21 research outputs found

    Poboljšanje proizvodnje glukoza-oksidaze s pomoću Penicillium notatum

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    Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production.Glukoza-oksidaza je važan enzim koji ima raznovrsnu primjenu u industriji hrane i proizvodnji lijekova. U ovome je radu ispitana primjena otpadaka dobivenih poliranjem riže kao supstrata u proizvodnji glukoza-oksidaze submerznom fermentacijom s pomoću Penicillium notatum. Svrha je rada bila poboljšati ukupnu aktivnost glukoza-oksidaze odabirom ekonomičnog supstrata i mikroorganizma te optimiranjem uvjeta uzgoja. Najveća aktivnost od (112±5) U/mL postignuta je pri optimalnim uvjetima rasta uporabom 5 g otpadaka i 3 % (m/V) puferskog sredstva tijekom 72 h pri (30±1) °C i pH=6. Dodatkom izvora ugljika i dušika još je više poboljšan prinos enzima, čime je potvrđena ekonomska opravdanost ovog procesa za proizvodnju glukoza-oksidaze

    Poboljšanje proizvodnje glukoza-oksidaze s pomoću Penicillium notatum

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    Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production.Glukoza-oksidaza je važan enzim koji ima raznovrsnu primjenu u industriji hrane i proizvodnji lijekova. U ovome je radu ispitana primjena otpadaka dobivenih poliranjem riže kao supstrata u proizvodnji glukoza-oksidaze submerznom fermentacijom s pomoću Penicillium notatum. Svrha je rada bila poboljšati ukupnu aktivnost glukoza-oksidaze odabirom ekonomičnog supstrata i mikroorganizma te optimiranjem uvjeta uzgoja. Najveća aktivnost od (112±5) U/mL postignuta je pri optimalnim uvjetima rasta uporabom 5 g otpadaka i 3 % (m/V) puferskog sredstva tijekom 72 h pri (30±1) °C i pH=6. Dodatkom izvora ugljika i dušika još je više poboljšan prinos enzima, čime je potvrđena ekonomska opravdanost ovog procesa za proizvodnju glukoza-oksidaze

    Genetic Association of Beta-Myosin Heavy-Chain Gene (MYH7) with Cardiac Dysfunction

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    Cardiac dysfunction accelerates the risk of heart failure, and its pathogenesis involves a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Variations in myosin affect contractile abilities of cardiomyocytes and cause structural and functional abnormalities in myocardium. The study aims to find the association of MYH7 rs121913642 (c.1594 T>C) and rs121913645 (c.667G>A) variants with cardiac dysfunction in the Punjabi Pakistani population. Patients with heart failure (n = 232) and healthy controls (n = 205) were enrolled in this study. MYH7 variant genotyping was performed using tetra ARMS-PCR. MYH7 rs121913642 TC genotype was significantly more prevalent in the patient group (p < 0.001). However, MYH7 rs121913645 genotype frequencies were not significantly different between the patient and control groups (p < 0.666). Regression analysis also revealed that the rs121913642 C allele increases the risk of cardiac failure by ~2 [OR:1.98, CI: 1.31–2.98, p < 0.001] in comparison to the T allele. High levels of the cardiac enzymes cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and CK-MB were observed in patients. There was also an increase in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and uric acid in patients compared to the healthy control group (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the MYH7 gene variant rs121913642 is genetically associated with cardiac dysfunction and involved in the pathogenesis of HF

    Acid and Base Catalyzed Transesterification of Animal Fats to Biodiesel

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    ABSTRACT: The present study has been focused on the acid and base transesterification of animal fats (dairy cow and beef) to produce biodiesel by varying process parameters such as catalyst amount, catalyst nature, reaction time and temperature. The maximum biodiesel yield after acid catalysis was 94.1 ± 2.43 and 98.4 ± 2.3 percent for dairy cow and beef tallow, respectively. The quantity of biodiesel obtained after base catalysis was comparatively lower than obtained in case of the acid catalysis. The optimum conditions for biodiesel production using acid catalysis were: 2.5 g of conc. H 2 SO 4 , 24 h of reaction time and 50 °C for dairy cow fat and 2.5 g of conc. H 2 SO 4 , 6 h of reaction time and 60 °C for beef fat. The amount of biodiesel obtained from beef tallow in the present study was much higher than earlier reported yields. The evaluation of transesterification process was followed by gas chromatographic analysis of tallow fatty acid esters (biodiesel) at optimal conditions. The fuel properties of biodiesel thus obtained accomplished the requirements of both the American and European standards for biodiesel

    Enhanced Production of Glucose Oxidase Using Penicillium notatum and Rice Polish

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    Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production