265 research outputs found

    Effects of irrigation , type of fertilizer and nitrogen rate on yield components and total yield of mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Abu Karshoula, South Kordofan State, Sudan

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    An experiment was conducted at Abu Karshoula, South Kordofan State, Sudan, during the  seasons of 2009/10 and 2010/11, to determine the effects of irrigation, type of fertilizer and nitrogen rate on yield components and total yield of the local mango cultivar Kitchener. Treatments consisted of irrigated or non-irrigated trees. Types of fertilizer were urea, cow manure and a combination of urea and cow manure. Nitrogen rates were 0 kg/ha, 43 kg/ha and 86 kg/ha. The treatments were arranged in a split-split plot design with irrigation treatments as the main plots, type of fertilizer as the sub-plots and N rates as the sub-sub plots, replicated three times. Results showed that irrigation of mango trees significantly increased exportable yield, cull yield, number of fruits per tree and total yield, whereas, withholding irrigation from mango trees gave higher locally marketable and lower cull yields in both seasons. Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of urea produced the largest number of fruits per tree and the highest locally marketable  and total yields in both seasons. Combination of urea and cow manure significantly increased exportable yield in both seasons. However, nitrogen fertilizer in the form of cow manure  alone gave the lowest total yield and number of fruits per tree in both seasons. Application of N at the rate of 86 kg/ha coupled with irrigation significantly increased number of fruits per tree, cull, exportable and total yields.  Hence, it is recommended to irrigate mango trees and apply N in a combination of urea and cow manure at the rate of 86 kg/ha in order to increase total and exportable yields. أجريت التجربة بأبي كرشولا، ولاية جنوب كردفان, السودان لموسمي 2009/10و2010/11 لمعرفة تأثير الري ونوع السماد ومعدل النتروجين على مكونات الإنتاج و الإنتاج الكلي لصنف المانجو المحلي كتشنر.اشتملت المعاملات علي ري أشجار المانجو أو عدم ريها. مصادر النتروجين كانت يوريا و روث الأبقار و خليط من اليوريا و روث الأبقار. إضيف النتروجين بمعدلات صفر و43 و86 كجم N/هكتار. صممت التجربة بطريقة القطع المنشقه مرتين . كانت معاملة الري هي القطعة الرئيسيه ونوع السماد هي القطعه المنشقه ومعدل النتروجبن هو القطعه المنشقه المنشقه وتم تكرارها ثلاث مرات. أظهرت النتائج أن ري أشجار المانجو أدى إلى زيادة معنوية في إنتاج مانجو الصادر و الثمار المخدوشه وعدد الثمار للشجره و الإنتاج الكلي.  بينما ادى حجب الماء عن أشجار المانجوالى أعلى إنتاج للسوق المحلي و أقل ثمار مخدوشه.ادى سماد اليوريا الى أعلى عدد من ثمارالمانجو للشجره و أعلى إنتاج للسوق المحلي وأعلى إنتاج كلي في الموسمين.كما ادى خلط اليوريا و ماروق روث الأبقاربنسبة 50% لكل إلى زيادة معنوية في إنتاج الصادر في الموسمين. بينما اعطى سماد ماروق روث الابقار أقل إنتاج كلي و عدد الثمار للشجرة في الموسمين .ادت إضافة السماد إلى زيادة معنوية فى  عدد الثمار للشجره و إنتاج الصادر و الإنتاج الكلي في الموسمين بينما ادى معدل86 كجم N/هكتارالى أعلى إنتاج لمانجو  الصادر و إنتاج كلي في الموسمين مقارنة بمعدل 43 كجم N/هكتار. توصى الدراسة بري أشجار المانجو وإضافة النتروجين في شكل خليط من اليوريا وماروق روث الأبقار بمعدل 86 كيلوجرام N /هكتار لزيادة الإنتاج الكلي وإنتاج الصادر

    Financial Management Practices and Financial Performance of Service Companies in Somalia

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    The objective of this study was to witness the effect of the financial management practice on the financial performance services companies in Somalia. This study viewed the effect of financial management practice of all the mechanisms of financial management those were specifically; working capital, investment decision and financial decision of the services companies in the Mogadishu area. The study employed explanatory and descriptive research design. A sample of 145 respondents was selected using the stratified sampling technique.. The data collected through a cross sectional questionnaire.The findings discovered that Working capital, investment decision, are significant determinants of financial performance of the services companies in Somalia. The findings indicated that the most important variable in the model was investment decision (β = 0.544). This was followed by working capital management (β = 0.419), while financial decisions were (β= -0.010.), these showed rejected. The study, therefore, recommends that services companies in Mogadishu needed to have Working capital management policy and investment decision policy which were impacted positively on the overall financial performance. Keywords: Working capital management, Investment decision and financial decision and financial performance. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-4-0

    Strength properties of single pin dowel joint on oil palm lumber / Sheikh Muhammad Shauqi Kamal Sheikh Osman

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    T-shape joints are widely used in furniture part installation. It's commonly applied in chair or desk for its rail or stretcher. The strength of structural part in furniture depends on how strong the joints can absorb the impact or can hold the load for a period of time. To identify the performance of joints it's necessary to study the potential of joints with a specified strength to enhance the weakest joint system. The objective of this research was to study the performance of joints by using three different diameter sizes (6mm), (8mm), (10mm) and adhesive, Poly Vinyl Acetate (PVAc) and Epoxy. This is to determine either the three size diameter of dowel with different glue, PVAc and Epoxy can give significant effect the (OPT), if these sizes and glue used are significant, it will save the furniture production in terms of is cost. The testing result was analyzed using SPSS. The result analyzed using ANOVA through Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results shows that for both adhesive no significant value for two testing. It was determined when P-value is > 0.05. According to ANOVA, bending test Glue, recorded their P-value are P=0.167 for Maximum Load (2.026) for the tensile P-value are P=0.137 for Maximum load (2.368). For Dowel sizes bending test P-value are P=0.007 for Maximum Load (6.193), P=0.009 for Tensile at Break and Maximum Load (5.851). Based on this result, all dowel size has highly significant strength for all testing compare with adhesive used PVAc and Epoxy not significant, from that used of PVAc on Tshape joint is better because PVAc low price compare to the Epox

    al-Khawārīj qadīman wa-hạdīthan min al-ihtimām bi-al-bahṭ ʻan wujūdham fī al-Ṣūmāl fī hādhā al-ʻasr

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    Arabic text with Arabic and English summariesThe research aims to establish in a holistic manner the facts about the Khawtirij sect, its history, beliefs and activities, and the major events it experienced, together with knowledge about and principles of its different sub·groups. The research also sheds light on the lama 'at al- Takfir Wa L-Hijrah's activities whether in Egypt or in Somalia. The thesis scrutinizes the definition of extremism and terrorism in contrast to Islam's message of tolerance and justice. Within this context, it also clarifies disagreements deemed reprehensible by Islam. This study found that Islam promotes unity and condemns disputes, fanaticism, extremism and factionalism since it is a religion of moderation and tolerance. The Khawarij is a deviant group which can be described as a terrorist organization in modern parlance. The /ama 'at Takfir Wa L-Hijrah is nothing more than a modern version of the Khawiin"j which ad heres to the same beliefs as its predecessor. It has a visible presence in Somaliaand aU its actions confirm the original apostacising ideology of the . Khawiirij Such actions are not trivial; before embarking on them stri ct conditions and regulations have to be followed. The noble Prophet (peace be upon him) and Muslim scholars have warned against these practices when correct procedure is flouted. Some of the most commonly used words are: Islam, reli gion, nat jon, Somalia, Khawiirij, sect, faith, principles, disagreement, apostasy, Allah, Prophet Muhammad, Qur'an and Hadith.ArabicD. Litt et Phil. (Arabic

    Separation and identification of permethylated glycan isomers by reversed phase nanoLC-NSI-MSn [preprint]

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    High performance liquid chromatography has been employed for decades to enhance detection sensitivity and quantification of complex analytes within biological mixtures. Among these analytes, glycans released from glycoproteins and glycolipids have been characterized as underivatized or fluorescently tagged derivatives by HPLC coupled to various detection methods. These approaches have proven extremely useful for profiling the structural diversity of glycoprotein and glycolipid glycosylation but require the availability of glycan standards and secondary orthogonal degradation strategies to validate structural assignments. A robust method for HPLC separation of glycans as their permethylated derivatives, coupled with in-line MSn fragmentation to assign structural features independent of standards, would significantly enhance the depth of knowledge obtainable from biological samples. Here, we report an optimized workflow for LC-MS analysis of permethylated glycans that includes sample preparation, mobile phase optimization, and MSn method development to resolve structural isomers on-the-fly. We report baseline separation and MSn fragmentation of isomeric N- and O-glycan structures, aided by supplementing mobile phases with Li+, which simplifies adduct heterogeneity and facilitates cross-ring fragmentation to obtain valuable monosaccharide linkage information. Our workflow has been adapted from standard proteomics-based workflows and, therefore, provides opportunities for laboratories with expertise in proteomics to acquire glycomic data with minimal deviation from existing buffer systems, chromatography media, and instrument configurations. Furthermore, our workflow does not require a mass spectrometer with high-resolution/accurate mass capabilities. The rapidly evolving appreciation of the biological significance of glycans for human health and disease requires the implementation of high-throughput methods to identify and quantify glycans harvested from sample sets of sufficient size to achieve appropriately powered statistical significance. The LC-MSn approach we report generates glycan isomeric separations, robust structural characterization, and is amenable to auto-sampling with associated throughput enhancements

    Characterisation of Malaysian durian (Durio zibethinus Murr) cultivars: relationship of phycochemical and flavour properties with sensory properties

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    The physicochemical (pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, sugars and organic acids), flavour and sensory properties of five Malaysian durian cultivars (D2, D24, MDUR78, D101 and Chuk) were studied. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) among the five cultivars in terms of all physicochemical characteristics tested with the exception for D2 and MDUR 78, which had similar physicochemical characteristics. Twenty two esters, 14 sulphur compounds, 7 alcohols, 3 aldehydes and 1 ketone were detected in the durian pulp of the five different cultivars using solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry. Diethyl disulphide, ethyl-n-propyl disulphide, diethyl trisulphide and ethanethiol were the predominant sulphur-containing compounds in all the cultivars. The major esters present in durian were either ethyl propanoate, ethyl-2-methyl butanoate, or propyl-2-methylbutanoate and their levels varied within cultivars. Principal component analysis applied to the data differentiated all cultivars based on 29 volatile flavour compounds exhibiting significant differences (P < 0.05) between cultivars. Principal components 1 and 2 explained 89% of the total variance. A strong correlation was observed between sensory properties with flavour compound and physicochemical characteristics of the fruit

    The driven readers amongst private higher education institution students: a case study

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    The development of reading habits and the detrimental effects of its decline are intriguing issues to the proponents of reading. Findings or related research around the globe have resulted in discomforting outcomes, giving an indication that the habit is now facing a challenging period. However, an interesting phenomenon observable is that despite the unfavourable circumstances, there are individuals who are avid readers. This case study attempts to gather in-depth information on what motivates and influences private higher education institution students to become avid readers. Employing qualitative methods, information from two informants were analysed for essential clues on how motivation to read could be catalysed and sustained. Eleven major themes, namely, enjoyment, selfdevelopment, self-initiative, social support, reading friendly environment, unfriendly reading environment, reading motivates reading, curiosity motivates reading, author attraction, alliteracy awareness and spiritually motivated, surfaced from the analysis and they could prove invaluable towards the development of strategies to inculcate the reading habit

    Functional requirements of mobile application for fishermen

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    Unusable information technology products and its unacceptability have been traced to the inability of the tech products to meet the needs and desire of the users, for whom the products are provided.Malaysia government has also been recording same users’ neglect on information technological infrastructure provided despite huge amount of money invested on the ICT project, most especially for the rural dwellers.The major reason of this users’ unacceptability have been traced to lack of proactive users’ requirements gathering.To address this in the intending development of mobile application for fishermen; who are also members of the target group to be provided mobile technologies by the Malaysian government, this study aims to validate the functional requirements of mobile applications for fishermen using a Qualitative-based users’ participatory design methodology.The result of the study shows that fishermen’s ability to get weather updates, water safety information, track of storm and rain intensity, advertizing fish catch, real time market price and general fishing tips are functional requirements of a mobile application for fishermen

    Equilibrium headspace analysis of volatile flavor compounds extracted from soursop (Annona muricata) using solid-phase microextraction.

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    The influence of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) variables, namely, sample concentration, salt concentration and sample amount, on the equilibrium headspace analysis of the main volatile flavor compounds released from soursop was investigated. A total of 35 volatile compounds, comprising 19 esters, six alcohols, three terpenes, two acids, two aromatics, two ketones and an aldehyde, were identified. The results indicated that all response-surface models were significantly (p < 0.05) fitted for 10 target volatile flavor compounds. The results further indicated that more than 65% of the variation in the equilibrium headspace concentrations of target volatile flavor compounds could be explained by the final reduced models, with high R2 values ranging from 0.658 to 0.944. Multiple optimization results showed that extraction using a 76.6% (w/w) sample concentration, 20.2% (w/w) salt and 8.2 g of blended soursop pulp was predicted to provide the highest overall equilibrium headspace concentration for the target soursop volatile flavor compounds

    Physicochemical, microbial and sensory changes of minimally processed durian (Durio zibethinus cv. D24) during storage at 4 and 28 °C.

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    The effect of storage temperature on physicochemical, microbial and sensory quality of minimally processed durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) was determined at 28 °C for 3 days and 4 °C for 35 days. When held at 28 °C, the pulp retained its colour but softened rapidly after 24 h and became acidic (pH 4.71) after 2 days of storage due to the formation of citric, succinic, acetic and lactic acids. Sucrose decreased concomitantly with increase in glucose and fructose contents during storage. For fruit stored at 4 °C, no noticeable changes in pH occurred. Following 1 week of storage, there was a progressive increase in glucose, fructose and sucrose contents concomitant with the increase in total soluble solids. The firmness increased significantly (P < 0.05) at the end of storage. The organic acid content remained constant throughout storage with a minor increase in tartaric acid detected. Titratable acidity of the fruit correlated well with the shift in organic acid profile instead of pH. Sensory evaluation revealed off-odour development on day 14 for fruit stored at 4 °C. The off-flavour increased to an unacceptable point on day 28 of storage. The minimally processed durian fruit could be held at 4 °C for 14 days with acceptable microbiological count and without off-odour development. At ambient temperature, minimally processed durian could only be stored for 1 day after which the pulp became acidified