated from the electrical conductivity of the solution. The dataset also contains derived variables, including sea ice density, brine volume fraction, and the Rayleigh number

    Physical properties of sea ice cores from site MCS-SYI measured on legs 1 to 3 of the MOSAiC expedition

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    We present sea ice temperature and salinity data from first-year ice (FYI) and second-year ice (SYI) relevant to the temporal development of sea ice permeability and brine drainage efficiency from the early growth phase in October 2019 to the onset of spring warming in May 2020. Our dataset was collected in the central Arctic Ocean during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition in 2019 to 2020. MOSAiC was an international transpolar drift expedition in which the German icebreaker RV Polarstern anchored into an ice floe to gain new insights into Arctic climate over a full annual cycle. In October 2019, RV Polarstern moored to an ice floe in the Siberian sector of the Arctic at 85 degrees north and 137 degrees east to begin the drift towards the North Pole and the Fram Strait via the Transpolar Drift Stream. The data presented here were collected during the first three legs of the expedition, so all the coring activities took place on the same floe. The end dates of legs 1, 2, and 3 were 13 December, 24 February, and 4 June, respectively. The dataset contributed to a baseline study entitled, Deciphering the properties of different Arctic ice types during the growth phase of the MOSAiC floes: Implications for future studies. The study highlights downward directed gas pathways in FYI and SYI by inferring sea ice permeability and potential brine release from several time series of temperature and salinity measurements. The physical properties presented in this paper lay the foundation for subsequent analyses on actual gas contents measured in the ice cores, as well as air-ice and ice-ocean gas fluxes. Sea ice cores were collected with a Kovacs Mark II 9 cm diameter corer. To measure ice temperatures, about 4.5 cm deep holes were drilled into the core (intervals varied by site and leg) . The temperatures were measured by a digital thermometer within minutes after the cores were retrieved. The ice cores were placed into pre-labelled plastic sleeves sealed at the bottom end. The ice cores were transported to RV Polarstern and stored in a -20 degrees Celsius freezer. Each of the cores was sub-sampled, melted at room temperature, and processed for salinity within one or two days. The practical salinity was estimated by measuring the electrical conductivity and temperature of the melted samples using a WTW Cond 3151 salinometer equipped with a Tetra-Con 325 four-electrode conductivity cell. The practical salinity represents the the salinity estimated from the electrical conductivity of the solution. The dataset also contains derived variables, including sea ice density, brine volume fraction, and the Rayleigh number

    First-year sea-ice salinity, temperature, density, oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition from the main coring site (MCS-FYI) during MOSAiC legs 1 to 4 in 2019/2020

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    First-year sea-ice thickness, draft, salinity, temperature, and density were measured during near-weekly surveys at the main first-year ice coring site (MCS-FYI) during the MOSAiC expedition (legs 1 to 4). The ice cores were extracted either with a 9-cm (Mark II) or 7.25-cm (Mark III) internal diameter ice corers (Kovacs Enterprise, US). This data set includes data from 23 coring site visits and were performed from 28 October 2019 to 29 July 2020 at coring locations within 130 m to each other in the MOSAiC Central Observatory. During each coring event, ice temperature was measured in situ from a separate temperature core, using Testo 720 thermometers in drill holes with a length of half-core-diameter at 5-cm vertical resolution. Ice bulk practical salinity was measured from melted core sections at 5-cm resolution using a YSI 30 conductivity meter. Ice density was measured using the hydrostatic weighing method (Pustogvar and Kulyakhtin, 2016) from a density core in the freezer laboratory onboard Polarstern at the temperature of –15°C. Relative volumes of brine and gas were estimated from ice salinity, temperature and density using Cox and Weeks (1983) for cold ice and Leppäranta and Manninen (1988) for ice warmer than –2°C. The data contains the event label (1), time (2), and global coordinates (3,4) of each coring measurement and sample IDs (13, 15). Each salinity core has its manually measured ice thickness (5), ice draft (6), core length (7), and mean snow height (22). Each core section has the total length of its top (8) and bottom (9) measured in situ, as well estimated depth of section top (10), bottom (11), and middle (12). The depth estimates assume that the total length of all core sections is equal to the measured ice thickness. Each core section has the value of its practical salinity (14), isotopic values (16, 17, 18) (Meyer et al., 2000), as well as sea ice temperature (19) and ice density (20) interpolated to the depth of salinity measurements. The global coordinates of coring sites were measured directly. When it was not possible, coordinates of the nearby temperature buoy 2019T66 were used. Ice mass balance buoy 2019T66 installation is described in doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.938134. Brine volume (21) fraction estimates are presented only for fraction values from 0 to 30%. Each core section also has comments (23) describing if the sample is from a false bottom, from rafted ice or has any other special characteristics. Macronutrients from the salinity core, and more isotope data will be published in a subsequent version of this data set

    Second-year sea-ice salinity, temperature, density, oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition from the main coring site (MCS-SYI) during MOSAiC legs 1 to 4 in 2019/2020

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    Second-year sea-ice thickness, draft, salinity, temperature, and density were measured during near-weekly surveys at the main second-year ice coring site (MCS-SYI) during the MOSAiC expedition (legs 1 to 3) and new second-year ice coring site leg 4, since the earlier site was not accessible any longer. The ice cores were extracted either with a 9-cm (Mark II) or 7.25-cm (Mark III) internal diameter ice corers (Kovacs Enterprise, US). This data set includes data from 18 coring site visits and were performed from 28 October 2019 to 20 July 2020 at coring locations within 50 m to each other in the MOSAiC Central Observatory. During each coring event, ice temperature was measured in situ from a separate temperature core, using Testo 720 thermometers in drill holes with a length of half-core-diameter at 5-cm vertical resolution. Ice bulk practical salinity was measured from melted core sections at 5-cm resolution using a YSI 30 conductivity meter. Ice density was measured using the hydrostatic weighing method (Pustogvar and Kulyakhtin, 2016) from a density core in the freezer laboratory onboard Polarstern at the temperature of –15°C. Relative volumes of brine and gas were estimated from ice salinity, temperature and density using Cox and Weeks (1983) for cold ice and Leppäranta and Manninen (1988) for ice warmer than –2°C. The data contains the event label (1), time (2), and global coordinates (3,4) of each coring measurement and sample IDs (13, 15). Each salinity core has its manually measured ice thickness (5), ice draft (6), core length (7), and mean snow height (22). Each core section has the total length of its top (8) and bottom (9) measured in situ, as well estimated depth of section top (10), bottom (11), and middle (12). The depth estimates assume that the total length of all core sections is equal to the measured ice thickness. Each core section has the value of its practical salinity (14), isotopic values (16, 17, 18) (Meyer et al., 2000), as well as sea ice temperature (19) and ice density (20) interpolated to the depth of salinity measurements. The global coordinates of coring sites were measured directly. When it was not possible, coordinates of the nearby temperature buoy 2019T62 (legs 1-3) or 2019T61 (leg 4) were used. Ice mass balance buoy 2019T62 installation is described in doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.940231, ice mass balance buoy 2020T61 installation is described in doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.926580. Brine volume (21) fraction estimates are presented only for fraction values from 0 to 30%. Each core section also has comments (23) describing if the sample is from a new coring site or has any other special characteristics. Macronutrients from the salinity core will be published in a subsequent version of this data set